Chapter Four

Mysterious Friendship

"What do we need to talk about?" he asked.
He was playing it cool. Acting like he had no idea.
"First off, how you knew I was even going to the hospital. Then you telling me not to go. Not to mention the fact I turned that corner and you just disappeared."
"I have an explanation," he said. 
I waited for him to go on but he just stood there and rocked on his feet.
"What is it?" I asked.
"I don't want you hanging out with them. I want you hanging out with me. Why do you even need to see some guy at a hospital?"
"Because I like Chunji and he wanted me to go. And how do you even know all of this?!"
Changjo looked down at his feet as he answered.
"I listened in."
"Well don't."
I started to walk away and Changjo followed after.
"ChaeYoung, I'm sorry," he said.
He moved in front of me and I almost knocked into him. 
"Apology not excepted," I said and pushed him out of my way. 
Changjo followed me home and came
inside with me. He looked around my house and tried going into my room.
"Not going to happen. We're staying in the living room," I told him.
He rolled his eyes and I brought him back out to the living room. I made him sit on the couch while I dropped my bag off in my room.
"So when you said you liked Chunji," Chango began, "was that like a friend or more?"
I sat down next to him wondering why he even wanted to know. It wasn't really his business. Still, who else would I talk to about this?
"More," I said. 
Changjo only looked at me and I found myself messing with my hair. Why wasn't he saying anything?
"More," he repeated.
"Yeah. But I don't have a chance."
"Your right. You don't."
My jaw dropped and I smacked Changjo's arm. 
"If your my friend, then you'd support me," I said.
Changjo rubbed his arm and pouted. It was almost cute. 
"Fine. Your my friend so I'll tell you maybe there is chance. But I highly doubt it."
I smacked his arm again and Changjo caught my hand the third time. I tried to pull free but Changjo just kept a tight grip.
"Let me go," I said. 
"No. You'll just hit me."
"So? What's your point?"
Changjo sighed and let me go. He got up and made his way to the front door. 
"I'm going to leave if your going to be abusive," he warned as he stood by the door. 
He put his hand on the doorknob and waited for me to say something.
"Go if you want. I have homework to do."
Changjo left and I went to change into comfy clothes. I pulled out my math homework but concentration was impossible.  After staring at the page for what felt like forever, my mom came home.
"How's it going?" she asked.
"Not good. I can't focus," I told her.
"Whats wrong?" she asked.
She took a seat across from me at the dining room table and I looked up from my book. What was I supposed to say? Even I didn't know what was wrong. 
"I think I just need to go for a walk," I told her.
I collected my books and put them in my bag. I slipped on my shoes and headed out the door. The chance that they were still at the hospital was very small. Still I took the bus down there. I walked in and wondered what I was doing here. Chunji had never even told me his name. How was I supposed to even find this person? I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Changjo.
"Why are you here?" he asked me.
"I should ask you the same thing. You didn't follow me, did you?"
Changjo laughed.
"I don't need to follow you. This is purely coincidental."
"Big word for someone who doesn't go to school."
Changjo grabbed my hand and yanked me to an empty hallway.
"If your here to see that friend, then your out of luck. They left hours ago."
"I figured. I don't know why I'm here. But why are you here?"
Changjo ran into one of the rooms and I rolled my eyes. They would kick him out. I started to walk away when I heard my name being called. Turning around I saw Ricky standing in the hallway.
"Changjo said- I thought you all left," I said walking over to him.
"No. Well everyone but me left."
Looking at his face, I saw a different Ricky. This one was sad and had me giving him a hug.
"I'm sure everything will be okay with..." I trailed off.
This would have been the time to know his name.
"JongHyun," Ricky said. "And I'm not sure."
It seemed like Ricky had more to say. 
"Ricky, are you alright?" I asked him. 
"ChaeYoung, can you take me home?"
I decided to see JongHyun another time and took Ricky home. The bus ride back Ricky was back to being adorable and smiley. 
"I'll take you to see him tomorrow," Ricky said. 
"I don't have to see him. It's not like I know him. To be honest I'm not sure why I even came. I guess I wanted to see him. Now I'm rambling. I should shut up."
I looked away from Ricky who chuckled.
"You don't have to shut up," he said. 
I turned my head back to face him and saw he was smiling at me. I smiled back and soon we were at his stop. Walking the rest of the way didn't take long. 
"I'll see you tomorrow!" he said.
I watched him make his way inside and laughed to myself. He was like sunshine on a cloudy day. Though at the hospital he was more the cloudy day.
 I was up late working on my math and even then sleep didn't come easy. So many thoughts were on my mind.

What was with Ricky at the hospital? Was I making something out of nothing? And why was Changjo there? Why was he everywhere? There was also Chunji. I just couldn't stop thinking about him. 

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Chapters 8-13 for deleted. I'm re-adding them. No new chapter until Monday though.


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changjo's jealousy is so... cute c: ♥
lol, why does my heart want to break?
ricky, i feel bad for him~ D:

lol, maybe she'll sit with l.joe? ^-^
or perhaps minsoo or niel~ c:

waaah, changjo wanting to go swimming xD
can't wait to see how that turns out~!

loved the update! c: ♥
Oh ricky you stubborn boy and changjo is not happy with ricky kissing her anyway update soon
Awww i hope changjo wakes up soon but i guess the main problem here is will he remembet her?????
Anyway update soon
i died of changjos teaser photo dont worry >_<
smh' update soon
you don't want to know what happen to me when i saw the teaser picture of changjo.
you just don't :O
i fainted in the end though, so there's a hint .-.
and then cried...
hmmm. xD

loved the chapter! c:
ah, date with chunji!
dinner with ricky!
unfinished math homework!
and then there's changjo o.o

wonder how everything is going to turn out! c:
changjo is jealous of chunji perhaps? .-.
ricky seems like he likes chaeyoung
i love this because my top three biases are changjo, ricky and chunji~!
changjo is the ultimate of course, but still~

this story is really awesome~
can't wait for more!! ^-^ ♥
infinitemask #8
omg I'm kinda scared about Changjo being a ghost :|
you are not the only one who died when they saw his teaser me
anyway. looks like changjo is is jealous of chunji keke
update soon please!
finally she knows yay!
poor changjo i think he only wanted a friend being a ghost and everything
anyway update soon!