Chapter Fourteen

Mysterious Friendship



I woke up knowing what I had to do today. Today I had to break up with Chunji. Then I needed to find a friend who wasn't a guy.

I finished getting ready for school and began walking as I thought about what I would say to Chunji. 
"I can help you," Changjo said, appearing next to me.
"Thanks but no. I can handle this," I told him.
I paced the spot where we all met up in the morning and waited for Chunji. He came up and grabbed my hand.
"Chunji, I need to talk to you," I said as we walked inside.
"Right after we talk to my teacher," he said.
"No," I said.
I took my hand from his and Chunji turned to face me.
"What's going on?" he asked.
"I don't know how to tell you this really. But I was thinking about us and, well I want to break up… with you."
Chunji started to chuckle and took my hand again.
"You don't want to break up," Chunji said. "We haven't even really dated yet and your saying you want to end this? What happened to giving us a try?"
"I was going to give us a try. Then this thing with Ricky happened and now I learned that I just want to be single."
Chunji didn't answer me but I felt his hand squeeze mine tighter.
"We aren't breaking up," he said as he started to pull me to the classroom. 
"What?" I asked.
"We are going to act like you didn't just say that and we are going to give us a try like you said we would."
I was shocked to hear this from Chunji. Why was he doing this?
His face was serious and I couldn't find it in myself to argue with him right now. Changjo appeared next to me.
"What the heck? Break up with him," he told me.
We reached the room and I stopped before he took me in. 
"So you want to date me even though you know I don't feel the same."
"Yes," Chunji said.
Changjo grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Chunji. Chunji was looking at me confused.
"Cleary, I'm not fine with it," I said.
I walked away with Changjo who found an empty class to go in to. I smacked his arm and glared at him. Changjo rubbed his arm and returned the look.
"Don't act like I'm the villain," Changjo said. 
"You can't just do that!" I yelled. 
"Oh, I'm sorry. I must have gotten the wrong meaning when you said you wanted to break up with him. I thought that meant you wanted to break up with him. Clearly I was wrong."
I ran my fingers through my hair as I started to pace the room. 
"I can handle myself. And I meant you can't just pull me away like that."
"I was trying to help!"Changjo yelled.
Changjo disappeared and I left the classroom. I went to my class and then dreaded lunch. 
After grabbing my lunch, I looked around for somewhere to sit. Chunji came over and grabbed my arm.
"We need to talk," he said.
He took my tray and set it down before leading me outside the cafeteria.
"Niel told me you kissed Ricky," Chunji told me. 
He looked hurt and I wondered if this was why he refused to let me break up with him.
"I'm not leaving you for Ricky," I told him.
"I know. You said you wanted to be single. So I'm breaking up with you."
I stared at Chunji confused.
"Your breaking up with me? But I already broke up with you."
Chunji put his hand on my shoulder.
"It's okay. We can still be friends. I forgive you for kissing Ricky."
"I kissed him to get him out of the street. And you are not making any sense right now."
Chunji walked back into the cafeteria leaving me standing there confused. Changjo appeared with a smirk on his face. 
"This is classic Chunji. He never gets dumped. He does the dumping. Just be glad it's over. Now you don't have to feel guilty about fawning over me."
I turned to Changjo but couldn't find any words. He chuckled before leaving me in the hall. I didn't feel that hungry anymore so I wandered the halls as I thought. Not about anything in particular. Mostly Changjo I guess. 
He was going to wake up right? And he is going to remember me. Won't he? 
Instead of going to class, I found myself hiding in the library. I picked up a random book and started reading. Changjo was then next to me and I set the book down.
"Shouldn't you be in class?" he asked.
I nodded as I looked down. I didn't want to be in class though. Right now  school wasn't something I cared about.
"I think I'm going to visit you," I said. "the real you that is in a coma. I feel I should talk to you there. Maybe that will help."
Changjo took my hand and laced our fingers together. I looked up from our hands to meet Changjo's eyes.
"I'm going to wake up," he promised. 
"I know," I said looking back down at our hands. 
He may have been in some weird ghost form but it seemed right. If only he could wake up right now. 
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Chapters 8-13 for deleted. I'm re-adding them. No new chapter until Monday though.


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changjo's jealousy is so... cute c: ♥
lol, why does my heart want to break?
ricky, i feel bad for him~ D:

lol, maybe she'll sit with l.joe? ^-^
or perhaps minsoo or niel~ c:

waaah, changjo wanting to go swimming xD
can't wait to see how that turns out~!

loved the update! c: ♥
Oh ricky you stubborn boy and changjo is not happy with ricky kissing her anyway update soon
Awww i hope changjo wakes up soon but i guess the main problem here is will he remembet her?????
Anyway update soon
i died of changjos teaser photo dont worry >_<
smh' update soon
you don't want to know what happen to me when i saw the teaser picture of changjo.
you just don't :O
i fainted in the end though, so there's a hint .-.
and then cried...
hmmm. xD

loved the chapter! c:
ah, date with chunji!
dinner with ricky!
unfinished math homework!
and then there's changjo o.o

wonder how everything is going to turn out! c:
changjo is jealous of chunji perhaps? .-.
ricky seems like he likes chaeyoung
i love this because my top three biases are changjo, ricky and chunji~!
changjo is the ultimate of course, but still~

this story is really awesome~
can't wait for more!! ^-^ ♥
infinitemask #8
omg I'm kinda scared about Changjo being a ghost :|
you are not the only one who died when they saw his teaser me
anyway. looks like changjo is is jealous of chunji keke
update soon please!
finally she knows yay!
poor changjo i think he only wanted a friend being a ghost and everything
anyway update soon!