Chapter One

Mysterious Friendship

I walked on campus and looked around at the many groups of friends. Why was making friends so hard? Sure, everyone says its as simple as saying hi. But when hi isn't easy to say then friends aren't easy to make. I was about to walk into the school building when I noticed a boy. He was leaning against the wall and not talking to anyone. No one seemed to care about him. He saw me looking and sauntered over.  
"Hi there," he said.
"Me?" I asked, looking around. 
"Yeah, you. What's your name?"
What was my name again? 
"ChaeYoung!" I said as it came back to me.
A kid looked at me like I was weird. 
"Let's go somewhere," the boy said. 
He took my hand and led me inside one of the empty classrooms.
"So what's your name?" I asked him.
"Changjo," he said. 
"It's nice to meet you, Changjo. Though I'm not good with friends so you might want to talk to other people who are good with friends."
Changjo laughed as he sat on one of the desks.
"I would. But I guess you can say the people here don't exactly like to acknowledge me."
Then I guess our friendship was meant to be. The bell rang and people began to come in. Changjo left and I followed after him.
"Did you want to walk to class together?" I asked him.
"I don't really go to class," he said walking out of the building. 
I sighed as I made my way to class. My new friend would skip. It's just my luck. 
I looked around for Changjo at lunch and didn't see him. I sat by myself again and ate my food. After school, I saw Changjo outside the gates. 
"So how about we walk home together?" he asked.
"What?" I asked.
"I'll just walk with you to your house."
The more I was with him the more he seemed very stalker like. 
"So you just want to see my house an not come in? That's totally normal," I told him.
"I'm not good with meeting parents," he said shrugging his shoulders. 
"My mom works late so she wouldn't even be home."
"And your dad?"
"Haven't seen him since my mom left him."
Changjo put an awkward hand on my shoulder.
"Sorry?" he said.
"My mom said it was better I don't know him. So it's no big deal."
I looked at him and waited for him to take his hand off my shoulder.
"Oh!" he said finally getting it. 
We walked back to my house and Changjo told me he'd see me tomorrow. 
"My parents aren't here. Don't you want to come in?" I asked. 
He took a look at my house before shaking his head. 
"I'm not the best influence, so better not tell your parents about me," he said walking away.
"Because that makes me want to be your friend more," I called out at him.
"Trust me. You don't have choice when it comes to being friends with me."
I scoffed as I watched him walk away. Who did this guy think he was?  I have a choice. We won't be speaking. 

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Chapters 8-13 for deleted. I'm re-adding them. No new chapter until Monday though.


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changjo's jealousy is so... cute c: ♥
lol, why does my heart want to break?
ricky, i feel bad for him~ D:

lol, maybe she'll sit with l.joe? ^-^
or perhaps minsoo or niel~ c:

waaah, changjo wanting to go swimming xD
can't wait to see how that turns out~!

loved the update! c: ♥
Oh ricky you stubborn boy and changjo is not happy with ricky kissing her anyway update soon
Awww i hope changjo wakes up soon but i guess the main problem here is will he remembet her?????
Anyway update soon
i died of changjos teaser photo dont worry >_<
smh' update soon
you don't want to know what happen to me when i saw the teaser picture of changjo.
you just don't :O
i fainted in the end though, so there's a hint .-.
and then cried...
hmmm. xD

loved the chapter! c:
ah, date with chunji!
dinner with ricky!
unfinished math homework!
and then there's changjo o.o

wonder how everything is going to turn out! c:
changjo is jealous of chunji perhaps? .-.
ricky seems like he likes chaeyoung
i love this because my top three biases are changjo, ricky and chunji~!
changjo is the ultimate of course, but still~

this story is really awesome~
can't wait for more!! ^-^ ♥
infinitemask #8
omg I'm kinda scared about Changjo being a ghost :|
you are not the only one who died when they saw his teaser me
anyway. looks like changjo is is jealous of chunji keke
update soon please!
finally she knows yay!
poor changjo i think he only wanted a friend being a ghost and everything
anyway update soon!