Adrenaline Rush

Expect the Unexpected


“Ready!” I shouted, Kyu opened the door and walked in and half way through shutting the door he looked at me with shocked eyes and a small smile on his lips,

“W-what? Don’t you like it?” I asked a little worried,

“No, no, no!” I shook his head and came closer to me looking me up and down “You look… You look so cute” I felt really hot and stuffy hearing him say that, I tried to hide my red face in my hands but he stopped me and took my hands in his and giggle a little bit when he realized I hadn’t done the bowtie.

“Do you know how to tie up a bowtie?” He asked looking at the ragged black ribbon hanging around my neck, I looked down shyly and shook my head, he lift my chin up and started tying the bow “Here I’ll do it” He smiled.

I watched him concentrate as he did the bowtie, I couldn’t take my eyes of him and even after he finished I couldn’t take my eyes of him, I didn’t notice him looking back at me with a confused expression, I didn’t notice him lean forward to stare back in to my eyes, I didn’t notice as he put both his hands on my waist, I didn’t hear him call my name a few times trying to snap me out of my trance, only when he pressed his lips forcefully against mine did I finally return to this world, his kiss was so strong and powerful I couldn’t shut my eyes.

I could feel his embrace getting tighter around my waist as he bit my lip to trying to get his tongue to enter my mouth, I wasn’t really thinking but I wouldn’t open my mouth, I was in to much shock from the vigorous kiss, but suddenly Kyu brought his hips closer to mine, I could feel his private area rub against mine through our clothes causing me to moan and slightly open my mouth, he took that opportunity to insert his tongue.

Subconsciously my tongue reacted with his this pleasure and happiness, I could barely with-stand it, the fluttering in my stomach got more and more unbearable and the kiss continued, I couldn’t tell how long we kissed for but I had finally closed my eyes and accepted Kyus power and strength against my frail and weak body, my legs started to become weak from the pleasure and ecstasy, my heart was beating so fast and I was breathing heavily through my nose.

Eventually I broke the kiss when my legs couldn’t take it any longer and I fell to my knees panting and regaining my breath, “Wookie? Are you okay?” I could reply, there was adrenaline still running through my body, Kyu kneeled beside me and watched my as I regained strength, I finally looked up to him and smiled, and he returned the smile.

“T-that was…” I tried to speak

“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have been so forceful, but I couldn’t help myself… you were staring at me and you looked so cute and unbearably adorable I had to…” I stopped him by placing my index finger in him lips and shook my head

“No… you don’t understand” I removed the finger and stood up –with a bit of help from Kyu- and smiled crazily “that was the best kiss I had ever had!” I was still a little hyper from the adrenaline that kiss was like a drug to me and I wanted more, I stepped forward and tried to kiss him again but he stopped me and held my shoulders.

“Don’t Wookie…” I pouted at him “Can I ask you something?” I nodded

“Is this the first time you’ve made out with someone?” I smiled at him and nodded excited –and still hyper- he sighed

“Okay, I get why your being all hyper then” He giggle a little bit “Your having an adrenaline rush so I’m not going to let you do anything till you’ve calmed down, or else you might regret it afterwards” I pouted and sat on the bed, I could see my refection in the mirror across the room, I had to move my arm around to confirm it was me.

“What are you doing?” Kyu was looking at me as if I was crazy

“I was making sure that it was my refection” I stood up and walked over to the mirror and stared at myself, I couldn’t believe that was me, I looked so different in a suit/tuxedo, I noticed Kyu stood behind me also looking at me.

We stood there for a while admiring me in a suit, then I could hear my phone buzzing in my pocket, I took it out and answered it.



“Yes” I Looked at my phone it was mum “Is anything wrong?” I asked

“Not really, I’m just having a little cooking problem…” I half smiled, I was the best cook in the house –I don’t want to boast but it’s true-

“Do you want me to come home?”

“If your not busy, I would appreciate it”

“Okay I’ll be there in a few minutes” I hung up and gave Kyu a sad smile before picking up my clothes, I then realized I was still in the suit I was about to undo to bowtie

“No don’t, you should show you mum how good you look in it and you can keep it” He smiled at me,

“But Kyu… it’s yours and it must have cost a fortune”

“Just think of it as a gift” I smiled and hugged him tightly “Thankyou”

“So what was wrong?” He asked, I laughed a little remembering that he still doesn’t know

“Oh its nothing major but my mum needs me home to help with dinner”

“You cook?” I smiled and nodded

“I’m actually proud to admit I’ve very good at cooking”

“I would love to try some of your cooking sometime” We both smiled

“I will cook us both dinner after the prom, How’s that?” His eyes widened slightly from excitement, and with that I left thanking him again for the suit.


Ok so i didn't get 10+ comments but i'm feeling nice so here is another chapter (I did get 7 comments so i'm happy ^.^)

Hey guys i wanna tell you a little story (^.^)

In the last chapter Kyu passed out because of Wookies confession and i got this idea from personal experience XD I'm english and i'm single and i had a crush on a guy in my class -this was about 4 years ago- this guy was korean and at the time (nothing's changed) I had a thing for asians ^.^ after about 3 months I had talked to him and we had become good friends, I still really liked him but he didn't know and then valentines day came around and every year on that day we only had half a day at school -from 12pm to 3pm- so the night before me and my friend did an all-nighter, which i regretted the next day. aha


I was the end of the school day and i was shattered and couldn't wait to go home to sleep as it was the weekend the next day -meaning i could lay in!!!- haha but just as i was packing up my things, Glen -The korean guy i liked- came over to me and asked if i wasn't to go out for dinner (I figured he just wanted to go out for a friendly dinner as usual) so i agreed and we went out for dinner and it was really good and then after dinner we went for a strole along the beach talking about random thing -doing these sorts of things weren't unusual we did it a lot-, after a while we got the the end of the beach and so we decided to stay there for a bit, I stood silently looking at the ocean -it was still day light- and then with out any warning Glen took my hand in his, my heart must have skipped a beat.

I looked at him, then our hands, then back at him, slightly shocked, he then said : "Hannah, for a while know i've wanted to tell you something" -yes i remember what he told me word by word- >.> ... At this point my heart was racing, i must have been blushing so much but then he took a step closer to me but instead of telling me that he feelings for me and hugged me tight and then kissed me gently but during the kiss i felt really dizzy and then everything went black. I had fainted in the middle of kissing the guy i liked. I felt so stupid when i woke up DX

But yeh thats my little story ^.^ I hope you enjoyed

Please comment!!! If you want a chapter tomorrow i expect ummm... i'll say 7 or more comments :D

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Chapter 9: ehehe got my answer... im glad so...^^ hope you'll find your hyuk's mine *evil laugh*
Chapter 8: wow that was really cute.... hehe the part of kyu fainting was unexpected kkk this is really really late but what happened between you and the korean (if you dont mind answering)?
Chapter 10: Hurray for happy kyuwook endings!!!
*does happy dance*
Thankyou all for you nice comments and as soon as im back home from holiday i will start on my new FF and thankyou all for subscribing to my new story!!!!!!!!!!
I subscribed to this fic sometime back, but only got to read it now. I loved it! Every single chapter was amazing. ^^

Can't wait for your next fic. Already subed it. Waiting for updates! ^^
SenpaiJecho #6
Awwww so cute!! Wondeful!!! *claps* loved it!! >u<
Aww so sweet <3
Wow!!, Thank's Author for writing this ff it was lovely ^__^