Expect the Unexpected

Expect the Unexpected


My name is Kim Ryeowook, I am 16 years old and still in high school.

I guess you could say my life was pretty good, I lived in a fairly big house with my mum, dad and sister and I have really good grades at school and I’m ‘cute’ –that is what the girls call me- but to tell you the truth, I’m not happy.

My version of my life goes like this, sure I live in a nice house and I have my family but when it came to school… Lets just say school was like a living hell.

I live in England and my school isn’t very cultural, in fact there are only three Asians in my school and the rest of the pupils were English (locals). I was the ‘Geek’ of the school, I didn’t have many friends -Except the girls that were always coming up to me and talking to me- the truth is… I don’t really like girls, sure I don’t hate them, I mean I’ll talk to them and all that but I’m not straight, I’m gay.

That's the bad thing... Because the guy I have my eye on is the most popular guy in school and I have no chance, I don’t even think he knows I exist, He is tall, handsome, has brown scruffy hair and has the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard, his eyes are browns and mysterious and every time I think he looks at me I just want to melt.

His name was Cho Kyuhyun.


“Wookie! Are you going to be singing today?” I looked around and saw 3 girls walking with me to school, I smiled politely

“Oh umm maybe, I have choir afterschool” The girl smiled and ran off after I answered their question.

Yes... I am in the school choir because I love to sing, I moved to England about 2 years ago and ever since I sang in front of the school I’ve had girls always coming up to me and talking to me randomly, they were kind of like fans but never really friends.

As soon as I got to school I went straight to registration –Because I had no friends to hang around before school- I got to my class and saw a group of boys from my form waiting outside for the teacher to come and log them in, I tried to ignore them and walk in to the class room but that was never the case, “Ya! Ryeowook, why do you always get here so early? Its not like you have any friends to talk too” I heard the rest of the guys laugh, but I kept my head down and stayed silent, just as I opened the door I bumped in to someone walking out causing me to fall to the floor, I felt so embarrassed.

“Oh…I-I… I’m s-sorry” I said bowing my head slightly –Korean habit- I then looked up to see who I had bumped in to and as I did my face went bright red,

“Are you ok? Sorry I didn’t mean to push you” It was Kyuhyun!!

I was to mesmerised by his beauty that I totally missed his question and his apology, I shook my head and tried to stand and then I saw ‘the’ Cho Kyuhyun stick out his hand to help me up, I smiled and accepted his help “Are you sure you ok?” He asked as I tried to walk around him, I looked at the group of guys then back at Kyuhyun

“Y-yeh I’m fine, Thanks” I quickly rushed in to the classroom and ran to my desk, luckily no one else was in the classroom so I had some time to calm down before lesson.

I could hear mumbling and laughing outside the classroom, I guess it was the guys out side laughing about me but I knew too well that Kyuhyun was part of that group.


For the rest of the day I tried to avoid Kyuhyun and his gang and succeeded but there was one image I couldn’t get out of my head and that was Kyuhyuns face, I couldn’t believe he spoke to me, I’ve never talked to him but he seemed kinder than I thought he’d be.

School was over now and I started packing up, I had Choir next and my heart fluttered when I remembered Kyu was in my Choir class too –another reason I joined-, I walked in to the music room to see 2 groups of girls and a group of boys, the girls were either singing or playing instruments and the group of guys were tuning there instruments –they were a boy band- I looked around but no sign of Kyuhyun, I frowned but shrugged, maybe he was late.

I made my way over to the teacher to see what she wanted me to do

“Hey Tracey” I smiled, the only friends I had were the teachers –which didn’t help my bullying situation-

“Oh hello Wookie!” Tracey and I got along the best, she thinks I’m really sweet and have a voice like an angel as does half the girls in the class and this fact made me happy.

“What would you like me to do today?” I asked

“Oh well actually I wanted to ask a favour of you, I understand if you don’t want to do it but I’ll let you choose” I suddenly got a tingling feeling in my stomach

“Okay what is it?”

“Well you know prom is in 2 weeks, well all the teachers agreed it would be amazing if you and Kyuhyun could sing together at the prom” she gave me a pleading smile, Me with Kyuhyun, how could I refuse but then again she had to ask Kyuhyun and surly he wouldn’t want to sing with me.

“Ye him fine with it, its just whether Kyuhyun will do it or not” She nodded

“Yes, I really hope he agrees” I was thinking the same thing “You two have the best voices in the school, and we were thinking… because you two are Korean you must know Korean songs right, so if you two could sing a Korean song it would make the prom more interesting” I gave her a confused look, why a Korean song? “Well it was the principles idea, I know this hasn’t been a cultural school for very long but you and Kyu singing in a different language would be great!” she held her hands together pleading me, I nodded

“Yeh sure, I can find a song”

“Yes! Your amazing Wookie!”

15 minutes had passed before Kyuhyun walked through the door, at this time I was the only one left in the music room, everyone else had gone to the gym to watch the band practise their songs.

I was playing the piano, I didn’t realise Kyuhyun had come in and on top of that he was watching and listening to me play, as soon as I finished the song he started to applaud me

“Ya!” I jumped and looked over to see Kyuhyun smiling and clapping at me whilst leaning on the table

“Gees don’t scared me like that…” I breathed deeply to calm down “How long have you been standing there?” I asked, my cheek were burning, I had no doubt they were red.

“Long enough… you play really beautifully, how come you haven’t play in front of people before?” He walked over to me and leaned on the piano, I could feel my body get really shaky causing me to stutter “Oh… W-well I-I … Umm…” To hide my embarrassment I lent my head on the piano, he laughed a little, I knew he laugh at me, he always does.

Just then Tracey walks in “Ah Kyu! You’re here great!” I look up and see Kyuhyun with a scared expression on his face, I couldn’t help but giggle a little bit, and I don’t think Kyu likes Tracey, She’s really nice but sometimes she can be too nice.

“Has Wookie told you yet?” I turned my face away from Kyuhyun; I don’t think I could take him looking at me with those beautiful eyes,

“Umm, no…” Kyu got a chair and sat on it so his chest was leaning against the backrest “What was he supposed to tell me?” I frowned; he made it sound as if it was my fault.

“Well all the staff have agreed that it would be a great idea for you and Wookie to sing a Korean song at prom, you know to help represent us as a newly cultural school and just like I told Wookie, this is optional you don’t have to…”

“Yeh I’ll do it” Kyu interrupted her and smiled at me, I looked away and blushed, he really wanted to do it?

“Great!” Tracey stood up with her arms in the air; Kyuhyun and I looked at each other then at her and burst out laughing

“What? What are you laughing at?” Tracey asked getting all self-conscious,

“Your just so funny miss” I said trying to calm down, she smiled at me I think she was happy to see me smile –I didn’t smile very often-


Here is the first chapter I hope you enjoy!!

Thankyou to all my new subscribers <3 Saranghaeyo

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Chapter 9: ehehe got my answer... im glad so...^^ hope you'll find your love....ps. hyuk's mine *evil laugh*
Chapter 8: wow that was really cute.... hehe the part of kyu fainting was unexpected kkk this is really really late but what happened between you and the korean (if you dont mind answering)?
Chapter 10: Hurray for happy kyuwook endings!!!
*does happy dance*
Thankyou all for you nice comments and as soon as im back home from holiday i will start on my new FF and thankyou all for subscribing to my new story!!!!!!!!!!
I subscribed to this fic sometime back, but only got to read it now. I loved it! Every single chapter was amazing. ^^

Can't wait for your next fic. Already subed it. Waiting for updates! ^^
SenpaiJecho #6
Awwww so cute!! Wondeful!!! *claps* loved it!! >u<
Aww so sweet <3
Wow!!, Thank's Author for writing this ff it was lovely ^__^