Unexpected Confession

Expect the Unexpected


“Wookie…” He put his hand on my shoulder causing me to feel uneasy, I quickly shrugged it off and ran ahead of him all the way home, as soon as I go home I locked the front door and ran to my room chucking my bag and jacket on the floor.

“Wookie? Is everything ok?” My mum was at my bedroom door, if she knew I was crying she would never leave me alone,

“Yes mum, I’m fine don’t worry ok” I smiled whilst saying this so I didn’t sound like I was crying and it worked, She left me alone.

I laid face down on my bed for half an hour crying and wishing I didn’t have feelings for Kyu, Why can’t we just be best friends? Why do I have to spoil this relationship by having further feeling? I was mentally shouting at myself until I heard a muffling sound coming from outside my window.

“Oo-kee” I sat upright on my bed and tried to listen carefully to make sure I wasn’t imagining things

“Wookie!” It was Kyu calling for me, I could feel my heart speeding up and my head started spinning, I wasn’t ready to confront him but I couldn’t just ignore him, I suddenly felt sick from nerves as I slowly walked to the window.

Just before getting in Kyus view I wiped my eyes dry, I then peeped my head around the curtain to see… Nothing? I opened my curtains fully but there was no one there, I opened my window fully and looked out, I could have sworn I heard him, I backed away and was about to close the window when I sudden heard a tapping sound like metal banging against something so again I looked out and saw a silver ladder against my house, with Kyu climbing up it?!

Kyuhyun was climbing up a ladder to get in to my room, I decided to keep the window open and I walked back to my bed and sat there with my arms wrapped around my legs and my head buried in to my knees, my heart was racing and it was hard to breath, as soon and I heard Kyu take a step in to my room my heart stopped.

“Danm… that was harder that it looked” Kyu muttered to himself before looking around the room for me, when he finally spotted my he ran over to me “W-Wookie?! What’s happened to you? Why are you being like this? It hurts me to see you like this” I felt him put an arm around me but as soon as his hand touched me my whole body shuttered, he noticed and pulled his arm away being wary not to touch me “Oh Wookie… Please tell me what’s on you mind… I can’t stand seeing you like this” I could hear worry in his voice, I lifted my head to show him my red, puffy and wet face, I looked at him, His eyes were big and round from seeing me like this, I had never cried in front of my before at least not like this.

“Wookie!” He unconsciously tried to grab my hands but this sudden motion also caused me to flinch in fear

“D-don’t… T-touch Me…” I said quietly, His face became sad

“But Wookie… Please tell me what’s up with you… You haven’t been the same since we preformed in front of Tracey” I looked down remembering what she had said to trigger my emotions.


~~ Flash Back ~~


We had just finished performing the song to Tracey; she was almost in tears and was clapping vigorously “Oh. My. God. That was amazing! You two have the voices of angels!” We both smiled at each other, I then walked over to the CD player to remove the disk and put it back in its case whilst Kyu pack away our things.

I was just about to say good bye and leave but then “Oh Wookie, I just want you to know that I really loved the song and I am so glad I chose you two” She smiled “You two are like the perfect couple” My smile suddenly disappeared, I knew deeply inside that I had misunderstood what she just said but I still couldn’t shake the feeling of dread inside of me.

As soon as we left all I could think of was Kyu and how he would react if I told him my secret, this made me feel sick and I didn’t say a word all the way home.


~~ Back to the present ~~


“Wookie…” Kyus voice snapped me out of the vision, I looked at him with eyes full of sadness and fear and this caused him to be even more anxious, how could I tell him?

“Please tell me what’s wrong… I’m you best friends so…”

“I know!” I interrupted him “And that’s why I can’t tell you…” New tears formed in my eyes, I raised my hands to my eyes to hide them as they fell.

We stayed silent for a while, Kyu hadn’t moved or attempted to touch me in case I flinched again, but he never looked away from me, he waited patiently for me to stop crying, as soon as I had I looked him in the eyes, I was going to tell him! I had to get this off my chest, even if that meant ruining our friendship, we had a great time while it lasted.

“I-I…” I started, Kyu sat upright ready to listen “W-well… I don’t know how to… say…”

“You don’t know how to say what?” He slowly put his arm around me, this time I didn’t flinch and he pulled me closer to him, his embrace was warm and I wanted to stay in it, but this made me even more fearful of loosing him.

“I have a secret… That… T-that I haven’t told you…” He facial expression didn’t change, it stayed comforting and sweet, and he was waiting patiently for me to tell him.

“Well ever since before I officially me you I… I… Well… I mean…” I couldn’t get the words out, why was this so hard!?

“Kyuhyun I d-don’t know how to tell you…”

I was suddenly cut off, my eyes widened from pure shock and then pleasure.

Kyuhyun had put his hand around my head and pulled my lips against his, his eyes were closed as he kissed my frozen form, after a while I melted in to the kiss and placed my hands around his waist as I slowly shut my eyes and enjoyed the tingling feeling running though-out my body, his lips were warm and soft against my wet and fair lips.

Suddenly the doorknob jiggled making us break the kiss expecting someone to come in, my heart almost stopped and I think it scared Kyu aswell, but luckily I had locked the door.

“Wookie? Are you ok I heard you talking to yourself…” It was my sister; I cleared my throat before getting up, unlocking the door and walking to my wardrobe and opening the door –to hide my red, puffy face-

“I wasn’t talking to myself, Kyu’s here…” My sister walked in and smiled when she saw Kyuhyun sitting on my bed

“Oh hello Kyuhyun! I didn’t know you had come…” She looked in my direction and then left with out another word, knowing she wasn’t needed –wanted- as soon as she left I shut the wardrobe door and turned around to looked at Kyu who was looking down to the floor.

I couldn’t feel anything; my entire body has gone numb, New tears ran down my face as countless thoughts passed my mind, I was in a worse condition than before because of Kyu… He had completely confused me.

I felt really cold, I must have been so pale because I could feel the blood drain from my face as my nerves kicked in, my legs started turning to jelly and I couldn’t support myself anymore, I backed up to the wardrobe door before sliding down it, I could feel my whole body go limp but I was still fully conscious, it was as if I had lost control of my body, like a puppet without it’s strings.

As soon as I hit the floor Kyuhyun ran over to me completely shocked and worried “W-Wookie?!” He knelt next to me and held my limp head forcing me to look at him, even though he had seen I was still conscious he still seemed worried,

“Wookie… What’s wrong? Why aren’t you moving?” I took a deep breath, as it was still hard to breathe

“I c-can’t feel my body… It feels like I’ve lost all my energy…” I told him quietly, He sat down and held my hand “Why…” I asked, this question had caught his interest

“Why? I don’t understand…” he asked

“Why did you… You…”

“Kiss you” He interrupted, if I wasn’t so pale I know I would have been blushing

“Y-yeh…” He sighed

“Wookie I could tell you were trying you best to confess to me… It was so obvious and totally adorable” He smiled at me, I was starting to get feeling in my head, legs and arms.

“W-what… But I’m a guy and so are you and…”


“But your…”

“Straight? No… I’m not straight, I like both guys and girls but I prefer guys” I gave him a serious glare, It was annoying me that he wouldn’t let me finish, even if I was over the moon about him being bi.

“B-but how did you know that I…”

That you were trying to confess you feelings to me?” Ok that was it, I was getting annoyed, I gave him a hateful stare and he got the message “S-sorry…”

“Yeh…” I continued our previous convocation

“W-well, you were blushing and you were so cute when you were trying to tell me, if you hadn’t done it I would have” He smiled at me “Wookie…” He took my cold hands in to his warm hands and rubbed them “Ever since I first heard you play that piano, I haven’t been able to get you out of my head…” He looked down as my eyes widened “I think… I-I… Well…”

“You love me?” It was my turn to interrupt, but his evil stare was scarier than mine making me look down in shame “Sorry…” He laughed a little before leaning forward and hugging me tightly “Yes Wookie, I love you”

There was silence for a few minute, I was still trying to piece this all together.

“Please say something…” He begged with puppy dog eyes

“I-I… Well… I don’t know what to say…” My face was still full of shock, Kyuhyun stood up

“Its ok, this is all going a bit fast so I’ll let you sleep on it and we can talk about it tomorrow” He smile and climbed out of the window leaving me alone in my room to reminisce of the previous situation.

Kyuhyun kissed me.

Kyuhyun loves me.

I love Kyuhyun.


I know you've all been waiting for a bit of fluff and here it is ^.^ hehe i hope your enjoying it!

There may be more fluff in the future if you comment >.> hehe i'm evil XD

But i'm nice and posted two chapters today :D hehehe

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Chapter 9: ehehe got my answer... im glad so...^^ hope you'll find your love....ps. hyuk's mine *evil laugh*
Chapter 8: wow that was really cute.... hehe the part of kyu fainting was unexpected kkk this is really really late but what happened between you and the korean (if you dont mind answering)?
Chapter 10: Hurray for happy kyuwook endings!!!
*does happy dance*
Thankyou all for you nice comments and as soon as im back home from holiday i will start on my new FF and thankyou all for subscribing to my new story!!!!!!!!!!
I subscribed to this fic sometime back, but only got to read it now. I loved it! Every single chapter was amazing. ^^

Can't wait for your next fic. Already subed it. Waiting for updates! ^^
SenpaiJecho #6
Awwww so cute!! Wondeful!!! *claps* loved it!! >u<
Aww so sweet <3
Wow!!, Thank's Author for writing this ff it was lovely ^__^