Things happen...

Expect the Unexpected


The weekend went by and I didn’t see Kyuhyun again till Monday on my way to school, I was just about to leave my house when I heard Kyuhyun call after me,

“Ryeowook!” I looked over to see him locking his front door and rushing over to me “Do you want to walk to school together?” I gave him a confused look

“I thought you drove to school?”

“I used too but now you’re my friend and I have someone to go to school with, I decided to walk… Do you mind?” I smiled and shook my head

“No, I don’t mind at all” We started walking “Oh and since we are friends now could I ask you a couple of things?” I asked shyly, He smiled at me and nodded “Go ahead”

“O-oh ok umm…” I started to get a bit flustered, I had so many questions but I guess they could wait “First is… Well since we are friends now… Can I call you Kyu?” I fiddled with my fingers, I was so nervous.

“Only under one condition…” I looked at him nervously, his face was so serious, I was actually quite scared but then he smiled softly “Only if I can call you Wookie” I exhaled and relax and he giggled

“Gees you scared me for a second there…” he laughed a little more and so did I “But yes you can call me Wookie” I smiled, I was actually so happy I could roll on the floor… But I won’t.

“Is that all you wanted to ask?”

“Umm no, I actually have loads of questions but I can wait till later, but I also wanting to ask… What song shall we sing for the prom?”

He looked up in thought

“I’m not sure, lets decide tonight… Now that I think about it, I’ve never heard you sing…” He looked at me causing me to go red in the face again

“W-what? But I sang for the whole school before the Christmas holidays…”

“Really? Oh that’s why, I wasn’t there then I was off sick with a cold” He face looked disappointed, I looked down and then back at him

“Well how about you come round mine after school and we can get to know each other better and I can sing for you” I don’t know why but I felt I could talk to him and open up to him as if we had been friends for years.

He grinned, “Yes, I love that idea!” He clapped causing me to laugh

“Its not that exciting”

“It is! I get to see your room” I laughed, why was he so happy about that, I just shook my head and laughed it off, I enjoyed being his friend.

As soon as we got to the school gates the first thing I saw was Kyu’s gang waiting for him, I looked down and started drifting away from Kyuhyun but then he grabbed my arm “Where are you going?”

“I’m going to class…” I looked at Kyu then at his gang –Who was now staring at us- then back to Kyu

“Oh Wookie, I promise that I wont let them make fun of you, we are friends now right and friends take care of each other” He gave me a reassuring smile before dragging me over to his gang, I was shorter than all 4 of the other guy which made me ever more nervous.

“Hey Kyu! You brought us a toy I see” One of the guys said making the rest laugh

“Nope, he is going to be part of this gang now, he is our friend” They all stared at Kyuhyun in disbelief

“Your kidding right…” another guy with a tattoo sleeve and piercing came to the front –he looked 20 but was really only 16- “You really want this ‘Shrimp’ to join us?” I noticed him looked me up and down as if I were garbage

“Yes I do, you got a problem with it!” Kyuhyun yelled getting in the guys face, the tattoo guy pushed Kyu hard causing him to fall to the floor; my eyes widened “No… Kyu!” I shrieked as the bigger guy got hold of Kyu’s collar and forced him to his feet, I could tell the force of the grip was choking him, I couldn’t stand to see Kyu get hurt so with out thinking I kicked the big guy in the sensitive parts to make him let go of Kyu, and it worked.

Suddenly the others gathered around the big guy and stared at me, I looked to the right of the gang to see Kyu kneeling on the floor catching his breath

“Oi you bastard will pay for that! Where are you looking? Your enemy is here” I looked back, the big guy seemed to have recovered and was looking at me with bloodlust eyes, I was shivering I was so scared, I looked at Kyu again for help but he was still coughing and catching his breath ‘This was all my fault, If I hadn’t let Kyu try and get me in the gang he would have been hurt like this’

“I told you to look at me when I’m talking to you!” His loud voice snapped me out of my thoughts, as soon as I looked at the big guy he rolled his hand in to a fist and punched my stomach as hard as he could, It hurt so much!

“Ahh….” I yelled as I fell to my knees, I wrapped my arms around my body trying to soothe the pain but it wouldn’t go away, I was fighting myself to stay conscious.

Suddenly the gang and I was surrounded by other pupils from the school, they were all expecting a fight but I can’t fight… As soon as the ‘Fight, fight, fight…’ Cheer spread amongst the students the big guy started circling me like a vulture to its prey, I could feel tears running down my face, I didn’t even have the strength to look up to see if Kyu was alright.

“Oi! Mummies boy! Look at me!” A different guy was shouting, but I couldn’t look up to see “Ya! I said look at me!” He shouting terrified me, I tried my best to look up and saw a skinnier guy with long red hair looking down at me but as soon as I looked to him he smirked.

I didn’t have enough time to move before he kicked me in the head causing me to hit the floor full force, the last thing I heard was Kyu shouting my name before everything went black.


I could hear voices mumbling in the background, I think there were two of them; I started getting feeling in my body and I tried to guess where I was. It feels like I’m on a bed, I tried opening my eyes but failed, the sounds started get clearer word by word and then I could tell who it was, It was Kyuhyun talking to the school nurse, I attempted to open my eyes but was again unsuccessful.

“This is all my fault…” I heard Kyuhyun say, it sounded as if he was on the verge of crying

“Don’t bring yourself down Kyuhyun, its not you fault” The nurse replied

“But if I hadn’t forced him to meet the other guys this wouldn’t have happened” His voice was really shaky

“Again, its not your fault, It’s those 4 guys fault for being aggressive, I heard they are being suspended for 3 weeks and they are band from the prom”

“I couldn’t care less that there are suspended, they were garbage, Damn! What was going through my head…” I could feel the bed move; I guess he sat on it “How is he doing?” He ask, He must have been looking at me

“Well he won’t be able to move for a while so he will have to help him get home, you live next to him right? So that’s helpful, I can’t say anymore until he is conscious…” I heard her sigh and walk out the room.

“Oh Wookie… I-I’m so sorry… You’re so fragile and I just broke you…” I could tell he was crying, I tried opening my eyes again but failed again, why was he crying? I’ve only been his friend for a day…

I final had the strength to groan which caught his attention,

“W-Wookie? Are you awake?” he stood up and came closer to me, I managed to open my eyes, the light was so bright and I had a killer head ache “Say something…” He touched my face and I flinched “Oh I’m sorry…” He pulled his hand away, My eyes were fully open now and I looked around, I was in the nurses office and Kyu was standing beside me, his face was pale and his eyes were red and puffy from crying, he looked at me half happy, half worried.

“Egh…” My head hurt so much “What… h-happened” I tried to sit up but instantly regretted it “Ah!” I lay back down and held me stomach; Kyu came closer “Wookie! Shh… It’s going to be okay, just don’t move” I felt better with him comforting me, I didn’t move and looked at him,

“How do you feel?” He asked me

“Umm… M-my head really hurts as does my stomach…” I looked at him confused; I had forgotten why I hurt so much…

“Kyu… W-what happened to me?” Kyu face looked even more worried than before

“Y-your saying you can’t remember? How much do you remember?”

“Umm… I remember you and me agreeing to be friends and then we walked to school together then… Then…” I winced at the pain in my head

“Shh… don’t push yourself” I could see relief in his face “At least you remember that much, I’m so happy you remember we are friends” There was a huge grin on his face, I smiled back at him “Ok I’ll get the nurse you stay here” I nodded before he left, I looked around and saw that is was 4:30pm, I eyes widened. I’ve been unconscious for over 8 hours! I tried sitting up again “Ahh…” I tried to ignore the pain, I swerved around and hung my legs off the edge of the bed, I didn’t have a shirt on but I still had my trousers on which was a relief, I looked around for my shirt and saw it on the chair a few feet away from the bed.

I could hear foot steps coming this way, I didn’t want Kyu to see me shirtless again so I stood up quickly and tried to walk over to the chair, I had forgotten about my injuries. I stood up but my legs couldn’t support my body and I fell to the floor “Ahh…” My vision started going blurry again, I squirmed on the floor trying to push myself up but I didn’t have enough strength, just then the door opened and Kyu walked in followed by the nurse “Yeh he’s… W-Wookie!?” I could hear worry in his voice as he knelt down beside me and rolled me over I was still half conscious and could see the nurse and Kyu helping my up to the bed.

As soon as I was laying back down my vision cleared “I-I…”

“Shh… Gees Wookie don’t scare me like that… I told you to stay were you were!” He sighed and sat on the bed

“But its late and…”

“Don’t worry I called your mum and she said she would wait for you and you also have the week off school…”

“W-what… No I can’t miss s-school” I started panicking, Kyu looked at me with caring eyes

“Hey, hey, hey… Don’t worry I’ll take notes and visit you every day so you won’t be behind” He smiled at me and I could help but smile back, his smile was so sincere

“You would do that for me? Why?” He attempted to pout and even though he failed it was still cute

“That’s what friends are for” He smiled and turned to talk to the nurse, I looked around before loosing consciousness again.


Because i'm nice, here is chapter 3 ^.^ 

but i was a little sad that i'm not getting as many comments as i did with 'wish upon a star' T.T please comment, it gives me confidence in my story and if you don't comment i feel as if i'm wasting my time (Or you really don't like it >.<)

Oh also what do you think of the chapter photo?? which do you like best?? this one or the other one??

Please let me know ^.^

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Chapter 9: ehehe got my answer... im glad so...^^ hope you'll find your hyuk's mine *evil laugh*
Chapter 8: wow that was really cute.... hehe the part of kyu fainting was unexpected kkk this is really really late but what happened between you and the korean (if you dont mind answering)?
Chapter 10: Hurray for happy kyuwook endings!!!
*does happy dance*
Thankyou all for you nice comments and as soon as im back home from holiday i will start on my new FF and thankyou all for subscribing to my new story!!!!!!!!!!
I subscribed to this fic sometime back, but only got to read it now. I loved it! Every single chapter was amazing. ^^

Can't wait for your next fic. Already subed it. Waiting for updates! ^^
SenpaiJecho #6
Awwww so cute!! Wondeful!!! *claps* loved it!! >u<
Aww so sweet <3
Wow!!, Thank's Author for writing this ff it was lovely ^__^