Making Friends

Expect the Unexpected


It was time to leave, I said goodbye to Tracey and left, On my way home a car pulled up beside me and someone suddenly pulled me in to it then the car started driving off again, “W-what the hell?!” I yelled getting back my bearings; I looked around the surprisingly spacious car trying to identify who kidnapped me.

“K-kyuhyun?!” He sat smiling at me with his hand up

“Hey there”

“Why did you kidnap me?” I asked sitting down and making myself look presentable, I heard Kyu sigh

“I didn’t kidnap you, I’m giving you a lift home”

“You know where I live?” He looked at me as if I was mad “What?” I asked annoyed at the way he had pulled me in to the car with out asking, as if he was embarrassed to be with me

“I live next door to you” My eyes widened, WHAT? Kyuhyun is my neighbour?! Why didn’t I know this?

“W-what? I’ve never seen you around before…” I tried not to shout, he shook his head

“So you didn’t know the house next to yours was for sale until 3 days ago?” I shook my head, but was at ease now I knew I wasn’t mad

“So you just moved it then?” I asked, he nodded and looked out the window, I did the same but was blushing.

When we got home I thanked him for the ride before rushing in to my house, this was too much Kyuhyun to handle in one day!


I got to my room and sat on my bed –after changing and putting my things away- and sighed, I smiled to myself as I laid back with my arms behind my head trying to sort out the situation.

‘Ok so today I have not only seen Kyuhyun but touched him –when I bumped in the him and when he pulled me in the car- talked to him and now I’m singing with him at the prom –which I never planned to go too- and now he lives next to me’ just then a thought popped in to my head, My house and his house was exactly the same layout but in reverse, like a mirror.

My bedroom has two windows, one overlooks the front garden and the second over looks the neighbours house and is 2 meters away from there bedroom window, my curiosity got me to walk over to my closed curtains, I placed my hands on them just about to open them but then “Wookie dinners ready!” Mum calls

“Ok” I shout back, I’ll leave it for now.


The next morning was a Saturday, I usually sleep in but I just woke up from a really nice dream –which involved Kyuhyun- and I couldn’t get back to sleep so I looked at the time -9:30am- and rolled out of bed to stretch, I then walked over to the window over looking the garden –Lets call it window number 1- and opened the curtains, the sun was already out and it felt good to have the rays on light on my skin –I only wore PJ bottoms and no shirt- I opened the window to get so fresh air in, I then walked over to window number 2 and opened the curtains and window.

The neighbours’ window opposite me was still shut with the curtains closed, I shrugged and turned around but just as I was about to walk away,

“Ryeowook?” My eyes widened and I turned around to see Kyuhyun hanging out of the neighbours’ window “Is this you room?” He pointed at the room I was in; I walked closer to the window and nodded,

“Yeh this is my room, I just woke up actually” I pointed at his window “Is that your room?” He smiled and nodded

“Yeh this is mine too, cool we are right next to each other!” He seemed genuinely happy about this fact, but I was still stunned, this was all happening to quickly for me to catch up, it was like I was living a dream.

“Ryeowook? Are you ok? You look pale…” I snapped out of my thoughts to see Kyuhyun with a worried face,

“Huh? Oh yeh him fine, it just… A lot has happened in a short time and…”

“What’s happened? Do you need to talk about it?” I frowned at him, why was he being so friendly with me? He was the most popular guy at school and I was the most unpopular guy in school we are supposed to hate each other –I already ruined that theory-.

“N-no… Why are you even talking to me?” I asked subconsciously, it wasn’t meant to sound as mean as it did, Kyuhyun was frowning at me now

“What do you mean? Why can’t I talk to you?”

“Well one we are total opposites and two you the most popular guy at school and I’m… well let just say no one like me…” I was about to turns and walk away 

“Wait don’t go, I’m sorry… If I had known you were totally alone I would have talked with you…” My mind was about to explode, this cant be real… I had to get answers “What! What did you say?” I noticed he stepped back a little as a shouted, “I’ve always been alone, and you and your gang have always been there to make fun of me…”

“I am really sorry about that, I didn’t know it hurt you this much…” I shook my head in disbelief was he really that clueless

“you didn’t think that pushing me or mentally torturing me would affect me?!” I laughed crazily and turned around, in a way I was angry with him but at the same time I loved him but he can’t know that, he’s not even gay.

“B-but I’m not at school right now… I promise I’m not as bad as I am at school, if only you could get to know me then maybe… maybe we could be friends” I could feel my heart racing, I was sweating and blushing like mad but luckily I had my back to him, I took a deep breath to try and relax it didn’t really work, the most it did was turn my face to a more natural colour.

Kyuhyun wants to be my friend… I haven’t had a friend for 2 years, ever since I moved to England from South Korea, I’ve never had a true friend, I turned around and looked at him, his face seemed sincere to me so I nodded “Fine I’ll get to know you better… You better not throw this in my face…” I warned him but he shook his head, I was usually so naive but I had to make sure he wouldn’t disappoint me because I think it would break my heart.

“I promise I won’t hurt you” He smiled and I smiled back at him “Wow” He said suddenly

“W-what?” I asked

“You have a really cute smile” This made me blush “maybe if you smiled more people would talk to you” I tried my best not to take that as an insult, so I just shyly looked to the side.

I looked back and got quite self-conscious when I noticed him just staring at me “W-what?” I asked nervously,

“I-It’s just… I don’t wanna sound like a but… You have a really y body” I looked down to my half body and I could feel my face go bright red so I closed my curtains and changed really quickly but when I got back to open the curtain he was gone.





I finally managed to upload the picture for this fanfiction!!! :D Im soo happy!! hehehe

I hope you enjoying it ^.^

And i hope you enjoyed the video (I didn't make it ^.^ just thought id share it)

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Chapter 9: ehehe got my answer... im glad so...^^ hope you'll find your hyuk's mine *evil laugh*
Chapter 8: wow that was really cute.... hehe the part of kyu fainting was unexpected kkk this is really really late but what happened between you and the korean (if you dont mind answering)?
Chapter 10: Hurray for happy kyuwook endings!!!
*does happy dance*
Thankyou all for you nice comments and as soon as im back home from holiday i will start on my new FF and thankyou all for subscribing to my new story!!!!!!!!!!
I subscribed to this fic sometime back, but only got to read it now. I loved it! Every single chapter was amazing. ^^

Can't wait for your next fic. Already subed it. Waiting for updates! ^^
SenpaiJecho #6
Awwww so cute!! Wondeful!!! *claps* loved it!! >u<
Aww so sweet <3
Wow!!, Thank's Author for writing this ff it was lovely ^__^