When your ready...

Expect the Unexpected


The next day I left for school a bit early to avoid Kyuhyun, even though I love him, I didn’t want to see him right now, I was still trying to figure out this situation and how to solve it.

Never in my entire life did I expect Kyuhyun to talk to me let alone be my friend but he actually confessed to me and I wasn’t ready for that, I was going to confess to him and then I was expecting him to reject me but that wasn’t the case.

I got to school and went to class with ease, it was a relief to have those bullies expelled, I sat in my seat and rested my head on the desk staring at my watch, I still had 30 minutes till class started.

Eventually the teacher arrived and the rest of the students took there seats, I saw Kyuhyun come in and expected him to come over to me and shout at me for not walking with him but he simply took his seat, smiled at me and left it at that.

Today was Friday and all my lessons were with mixed classes meaning I didn’t have to see kyuhyun all day, I was happy about that fact but in every lesson I couldn’t help but think of him and his adorable smile,

“Ryeowook… Ryeowook” The teacher snapped me out of my thoughts, I looked up and then looked are the room, everyone was staring at me.

I quickly looked to the front “Ryeowook, I see you’ve come back to the real world” The teacher said casually, I could here some people in the class giggling causing me to go bright red “Can you please solve this equation” The teacher held the white board pen out for me to take it, I finished the problem in a matter of seconds and sat down,

The rest of the class had gone quiet again.

I had to stop daydreaming.

It was lunch and I decided to eat outside because the sun was beaming –that’s rare in my town- I sat at an empty bench/table and got out my handmade ham and cheese sandwich and an apple and a drink of water, I was happily enjoying the sunshine and the sandwich, my mind had wondered of the ‘kyuhyun’ path and was I was just in my own little world.

“Okie… Wookie…” A voice took me away from my own little paradise; I looked across and saw Kyuhyun sitting in front of me, my eyes widened and I started choking on the piece of apple I had just swallowed, I couldn’t stop coughing and I could feel my eyes tearing up from the sharp pain that was stuck in my throat, I suddenly felt a hand patting my back firmly and it worked, I finally swallowed the bit of apple and hid my face in my hands as I wipe my tear filled eyes and waited for my face to go back to it original colour.

I was still coughing a little bit but not as much as before –those ‘after’ coughs you get- my breath started settling down and I looked at Kyu who had regained his original position across the table from me,

“You okay?” He asked

“Yes… but my throat still hurts” I replied with an innocent face, I smiled a little

“I understand why you have been avoiding me all day… but…”

He stopped when he saw me look down in shame, I tried my best to not make it look obvious but this was Kyu and he can see through anything, I looked back at him with a –I’m sorry- face.

“Hey I said I understood so don’t look at me like that, you need space to absorb the situation” See what I mean, he see’s and knows everything and this was partly why I loved him.

“Yeh… But Kyu…” He held out his hand and stopped me

“Don’t worry, Ill leave you alone again after this be I just wanted to remind you that prom is on Monday” His eyes met mine, I hadn’t forgotten about prom but I knew what he was trying to get at, I didn’t have a suit…

“Yeh I know… How can I forget” I put on a false smile but Kyu saw right through my ‘playing dumb’

“Do you have a suit?” He asked directly, I looked down and shook my head and he sighed

“Okay well you can borrow one of mine, I think your about my size” He leaned to his side so he could check my body size, he nodded and leaned back

“B-but Kyuhyun…”




“I-I well…” I looked down; he stood up and patted my back softly before whispering in my ear

“Come to my house when your ready” he left.


Okay here is another chapter and i know its short but i only got 2 comments TT3TT .....

I'm going to be a little stubborn and say, If you want me to update another chapter tomorrow then i was 6 or more comments ^.^ Mwa hahaha -Evil Kyu laugh-

(Ps. Ive desided to stick with this photo for the fanfic ^.^ Its easier to stick with just one picture)

More Comments = Faster Updates!! (Less than 3 comments means no update for a day... >:) haha)

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Chapter 9: ehehe got my answer... im glad so...^^ hope you'll find your love....ps. hyuk's mine *evil laugh*
Chapter 8: wow that was really cute.... hehe the part of kyu fainting was unexpected kkk this is really really late but what happened between you and the korean (if you dont mind answering)?
Chapter 10: Hurray for happy kyuwook endings!!!
*does happy dance*
Thankyou all for you nice comments and as soon as im back home from holiday i will start on my new FF and thankyou all for subscribing to my new story!!!!!!!!!!
I subscribed to this fic sometime back, but only got to read it now. I loved it! Every single chapter was amazing. ^^

Can't wait for your next fic. Already subed it. Waiting for updates! ^^
SenpaiJecho #6
Awwww so cute!! Wondeful!!! *claps* loved it!! >u<
Aww so sweet <3
Wow!!, Thank's Author for writing this ff it was lovely ^__^