final confession

Expect the Unexpected




I got home yesterday and was readying myself to go you Kyuhyuns house but… I couldn’t do it. I still wasn’t ready.

But today was different, I had a dream last night that involved Kyu and it was amazing, and when I woke up I felt like all my worries had disappeared and I felt like all the sudden events had settled into my mind, I was so ready.

I decided to wear a black and purple striped long-sleeved shirt with faded back jeans also black and white dog tags around my neck, I also did my hair really nice just for him.

((Picture above is what he wore and how his hair was like ^.^))

“I’m going to kyu’s house!” I shouted at the front door

“Okay, what time will you be back” My mum replied, she always asks me this

“I don’t know, if you need me I’m only next door” I said with a grin on my face and left.

I took about 10 steps to my right and was already at his house, I raised my arm to knock on the door and then the door suddenly swung open, I was glad that the door opened inwards

“Wookie!” Kyu was at the door with a huge grin on his face, how long had he been standing there? Waiting for me too come…

“Umm…” I slowly put my arm down, I couldn’t keep eye contact with his beautiful brown orbs, I starts acting like a love sick child without knowing and smiling weakly, Kyuhyun laughed then grabbed my arm and dragged my in, I took my shoes off at the door and followed him to his room also looking around the house, It really was a mirror image of my house.

I just realised this was the first time I had ever been to Kyus house and was about to see his room! I smiled slightly behind him as I followed him in to his room, “Wow…” I said looking around at his well-designed room, everything was modern and organised, were as mine was soft and flowery –girl-like- I looked over to his red and black king-sized bed that was covered in different kinds of suits.

“Well… you were prepared” I said with a bit of a laugh walking over to the bed,

“Yeh well I wanted to make sure I was ready when you were” He said with a little smile, I looked down “What’s wrong?” He asked, I looked at him and walked over to him –he was stood at the foot of the bed- and took his hands in mine

“Kyuhyun…” I started

“Kyu” He corrected

“Kyu” I rolled my eyes playfully “Before I try on these amazing suits I think we need to talk” He looked at me with a beautiful grin but a bit of worry in his eyes, I didn’t want to sit on the suits so I dragged him to the sofa that was opposite the bed, after we were sat I took my hand back.

“So what do you what to say, tell me anything that’s on your mind” He gave me caring eyes, which comforted me a bit, but I still had that butterfly effect in my stomach,

“O-ok… Well I was thinking and absorbing the whole situation between ‘Us’ and I think…” I looked at him and smiled, “Well… Kyu…” I placed my hand on his; he looked so worried, was he thinking I was rejecting him? “Before you told me you love me, I was trying to confess to you, so this time please let me do it my way, which means no interrupting” I said forcefully, it was unlike me to be demanding but Kyu just nodded and waited, I scooted a little closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder.

“Cho Kyuhyun, every since the first day of high school I’ve had a deep crush on you, I used to watch you as you studied and occasionally asked people questions about you, I was to scared to talk to you face to face because you were so popular and most popular guys are mean…” I was starting to get off subject so I took my head off his shoulder and looked him in the eyes “What I’m trying to say is… Is that you are handsome, smart, kind and everything I had dreamed of and on top of that you love me too” I looked down as my cheek turned red and a shy smile appeared on my face “Kyu…” I looked up and place my hands on either side of his face “Saranghae” I closed my eyes and leaned in for a kiss but then suddenly his body felt weak, my eyes immediately opened wide as his limp body fell in to my arms, I couldn’t breath, I couldn’t talk, all I could do was stare at my lifeless Kyu as my heart had a fit.

“KYU?!” I looked at his pale face, was he this pale a minute ago? How could I have missed that?

I shook him trying to wake him “ K-Kyu… P-please wake u-up!” Tears started running down my face, I didn’t know what to do, Kyuhyuns parents weren’t home and I didn’t want to leave Kyu to get my parents so I continued shaking him and lightly tapping his cheek and arm, “KYU! Please wake up… I-I don’t know what to do…” I sobbed, tears fell heavier as I stared at his almost white face, I was panicking, my heart was beating 100 beats a second and I suddenly forgot how to breathe and started hyperventilating.

This wasn’t good, Kyu was limp and lifeless in my arms and I was hyperventilating… I closed my eyes and tried to settle down but it wasn’t working, I looked down at Kyu, my tears dripped on his face “W-What … what can I… Do…” I asked myself breathing heavily, I was so angry with myself, Kyu was unconscious in my arms and here I am being useless and forgetting how to breathe.

I leaned down and pressed a wet tear-filled kiss on Kyus lips stupidly hoping it would help or do something, but of course it didn’t, but ignoring this fact I gave him a second kiss, his lips were so soft even if he wasn’t kissing back.

I held the kiss for as long as I could before loosing conscious from lack of oxygen.

“K-Kyu… Kyu…” I murmured as I started to wake up, I felt a cold wet thing on my forehead and I was laying down on the sofa I had fainted on, I sat up quickly and scanned the room, I didn’t care that I was dizzy, I was still worried about Kyu, Where is he?!

He wasn’t in his room, did he wake up or didn’t his parents come and take him to the hospital, so many thoughts flew through my mind, I didn’t even notice that my chest hurt and everything was spinning.

Suddenly the door opened and Kyu came in with a wet cloth in his hand, I looked at him and was so happy, my heart skipped a beat when I saw him looked at me with a sigh of relief “Oh Wookie you awake, thank god”.

I pushed myself off the seat, ignoring the fact I was still dizzy and attempted to run to him, I was so happy he was ok, “K-Kyu… your ok…” The room suddenly turned upside down and everything was spinning, my legs went limp causing my to fall but I felt something catch me –I knew it was Kyuhyun- I felt myself drifting again but I fought to stay conscious.

I had half fainted, and was laying in Kyus arms on the floor, I couldn’t hear him but I could read his lips calling my name as he shook me, it was like our previous situation in reverse, after a while I started getting my hearing back and the spinning started to stop, I was conscious enough to get myself back on the sofa with Kyu hugging me like a teddy bear.

“You scared me Wookie… I don’t know what I would have done if…”

“I scared you?!” I interrupted him, I was slowly returning back to normal “W-What! What happen before? I was telling you I love you and then you… you…” I started stressing at the memory

“Shh… Wookie calm down, I’m sorry about that…” He looked down before explaining “I didn’t sleep at all last night and…”

“Why?” I interrupted; I looked at him with worried eyes

“Because I could get you out of my head” He smiled before finishing off he explanation “You were telling me how you have liked me since the first year of high school and how you love me now and how you watched me and asked about me… I got over excited and nervous at the same time and I don’t think my heart and lungs could take the shock and mixing that with lack of sleep… well I passed out” he looked at me with –I’m so sorry- eyes.

I smiled at him and he pressed my nose lightly with his finger before looking down, I tilted my head “What’s wrong…”

“Well… When I came too…” I looked at him with confusion “When I woke up… I almost had a heart attack… seeing you there all limp and lifeless just like I had been… I didn’t know what to do and on top of that it looked as if you had been crying because you face was still wet and red… Wookie I’m so sorry” I hugged him tight and he hugged me back,

“It’s ok hyung” He smiled at me as I used Korean terms “Hey…” I looked at him and pouted

“W-what?” He asked

“You passed out before I could finished”

“Oh I’m sorry…” He bowed his head slightly and I smiled

“Well… Umm were was I?” He leaned toward me so our faced were only millimetres away from each other

“You told me that you loved me…” He smiled evilly “I think the exact words were ‘Saranghae’” I blushed lightly, as he pulled his face away I quickly placed my hand on his chin and pulled his face towards mine again, I closed my eyes and pressed my lips against his, but this time he didn’t faint instead he placed his arms around my waist and pulled me on to his lap kissing my back, I put my arms around his next and passionately kissed.

After what felt like an eternity of kissing, we broke it slowly and looked at each other, it was a look I had never done or seen, it was Love.

I hugged him and then looked over to the suits “shall we?” I asked, he nodded and I ran over to the suits, he followed.

I scanned them all but it was so hard to choose, they were all so amazing!

I picked up a white shirt and a long black suit “What about these?” I asked him,

“Yeh you would look so cute in those and here… what about these?” He held up black trousers and a little black bowtie, I grinned and nodded excitedly

“Ok” he walked towards the door and was just about to leave the room but I panicked, I didn’t wan him to leave again

“W-where are you going?” He turned to looked at me and smirked

“I’m letting you change… unless you don’t mind me watching you” My face turned red, I turned around embarrassed and he left the room knowing I didn’t want him to see me.

“Ready!” I shouted.


OMG 11 Comments!! Thats what i like to wake up too \(^.^)/  Thank you guys ! <3

Ok here is another chapter i hope you like it ^.^ (Sorry if you think this chapter is a little lame :L Im trying my best to make this story longer :) I enjoy writing it hehe)

OK Ummm Since i got 11 comments for the last chapters Im going to challenge you all and say .... If i get 10 or more comments i'll post another chapter before i go to bed >:) Mwa hahaha -Kyu style-

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Chapter 9: ehehe got my answer... im glad so...^^ hope you'll find your hyuk's mine *evil laugh*
Chapter 8: wow that was really cute.... hehe the part of kyu fainting was unexpected kkk this is really really late but what happened between you and the korean (if you dont mind answering)?
Chapter 10: Hurray for happy kyuwook endings!!!
*does happy dance*
Thankyou all for you nice comments and as soon as im back home from holiday i will start on my new FF and thankyou all for subscribing to my new story!!!!!!!!!!
I subscribed to this fic sometime back, but only got to read it now. I loved it! Every single chapter was amazing. ^^

Can't wait for your next fic. Already subed it. Waiting for updates! ^^
SenpaiJecho #6
Awwww so cute!! Wondeful!!! *claps* loved it!! >u<
Aww so sweet <3
Wow!!, Thank's Author for writing this ff it was lovely ^__^