My Christmas Gift...from you

I still feel for you...

It was snowing that December afternoon, and K Group was having their performance in a mall in Incheon. The teen-age girls squealed as they kept shouting to Jin Gook's and Jason's names. The kids in the front audience danced along to "Love High". The ajummas and ajussis kept taking pictures for their sons and daughters who couldn't make it to the event due to school or work. Some of them fumed why they had to be dragged into something frivolous when they should have been at home watching the afternoon news or the afternoon soap operas.

Lee Ji Hyun held her VIP pass. She had waited for the event for over a year, and she even managed to pull some strings just to get a VIP pass. Saving all that school allowance was not easy. Ji Hyun had to forsake many activites and jammings just to buy that expensive ticket. Her eomma would berate her for having misplaced priorities. Her friends fumed whenever Ji Hyun couldn't go along with their jammings. And she herself had to do some odd jobs just to make ends meet, at least for her.

Looking up the stage, she saw no one but Jin Gook. She smiled and sighed as he crooned a ballad.. He even went down the stage to go to the audience. He randomly picked a college girl fan who nearly died when Jin Gook held her hand and brought her on stage and serenaded her. The other girl fans screamed, others were delighted while others where jealous. Ji Hyun felt a lump in : she was jealous too. But she held her pass again. Gwaenchanha, Ji Hyun-ah. You can have Jin Goo Oppa's time later.


Five lucky fans where given VIP access to meet and greet K Group. So Ji Hyun was ecstatic when she was the lucky few to have the access. It was a gift she wished for herself, no matter how silly it was. Three of the fans where males, so they went over to Baek Hee and the other girls for their autograph. The other girl was a Jason fan, and she, Ji Hyun was Jin Gook's fan.

Ji Hyun timidly approached as she greeted him.

"A..anyeong hasaeyo, Oppa...can..can I picture taken..together...with you?..."

A heavy sigh escpaed her lips after she said her request, Jin Gook chuckled and asked for her camera. He then asked Jason to have Ji Hyun and his (jin Gook's) picture taken.

"No problem, bro," Jason said as he held the Polaroid camera. "Okay, here goes, hana, deul, set, kimchi!!!!!"

Ji Hyun smiled silently inside. She felt she would die that instant. Jin Gook's musky perfume intoxicated her, and she felt numb standing beside him. Smiling her sweetest, she gave her all in the picture. AS Jason gave the picture and the camera to Ji Hyun, he commented.

"Not bad."

"Gamsahamnida, Jason Oppa," Ji Hyun said as she bowed. 

Turning to Jin Gook, she said as she handed him the picture and a pen.

"Oppa, if you would...grant me..."

" signature? Sure, why not? And you are...?"

"Lee Ji Hyun, Oppa. And it's my birthday today.."

Jin Gook smiled. "So, it's your birthday then? Saengil chukha hamnida! Did you have seaweed soup this morning?"

"Ne. Eomma and Appa had me wake up early for the soup. But I'm especially thrilled for this..meeting...." Ji Hyun's mind was in a frenzy, intoxicated by the happiness she felt. She was even more petrified when Jin Gook held her hand and placed on them her picture and the pen. It took a few seconds before he even withdrew his hands from hers.

"Happy birthday, Lee Ji Hyun. And I hope you will have a happy day ahead of you. May the rainbows of life pave the way for your happiness, and don't ever give up supporting our group, especially me."

"Ga..gamsahamnida, Oppa.." Ji Hyun whispered, her chest still full of unexpelled air. Jin Gook's words cemented her for a few minutes before she realized that the K Group members went to their dressing rooms.

Looking at her picture and the pen, Ji Hyun could still fell the warmth of Jin Gook's touch on her hands. Lifting her hand to her cheeks, she closed her eyes and smiled.

"Gamsahamnida, made me happy today. I shall see you soon..."


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ffajarr #1
Chapter 19: I don't have idea why baek hee always has misery life. Dear authornim I like your ff, but at least let baek hee become happy in one of your chapter. :')
susyh_ #2
Chapter 19: I like very much this history, although I want Baek Hee with Jin Gook :)
I hope to continue soon
pioushej #3
Chapter 19: :( when will Baekhee's misery end? hay! even if this a fic i cant help to feel so sad for her i hoping for a happy ending for baekhee update soon! thanks
taecJung2712 #4
Chapter 19: oh NO! Jin Gook-ah! Don't make my Baek Hee cry! I don't want Baek Hee end up with Jin Akanishi. I want you to be Baek Hee's MAN. So, please don't make her cry.
Chapter 19: .don't say that he Like Qri yet??
.Oh NO, BIG NO!!
.poor my Jungie,, (╥﹏╥)
.I hope she can forget about Jin Gook and willing to open her heart to another Man,,
.Hope the best for Jungie, I don't want to see her cry anymore because Jin Gook,,
.Somebody, can you make my Unnie smiLe again,,
canequita #6
Chapter 19: Now my heart is the one that's broken!!! Why would he suggest that and why do it??? He says I dont want you give you hopes and we can only be friends but there he goes kissing them!!!! I didnt want to say this but Baek Hee forget about Jin Gook and go with Jin Akanishi!!!
Chapter 19: poor Jungie... sigh!
thanks for updating.
kitktykatty #8
Chapter 18: I really like this story please update again soon?
Chapter 18: thanks for your update :)