Chapter 12

Why Did I Fall In Love With You? Right when our Love is in the Ice?


You went immediately to the dining room. Even though you were always inside Jaejoong’s house since childhood, the aura of the home, just felt different. It was.. unnatural.


“Dinner’s served~!”


Jaejoong came up behind you with two steaming bowls of soup. He went to the other side of the table, and placed a bowl on each side. As you stared inside it, you noticed how well it turned out, even if the ones who cooked it were sick.



“Let’s eat before it gets cold!” Jaejoong smiled at you as he reached out to you a spoon. You sat there quietly, not making a move. “You okay?” he said when he noticed your gloomy expression. He placed down the spoon and started eating by himself. There was a sudden shot of pain through your chest. It was weird, but you were expecting him to make a fuss about your anxious expression.


But nothing came.

“What’s wrong with him? He’s not even talking.. It feels, cold..”


“He’s cold..”


A few minutes passed with no one talking. It was awkward. Just you two, sitting there in front of each other, with no hint of eye contact.

But then, he broke the silence..


“You’re thinking about what I said earlier, huh?”



The sudden impulse of him asking that straight-forward caught you off-guard. You didn’t want to get back that subject up, but that’s the only way to end it.

“Y-Yeah..” you said exhaustedly, acting like your cold gotten worse. “It just came out so sudden.. That’s all..”

“True. It is sudden. Anyone would’ve been surprised to hear that..” Jaejoong said as he blew off the steam of his soup. He, too, was quiet, for some reason. His expression was blank and cold. It was really unnatural.


“I-I know right!” you tried giving him a smile, to ease of the pressure that he was having. Jaejoong smirked and laughed a little bit. Though out of the blue, it felt normal again being with him.


“But you understood everything right?”


The feeling of comfort suddenly disappeared. His tone changed and it became hoarse. His stare was intense and you couldn’t escape the pressure he was giving. His gaze wouldn’t leave you, unless you would answer, his unanswerable question.

“Why.. is he doing this?”


“Well?! Do you understand it or not?!”


He slammed on the table, shouting at you as if you did something wrong. It was rare to see him like this. In fact, he doesn’t really get angry at all! He was calm, and if ever there was something bothering him, he’ll just keep quiet and tell it to you.


“Why are you shouting at me like that?!” you answered back. Even though your head felt like it was about to break, you can never tolerate anyone shouting at you, unless it was people with authority, but for Jaejoong, it’s simply out of the question.

“I’m talking to you!! I’m asking you calmly, but NO, you wouldn’t even bother answering! Maybe you just couldn’t HEAR ME!” His voice became louder, emphasizing the last two words.


“You said it yourself remember?! I’M SICK! Of course I wouldn’t hear!!”


“If you’re sick, what do you call me?! DYING?!”


His sarcasm was just too annoying to continue fighting against, especially if his going to burst out like that, so you just shut your mouth, and sighed deeply. Suddenly, his cellphone beeped in an unusual manner. You walked away in annoyance, going towards the kitchen counter, and checked his cellphone. “Who told you to check my phone? Do you have any right?!” He snapped at you, increasing his annoying vibe. You checked his phone, and sighed deeply once more.

“Well? You’re not going to answer again, are you?”

“Would you just shut up already?”


Jaejoong was surprised to hear that response. He fell silent for a moment, and listened to what you were about to say. Without looking back at him, you continued..

“Take your medicine and go to sleep, unless you want that fever of yours staying for the whole week..”

He took his bowl of soup, as he mumbled something to himself, and passed by you. Before he left, you told him, “Yahh. Don’t forget your medicine. It’s on the table by the stairs.” But before he reached the stairs, he said something in a loud voice, making sure you can hear it from where he was.


“The medicine would be useless anyways, since I’ll be seeing you in the morning!!”




Jaejoong looked back at you, with a smirk on his face. He put his tongue out, teasing you again, before disappearing up the stairs.


“Enjoy the rest of your night, dongsaeng..


For the third time, you sighed and sat back at the dining room. You looked at your soup, which was getting cooler and cooler. “This boy.. He’ll never grow up, will he?” you tried laughing it out, but the stress he gave you earlier can only be replaced with sleep. You hurriedly finished it and washed everything. The kitchen was spotless, so you went fix your bed on the living room couch.

You piled up all the pillows on one side of the couch and lied on it. You couldn’t relax from the noise the rain was making. But then, a cold air passed by, making you shiver and sneeze. “I sure hope I can pass the night, without getting MORE sick..”



Hours later..





“Why am I even awake?! It’s already pass midnight..” Jaejoong whispered as he slowly went down the stairs. He opened the fridge and looked for a drink, and he found some orange juice. He took out a glass and poured some in. But then, he noticed the medicine by the table. “Oh yeah.. The medicine..” he went over there and took read the name. “I never knew we had emergency meds in the house..” he mumbled as he put it in his pocket. “I’ll just drink it upstai—”






“Huh?” he looked behind him, finding you fast asleep, on the cold couch near the window. He approached you and felt your face. “Aiishh.. This girl didn’t even bother get a blanket.. You’ll get sick even more..” He looked around the room, but didn’t seem to find anything to cover your shivering body. “Stay there okay?” he said as he ran off upstairs. After a few minutes, he came down with his blanket, dragging it down the stairs. He spread it around you and tucked you in.. He sighed and caressed your shoulder, as he knelt by your side.

“Hope that can keep you warm for the rest of the night, ______..”

He gazed at you with calm eyes, and said under his breath. “______ sure looks beautiful when she sleeps..” Just as he noticed it was already nearing 1 a.m. he quickly got up. But when he took a last look at you, he kissed you on the cheek and caressed your hair.


“Sweet dreams.. My ______ dongsaeng..”





To be honest, I don't like how Jae acted in this chapter, that dinner scene >_> He reminds me of a friend :))

I guess you can say I update my story every 10 days.. ^^;;

sorry for THE SUPER LONG WAIT :( Been busy the whole month. 

Oh! BTW, I have another story.. Also a DBSK one. So to all you Cassies, you can check it out in my profile if you want. :)


Anyways.. till then.. Enjoy.. ^^

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HannahJung #1
So far I love it! Nice one author!<br />
awhhh :3 i love this story! <3
I think Jaejoong is unconsciously falling for her sweet!!<br />
LOL everything is so sudden...she didn't even know that they are going on vacation!<br />
Please update soon!
I definitely love the last sentence!!:) so touching!
awwwww..<br />
only if what jae said was true!! :)<br />
lol.....update soon please
pls update again :]<br />
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LOL. A couple for 10 years~!!! XD
naomi777 #7
aww he'staking her with him
naomi777 #8
aww jae was yelling at her
angelheartsjae #9
finally managed to catch up till the last chapter...phew....well...i've been a silent reader all these times coz i couldn't finish till the lastest chapter to leave you a comment....sorry >.<<br />
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i just wanna tell you..i find your fic..cute..erm... i dont know how to describe it.. for the chap where you made Jae confessed to her in the shower... OMG...i was so shocked....and then in the later chapter where he shouts and stouck out his tongue and're just so cute...<br />
<br />
love it...keep updating k..
pls update again :]<br />
<br />
HE's so SW<33t & caring~!!!!