College Days Chapter 7

College Days


SooMi groaned as she sat up, hitting her alarm cloc to make it stop beeping. She had an early class today. Really early. She lived on campus, and she had to wake up at 5:30 in the morning or else she'd be late for class at 6:45. Well, at least she wouldn't be alone. TaeMin also had that class. JaeHwa's first class was at 12:30, the lucky bugger.

   The orange-haired girl was on autopilot as she went through her morning routine. She wapecting JaeHwa to be asleep, seeing as it was super early on a Monday, no less. So you can imagine the surprise of our favorite martial artist when she walked into the kitchen and saw JaeHwa sitting at the little table eating her Lucky Charms.

"JaeHwa? What the hell are you doing up?" Asked SooMi, blinking blearily at her best friend.

"I pulled an all nighter." Said the blonde, yawning.

"Jinjja? Why?" The orange-haired martial rtist was confused. JaeHwa never pulled all nighters. Never. Lee JaeHwa just could not function without at least 8 hours of sleep.

"Damn essay for I.S. The teacher decided it would be due today instead of at the end of next month." JaeHwa grumbled, jabbing angrily at her cereal.

"Well, don't take it out on the cereal. I.S is Integrative Seminar, right? Isn't the essay for that only due at the end of the semester?" Inquired SooMi, taking the box of Reese Puffs and pouring herself a bowl.

"Yeah, but the prissy professor decided it had to be done for today." JaeHwa said, glaring on the 15 page long essay in front of her.

"Why? What the hell are you supposed to do for the rest of class?" SooMi frowned. The whole point of Integrative Seminar was to write this really long complicated essay. What was the point of having a class if you finished the work? JaeHwa shrugged, mumbling about the "prissy professor" and her "stupid ideas."

   SooMi sighed as she put on her shoes. A cranky JaeHwa was never fun to deal with. She threw a quick goodbye over her shoulder and walked out the door, slinging her bag over her shoulder. She hoped that JaeHwa would get some sleep before her first class otherwise the school would have a rampaging, cranky, exhausted JaeHwa on their hands, which could very possibly result in the destruction of the campus; or at the very least, the I.S classroom. All of these thoughts left the orange-haired girl's head as she walked up to TaeMin, smiling happily.


JaeHwa was not happy. She had stayed up all night to finish the damn essay for I.S,had gone to hand it in, only to be told that the teacher had changed her mind. It was due only at the end of the semester.

"Damn prissy professor." Mumbled the blonde, glaring at anyone and everyone who dared get in her way. The new students at the college cowered away, while most of the students in her year and up looked on, amused. This was obviously a regular event.

"Geez, JaeHwa, don't murder the poor kid!!"  Exclaimed Onew, running up to JaeHwa who had just shoved some poor 18 year old out of her way.

"Hmm? Oh, het Onew oppa." She greeted, giving a very small smile before glaring at everyone again.

"Hey. So who got you pissed?" Asked the older boy, smiling apologetically at another student who was shoved out of the blonde's way.

"Damn prissy I.S professor. Makes me stay up all night, only to tell me the essay is really due at the  end of the damn semester." Grumbled the angry blonde, kicking a can on the floor. Onew barely restrained a laugh. The I.S teacher was a little crazy and scattered, but most peopleknew not to take her seriously when she changed the due date to the next day.

"Cheer up, JaeHwa. At least you've already finished the essay." He said, trying to cheer her up. The girl shrugged, her anger dying down.. Onew was right. She wouldn't have to stay up all night close to the finals. That was a plus.

"Alright, you've managed to kill my anger. How have you been Onew oppa?" Asked, shifting her books in her arms  and smiling.

"I've been pretty good, just a little swamped with homework. How about you?" Onew replied, grinning. He was glad he had been able to make JaeHwa smile.

"Same. I can't wait for the semester to be over. We'll have three and a half months to do nothing!!"JaeHwa exclaimed, grinning at Onew as he held a door open for her. 

"Yeah, I can't wait. I'll be spending the holidays with my parents. What about you?" The older boy inquired. It was only natural to ask. JaeHwa never talked about her family, and he was curious.

"Oh, I'll probably go hang with SooMi and her mom, like I do every year." JaeHwa was wondering if it would be a good idea to do that. It would be the first time they spend the holidays without JungSu...

"What about your family?" Onew frowned at JaeHwa, confused.

"I don't talk to them anymore. Anyways, i gotta go. My class is about to start and JaeHwa will kill me if I'm late. Bye!!" JaeHwa called over her shoulder, eager to escape any and all questions about her family. She really didn't want people to know that her parents owned the Lee&Co. Law Firm and were therefore rich.


"Yah, JaeHwa, what's wrong?" SooMi asked, recovering from the shock of finding JaeHwa doing her homework at four in the afternoon.

"Nothing's wrong. Why would something be worng?" JaeHwa curtly replied. Couldn't she do her homework in peace?

"Because you're doing your homework at four in the afternoon." Stated the orange-haired girl.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious." Retorted the blonde girl.

"You're welcome Lieutenant Sarcasm. Now what's up? And don't say 'nothing.' If you're doing work at four, then something's wrong." SooMi said, sitting at the table.

"I got a letter." JaeHwa said, giving in. She knew that her best friend would not leave until she had the whole story.

"From who?" Inquired the martial artist.

"Mother dearest." The words were spat out as if they tasted horrible. SooMi's eyes widened. Why would JaeHwa's mother contact her after three years of not talking to her only child?

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