College Days Chapter 4

College Days


Everything had been taken care of. She had called everyone who needed to be called, helped her mother with all the arrangements, and had found out that she couldn't attend her own brother's funeral. All because her stupid father was going to be there.

"I mean, he's gone our whole lives, and all of a sudden he wants to attend his dead son's funeral? What is up with that?" SooMi yelled, throwing her hands up in the air. She understood why her mom wouldn't want her near her dad, but why ban her? Why not ban her father?

"I know SooMi. But there's nothing you can do about it. Now come on. I've got an idea." JaeHwa said, grabbing her friend's hand and dragging her out of the dorm.

"JaeHwa, where are we going?" SooMi asked, letting herself be dragged away.

"We are going to have bubble tea!" Exclaimed the blonde, skipping over to her car.

"Bubble tea? Really?"

"Yes, bubble tea. You got a problem with that?" Asked JaeHwa, acting all gangster like. SooMi just shook her head and got into the baby pink Mitsubishi Eclipse. She never did understand why her friend's car was PINK of all colors, but hey, it was her choice. If she had a car, it would be black and dark red, the colours of her soul (not really).

"No. not at all." SooMi replied, buckling up and looking out the window. She was wondering why they were going for bubble tea, of all things. She decided not to question her friend's weirdness.

*At the Restaurant*

"All I'm saying is that that woman really needs to get a boyfriend!" JaeHwa said, talking about the extremely rude salesperson. SooMi just rolled her eyes and sipped her peach bubble tea.

"Jae, just drink your watermelon bubble tea and be quiet." Said the orange-haired girl, sitting down at a booth.

"Hey, I told you it was JaeHwa and SooMi!" Yelled a very familiar voice. JaeHwa turned in her seat and saw JongHyun's grinning face.

"JongHyun! Key! What are you guys doing here?" JaeHwa asked as the 2 boys sat down.

"We're on a date." Key replied, grinning and sipping bubble tea.

"Really? Awesome! When did this happen? And why didn't you tell me? You better start talking shorty!" JaeHwa said, poking JongHyun repeatedly in the ribs. Key laughed while SooMi just stared, something akin to amusement in her eyes.

"I asked him out this morning, I didn't tell you because we've been out all day. Relax." JongHyun explained. The two cousins then got into a complex (not really) conversation about God knows what. SooMi sighed, taking another sip of her (incredibly yummy) bubble tea. She felt Key's stare and turned to him, raising an eyebrow.

"Anything wrong?" He asked, playing with the straw in his cup. SooMi's face registered shock for a second before going back to neutral. She shook her head. Key smirked. She was good, but not good enough.

"I can tell something's wrong. I'm not a psychology student for nothing." Scolded Key, fixing his hair and raising an eyebrow at the orange-haired girl. She huffed.

"I'm just pissed at the world lately, alright?" Replied the girl, anger and sadness in her light blue eyes.

"And sad. Come on, tell Key oppa all." SooMi just shook her head, not wanting to talk about it. "Okay, well if you ever want to talk, just call." Key said, giving the girl his number.

"Uh... thanks, but why?" She asked, frowning.

"Because everyone needs to talk to someone at some point." He answered, smiling kindly. SooMi sent a small smile back.

"Key! Come o! We're gonna miss the movie!" JongHyun said, getting up.

"Alright. Well, I'll see you guys at school later. Don't stay out too late!" Called Key, linking one arm with JongHyun's and once again fixing his hair with his free hand.

"Bye! Have fun!" JaeHwa yelled, waving to the pair. "God, they make such a cute couple!!" She exclaimed, letting out a fangirlish squeal. SooMi laughed, nodding in agreement. She watched the 2 men as they walked out of the store, laughing and smiling. Oh, to be so happy and carefree.


"Where are we going NOW?" SooMi asked as she was being dragged across campus.

"The dance studio." Came the reply.

"Again?" SooMi couldn't believe it. Was that girl addicted to watching those people dance? Then again, they WERE really good. Especially TaeMin.

"Yes, again. I haven't seen them in forever!" JaeHwa answered, not wanting to admit that she just wanted to see ONE of the boys.

"We saw two of them not two hours ago!" SooMi was getting frustrated. All she wanted was to go to her dorm, crawl under the covers and bawl her eyes out,. Then, she would get mad, thow a few pictures, then go the gym and kick . Literally.

"So? That wasn't the whole gang!" JaeHwa was getting aggravated. All she wanted to do was help her friend and maybe get a good night's sleep tonight. But did she have to make it so damn hard?

"Ah! Anneonghaseyo, JaeHwa, SooMi?" Greeted TaeMin as soon as he saw the two girls. He grinned happily when JaeHwa sat down, signaling that they were here to watch the boys dance.

"OHMYGOD!! It's SooMi!!" Key yelled, running up and hugging said girl.

"Hey Key oppa." Said SooMi, giggling a little bit.

"When did you two get so close?" Onew asked, walking up to the pair.

"This afternoon over bubble tea!" Key exclaimed, throwing his arm around SooMi's shoulders.

"Hyung~ What song?" TaeMin asked, addressing all the older boys in the room as he skipped over to the stereo.

"Umm.... Soom by BEAST!!" JongHyun yelled, jumping up into the air.

"Onew hyung, that's okay with you right?" TaeMin asked as he looked through MinHo's iPod for the song.

"Ne, it's fine." Replied Onew, smiling at the boy. How he managed to be so hyper after such a long day was beyond him. The poor guy had been up since 4:30 that morning and it was now 10 at night.

"Yah! Key hyung, we're about to start!" MinHo said as the others got into position.

"Ne! We'll talk later, okay?" He said to the orange-haired girl next to him. SooMi nodded and watched as he walked to the group. Throughout the whole routine, her eyes were on a certain blonde.


"I'll be there soon, JongHyun. I just want to talk to SooMi for a bit." Key told the older boy, giving him a hug.

"Arasso~ I'll see you later." JongHyun said, smiling.

"Come on, SooMi, let's walk and talk." Key exclaimed, grabbing the younger girl's hand and dragging her (poor SooMi... always being dragged everywhere...) out of the studio. They kept going for awhile before Key was satisfied that no one had followed them.

"Okay, so tell me why you're pissed and sad." Said the boy as they sat down on a random bench. SooMi took a deep breath.

"Well... Last week my mother called to tell me that my older brother, JungSu, died of leukemia. He'd been going through the treatments for about a year, but they weren't working. Nothing was. So I guess I should have seen it coming... Anyways, I've spent the last week calling everyone, helping my mom set up the funeral, and this morning she told me that I wouldn't be able to go to the funeral. When I asked why, she said because my stupid father is going to be there. And my mom knows that if I see him, I'll beat him up." SooMi explained, fiddling with the hem of her shirt.

"Why would you beat him up?" Key asked, frowning a bit.

"Because he left!! He left us when I was ten years old! He hasn't contacted us in any way, he left us to pay off his debts, and now he gets to go to JungSu's funeral and because of that I can't go! How is that fair?" SooMi yelled, bursting into tears. Key said nothing, letting the girl cry on his shoulder while he hugged her. It really wasn't fair.

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