Chapter 21

College Days


 "Annyeonghaseyo, SooMi?" TaeMin greeted, smiling at the shorter girl. Said girl just huffed and turned away, talking to Key. "Umm... Did I do something wrong?" He asked, frowning.

   "If you don't know, then I'm not saying anything. Clueless fool." Key said, taking SooMi by the shoulders and leading her away, leaving behind a very confused TaeMin.

   "You don't have to be so harsh to him, Key oppa." SooMi told the diva, crossing her arms.

   "Of course I do. I'm on your side. We have to get it through to him somehow." Key replied, his tone leaving no room for argument. SooMi just sighed as the pair walked out of the dance studio. She was convinced that it was time for her to just give up on TaeMin, but the others wouldn't let her. Couldn't they just let her suffer and move on? It's not like it was ever going to happen! He probably didn't even like her!

   "Key hyung! Where are you guys going?" MinHo asked, jogging up to Key and SooMi.

   "SooMi and I have something to discuss-" Key started to say, but was interruoted by SooMi.

   "No, we don't," she said. " I need to study. I have nothing to discuss with anyone. Goodbye." SooMi stalked out of the room, leaving behind some shocked friends. Key thought it would be best to go talk to her, but was stopped by JongHyun.

   "Don't. Let it be. If it's meant to happen, it'll happen. Until then, just let things work themselves out." Said JongHyun, wrapping his arms around the diva's waist from behind. 

   "But this is killing her! Can't we do something to help?" Key asked, wanting both his friends to be happy.

   "We shouldn't interfere. Like I said, if it's meant to be, it'll happen. For now, let's just let events unfold by themselves."


   "I just don't get how someone can be so clueless! It's not like I've been secretive about this! I've actually been quite obvious! How can one guy be so blind?" SooMi ranted, pacing the kitchen. JaeHwa sighed.

   "SooMi, I know you said you would never do it, but I think it's time. You've used all other possible options." Said the blonde girl, making SooMi stop her pacing and stare.

   "But... What if he rejects me? I'll be completely humiliated!" Exclaimed the martial artist, throwing her hands in the air.

   "If you don't try, you'll regret it for the rest of your life. You know I'm right." Replied JaeHwa. SooMi was quiet for a few moments.

   "Alright. I'll do it. I'll confess."


   Now, saying that she was going to confess was easier than actually confessing.  For a week she had been trying to tell TaeMin her feelings, but she would either chicken out or she would be interrupted. SooMi was getting quite frustrated.  Oh yeah, sure, tell him how you feel, it'll be easy. Yeah right! This was the second hardest thing she'd ever tried to do, right after attempting to spend Christmas with her father. She figured she should just go with her original idea and give up completely. There was no way she could confess to TaeMin now. She had lost all nerve.

   "Annyeong, SooMi~" TaeMin greeted her, giving her a smile.

   "Annyeong TaeMin-ah." Replied the martial artist, returning his smile with a half-hearted one of her own.

   "Uhh... Can I talk to you? Please?" Asked the blonde, fiddling nervously. SooMi raised an eyebrow and nodded, motioning for him to start. "Well... It's just that I've noticed that you've been kind of mad at me for a while and... I just wanted to know what I did wrong so that I can fix it. I don't like having you mad at me because... Well..." TaeMin trailed off, seeming unable to continue.

   "Because what?" Asked SooMi, curious now.

   "Well, you see... I sorta maybe kinda like you. A lot."

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