College Days Chapter 10

College Days


"SooMi, come on. Get out of the car." JaeHwa said, crossing her arms.

"No." Replied SooMi, crossing her arms as well.

"Why not? You weren't complainingwhen we bought the dress yesterday!" The blonde was getting really annoyed. The guys were waiting for them.

"Come one, SooMi! You'll get to show off how gorgeous you look in that dress!" Key excaimed, trying to coax the martial artist out.

"No. The only reason I was okay yesterday was because I was hoping something would come up and I wouldn't be able to come." SooMi retorted, ignoring Key's attempts at getting her out of the car.

"Wae?" JongHyun asked, coming up behind Key and wrapping his arms around him.

"Do you really think I want to have people flaunting and bragging about their money to me? It's not exactly appealing to me." Explained the orange haired girl, looking at her six friends.

"It's not appealing to any of us." Key replied gently. He knew that SooMi's family was poor and struggling to pay off her father's debts.

"Come on. We'll get to laugh at all the fat people." JongHyun added, smiling.

"Please SooMi. If you don't come, it'll be boring." JaeHwa was almost on her knees, begging her best friend to come out. SooMi looked at the five of them; Onew and TaeMin were smiling hopefully, MinHo looked like he was trying to get her out of the car using his mind, JongHyunhad an arm wrapped around Key and was smiling at her, JaeHwa had her hands clasped together in the universal pleading gesture, and Key was leaning into JongHyun, holding a hand out to her. She the locket around her neck, sent a quick prayer to whatever was up there, and took Key's hand, smiling nervously.

Please let this be bearable.


"JongHyun oppa, wait!! Why are you going so fast?" JaeHwa cried, trying to keep up with her cousin. This was proving to be quite difficult because of the heels she was wearing.

"I'm trying to get away from your grandmother!" JongHyun exclaimed, searching the crowd desperately for his boyfriend.

"What did she do?" Asked the blonde, spotting Key and taking her frantic cousin to him.

"She tried to set me up with a girl!" The short man exclaimed, grabbing a confused Key and hiding behind him. AT this point, JaeHwa was trying very hard not to laugh. Her grandmother was one of the few people she like in her family. The others were her grandfather and her sister.

"Who did she try to set you up with?" She asked, curious.

"Your sister!!" Was the horrified answer. JaeHwa burst out laughing.

"Jinjja? That is hilarious!" Key was chuckling now as well, not even bothering to hide his amusement.

"No it's not!! That's ! We're frickin cousins!!!" Yelled JongHyun, trying to make them see the seriousness of the situation.

"Releax, Jong. Can't you just tell her to buzz off?" Key asked, turning to face his boyfriend.

"Aniyo!! She's too scary!!"

"Who's too scary?" TaeMin asked, coming up next to JaeHwa.

"JongHyun oppa is scared of my grandmother." JaeHwa informed him. "Where's SooMi?"

"Your mother took her somewhere. I tried to stop her but..." TaeMin trailed off, looking worried.

". When was this?" JaeHwa asked, whipping out her baby pink cell phone.

"10 minutes ago. I've been looking for you ever since. Onew hyung went to look for them. JaeHwa nodded and started dialing.

"Syung-Sook unnie? We have a problem. Mother took SooMi somewhere but we don't know where. I'm calling because I don't want to waste time. Is Father with you? No? Okay. Well, if you see him, tell him that his wife is missing. Happy birthday by the way." She hung up the phone. 

"What do you think your mother will do to her?" MinHo asked, frowning. He was glad he had a normal family.

"Try and humiliate her, put her down." JaeHwa replied, trying to figure out where her mother could have taken SooMi.

"What is Onew oppa's cell phone number?" She asked, adressing the whole group. Maybe he found her...


   A few minutes later, she was talking to Onew on the phone. He didn't know where SookYung had taken SooMi. All he knew was that SookYung had been heading to the back of the building, dragging the orange haired girl with her.

"The back of the building... The alleyway!! Of course, no one would bother them there! Onew go there. We'll meet up with you." She quickly hung up the phone and started making her way through the crowd, the other four hot on her heels.


   They arrived 15 minutes later, panting. They had run after leaving the ball room. What they saw in the alley shocked them.


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