Chapter 8: Chance Meetings

A Tale of A Backpacker

follow me, know what's up, that's what's up.

The sun was setting. In fact, the sun had already set and was gone. All that was left were the purple and orange rays coming from the horizons, that began to blend in with the upcoming night sky. The colorful rays were the source of light for Hoya and I's ride home. The colors engulfed our silence, making our surroundings tranquil and calm. Nothing was in my mind, besides the colors; the purples, blues, oranges, reds, and yellows. But contrary to mine, I could tell that Hoya had several things on his mind besides the setting sun; his mother, work, a possible vacation, and his dedication.

"Do you always ask strangers on impromptu vacations?" Hoya joked as he broke the silence. 

I laughed, "No, I don't." Hoya nodded and continued driving down the road. His eyes seemed to calm with my response. I still couldn't get a read on what he was thinking. He just seemed too complex.

"Hoya, do believe in chance meetings?" I asked.

Hoya shrugged his shoulders in reply, "I guess. Why?"

I pulled my knees to my chest, letting my feet rest on the car chair. I wrapped my arms around my legs shyly, then I looked at him. "My mother did. She believed in them so much. That's how she met her best friends."

I was seven when my mother met her best friends. 

My parents and I embarked on a cruise that was set to sail across the Eastern Caribbean. The plan was to meet locals, eat great local food, and take the craziest photos at every street corner. We knew that we would be meeting wonderful, new people, but we didn't expect to make life long bonds with them. My mother's closest friends were named Jun and Lee. 

They were just two Korean men that we met on tour. They were on the same cruise ship, but we never bumped into them. On tour, my mother bonded with them over topics like upcoming Korean actors, dramas, and new music. The two 'partners' were obviously Renaissance men, and they were up to date with all the trends. My mother fit right in with them. By the end of the trip, my mother had their numbers and we visited each other on holidays. They became my Uncle Jun and Uncle Lee. 

The were two of the most interesting men on the planet. Their personalities complimented my mother's in such a way. Their relationship with each other as partners was new for me, but it was also opened my eyes to the world. All thanks to a chance meeting.

"These are the kinds of people that you will only meet due to chance meetings, and self-exposure. Remember that Hana," my mother said when she bid her last goodbye to her two best friends. 

I smiled at the memory. My mother's bold personality guided my entire life. I still can't find myself without her guiding light. I sighed. "My mother told me to take chances. She told me to live a little, and explore till the ends of the Earth. We meet amazing people that way," I mumbled. 

The sun had set outside of the window. Now, only the night stars gave light for Hoya. Hoya still hadn't moved. He just drove, eyes never leaving the road.

"So, if i were to take a chance and dropped everything, you think my life would change?" Hoya asked bitterly, "I honestly don't think my life will change if I took a vacation. It might become more stressful."

"You won't know till you take a chance," I replied, "Remember, chance meetings. Take chances."

After a few moments, we pulled up to the Hostel. The old building towered over the car as we sat in total silence. Hoya shut the car engine off awhile ago, but leaving the car felt wrong. There were still matters to be discussed, but the silence was comfortable. We've had many of these moments today, where Hoya and I sat in total silence, pondering things. 

"Let's take a chance then," Hoya said as he the engine. He revved the engine, and we drove off into the night., it took me 8 chapters to get this story rolling?

I'm starting really slow. sorry if this is getting boring. 

honestly, this story is more for myself to just develop my writing skills. ><

but, I do hope you enjoy, subscribe, and comment. 





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Chapter 15: Ohoh,Lee Howon,you suddenly absorbed me.
Chapter 15: The trailer is really pretty :)
Mmm I wonder what happened to her mother that Hana feels so guilty!
That's alright! I know that you can continue on with this story! I have so much faith in you ^^ your writing style is really relatable, and I love when you update :)

쌩유 for the update!

P.s. what happened to Omma, Tell Me A story? I'll be waiting for that too~
and then???
woohyun and dongwoo! kkkkkkkk xD i wonder what his reaction will be, that hoya?
mylovely_hy #7
he? namu and dino are gay couple? hahahaha ..okay i'm wait for next chapter.. ^^
Halimalikesrice #8
Aww bless Hoya! His little outburst is so cute!
YAY! You updated ^^
I don't think I was surprised with 2woo haha
@ImposedWriter LOL, I bet that's what other people from different fandoms think!
boyfriend :)