Chapter 14: Rooms

A Tale of A Backpacker

follow me, know what's up, that's what's up.


Hoya’s face was unreadable. There were so many facial expressions that passed, that I couldn’t even begin to understand what he was thinking. He was confused, relieved, and angry with me all at the same time. He apologized for assuming anything and wished Dongwoo and Woohyun happiness in their relationship.

The couple in front of us smiled at Hoya. Woohyun and Dongwoo, at that moment, fully accepted Hoya. And for some reason, I felt that they liked Hoya more than me. With a sigh, I enjoyed the rest of the car ride. After an amusing twenty-minute drive, we finally reached Dongwoo and Woohyun’s apartment. Dongwoo dropped us off at the front before driving to the parking lot a block away.

“You should’ve just told me,” Hoya mumbled as we followed Woohyun up the stairs. Hoya carried both his and my bags, showing that he wasn’t too upset with my joke.

“I thought it would be funny to see you freak out,” I replied, “Unfortunately, you took it a bit too coolly.”

We walked up seven flights of stairs, and on that 8th floor, Woohyun pulled out his key for his apartment. He pushed the door in, and opened it for us. “Welcome to my humble abode,” he said.

Inside was prime example of the modern, French, luxury home. The living room had baby blue painted walls with a white molding. Three windows faced into the street, bringing in natural lighting. A sofa and coffee table, sitting on a black fashion rug sat in the middle of the room. A TV and two armchairs faced the fireplace while sitting on the all-wooden floor. I expected nothing less than luxury for Nam Woohyun.

“Whoa,” Hoya said in awe.

“More like expected,” I mumbled, “Woo, where will I be staying?”

Woohyun dropped his keys on the wooden desk in the living room. He turned to face me, all while rubbing his neck awkwardly, “Well, we kind of have a problem. We only have one guest room…”

“I can sleep on the couch—“ Hoya started.

“No, it’s fine,” I said, “I don’t mind sharing a room. I’ve done it with strangers before. And you’re less than a stranger now.”

“Appa, who are they?”

They were a family, just the same size as us: A father, mother, and daughter. They looked like a peaceful, happy family. They welcomed us into their home with open arms and eagerly fed us. It was the first time that my family ever experienced anything like this. 

A month before we took our vacation to Bomun Lake, my mother stumbled upon an interesting ad on a vacation site. It was an ad for home sharing. We would pay for housing, while the family fed us. My mother, an avid fan of trying new things, jumped at the chance to try this new type of vacation and immediatly swipped her credit card for the trip.

“I can’t believe they have these kinds of things,” I told my father in a hushed tone. We sat at the dinner table with the other family.

“Neither can I, but let’s enjoy it anway!” my father said as he dug into his bowl of rice.

After our dinner, I moved into the room with the youngest daughter: MinJi. She was the same age as me (fourteen years old), and almost the same height. From the back we look the same. She became one of my closest friends.

“Appa, let’s come back and share a home with a stranger again,” I said tearfully as we drove away from the Lake.

Woohyun eyed both of us. A smile came to his lips. I knew that look in his eyes, and I’d have to confront him about it later. But for know he assured us by saying, “You don’t have to worry about sharing beds. There are two full sized in there. We had tons of guests coming in when we first moved, so we needed the extra bedding.”

Hoya breathed a sigh of relief. We both know how awkward that would’ve been if we were to share a bed.

“You could have said that at the beginning,” I said as I elbowed Woohyun.

Woohyun looked at me with disbelief, “You didn’t let me finish my sentence!” Before I could reply, Woohyun nudged my forehead, “Don’t argue, cause I always win!” he joked, “Now you two rest a little, clean up, and get ready for dinner tonight. We’re going somewhere nice.”

Still feeling an invisible barrier, Hoya said, “Are you sure you don’t want the room to yourself? I’ve spent months sleeping on a couch before!”

I started at with with disbelief. Months?! There wasn't anyway I was going to let him sleep on the couch now! “Look Hoya, I am perfectly fine sharing a room with you,” I said, “If you can’t control yourself around me, I totally understand!”

“Hana!” he shouted, “I am not a ert!”

“Then you wouldn’t mind sharing a room with me,” I laughed, “If it makes you more comfortable, Woohyun stays in the room next to ours. The walls here are so thin.”

Hoya didn’t reply. Instead, he longingly looked at the couch.

“Now that that’s settled, the room is the first on your left,” Woohyun said

With a thank you, I pushed Hoya down the white, high ceilinged hallway. When he finally walked on his own, I followed behind him, wanting to lie down as soon as possible. We entered the first-door on the left. Our room had two beds, just liked Woohyun said, both covered in matching green bedding. They accented the white, yet randomly green striped bedroom. On the far wall, a wide bay window sat.

In our room, Hoya took the bed closest to the door, while I took the one towards the window. Hoya left to change in the bathroom, while I sat on the window’s attached seat and stared out the window. Just outside our window, small figures of people walked by. Small, tall, fat and skinny walked to their destination. They all seemed to know what they were doing. It reminded me of the fact that I still had no idea where my life was headed.

“Thinking about you life?” Hoya joked as he walked into our bedroom.

With a sigh, I replied, “Yeah.”

“Why are we always worrying about our lives?” Hoya said lightly.

“Cause we’re sad people,” I said, finally tearing my jealous eyes away from the knowing people, “Does everyone in the world know what they’re doing besides me?”

Hoya walked towards his bed, and laid in its sheets, “No, there are millions of lost people in the world. Some lost mentally, while others are lost in an unknown place. Too be honest, I don’t even think you’re lost.”

“Then how come I don’t know what I’m doing anymore? After this trip, I have nothing planned for my future. Am I going to college again? What do I want to be? Should I just live off of my father? I want to know what’s my plan in life, but I just can’t put the plan together myself,” I vented.

Hoya blinked at me, “I know that feeling. It’s just one of life’s many obstacles. You’ll figure it out. Why don’t you take a nap? We have a dinner later.”

“Okay,” I replied. I hopped into my bed, not bothering to change out of my clothes. “Hoya,” I called, “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure,” he answered. I was sure he was about to fall asleep, because the pitch of his voice went down half an octave.

“Do you think I’ll be lost forever?”

Hoya chuckled, “Of course not. You’re a headstrong girl, I’m almost a hundred percent sure you’ll know where you want to go soon enough. Now, take a nap. I’m sure you’re completely tired.”

I was, so I closed my eyes. I fell into a deep slumber, where I had this frightening dream.

It had my mother in it and we were just sitting outside of our favorite café. We sipped our favorite coffees while staring at the passing people and cars. We talked about my future. She mentioned something about college and recommended majors to me. I didn’t want to talk about it, but she continued to persist. To every suggestion, I replied back with a mean, disrespectful comment. The talk escalated into a fight, and I stood up to leave. Then, scream echoed through my dream, and at that moment everything turned black…


I'm starting to lose the realisim of this story. nooooooo.

oh well. 

so, I'm really sorry. Updates will be less starting now. I have school in two days, and I'm going to be busy with after school activities. sigh. but updates on weekends. i promise. right now, I'm writing multiple updates to hopefully be posted when I can't write updates. 

thanks for reading! <3


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Chapter 15: Ohoh,Lee Howon,you suddenly absorbed me.
Chapter 15: The trailer is really pretty :)
Mmm I wonder what happened to her mother that Hana feels so guilty!
That's alright! I know that you can continue on with this story! I have so much faith in you ^^ your writing style is really relatable, and I love when you update :)

쌩유 for the update!

P.s. what happened to Omma, Tell Me A story? I'll be waiting for that too~
and then???
woohyun and dongwoo! kkkkkkkk xD i wonder what his reaction will be, that hoya?
mylovely_hy #7
he? namu and dino are gay couple? hahahaha ..okay i'm wait for next chapter.. ^^
Halimalikesrice #8
Aww bless Hoya! His little outburst is so cute!
YAY! You updated ^^
I don't think I was surprised with 2woo haha
@ImposedWriter LOL, I bet that's what other people from different fandoms think!
boyfriend :)