Chapter 11: The Days After Awkwardness

A Tale of A Backpacker

follow me, know what's up, that's what's up.


I traveled alone for the next two days, visiting all the places the Hoya pointed out when we were on the Ferris wheel. It was amazing just standing in front of astounding landmarks, but I felt lonely. Traveling alone was a first, and it was an enjoyable, a new experience, but I didn’t expect myself to crave for companionship this much. Maybe I wasn’t necessarily lonely, but rather the fact that I didn’t crave just regular company. I missed Hoya’s company.

While I sulked through my two days of solitude, Hoya kept busy. Not that I noticed or anything. There were many times that I noticed his wave of greeting while he ran to perform some task for the Hostel. After all the talks we had about taking a break, putting the needs behind us, and just breathing in the air, Hoya still worked his off.

“Stubborn,” I mumbled to myself while I stuffed a muffin into my mouth. I said it out of spite for Hoya. But also, cause I knew of his stubborn attitude all too well.

My mother always thought that I was completely stubborn.

While on a trip to the Islands, my mother and I argued about what our family should do for the day. She wanted to shop and explore the cities, while meeting all the new people. I, on the other hand, wanted to stay on the beach, bask in the sunshine, and swim in the cool ocean.

“We can do that tomorrow Hana! Today, there is this festival going on in town and—“

Before I let her even finish, I yelled out a big, fat “NO!” and crossed my eyes in frustration. The beach called out to me, and there was no way I was refusing its call.

“We’re going without you then!” my mother yelled, “Stubborn child.”


I regretted not going with my parents. The pictures of the bright, colorful festival sparked incredible amounts of jealousy. They brought home adorable souvenirs and clothes, all for themselves. I, on the other hand, got horrible, painful sunburn.

Hoya was like me in a way. He didn’t like to adapt or change his plans. He lived by one way and one way only, which was fine, but life is full of changes! I acted exactly like that before, but with all of my travels, I’ve learned to enjoy the changes in life. That's why I decided to change up my original plans for my vacation.

Tomorrow, I’d be leaving London. I choose to take an impromptu side trip to Paris, and then Rome. For a week and a half, I would explore the romantic city of Paris, then the religious and historical city of Rome. My last week of vacation would be spent here in London.

Two nights ago, I called up my best friend from high school. After an hour of catching up, I asked if he would let me stay with him in Paris.  He agreed to take me in, show me around Paris, and head with me to Italy. Honestly, I was excited, because it had been years since I last saw his face. I wanted to see how he was doing, and how well his relationship with his boyfriend was.

Finishing the last few bites of food on my plate, I began to gather my things to leave. While looking down into my bag, I felt the presence of someone before me. The chair in front of me scratched its legs on the wooden floor, alerting me that someone sat in its seat. Whoever it was placed his trays of food on the table. I was able to feel his or her eyes look at me expectantly.

I knew who it was, just by the feeling of his gaze.

“I heard you were leaving tomorrow,” Hoya said before he dipped his spoon into the bowl of cereal.

“Yeah,” I replied, looking at him with confusion. This was the first time that I had seen him not running around the Hostel. Bitterly, I asked, “Aren’t you supposed to be busy or something?”

He nodded, “But I got to eat first. Can't save this place on an empty stomach.”

“Okay, superman,” I replied with confusion, “Look, I got to go. I’m catching this tour to see the Queen and—“

“—Let me drive you to the train station tomorrow,” Hoya interrupted, “I’ll take you there, okay?” He looked at me with serious eyes, then continued to eat munch on his cereal.

Stunned by his boldness, I nodded my head slowly. “Sure. Thanks,” I said. Without anything left to say, I awkwardly stood up and said, “Well, I’ll be going.”

“Have fun. Give my regards to the Queen,” he said flatly.

Without replying, I left for my tour. In between moments of enjoying myself, I kept thinking about Hoya.

Why would he drive me to the airport when he was always so busy? Maybe it was just an act of kindness, I thought. But, the more I thought about it, the less it made sense to me. He didn't have to drive me anywhere, why did he want to do it? I thought about it till I went to bed that night. And even before I closed my eyes shut, I thought about it again.

"He's always making me wonder," I mumbled to myself. 

The next morning, I packed up my belongings in the one luggage that I brought. After saying goodbye to my room, I walked downstairs with my bags to the Hostel's cafeteria. Hoya was already there, standing in the cafeteria, waiting for me to grab an apple so that we could head to King's Cross Station.

"Morning," he said after handing me an apple and a paper bag. 

"Morning," I replied, "What's this?"

The paper bag was full and heavy. With curious eyes, I peeked into the bag and found a sandwich, can of tea, and a bag of chips. Along with the apple, I had a full meal.

I smiled and said, "Thanks Hoya. I appreciate it."

Hoya began to walk out of the Hostel and I followed behind. My hands continued to drift back and forth into the bag, making sure that Hoya actually did this kind act for me. Once my senses were together, I thanked him again.

Hoya nodded at me and hopped into the car. "No problem," he replied, "Now, let's go. Our train leaves in an hour."

I stopped outside of the car, opening the door, but not entering it. “Our?” I asked.

Hoya didn’t respond. He eyed me while tapping the face of his watch. “It’s already 9am. Someone’s train leaves in forty-five minutes,” sang Hoya.

With a scoff, I threw my bags into the back seat, and then sat in the front row with Hoya. I didn’t notice, but besides my bag, there was another bag hidden behind Hoya’s chair. “Whatever, I know you drive fast anyway,” I said with no worry.

After an oddly quiet drive to King’s Cross Station, Hoya dropped my off at the entrance of the building. Before driving off, Hoya asked me, “Did you buy your ticket yet?”

“No,” I replied, “I’m planning on buying it now.”

He leaned on the car door. “Make sure to get economy. You don’t want an expensive ticket for this trip. It isn’t worth it,” he stated.

I nodded and waved goodbye. He drove out of the parking lot, letting me sigh in relief. I hoped that this side trip would alleviate the thoughts of Hoya from my mind. Thinking about an acquaintance this much really wasn’t healthy. I smiled and went inside to purchase my ticket for the train.

lalalala, hope you enjoyed this chapter!

lalalala, I love Hoya.

lalalala, I love LeeJoon

lalalala, I love Jay Park.

lalalala, I love Tom Daley.

lalalala I love One Direction.

lalalala, I obviously like British and Korean men,

lalalala, nothing else to say.


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Chapter 15: Ohoh,Lee Howon,you suddenly absorbed me.
Chapter 15: The trailer is really pretty :)
Mmm I wonder what happened to her mother that Hana feels so guilty!
That's alright! I know that you can continue on with this story! I have so much faith in you ^^ your writing style is really relatable, and I love when you update :)

쌩유 for the update!

P.s. what happened to Omma, Tell Me A story? I'll be waiting for that too~
and then???
woohyun and dongwoo! kkkkkkkk xD i wonder what his reaction will be, that hoya?
mylovely_hy #7
he? namu and dino are gay couple? hahahaha ..okay i'm wait for next chapter.. ^^
Halimalikesrice #8
Aww bless Hoya! His little outburst is so cute!
YAY! You updated ^^
I don't think I was surprised with 2woo haha
@ImposedWriter LOL, I bet that's what other people from different fandoms think!
boyfriend :)