Chapter 13: "Enchanté, Mademoiselle"

A Tale of A Backpacker

follow me, know what's up, that's what's up.

“I heard this train goes underwater,” I told Hoya.

He nodded, “I’ve never been on this train, but I’ve heard the same thing. You think we’ll be able to see the ocean?”

I shrugged my shoulders, “I doubt it.”

Hoya and I were on our way to Paris, France: home of the Eiffel Tower, berets, and French kisses. After deciding to let Hoya tag along, we both relaxed into our train ride, enjoying the passing scenery of the English countryside. Cows, sheep, and horses enjoyed themselves in the sun’s rays as we passed them. Other animals hid themselves in barns to keep themselves cool.

Suddenly remembering a question, I asked Hoya, “Did you really not plan this ‘vacation’ out?”

Hoya was barely awake. His head leaned on one shoulder, facing towards me, and his eyes were shut. His breaths came out slow. With the remaining amounts of his consciousness, he answered, “Nope. Only packed.”

“So where do you plan on staying then?” I asked.

Hoya's eyes were still shut. He tried hard to stay asleep while maintaining a conversation. “Wherever you are,” he replied, "That's the only fault to the 'Use Hoya Card'. You owe me housing." 

I scoffed. He just decided to tag along, not even bothering to think his whole plan through? “I’m staying with a friend,” I replied, "I don't know if my friend will be able to guarantee you a place to stay." 

“Well, we can call her and ask if I can stay too,” Hoya insisted. It was obvious that sleep was talking for him. If he was fully awake, he would have more discretion. His sleepiness overpowered his manners. I couldn't blame him though. If I was as busy as he was, I'd use every spare second to catch up on some z's. I put my irritation aside, and tried my best to keep a level head. 

"I'm staying with my best friend from high school. Who happens to be a guy," I said, "Namja." 

Hoya's surprise woke him up. His eyes flew wide open and looked at me with shock. "You were planning on staying with a guy? Just you two?! Guys cannot be trusted!" Hoya spat, "I can't allow that!"

I shook my head. If only he knew the truth about my friend. "Look, if it makes you feel better, I'll text my friend and see if you can come too. I doubt he'll mind," I said with a sigh, "I really can't wait for you to meet him."

"Why?" Hoya asked. 

"You'll see." 

"Hana, wake up. We're here now."

Hoya's voice woke me from my sleep. When my eyes opened, the train was fully stopped and people were slowly getting onto the main platform of the Gare Du Nord, the train station of Paris. The station wasn't as big as Kings Cross Station, but it has as the same amount of character. With its one wall solely covered in glass and its high ceilings, the Gare Du Nord was spectacular. Still a little confused, I asked Hoya to help me up. We gathered our belongings and followed the masses of people off of the train. 

"Who are we looking for?" Hoya asked while searching through the crowds of people. 

With a smile, a pulled Hoya by the arm and pointed into the distance. "Him." 

My best friend from high school ran towards me. Wearing white jeans, a white V-neck, a green cardigan, and a huge, bright smile, he politely made it through the crowd to meet us. I let go of Hoya's arm and ran to meet him. 

"Hana!" he yelled before picking me up from the ground to spin me. "I missed you! It's been too long!"

I laughed, "Put me down! I missed you too, Woohyun."

He set me on the ground and patted my head. "How have you been shorty?" Before I could reply, Woohyun's eyes wandered over my head to look at Hoya. Taking a quick glance, I saw how uncomfortable he was just standing there alone. I stifled a laugh. Woohyun chuckled and said, "That must be him. Does he know that I'm--"

"Nope," I stated, "He doesn't." Feeling a bit mischievous, I asked, "Let's surprise him?" 

I saw the glint in Woohyun's eyes, and I didn't have to wait for him response. Woohyun interloped his arm with mine and we walked back towards Hoya. While we were farther away, Woohyun mumbled, "I'm not going to lie. He's a total cutie." Hoya saw us approaching and began to awkwardly gather our belongings. Woohyun laughed.

“You really haven’t told him anything,” laughed Woohyun.

2 hours ago.

Hoya fell asleep. There was no way to wake him from his slumber; he was out cold. His soft snores drifted him into a deep sleep. I took the chance to text Woohyun and ask him if I could bring Hoya.

Hey, Woo, a friend tagged along. Do you mind housing him?

sent to Nam Woohyun from Kim Hana

Do you think I’m running some kind of hotel?

But since it’s you, sure. Is he cute at least?

sent to Kim Hana from Nam Woohyun

I think so. But, I wanted to try something.

Whenever you pick us up, let Dongwoo stay in the car.

Why is your “friend” homophobic or something?

Nope, but he’s easily jealous.


When Woohyun and I reached Hoya, I let go of Woohyun's arm. Stepping aside, I smiled and introduced the two. “Woohyun this is Hoya, my friend from London. Hoya this is Woohyun, my best friend.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” Hoya said with his hand out. Hoya and Woohyun shook hands.

"Nice to meet you too. Let's go, Dongwoo is waiting in the car," Woohyun said with a bright smile as he began to walk towards the exit of the train station. 

Hoya picked up his luggage and mine and followed behind Woohyun. "Is Dongwoo a friend of yours?" he asked. 

"You can say that," Woohyun replied. 

Outside of the station, the French street was filled with walking pedestrians, working and busy restaurants, and tall trees that shaded the several cars and people that were passing from the hot sun. Tall buildings with high class character and windows lined the street, each having a restaurant, shop, or cafe on its first floor. 

"Whoa," Hoya and I said simultaneously. 

"This way!" Woohyun called as he began to cross the street. We followed right at his tail, afraid we'd get lost in the sea of people. Woohyun stopped at a black car and opened its trunk. Hoya, with the help of Woohyun, tossed our bags into the trunk, then we all hopped into the car. Inside, a cheerful voice greeted us. 

"Hana!" said the Driver, "How have you been? I'm guessing good since you've gotten yourself a--" 

"Dongwoo!" I interrupted, "Oh how I've missed you and your loud mouth. This is Hoya by the way." Dongwoo looked into the rearview mirror and politely greeted Hoya, a little more friendly than he usually would. Dongwoo gave me a wink of approval and started to drive. Woohyun and I caught up a bit, but agreed to save most of the catching up for dinner later.

There was a momentary silence, till Hoya broke it. "So how do you three know each other?"

"Hana and I are best friends since high school," Woohyun said, "And Dongwoo..." Woohyun moved his hand from his lap, and placed it over Dongwoo's, which was holding the gear shift. 

"...He's my boyfriend."


yeah, um, aside from yadong, I really like 2woo. ><

& school starts for me next week, so I'm going to hopefully writing a few chapters early so I can post them later on. I'm pretty sure that I won't have much time to write besides the weekends, but I'll try to write weekly updates.

I'm sorry for such a crap update. I've been sleep deprived.


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Chapter 15: Ohoh,Lee Howon,you suddenly absorbed me.
Chapter 15: The trailer is really pretty :)
Mmm I wonder what happened to her mother that Hana feels so guilty!
That's alright! I know that you can continue on with this story! I have so much faith in you ^^ your writing style is really relatable, and I love when you update :)

쌩유 for the update!

P.s. what happened to Omma, Tell Me A story? I'll be waiting for that too~
and then???
woohyun and dongwoo! kkkkkkkk xD i wonder what his reaction will be, that hoya?
mylovely_hy #7
he? namu and dino are gay couple? hahahaha ..okay i'm wait for next chapter.. ^^
Halimalikesrice #8
Aww bless Hoya! His little outburst is so cute!
YAY! You updated ^^
I don't think I was surprised with 2woo haha
@ImposedWriter LOL, I bet that's what other people from different fandoms think!
boyfriend :)