Chapter 6: "So this is London..."

A Tale of A Backpacker

follow me, know what's up, that's what's up.

"Do you prefer music or history?"

Hoya and I had just finished breakfast and were ready to leave the hostel when he asked me that question. I continued to sit at one of the many kitchen tables a I pondered about this question. History was my best subject in school, but music always seemed more special to me. Music was a part of me, history was not. 

"Music," I stated, "Why?"

Hoya smiled then gestured for me to stand up to go, "I was hoping you'd say music. I'm hoping that you like The Beatles, because today we're going on a Beatles tour, with your guide Lee Howon!" 

Hoya guided me into the back of the of Hostel, where the parking lot was located. In the far corner, a dark purple car was parked. He guided me towards his car. Hesitantly, I entered the car. I began to question my decision to let this stranger take me around. "Well, I am on vacation," I mumbled trying to assure myself, "And it's the Beatles tour! Come on, Hana, a tour won't kill me."

I took a seat and waited for Hoya to turn on the car. As soon as Hoya started the engine loud rap music blasted through his car speakers. Surprised, Hoya's quick hand turned down the music to a listenable volume. "Sorry, I tend to blast music when I'm alone." Hoya began to drive.

I looked at him with confusion, "You obviously like hip hop, but you know enough about the Beatles to take me on a Beatles tour?"

"I like several genres of music: K-pop, Rock, Alternative, Dance, R&B, but mostly Hip Hop. The Beatles in one of my favorite groups out of Hip Hop. You can't not like the Beatles if you live in London. It's like hating Kimchi if you're Korean, it's just wrong." Hoya said with a chuckle. I couldn't help but laugh with him.

Hoya was a confusing man. His appearance made him appear to be a man who loved to party, but it turned out that he barely goes out because of the work at the Hostel. His friendly attitude when I first met him made me believe that he was a flirt, but in reality he had horrible game. Hoya just isn't who he appears to be. It was refreshing. I wondered how much of the real Hoya was hidden.

Hoya took me everywhere. We visited popular music stations, parks dedicated to the Beatles, and even their past homes! It was fun. Hoya even knew fun facts about the members and the locations we visited. 

"Let's head to our last place?" asked Hoya. I nodded. 

We got into the car and began to go towards our next destination. We drove several street, passing old buildings and even older people. As we drove by, I made sure to take in as much I could. 

Before I knew it, Hoya was happily saying, "We're here!" He hopped out of the car to put change into the car parking meter. We appeared to just be on a random street. Why was this place saved for last?

I got out of the car, with my camera in hand. "Um, where are we?"

Hoya gasped. "You don't know Abbey Road?" 

I rubbed my eyes and looked around the street. I wanted to hit myself in the head. We were on the famous Abbey Road, where the Beatles shot the cover for the eleventh album. "CAN WE TAKE A PICTURE LIKE THEM?" I yelled as I immediately ran into the street.

"Hana, wait!" Hoya yelled, pulling me back by my bag strap, "This street in dangerous. When I give you the signal, you walk across the street like they did and I'll snap your photo." 

Hoya had it well planned. He gave me the signal and we took my photo. He gave my another memory to cherish, just through this one photo that he took for me. "It looks good," he said with a smile

"You're amazing Hoya!" I said, grinning till my cheeks were sore. 

After the tour, we decided to head to one of Hoya's favorite restaurants. I promised that I would treat him. As we drove, we passed by the famous Abbey Road Studios. At these studios, several big producers recorded there hits here. I took my camera out and snapped a few pictures, mentally reminding myself to buy a large photo album. As I continued to snap, Hoya cleared his throat. I expected him to tell me a fun fact, but instead Hoya let out a confession. 

"You know," he started, "I've always wanted to record at this studio. Even if it was just for a second, I'd be satisfied." Hoya sighed and then sadly chuckled at his own dream. 

I put my camera down to look at Hoya. Hoya... wanted to be a singer? "You want to pursue music, don't you?" I asked.

Hoya nodded and continued to drive past the studios. "I've wanted to be a singer since I was a kid. In high school, I joined a dance group and everything. I was so sure that I was gonna make it big, especially since I practically lived in the dance studio. But things got a little complicated during my junior year of high school, and I had to drop everything," confessed Hoya. He ripped his eyes from the road to glance at me. 

I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. I knew how he felt, to just drop everything you had going for you, because things got rough. I knew exactly how he felt. 

"I'm sorry if I made this all awkward," he sighed, "I tend to drift into memories."

I shook my head to assure him that things weren't awkward, "I know how you feel."

"Why don't you tell me about it while we eat," Hoya suggested as he parked the car in front restaurant near the bay.

"That'd be nice," I said with a smile.

I don't really know how I feel about this chapter. 

It's kind of like a really meaty filler ?

haha. okay, subscribe, comment, enjoy.



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Chapter 15: Ohoh,Lee Howon,you suddenly absorbed me.
Chapter 15: The trailer is really pretty :)
Mmm I wonder what happened to her mother that Hana feels so guilty!
That's alright! I know that you can continue on with this story! I have so much faith in you ^^ your writing style is really relatable, and I love when you update :)

쌩유 for the update!

P.s. what happened to Omma, Tell Me A story? I'll be waiting for that too~
and then???
woohyun and dongwoo! kkkkkkkk xD i wonder what his reaction will be, that hoya?
mylovely_hy #7
he? namu and dino are gay couple? hahahaha ..okay i'm wait for next chapter.. ^^
Halimalikesrice #8
Aww bless Hoya! His little outburst is so cute!
YAY! You updated ^^
I don't think I was surprised with 2woo haha
@ImposedWriter LOL, I bet that's what other people from different fandoms think!
boyfriend :)