Chapter 3: Sent From Above?

What Happens In Heaven?


All I remember was seeing this necklace and the man and hitting my head on something hard but when I woke up, I was already in the clinic. “Oh, you’re awake now.” Nurse Choi greeted me with a smile. “What happened to me?” I began asking her. “Well, one of the janitors found you lying outside the music room and apparently you slipped and fell on someone’s wet tracks.” She said. “But… I saw…” I was about to tell her the man but then she handed me the necklace. “Oh, by the way, the janitor found this beside you. You should be careful of your jewelries. This looks like a pretty rare piece to me.” She said and smiled. I got the necklace and stared at it for a while. What happened to the man I saw? Was I seeing someone that I should not be seeing? Am I being played by some bullies? My thoughts were endless. “Uhm… Nurse Choi, thank you for taking care of me. I think I’m okay now and the rain has finally stopped.” I said and gave her a slight smile. She came to me and checked my forehead for any sign of fever or anything before she bade me goodbye and asked me to take care. this was not an ordinary day.


She saw me. What on earth is happening to me? I saw the girl walked out the clinic and then I began following her. She looked scared. And that necklace, why can’t I hold it? It’s supposed to be my powers! Aish! Hee Chul hyung, I wish you were here. I don’t know what’s happening to me.


I went home and changed my clothes. I looked at the necklace lying on my bed beside my bag. It really looked pretty. Who could this necklace belong? And who the hell would actually lost this beautiful necklace? I was being pestered by my thoughts again. “That won’t move by your thoughts.” I heard someone spoke. I looked at my bedroom door and the man from earlier was casually leaning there. “OH MY GOD! How did you-?!” I asked him as I went to get the necklace and my study lamp so I could hit the stranger. I was sure no one followed me but this is really creeping me out. “Please calm down. I’m not here to hurt you. I just need my necklace.” he said going towards me. “NO! Who the hell are you?!” I screamed. “Aish. Please, just give me my necklace and I’ll leave you. I’m not some sort of criminal or anything.” He said now, he’s just in front of me. “I’m warning you! How come that you disappeared a while back at the school?! Who are you really?!” I said still holding my study lamp up. Then the man sighed and sat on my bed and crossed his legs. “I’m Kim Jung Mo. And I’m an angel.” He said and I totally freaked out.


In Young does not believe in angels but she believes in God. Oh great. More challenge for me. I guess Angel Michael was really serious about this. “If you’re an angel, where are your wings? What’s your power?” she asked me again for like the hundredth time. “Why do I need to repeat myself? That necklace you’re holding has my powers and I’ll only come back to being an angel when you give that necklace to me.” I said and smiled sarcastically. My patience is wearing off. “I don’t believe in angels. If you really do exist, then why didn’t you saved my parents when they had that accident?” she asked looking like she’s going to cry any minute now. “In Young-ssi, things happen because God has something in stored for you. He wouldn’t take your parents if He knew you won’t live on your own. He has His reasons that even us angels do not understand.” I said and sighed. “I don’t even know why He did this to me.” I continued looking down.


Because of what Jung Mo said, I believed that he was an angel but still, I can’t help but to feel a slight anger to him because he could’ve been the one who could save my parents. I tossed him the necklace. “Here, please take it and leave me alone.” I said coldly. “Thank you, In Young-ssi.” He said but as he got hold of the necklace, he fainted. What the heck?! I looked at the necklace and it was glowing. I got it and placed it on my study table. If that was his powers then why are his powers rejecting him? I stared at the piece of jewelry again and back to Jung Mo. Well, physically, I can’t deny that he’s got what it takes to be an angel. “Hi there!” I was startled to hear a voice. “Who the heck?!” I began to panic again. “Oh, please don’t fear. I’m here, on the mirror.” The voice said. I looked at the mirror on my study table and saw a guy who looked like a girl who has blue wings. “Oh dear God…” I gasped. “Yes, dear, by the way, I’m Kim Hee Chul the Angel of Vanity. Nice to meet you!” he said and smiled. “I-You-WHAT??!!!” I asked in shock. Angel of Vanity?! And I thought Vanity is a sin?! “Please calm down. Jung Mo fainted when he touched the necklace right?” he asked me. I nodded. “Hmm… well, I’m sure that’s his powers that you are holding but well, I guess he has to fulfill his mission to you before he could regain his powers back. Angel Michael won’t make things easy for him you see.” Hee Chul said as he scratched his blonde hair. “Angel Michael? Mission? I… I don’t understand.” I asked him. “Well, to keep things simple, Jung Mo can’t have his powers back unless he has fulfilled his mission to you. That necklace chose you because I guess God knows you need help so He sent Jung Mo there to you.” Hee Chul said. “But I didn’t asked for help.” I said plainly. “Well, he’ll figure that out. Jung Mo is the Angel of Music. He lost his powers of controlling musical instruments but he hasn’t lost his musical touch.” Hee Chul said. “Angel of Music? He looks like a rock star with that outfit.” I said. Hee Chul laughed. “Well, I’ll be going now. Please give my regards to Jung Mo and I do hope you’ll both do well. His powers are on your hand now; it’s up to you if he’ll have it back or not.” Hee Chul said and smiled then he faded until I can only see my reflection on the mirror. I looked back at Jung Mo and I guess from this day forward, I’m living with an angel.


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.Haha. I post fast. :)) Thanks for reading btw. <3
huh? there were only 6 chapters a few seconds agoo?x'D haha lol, but I luf ur story, still bssy reading though ;D
Oh, haha. Thank you so much~ I'll try to make one if my schedule permits me~ :)) <3
SuperLemonade_x #4