Chapter 6

The Successful Woman's Guide in Finding yourself

"I had fun! Thanks again for inviting me, guys!" I said waving at Jiyong and Taeyang as they began walking in opposite direction of Seunghyun and I. 

"Me too! See you later Eun! You too Seunghyun hyung!" Jiyong chimed. Taeyang smiled and waved as he waited for Jiyong to catch up. 

As the two walked off, I focused my attention to Seunghyun who was already looking at me. 

"You're ready?" He said, smiling.

I grinned and nodded. He extended his arm so that I could wrap mine around his. Without hesitation, I grabbed it, not noticing the disapproving older couple watching us and how desperate I looked. 

"I'll give you a hint as to where we're going." Seunghyun said dangling to silver padlocks in my face. 

They were engraved with a rose and some illegible hangul. They looked as if he had just picked them up and polished them.

We made our way to his luxurious sedan and enjoyed light conversation as we rode closer and closer to Namsan Mountain in central Seoul. Namsan Tower looked especially beautiful from the road looking up. It's light against the dark mountain contrasted so well. It glowed bright and made the fact that I was home really and officially hit me. I knew we had no intention of going into Namsam Tower, but very near to it.

"So you know where we're going, I'm guessing?" Seunghyun said smirking and glancing over at me as I looked out of his car window. I couldn't force myself to speak. I was just too happy and impressed with where I was going. 

Seunghyun parked as near the back of the lot and made his way over to the other side of the car to open the door and take my hand. 

"You know, I don't think I'm well dressed for the occasion,  especially on such short notice." I said taking his hand and stepping out of the car. 

"Nonsense. You look perfect." He said patting my cheek softly. He was so warm and his hand was so soft against my face. I could feel my cheeks burning. Luckily, it was impossible for him to see me blush through my dark skin. 

He gave me one of the padlocks he had showed me earlier. It was cold and somewhat heavy, like carrying a small sack of coins. 

He lightly smiled and gently tugged me to the top of the mountain. 


The view was breathtaking. I haven't seen such beauty since I saw my mother and father on their 10th anniversary day. I was a picky person, so that's saying a lot. All I could do was smile and have the light breeze brush against my face and blow my hair off of my shoulders. The glowing lights from the busy city illuminated and gave me the feeling of warmth and happiness. It felt truly good to be where I was at that moment.

Suddenly, someone grabbed my shoulder. The view was so breathtaking that I almost forgot that I was there with Seunghyun. He handed me a slip of white paper, a red string, and red pen. He had the exact same things in his other hand. 

"I filled mine out already." He said handing me his paper. Without thinking, I opened it and read the somewhat messy hangul.

"Toni, you're a really nice girl, and a beautiful one at that.

Since I've met you, you've always kept me curious.

I hope we can get to know each other more and more throughout

your time here, back home in Seoul.

From Choi Seunghyun"

I looked up to meet his gaze. He was smiling slightly and blushing quite a bit. He looked so cute! Seeing such a masculine man blush was to die for. To save him from feeling anymore embarrassed, I grasped him in a reassuring hug. I really appreciated that letter. I knew I'd cherish it.. 

After scribbling a few thoughts on Seunghyun onto my paper, we attached it to each of our locks with the red string and added it with the thousands of other locks of love. It was getting late, so we both decided that we should make our way back to town. Halmeoni was probably worried. 

I dozed off once or twice before Seunghyun placed his hand on mine. 

"Toni... Kim Eun Kyung," I head him say. "I had a really great time tonight. It was very informal, but I'm glad I asked you to come with me. I hope we can do it again sometime."

We pulled in front of my grandmother's home, before I answered.

"Ne, I'd love to." I said smiling and placing my hand on his. 

Once again, he opened the car door for me and walked me to the front door of my grandmother's home. 

"Can I see your phone?" He asked. 

I pulled my iPhone from my purse and handed it to him. He punched in a few numbers and made a call. When I heard his phone ring, he answered and hung up very quickly. 

"Now, you have my number." He said grinning. 

I smiled and said, "Thank you again for showing me such a great time." 

He looked down at me, his eyes glistening with want. Despite the bad porch lighting, it hit his cheek bones perfectly, making his skin look even more flawless than it already was. His hair was so crisp and well done and his lips were well structured. It was as if God took an extra amount of time on each of his features, constructing them to perfection. 

As he began to lean in, I knew what was coming. The feel of his breath against my lips warmed as he got closer and closer. All I could do was stare at his approaching kiss. 

"Well, I have to go. Halmeoni is probably worried." I said placing my hand on the door knob. "I'll call you. 

Before I twisted the knob to walk inside of the house, I quickly pecked him on the lips and walked inside, not seeing his reaction. Stupid me! The moment was perfect and I panicked!


"Kyunggie..." A deep voice said as closed the front door. 

Only one person had called me that in my entire lifetime. 

"Junho?!" I asked as I turned to face the living room. 

"W-What are you doing... here?!"




Author's Note: Hey guys! I know I've been bad on the updates, but here's another Chapter~~~~ Yay, right?! ^0^ More and more ideas are coming~ Eppp, tell me what you think please~

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Hey, I know I haven't been updating, but Spring break is coming and I should have some free time and not have to worry about finals 24/7! ^o^ See you guys!


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Chapter 11: Okay. You made Toni too nice. She should've shut it down the second time Junho came to the house. Come on. I can't see no woman just being that passive. Good story. But She does not sound like she knows what she wants.
Hani_ah #2
Team Junho!!! Its weird because TOP is my bias but ugh, I'm in love with Junho in this story and Toni is not helping the situation..
Chapter 19: new reader here ^^ more junho and his kyungie moment please^^ and yess TEAM JUNHO FTW!!
Chapter 19: Haha, oh darn. My hopes were up. Well, I like your Ravi story too~ ^^
Moona178 #5
Chapter 17: When are you gonna spare me the pain and update soon unni ;( I'm like in love w/ this story lol
Sincere1041 #6
Chapter 17: Sorry but I am still Team Junho, I don't know what it is about him but he just makes me all GAHH!! I can't explain lol and I know he really loves her after all this time he still wants to be with her and all the effort he's still putting in I mean come on what more could you ask for? Because now you know he really loves you and will make things work if they ever get hard and he knows you and you know him so well anyways lol Update soon!! I'm dying here!!
Chapter 17: Team seunghyun !!! Update Soon!!!
Chapter 16: Now that I have completed readimg the chapter...WHAT HAPPENED TO FLUFFY JUNHO??? I mean, when he gets jealous and violent it's y but- :o and who was that girl? Don't tell me he's cheating. I thought our love was real. More Team Junho, please! >:)
Chapter 16: I started reading this because of Seunghyun but now I'm reading it because of Junho. How dis you do it? I don't even really know him, but every part with him makes me blush and my stomach gets all tingly (oh that last chapter~ = =") I feel bad for Seunghyun but moreso for Junho. I think he deserves Toni more. Dey got history, yo.