Chapter 10

The Successful Woman's Guide in Finding yourself

It was the next morning. 

Taecyeon and I sat eating breakfast at the small table in my grandmother's home as she worked throughout the house as usual. I still hadn't told Tae about the previous night and I had no intention of mentioning it to anyone. I got myself into this, so I had to be the one to get out of it. 

"Any plans today?" Tae asked flatly. 

"Nothing really. I may drive out to see mom and dad." I said moving the food around on my plate. 

"That's good." He sighed. 

I noticed his attitude. It wasn't carefree and alive as usual. He hadn't made a sarcastic remark all morning. I could tell something was wrong with him. Amanda hadn't called either, nor did she stop by. 

"What happened?" I asked, suddenly. 

He continued to eat. He was sad, I could tell, but he would eat, no matter the situation. 

"Taecyeon, tell me. What's going on? you haven't been like this since I left." I said grabbing his hand with the fork, not allowing him to take another bite. I wanted my answer. I could have ten million things wrong with me, but I refused to see Tae upset. 

He shrugged. "Nothing. Amanda and I just got into an argument. That's all..."

Knowing that the argument must have been bad, I motioned for him to continue. 

"W-Well, you know how I've always liked her? In high school and everything?" He began. I almost forgot that he was practically in love with Amanda. He told me in the beginning of senior high school. Amanda liked him back, but she was a stubborn girl, not accepting what was in front of her. I was surprised her and Taecyeon were able to hang out as easily as they did.

I nodded my head to his question. 

"And we've been having casual 'dates' here and there..." 

"Just spit it out, Tae." I aid, getting impatient. 

"Well, I tried to tell her that I love her, but she got upset and left. I haven't seen or heard from her since yesterday." He said falling back in his chair, dropping his fork on the plate. 

I felt bad for him. Taecyeon was never one to do something like that even if he wanted to. I knew it took him a lot of courage to even think about telling Amanda those words, and she basically blew him off. 

"If you need any company, I can stay with-" 

"No, visit your parents. They want to see you." He quickly spat. "I'll just lay low for awhile." He said getting up and walking into the living room.

Not arguing any further, I got up,  went upstairs, and made myself look presentable to my parent's liking. A coral colored blouse, whine skinny jeans, and gold metallic sandals. I put on Seunghyun's bracelet and a necklace my father gave me when I was younger, pulled my hair into a low ponytail, and headed for the front door. 


As I approached the house were I spent my childhood, memories poured back into my head very quickly.

The house was closer to suburbia. I had always thought the house was too big for my mother, father, and I. Driving by, you would assume we were the perfect family. 

I walked up the pathway to the front door. The perfectly manicured lawn reminded me of how my father and I would play tag and I would hide in the bushes to scare him as mother looked through the bay window in the kitchen. The large ebony doors that was the gateway into my family's home probably cost as much as a tinier house out in Incheon. The doors were surrounded my a big, grey house with at least 10 windows on the front of it alone. 

I rung the bell to the house, hearing it echo from the windows next to the door. 

I heard latches being tinkered with and came face to face with our long time maid, Park Sun Hee. 

"Annyeonghaseyo Imo." I said smiling. 

She hugged me and pulled me into the large house. 

"It's so good to see you." She said. "You've aged well." 

I chuckled at her remark. She had always loved putting me on a pedestal ever since she found out I was being bullied in primary school.

"Your mother and father are in the family room." She said. 

I politely bowed to her and made my way down the long hall. It was just as I remembered. Large, grand, well crafted. The house smelled of a fresh fragrance that kept the house smelling like someone had freshly washed their clothes. I passed the large stairs, halfway down the hall, remembering when they had taught me how to walk and I had a habit of trying to walk down the stairs alone. I smiled to myself. 

"Eun Kyung!" I heard a feminine voice say. Within a second, I was embraced by my tiny mother's arms. They adopted me at a young age, and she looked as if she hasn't aged since then. She smelled clean. I was guessing her cream and beige clothing had just been in the laundry. 

"Come sit!" She said directing me to the large sofa in the middle of the well lit room. 

"Hyun su! Eun is here." She said in a hushed voice. My father. I knew he had missed me. We never spoke about our feelings much, but we could both feel that we were important in each other's lives. He was the one who pushed me to be a mental health doctor. He wanted to see the girl he raised be successful. 

(Kim Yun~Kim Eun Kyung's mother)

An average sized man came walking in, his sleeves rolled up, hands in his pockets. His thick framed glasses stayed put on his face. The only time he took them off was when he needed them most. He walked over until he was standing at my feet. 

"Abeoji..." I said smiling. I hopped up and gave him the largest hug I could manage. 

"It's good to see you, Eun." He said pulling me back, smiling. "We were just about to have lunch. Join us." 

We caught up with each other as we stuffed ourselves. It was good being with them. They always made me laugh and made me feel special. They had worked a lot when I was younger, dealing with customers and patients. I was surprised they took on the challenge of having a young baby with their added hectic life. A foreign baby at that. 

The mood in the room changed once my father said, "Kim Eun Kyung. You are a gorgeous young woman, and I think your eomeoni and I did a good job of raising you. You're a successful young woman with plenty of years to come." That reminded me of the fact that I hadn't told them about my job situation. Luckily, I had saved up so much, money wasn't such a big deal... yet. "I thinks it's about time you got married." 

I tightened my grip around my chopsticks and straightened my posture. Marriage?! Marriage was one of the last things on my mind! I couldn't protest to him though. He didn't take lashing back lightly. 

(Kim Hyun Su~Kim Eun Kyung's father)


"This may be a lot for you to take in." Eomeoni said quietly. "You know we just want the best for you."


They knew I wasn't to happy with the news because I couldn't force myself to look up at them and fake a smile. Realizing my uneasiness, they quickly drifted from the subject and continued on as if nothing had been said. This is why they needed me to come visit them, I'm sure. They expected the whole pot of stew. A Christian wedding, a successful husband, a Korean husband. The whole shabang. 

Driving home now, I had to force myself to think of something completely off topic. Why? 

Because, if I couldn't find a good husband by my next birthday, I'd have an arranged marriage with Junho.



Author's Note: Oh man, stuff's getting cray cray, lol. Stuff's going to get tense for Toni Amber, more commonly known as Eun Kyung. What'll happen to Amber and Tae? Junho or Seunghyun? Lol, to be honest, I'm not sure who I want her to end up with yet. Seunghyun doesn't have as much history with Eun, but they do have a connection. And there's no denying that Eun likes it. I need some opinions guise~ See you~~

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Hey, I know I haven't been updating, but Spring break is coming and I should have some free time and not have to worry about finals 24/7! ^o^ See you guys!


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Chapter 11: Okay. You made Toni too nice. She should've shut it down the second time Junho came to the house. Come on. I can't see no woman just being that passive. Good story. But She does not sound like she knows what she wants.
Hani_ah #2
Team Junho!!! Its weird because TOP is my bias but ugh, I'm in love with Junho in this story and Toni is not helping the situation..
Chapter 19: new reader here ^^ more junho and his kyungie moment please^^ and yess TEAM JUNHO FTW!!
Chapter 19: Haha, oh darn. My hopes were up. Well, I like your Ravi story too~ ^^
Moona178 #5
Chapter 17: When are you gonna spare me the pain and update soon unni ;( I'm like in love w/ this story lol
Sincere1041 #6
Chapter 17: Sorry but I am still Team Junho, I don't know what it is about him but he just makes me all GAHH!! I can't explain lol and I know he really loves her after all this time he still wants to be with her and all the effort he's still putting in I mean come on what more could you ask for? Because now you know he really loves you and will make things work if they ever get hard and he knows you and you know him so well anyways lol Update soon!! I'm dying here!!
Chapter 17: Team seunghyun !!! Update Soon!!!
Chapter 16: Now that I have completed readimg the chapter...WHAT HAPPENED TO FLUFFY JUNHO??? I mean, when he gets jealous and violent it's y but- :o and who was that girl? Don't tell me he's cheating. I thought our love was real. More Team Junho, please! >:)
Chapter 16: I started reading this because of Seunghyun but now I'm reading it because of Junho. How dis you do it? I don't even really know him, but every part with him makes me blush and my stomach gets all tingly (oh that last chapter~ = =") I feel bad for Seunghyun but moreso for Junho. I think he deserves Toni more. Dey got history, yo.