Chapter 14

The Successful Woman's Guide in Finding yourself

It had been a week and Junho's words were still replaying in my head. 

When I was hanging with Seunghyun, Jiyong and the guys, I'd think of Junho. When I was insulting Taecyeon, I thought of Junho's face. When I bombarded Amber's phone with texts and voicemails, I'd think of Junho and I in high school. 

"I knew I wouldn't be able to bring myself to ever let go of you..." I thought as I looked out of the bus window. I tried everything I possibly could to think of other things, including another night with Seunghyun oppa, but that only brought guilt to the table. 

"I was stuck in our past, and quite frankly, I don't think i could ever leave it..." He sounded like he was in pain and was desperate for help, but didn't want any help. It sounded as if he preferred to be in the pain he was in. The look on his face made me want to punish myself. 

"It may not be today, tomorrow, or next year, but when the time comes, I'm going to make you smile so you never get bored." And despite the odds against him, he still sounded hopeful, as if he knew something was going to happen. 

I shook the idea from my head and pulled out my iPod, desperately trying to find something to listen to. I scrolled until I found something suitable and leaned my head against the bus window. A weekend at my parent's would hopefully change the feelings I was having. They invited me to spend some time with them and talk a few things over. They always managed to ease my being when Tae or no one else could. I needed this little break. 

Then my phone vibrated. 

From: Seunghyun

To: Me

5:58PM --------------------------------------

Are you up for some dinner? (: (: 

I was in the middle of typing that I would be in the suburbs for the weekend when I decided to not even answer the message. Something in me told me not to tell anyone I'd be gone for the weekend. My phone would only be answered to a few number of people this weekend. It was for my own good. 


The house was illuminated and gave off a welcoming glow. I walked up the walkway to the big door as I done many times. The sun was setting while the neighborhood became more hushed as everyone settled down with their families. It was so quiet, relaxed and peaceful.

I knocked on the door and within seconds it swung open with Sun Hee (Long-time maid and family friend for those who don't remember) waiting on the other side. 

She immediately gave me a warm welcome and grabbed my bag. 

"Imo, why won't you ever let me carry me own things?" I said, half smiling. 

"It's my job, Eun Kyung. It's always my pleasure for such a beautiful young women." She had always been a women of flattery. 

I slid off my shoes as I made my way into the foyer. I smelled the scent of a home cooked meal. Right on time for dinner, thank goodness. The bus ride felt like it too hours. 

I went to the main living area where I saw my mom watching television. 

"Eomeoni!" She directed her attention towards me and shot up with excitement. 

"Eun Kyung! You're finally here!" She rushed her small, elegant frame over to me and embraced me in her delicate arms. The light aroma of lilies lingered on her pale purple pajamas. I met her smile with one of my own. It felt good seeing her.

"Where's abeoji?" I asked, looking behind me, into the hall. 

"He's in his study with company. They'll be down for dinner shortly. In the meantime, I want you to wash up and get comfortable. I'll be here." She said gently turning me around. "We have a lot to catch up on." She chimed. 

I went upstairs and to my room. The lights had already been and my bag neatly placed on my bed. The room smelled just like imo had washed everything from top to bottom. She knew I liked the feeling of a clean room. I developed the liking when I was five and my parents decided to move me to a larger room in the house.

I took a shower and pulled on a pair of fitted blue sweatpants and a black sweatshirt. As I pulled my hair up, something shiny hanging on the wall caught my attention. Looking closely, I realized it was the necklace Junho gave me when we were back in high school. I thought I lost it a long time ago. How it got on my bathroom wall, I don't know. 

Holding it in my hands, examining it, I looked over the tiny details. He kept his half. I opened it out of curiosity since I hadn't seen it in so long. 

Inside was a picture of Junho and I, as expected. It was the time we had went to a carnival back in junior year. Looking at the picture reminded me of how happy he always used to be. How happy we both used to be. 

Before I knew it, i was putting the necklace around my neck and tucking it into my shirt. 

I threw on some socks and made my way back downstairs to meet my mom who was still watching television. 

I cuddled up under her on the couch and rested my head on her shoulder. 

She passed me some of the blanket she was using so I could cover myself up. 

"Eomeoni." I said. 

"Uhm?" Her attention was still focused on the tv. 

"I've missed you guys." She looked at me and gave me a cheerful smile. 

"We miss you too, Eun Kyung. We're happy to have to back in Korea and back with us." 

I smiled and looked back at the tv until we were interrupted by a deep voice. 

"Eun Kyung, when did you get here?" 

Recognizing my dad's voice, I got up in a hurry out of excitement and tripped. 

"Not being careful like I told you." I was in awe from who's voice I heard next. I froze in my position until my father spoke again. 

"Come greet us properly, Eun." 

I turned around slowly, still in shock. Too scared to make eye contact, I bowed rather than going into that wing of the room. 

"Thank you." He said. "Now that you and Junho and Eun are here, let's have some dinner, shall we?" He said clapping his hands together. 

Junho smiled, to him first, then me. 

Why was our guest Junho? I came here to escape the burdens of everyday and one of them just happened to be welcomed into my family's home.





Another chapter! YUS. Well, the story is going on. I think I came up with a good ending to the story though! So I look forward to writing it whenever the time comes! Oh, and since my hiatus was forever, I took the liberty to remind/give you the idea of what Eun's adopted parents look like. Hawhaw. 

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Hey, I know I haven't been updating, but Spring break is coming and I should have some free time and not have to worry about finals 24/7! ^o^ See you guys!


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Chapter 11: Okay. You made Toni too nice. She should've shut it down the second time Junho came to the house. Come on. I can't see no woman just being that passive. Good story. But She does not sound like she knows what she wants.
Hani_ah #2
Team Junho!!! Its weird because TOP is my bias but ugh, I'm in love with Junho in this story and Toni is not helping the situation..
Chapter 19: new reader here ^^ more junho and his kyungie moment please^^ and yess TEAM JUNHO FTW!!
Chapter 19: Haha, oh darn. My hopes were up. Well, I like your Ravi story too~ ^^
Moona178 #5
Chapter 17: When are you gonna spare me the pain and update soon unni ;( I'm like in love w/ this story lol
Sincere1041 #6
Chapter 17: Sorry but I am still Team Junho, I don't know what it is about him but he just makes me all GAHH!! I can't explain lol and I know he really loves her after all this time he still wants to be with her and all the effort he's still putting in I mean come on what more could you ask for? Because now you know he really loves you and will make things work if they ever get hard and he knows you and you know him so well anyways lol Update soon!! I'm dying here!!
Chapter 17: Team seunghyun !!! Update Soon!!!
Chapter 16: Now that I have completed readimg the chapter...WHAT HAPPENED TO FLUFFY JUNHO??? I mean, when he gets jealous and violent it's y but- :o and who was that girl? Don't tell me he's cheating. I thought our love was real. More Team Junho, please! >:)
Chapter 16: I started reading this because of Seunghyun but now I'm reading it because of Junho. How dis you do it? I don't even really know him, but every part with him makes me blush and my stomach gets all tingly (oh that last chapter~ = =") I feel bad for Seunghyun but moreso for Junho. I think he deserves Toni more. Dey got history, yo.