Chapter 15

The Successful Woman's Guide in Finding yourself

I sat directly across from Junho while my mother and father sat either end of the table. The pot of bokkeum sat in the middle of the table along with other side dishes. Although the food smelled incredible, my stomach was uneasy. 

I had expected this night to go by smoothly. I'd arrive, eat dinner with my family, something we haven't done in ages, watch a movie, talk, and go to bed. A simple family night. Were my expectations met? No. Instead, they were thrown in a firey pit and blew up in my face. 

I sat quietly, pushing a small intestine around in my bowl when my father talked. 

"It's good seeing you two together again! I can't remember the last time we ate dinner like this." He said, happy. I liked my father happy, but not for this particular reason. 

"Yes sir. I hope we can do more of this in the future since Eun Kyung moved back to Korea." Junho said, lightly smiling and looking over in my direction. I looked down. 

Having this get together would lead to awkward and mixed feelings and I knew it. The conversations my father and mother started had hidden meanings to them. They talked as if I were still 10 and ignorant of their sneaky ways of doing things. I caught onto their shenanigans when I was an adolescent and they would manipulate me into taking classes that I had absolutely zero interest in. 

"What is a handsome man like you without a beautiful woman?" My father chimed happily, leaning back in his chair. 

Junho lightly chuckled and said, "I'm just waiting for the right girl to come along, if there are any left." He shoved a wad of bokkeum into his mouth and directed his eyes towards me in a quick instant. Why me? Why me? Why me? 

Figuring my dad caught onto his message, he decided to take it a step further. 

"Why don't you and Eun, here get back together and go someplace?" 

I choked mid sip of my tea, almost spitting it up. My throat burned as I began to cough uncontrollably. Totally caught of guard, I didn't realize I had got gochujang sauce on my shirt. I managed to say excuse me in between coughs and walked to the hall bathroom near the enterence. 

I took as long as I could to walk to the small half-bath. Saying I couldn't believe he said that to Junho outloud would make me a lyer. It's something my father would have totally done. If I was going to make it through the rest of the night, I was going to need to harden my outer layer of skin. I couldn't be affected by everyone's words, or else. 

I managed to make it back to the table and magically make it through dinner. As Imo was clearing the table, my mother only escalated the already out of control situation. 

"It's getting late, right Hyun su?" My mother began. "You should stay the night, Junho. I don't want you out at this time." 

I dug my nails into my thigh, hoping my father would sternly deny her request. 

"I agree. You can stay in the guest room." That was it. I came to the conclusion that my mother and father had quietly plotted this ever since I called and said that I'd be coming. Junho probably wasn't in on it, but he was surely happy to comply to their demands. 

"I don't think it's neccasary, but thank you. Junho said. 

Thank you! Someone with sense! 

"I won't hear it." My father shot back. 

"Yes Junho! We'll have Sun Hee prepare something for you when you are ready to go to bed!" 

Both Junho and I knew that we couldn't deny my parent's instruction. Surrendering, he slightly nodded his head. 

My father and mother were off to their room after only an hour of watching television with Junho and I. Everyone was off to bed except us two. 

He sat on the other end of the couch while I sat with my knees to my chest on the floor. 

"Let's watch a scary movie." Junho suddenly said. 

I remained silent. 

"I'll take that as a yes then." 

"No." I spat. "I like this show." 

"They all die." He said flatly, walking towards to collection of DVD's under the television stand.

"Then, I'm going to bed." 

"You're no fun." He sighed. 

"How do you think I felt after all that time I had to spend with you?" I shot back at him, annoyed. 

There was silence, immediately notifying myself that I had pissed him off with that comment. I was partically satisfied and nervous. Ignoring the feeling, I kept to my room. Before I could shut and lock the door, a foot was preventing it from closing. 

Junho shoved the door enough to make it through the door and have it shut behind him. 

He walked up to me, jaw clenched, eyes full of anger and hurt. I could feel his heavy breathing on my face. I wanted to look away from him, but I needed to stand my ground, showing I hadn't regretted saying what I had, even though i did. 

Suddenly, his face softened and he began to lightly smile until it broke out into full laughter. It kind of freaked me out. 

"You were lying." He said, suddenly.

"Lied about what?" I asked trying to play it off.

"You miss us." He sat on the love seat on the opposite wall of my bed. "You were thinking about me because you decided to put on the necklace I gave you. I bet the picture of us is still inside too." He pointed.

Unconsiously, I brought my hand to my neck, petrified at the fact that it had come from under my shirt. 

"It came out when you got up to go to the restroom in case you were wondering." He continued. "It's okay. I still wear mine too."  

If this was his way of getting me back because of my previous comment, then it worked. He got me. I continued to remain silent and sat at the foot of my bed, shoving the necklace back into my shirt. 

"Why'd you come?" I finally said. "How'd you know I'd be here?" I wouldn't look him in the eyes. I focused my attention on closet door whiched happened to be covered in pictures of my family and I when i was younger. 

"To be honest..." He began. "I didn't know you'd be here. I was in town and your father called and asked me to come over. I assumed he just wanted to catch up as usual, then he insisted I'd stay for dinner." 

Asking him why he didn't reject my father would be a dumb question. 

"I actually thought you'd be with you're friend. If you want, I'll be gone by the time you wake up tomorrow. I promise." He had a hopeful look in his eyes wanting me to say that he could stay as long as he wanted. Part of me wanted to. 

"My father was the one who invited you. L-leave on his terms." I said hesitantly. I sqeezed my knees to my chest tightly.

The silence was almost too much. He hadn't replied to me and I was too nervous to look at. I could feel his eyes on me. It felt like it went on for hours. 

"It's getting late." Junho finally said, making me jump a bit. "Get into bed." He said getting up and walking over to me. 

I remembered how Junho didn't like me staying up late. He'd constantly worry about my health and well-being as if it were a job he was forced to have. 

Out of habit, I crawled to the head of my bed and got under the comforter, waiting for Junho to do the rest. He gently pulled the blankets up to what he felt was right.

"Goodnight, Eunnie." He smiled as he was about to kiss me on the forhead. He immediately stopped himself, smile completely disappearing from his face. "I-I'll see you in the morning." He pursed his lips and began walking towards the door. 

"J-Junho oppa..." He stopped as if two heavy weights were wrapped around his ankles. 

"What did you call me?" 

"Junho... o-oppa..." I wispered. He just stood there, still facing the door. 

He suddenly turned around. "S-say it again." I could make out in the dim light that his eyes were watering. "Say it." 

"J-Junho op-" I was cut off by Junho's lips. He had rushed over and had my face in his hands and his lips over on mine. He kneeled over me, his lips pressing hard against mine. 

"Say. It. Again." He said in between kisses. 

"J-Jun-ho. O-oppa." I tried to get out. He finally let go of my face. I stared at a emotion filled Junho. His eyes looked longing. After so long, he stood up and removed his shirt. 

He got into bed next to me and made room for himself under the blanket. Without hesitation, he pulled my body to his, my face to his chest. I could hear his heart racing. 

This moment felt different from last time because he had forced himself on me the previous time we layed like this. Now, it felt as if we picked up where we left off years ago. We'd always want to be with each other, see what was going with each other, feel each other's prescense. 

He sqeezed me tighter to him. I would've complained about how tight it was but I liked it. 

I wrapped my arm around his torso and buried my face deeper into his chest. The last thing I remembered before falling asleep was the feeling of Junho my arm adn the warmth from his body. 

"You miss us." 

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Hey, I know I haven't been updating, but Spring break is coming and I should have some free time and not have to worry about finals 24/7! ^o^ See you guys!


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Chapter 11: Okay. You made Toni too nice. She should've shut it down the second time Junho came to the house. Come on. I can't see no woman just being that passive. Good story. But She does not sound like she knows what she wants.
Hani_ah #2
Team Junho!!! Its weird because TOP is my bias but ugh, I'm in love with Junho in this story and Toni is not helping the situation..
Chapter 19: new reader here ^^ more junho and his kyungie moment please^^ and yess TEAM JUNHO FTW!!
Chapter 19: Haha, oh darn. My hopes were up. Well, I like your Ravi story too~ ^^
Moona178 #5
Chapter 17: When are you gonna spare me the pain and update soon unni ;( I'm like in love w/ this story lol
Sincere1041 #6
Chapter 17: Sorry but I am still Team Junho, I don't know what it is about him but he just makes me all GAHH!! I can't explain lol and I know he really loves her after all this time he still wants to be with her and all the effort he's still putting in I mean come on what more could you ask for? Because now you know he really loves you and will make things work if they ever get hard and he knows you and you know him so well anyways lol Update soon!! I'm dying here!!
Chapter 17: Team seunghyun !!! Update Soon!!!
Chapter 16: Now that I have completed readimg the chapter...WHAT HAPPENED TO FLUFFY JUNHO??? I mean, when he gets jealous and violent it's y but- :o and who was that girl? Don't tell me he's cheating. I thought our love was real. More Team Junho, please! >:)
Chapter 16: I started reading this because of Seunghyun but now I'm reading it because of Junho. How dis you do it? I don't even really know him, but every part with him makes me blush and my stomach gets all tingly (oh that last chapter~ = =") I feel bad for Seunghyun but moreso for Junho. I think he deserves Toni more. Dey got history, yo.