Chapter 16

The Successful Woman's Guide in Finding yourself


"I was stuck in our past, and quite frankly, I don't think i could ever leave it..." replayed in my head as I looked out of the  car window. 
"Eun Kyung!" 
"It may not be today, tomorrow, or next year, but when the time comes, I'm going to make you smile so you never get bored." 
"Eun! Are you listening to me?!" Seunghyun exclaimed. 
I snapped out of my fantasy world and flung right back into reality. My mind had never ending thoughts twenty-four hours of everyday. I couldn't bring myself to be at peace. When I was awake, his words would repeat themselves, the moments we spent together would give my body chills and when I was asleep, I'd have flashbacks to our high school days up until I left for America. 
"Are you hungry? We can pick up something before we meet up with Jiyong and the others." Seunghyun said, more casually now. 
I nodded my head, realizing that I felt a bit famished. He pulled into a small parking lot in front of a small, mildiy dingy-looking building. I figured it was just a place where young people would go on their lunch break. 
Before I could put my hand on the door handle, Seunghyun had already opened the door, waiting for me to step out. He was always a gentlemen, making it another thing to add to the list as to why I was a guilty suspect. 
I began walking towards to enterance, not removing my sunglasses, before Seunghyun could wrap my hand in his. 
"C'mon, Seunghyun! I'm getting hungrier!" I yelled back to avoid suspision. 
All that were in the little place was one worker, who was reading a fashion magazine, and two people, a girl and boy, probably a couple, sitting at the far corner able. It was dark, with the only light coming from lamps on the wall, the window behind the counter, and light from the glass door. 
It gave a grungy, but urban vibe. It didn't sem like the normal place Seunghyun would've chosen to hang out at. He was the cleaner, classier type. 
"I'll order for you. Take a seat." He said. 
I let Seunghyun take the lead to the counter as I sat at the table in the opposite corner of the couple. I looked at Seunghyun from my seat, his silloute the same as usual. He wore a clean, refreshed-looking fitted white v-neck, complimented by his white hair, dark cocoa-colored fitted jeans, white slip-ons, and brown and black plaid scarf. Too clean looking for the background he was standing in. If I were back in high school, I would've made up some crazy story about him and having a crazy, exciting life. 
In the midst of my staring, I noticed I still had my sunglassses on. I pulled them off, realizing the plase wasn't as dark as I thought it was. 
"I was wondering when you were going to take those off." Seunghyun said sitting down, chuckling. He placed a small tray in front of me, along with chopsticks. I picked up  the chopsticks and began eating, no questions asked. 
"Is something going on with you?" Seunghyun asked suddenly. 
"No, why?" I said, playing off his question. I furrowed my brow and shoved food into my mouth. 
"You've been acting differently..." 
I didn't plan on encouraging this situation in any way. I didn't want to a ruin a good day bringing up my life's past events.
"Differently how?" I said, flatly. 
"Like that!" He raised his voice slightly. "You're always avoiding a conversation nowadays. You're always busy, off somewhere, not replaying to my calls or texts. We haven't even been on any of the dates I've planned. The only time you've hung out with me is when Taecyeon and the guys are around. We haven't even had any alone time since you're psycho ex-boyfriend came and intruded us and our movie. You don't even call me oppa anymore..." 
"He's not psy-" I stopped myself. 
Seunghyun clenched his jaw. 
"I've just had a lot on my mind." I said, hoping that the answer would satisfy him. 
"You know I'm here for you. I'll do anything I can to help you through everything. And if I can't help, I'd at least like to share your pain." 
Seunghyun showed a limited number of emotions. He only partially smiled when he held my hand or would clench his jaw when he'd be in a more serious mood or when he'd be softly chuckling from the idiocracy from Tae. This was the first time I'd seen a different emotion. Despair. 
He really didn't deserve any of this trouble I was causing him. I really did owe Seunghyun. He was a great guy and remained that way, despite my actions. 
"I didn't mean to worry you, Seunghyun." I began. "I'd just rather handle this on my own. You know, fight my own battles. But I promise you, I can and will control the situation." 
He didn't seem 100% satisfied with the answer, but it assured him enough that I was okay. 
"How about you and I go on a trip, sometime next week? Like a mini getaway to Busan?" I recommended. 
"Really?" I could tell he was caught off guard. "You want to?!" The largest smile appeared on his face. He was getting excited. 
"Yeah!" I said, giggling at his excitement. "I want to go to the beaches. I haven't been to Busan since i was twelve. My parents took me to visit for vacation. I've always loved it." 
"A-alright!" He said, elated. "it can be our little weekend getaway!" 
I nodded my head and smiled. I was enjoying his happiness. Throughout the rest of our meal, he talked about the things he'd like to do in Busan, decribing in deatail events and occasions and restaurants. It lasted until we were done eating, thirty minutes later. We had almost forgotten about the guys. 
"You go start the car. I need to use the restroom." I said noticing the small door on the oppisite side of the small cafe. 
He nodded in agreement and I made my way over to relieve myself, noticing the girl from the couple getting up. 
After using the restroom, I walked out and was immediately grabbed. Of course, I paniced. 
"So much for trying to defend me." I heard a snicker. 
"Junho?" I asked, shocked. What was he doing here with that girl? A date? 
"I noticed your friend's voice, so I didn't want to intrude." He said, flatly. "Surprised a guy like him spends his money here." Junho brushed his hand through his lightly tossled hair. He looked tall and dominating in his all black attire. 
"I guess..." I said, still a littel dazed. 
"Why are you leading him on?" 
"I'm not..." I answered, wondering if he heard every detail of our conversation. 
"You guys look more like a dog and it's master, always following one another's instruction. Be spontaneous, Eunnie." 
"I don't always follow his instractions! He's a great and genuine guy!" I shot back. 
"He seems stuck-up. Not your type at all, but at least you're defending him." He said shrugging his shoulders. 
What happened to the sensitive Junho at my parent's house? 
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked quietly. 
"It means what I told you at your parent's house a couple of weekends ago. You miss us, Eunnie." 
Those words pierced me as if he had a 45 calliber handgun sticking into my chest. 
"Eun kyung!" I heard a deep, stern voice say. 
"Look, I don't know who you are or where you came from, but I've seen you around Eun too many times for comfort. I'd really appreciate it if you'd stay away from her, or else." Seunghyun hadn't come face to face with Junho, but his voice was threatening enough, in my opinion to stop a crowd. 
"Oh, really?" Junho, lightly chuckled. The only reason he chuckled was because him and I both knew that he knew how to fight. His parents forcing him into tae kwon doe only promoted his temper. I had never seen Seunghyun defend himself, but I didn't want to find out. 
"Stay away from her." Seunghyun said grabbing my hand. Junho stood upright from his slumped over position on the wall. 
"Junho, stop." I said. "Seunghyun, you're too good to be dealing with this. Let's go." I could feel Junho direct his anger from Seunghyun over to me. If a look could kill, it'd be Junho's. 
Out of spite, Seunghyun pulled me tightly to his side, not allowing me space. 
Once in the car, we sat for a good five mintues before anyone said anything.
"I'm guessing he's the problem you can't control." Seunghyun said, looking our of the driver's window. 
I didn't answer. 
"Taking your silence for a yes, it seems like he can't contemplate the fact that you are mine. And you know what?"
He looked over at me, his eyes catching mine, keeping me from looking away. 
"I'm going to get him off both your back and mine." 
Worried that he was making a threat, I said, "I'm sure he'll move o-" 
"When we go to Busan," He cut me off. "We're getting married." 
I made a little something something for Team Seunghyun to look forward to (^^) I hope you guys are liking it because it's getting closer to the end! Comment and whatnot! /kisses! 
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Hey, I know I haven't been updating, but Spring break is coming and I should have some free time and not have to worry about finals 24/7! ^o^ See you guys!


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Chapter 11: Okay. You made Toni too nice. She should've shut it down the second time Junho came to the house. Come on. I can't see no woman just being that passive. Good story. But She does not sound like she knows what she wants.
Hani_ah #2
Team Junho!!! Its weird because TOP is my bias but ugh, I'm in love with Junho in this story and Toni is not helping the situation..
Chapter 19: new reader here ^^ more junho and his kyungie moment please^^ and yess TEAM JUNHO FTW!!
Chapter 19: Haha, oh darn. My hopes were up. Well, I like your Ravi story too~ ^^
Moona178 #5
Chapter 17: When are you gonna spare me the pain and update soon unni ;( I'm like in love w/ this story lol
Sincere1041 #6
Chapter 17: Sorry but I am still Team Junho, I don't know what it is about him but he just makes me all GAHH!! I can't explain lol and I know he really loves her after all this time he still wants to be with her and all the effort he's still putting in I mean come on what more could you ask for? Because now you know he really loves you and will make things work if they ever get hard and he knows you and you know him so well anyways lol Update soon!! I'm dying here!!
Chapter 17: Team seunghyun !!! Update Soon!!!
Chapter 16: Now that I have completed readimg the chapter...WHAT HAPPENED TO FLUFFY JUNHO??? I mean, when he gets jealous and violent it's y but- :o and who was that girl? Don't tell me he's cheating. I thought our love was real. More Team Junho, please! >:)
Chapter 16: I started reading this because of Seunghyun but now I'm reading it because of Junho. How dis you do it? I don't even really know him, but every part with him makes me blush and my stomach gets all tingly (oh that last chapter~ = =") I feel bad for Seunghyun but moreso for Junho. I think he deserves Toni more. Dey got history, yo.