The Prank

Am I an angel - Am I a monster
/Sorry if this chapter is messy! I'll clear it up soon!//

Finally all 62 balloons were filled with water! You got up from the spot you were sitting on next to Seungri and let out a big sigh, Seungri looked up and gave you two thumbs up, "Thank you so much! Wait, what's your name?" "_____" You answered, "ah _____! Aren't you in my science class? You are! I knew it, no one in the school has a more crazy name like your's! It's so original!" Was Seungri complimenting you? You felt like dying. Right there. On the spot. Seungri glanced over to the table sink where you left the sandwhich, "Why haven't you eaten my sandwhich yet??" He made a grumpy face. "Well why are you in the girls bathroom/changing room?!" You smirked, his jaw dropped, "... touché.." He said respectivly patting you on the back. "I'm here because .. Uh... It smells nice?" "AH HA!! Just after the girls left their clothes here! You cheeky ert!" You had caught him in the act!

"Okay Okay.." Seungri confessed, "But since I fessed up, you gotta tell me why you won't eat my sandwhich." You sighed, knowing you are defeated, When you were just about to tell him your secret, THE SEUNGRI your secret! THE GUY who keeps NO secrets!....

   The door swung open.

Taeyang and Jiyong swaggered into the room slow motion, Seungri's cheeks went red "HOW DID YOU GUYS FIND ME?" He huffed. "I smelt your scent looming around when I had walked out of the boys toilets after having the best piss in my li- I mean, checking my hair looked okay, so I decided to follow my nose scenses!" Taeyang said proudly, punching himself in the nose, which looked like it kinda hurt.. "We knew you would try getting us back after that whole 'phone number' incident!" Jiyong scolded Seungri and went over to the water bombs next to you, "Is this your knew gurrrllfriend? What's her name?" Jiyong asked cheekily. "This is ____," Answered Seungri, not letting you talk. "Oh, well, ____ could date someone so much better than you Seungri" Jiyong chirped, winking at you.  "She's not my 'gurrllfriend' but she is my new friend, since she did HELP me with this prank!"  Jiyong and Taeyang pretended to be shocked, and gasped dramaticaly which freaked you out a bit.. Seungri just laughed at them, "Well since our little prank has been ruined.. What do we do with these water bombs?" He picked up the box of water balloons. Taeyang took one out of the box and his innocent face turned to an evil one, "Where is T.O.P and Daesung?" He asked, making it obvious they should prank those two instead. "I heard they're still in math, the class will end in 8 minutes, we should ambush them when they come outside!" We all agreed, well most of us, you still hadn't said a anything.. these boys were so chatty you probably won't get a word in..

So there you are, hiding behind a tree while Jiyong Taeyang and Seungri hid in a bush, this probably looked strange in the eyes of passers by, but that didn't stop you guys from wanting to pull the prank. Jiyong poked his head out of the bush, you had to keep your hand over your mouth from laughing, he looked like a hedgehog with the 'camoflage' sticks and leafs in his hair! But Taeyang looks even worse, his hair is full of hairspray bugs got stuck on him! But that still didn't stop any of you.

When the time had finally come for math class to finish, Jiyong looked at his watch and counted down,

          "3... 2 .. 1!"

You saw Daesung and T.O.P rush out of the building, Jiyong screamed "NOW!!!!"  You jumped  out from behind the tree and threw your water balloon at Daesung. Yup, that's right, ONE water balloon for you is what Taeyang insisted, the bastard.

The water bomb hit Daesung in the face and he stumbled backwards, the balloon only popped once the tip of his gigantic nose had popped it!  You and the other's fell on the ground laughing and high fiving each other, to be honest T.O.P looked incrediblg angry, you were scared in your heart but the laughter just kept escaping your mouth. In the end T.O.P chuckled too, giving you a feeling of relief, but Daesung didn't look all too pleased. He had his eyes squeezed shut with his hands over them, and he kept sniffiling, he must have got water up his nose? Something wasn't right here.. You slowly got up from the ground and walked over to him while the others were busy laughing, noticing  you were now actually standing right infront of him. 'What do I say? Should I bring him to the nurses office? He really looks upset!' So many thoughts spinning through your head! But you stayed calm and got closer to him, wait, is he crying? Oh god.

You patted his shoulder, "Hey.." You said, but Daesung just kept.. 'crying' You panicked as his sobs got louder, apologizing to him over and over again, even trying to embrace him into a hug. Suddenly something cold hit your face and popped, you couldn't believe it, Daesung smothered your face with water bombs! Suddenly you heard a sweet chuckle close to your ear, "You can open your eyes now!" You rubbed your eyes and slowly opened them,  it was blurry at first, but you got your vision back quickly, there infront of you, with two water bombs in his hand was Daesung. Your eyes were darting at his body before you lifted your head up and your eyes connected with his instantly. He smiles sheepishly and handed you one of the water balloons, "Good joke! That was fun!" He grinned, you suddenly felt cold all over yourself, you put your hand on your cheek only to feel wet. You looked down at yourself, your clothes soaking wet. Your favorite SHIRT SOAKING WET. "Why did you do that?!" You shouted before throwing the water bomb at him, hitting him in the crotch this time. (But he ignored it somehow..) "I'm sorry I thought we were just playing.. Oh wait.. YOU MUST BE FREEZING!" Suddenly Daesung started scrambling around trying to find you something warm to wear, there was a tap on your shoulder.

You spun round only to be towered over by T.O.P, oh no.. He must be really mad at you, what if Seungri said this was all your idea! You closed your eyes ready to get a scolding, when all you felt was warmth surrouned your body.

Your eyes quickly opened to find T.O.P smiling at you, and even.. Laughing? He had taken his leather coat off and wrapped it around you, T.O.P noticed the other boys had finally come over to you two, as you enjoyed the scent and feeling of the coat (It smelt of T.O.P, you learnt this from the many times he accidentaly pinned you to the lockers, cringe!) He was busily asking you questions like "Are you loving my presence right now?" T.O.P was boasting infront of the others. 'Lovingly' .. That word sent a shiver up your spine. You felt a pat on your head, it was Daesung, somehow you forgot about him for the last few seconds... He had a strange look in his eyes.. Envy? Daesung scanned you up and down, with a frown on his face, out of the blue he ripped the jacket off you and threw it to the ground.

"That wont do." He said, before grabbing your hand and leading you back into the school building. T.O.P just kneeled to the ground and picked it up, "M-My jacket.." He cried. "Seems like Daesung's in THAT mood again.." Sighed Taeyang, everyone nodded.

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Hi sorry if the writing is all a bit jumbled up I'll clear this chapter up a bit if it's too hard to read! <3 <3 <3 i

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I'm working on the new chapter!


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Chapter 14: I hope everything will be okay! Fighting and never give up :)
Chapter 14: Aigoo, for a second I thought that you'll abandon this story. But thank God that you didn't! I really like this story :D Just take your time, and don't worry ^^ Can't wait to read the new chapter and to see that poster :D
Chapter 14: Take your time!! I know it's hard moving houses.....
KpopLova #4
i think tha you should put seungri and Amber together so there is no triangle! i dislike triangles. i love daesung!
omooo i hope that evil key wont delete the picture so "I" will be able to see it >.<
nice update! and omo GTOP <3 XD
Aw, Daesung is so cute~ I don't really like her parents, they are absolutely not resemble one. Will this be a love triangle between her, Seungri and Daesung? So, GD and TOP are a couple, and Taemin has a crush on Minho xD
Daesung IS an angel :D I just love that picture at the top of the chapter, it's my favorite picture of Daesung ^^ I wonder when will she realize that the boy she's dreaming about is non other than Daesung.
Daesung an angel!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love n update soon please!!!!!!
the blonde guy is dae right? right? RIGHT?
at the chapter picture: he is pretty hot there isnt he? *.*
great chapter! so .. dreamy~
Update soon :)