Seungri's water bombs

Am I an angel - Am I a monster
Finally school ended for the day! You had been fidgeting to get out of the classroom since that Daesung boy kept giving you the pity stare.

When you were halfway down the school's P.E hall, Amber looked at her watch, her eyes went wide

"Oh snap!" She started to jog on the spot, "I forgot I had an apointment today.. See ya!" She patted you on the shoulder and quickly left the school building, Amber is probably the best runner in your whole P.E class, you swear she could run in the olympics if she wanted to! Then again.. You exagerate alot.. You had left your P.E kit behind, so You went back to the girls bathroom to search for it, you creeked open the bathroom door, only to get trampled on by some younger girls screaming.  

"THERE'S A BOY IN THE GIRLS BATHROOM!" "HELP!" "ERT ON THE LOOSE!" The group of girls ran down a flight of stairs, until everything was quiet again, you were now sprawled out on the floor since they ran you over.

You slowly got back up and peeped through the crack in the door, there, cackling like a witch, was.. "SEUNGRI?!??!"

You  shouted,  He jumped and dropped a balloon of water that bursted next to his feet. "AW, now look what you made me do!!" He said, taking out more balloons from his pocket and filling them from the tap.

You just gawked at him, Seungri had just spoken directly to YOU! THE SEUNGRI! This day was crazy..

You tiptoed over to a sink and turned off the tap, you muttered "Please don't waste the girls water S-Seungri.."  "Aish, sorry,, I should have been more thoughtful." He replied. WOW! You did it! You were actually having a conversation with SEUNGRI! Well, that's how it felt to you..  

AMBER'S GONNA BE SO JELLY HAHA! Okay, now to find your P.E kit..  You searched the corner of the room, that's where you and Amber where standing the last time you were in here, but all you found were other girls gross knickers and smelly socks..

You turned back round to find Seungri sitting on the sink table eating a sandwhich, "Want some?" He asked, ripping off a piece, this is the point you run to a cubicle and throw up, but.. You just stood there, frozen on the spot, THE SEUNGRI was offering YOU a morsel of HIS SANDWHICH?


 no scratch that...


Seungri slipped off the sink table and groaned, he started walking towards you and placed some of the sandwhich in your hand, he was so close to you!

He started to observe you more as you were still frozen to the spot, he glanced at the sandwhich, then back at you, and back at the sandwhich. etc. Suddenly his hand was tracing your tummy, you slowly looked up at him to see his forehead gone a little red and a concerned look grew across his face, He traced his fingers lightly across your ribcage, his  face wasn't like the usual, bubbly-happy and mischevious Seungri, he actually looked mad right now

'Crap.. He knows..' You panicked in your head, Seungri then gave you the rest of his sandwhich and went back to filling his balloons with water. Oh great, that's just great, see, now he's pitying you! Why didn't you just snatch the piece off him before he could come anywhere near you?!



"Because I'm pranking my friends right now," Seungri answered. He can read your mind?!? "They deserve it ever since they made me lose that girls number.." He snarled, psh, of course he would get rowled up over this, he is a total player in our school.

He motioned you to come over, "Since your here, stay with me until my friends come back and we can soak them with these water bombs!"  He gave you his brightest smile, sure looks like fun, you have nothing else to do, plus you'll be hanging out with THE SEUNGRI.

But who are his "friends" You'll be pranking?


Psh, I bet you thought this would be a youxseungri? NU-UH girlfraaann-! Seungri will be more of the brotherely type.. Just.. y! And you'll be helping him with his own girl problems later in the story. And where's Daesung? He'll be in the next chapter! 
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I'm working on the new chapter!


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Chapter 14: I hope everything will be okay! Fighting and never give up :)
Chapter 14: Aigoo, for a second I thought that you'll abandon this story. But thank God that you didn't! I really like this story :D Just take your time, and don't worry ^^ Can't wait to read the new chapter and to see that poster :D
Chapter 14: Take your time!! I know it's hard moving houses.....
KpopLova #4
i think tha you should put seungri and Amber together so there is no triangle! i dislike triangles. i love daesung!
omooo i hope that evil key wont delete the picture so "I" will be able to see it >.<
nice update! and omo GTOP <3 XD
Aw, Daesung is so cute~ I don't really like her parents, they are absolutely not resemble one. Will this be a love triangle between her, Seungri and Daesung? So, GD and TOP are a couple, and Taemin has a crush on Minho xD
Daesung IS an angel :D I just love that picture at the top of the chapter, it's my favorite picture of Daesung ^^ I wonder when will she realize that the boy she's dreaming about is non other than Daesung.
Daesung an angel!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love n update soon please!!!!!!
the blonde guy is dae right? right? RIGHT?
at the chapter picture: he is pretty hot there isnt he? *.*
great chapter! so .. dreamy~
Update soon :)