Prize with Daesung

Am I an angel - Am I a monster
You sat on the edge of a chair and fiddled with a fork, while Seungri leant down putting plasters on your legs, close, tickling your grazed knees, you kept on trying not to giggle, Ri looked up and smiled, stared at you for what seemed like forever. Before slowly giving you a butterfly kiss back on your knee, you were surprised as your toes curled and your cheeks became warm. 'No, ___! Remember they say Seungri is a player in your school! Don't fall for him!' You warned yourself and shuffled your chair away from Seungri. He smirked, "cute."

You gave him a stern look before noticing Jiyong had skipped into the kitchen with a purple shirt with shorts and flip flops, "You can wear these, and keep them, I need new clothes anywa-" "You mean you have TOO MANY clothes you need to give away!" T.O.P interupted. Seungri stood up and patted your head, "I finished cleaning the blood on your knee's, it might sting a little when you walk, though." He walked upstairs, Jiyong placed the clothes on your lap still argueing with T.O.P about clothes, 'they argue like a real couple..' You hesitated, but shook that thought away and walked upstairs to get changed, you found 5 doors, but which one is the bathroom? um..

"SEUNGRI?" You called, "WHICH ROOM SHOULD I CHANGE IN?" Seungri walked out of door no. 3, "You can change in my room if you want.." He winked at you, but you just pulled your tongue at him, "No thanks! I'd rather change in a room with no hidden cameras." You joked, Seungri looked hurt at first but chuckled and patted your shoulder, "I like you, you're smart." You couldn't help but grin, THE SEUNGRI likes you!! But.. Don't get too hyped up, he's probably just being polite. Seungri opened door no. 5 showing the bathroom, he waved you to go in, "Don't worry there's a lock on the door" he laughed but you gave him an eery look, you walked in and shut the door behind you, you could hear Seungri walk into room no. 1, there seemed to be someone else inside with him.

As you started to slowly take your shirt off and replace it with the purple one, you heard a voice, "So what do you think of her?" You stopped and pressed your ear up against the wall, then there was another voice,  


"You know WHO."

"What are you talking about?!"

"Ha! I've seen the way you look at her."

You couldn't understand much of the talk, mostly just muffled tones.

"She seems good for you, but lets take our time."

"If you won't have her I will."

'Who's this girl they're talking about..' You thought, suddenly the sound of the no.1 door opened, you quickly got the rest of your clothes on. You could hear someone walking down the stairs, then their was a knock at the door, "Are you ready?" The voice wasn't Seungri's, you opened the door to see who it was, tiny eyes with a big nose, and the smile of an angel.  "Yo" Said Daesung, you gave him a weird look, "Where's Seungri?" You asked, Daesung rolled his eyes, "Okay not even a 'Hello?' psh.. Seungri's in the garden. He asked me if we could go buy ice cream." You blinked, "We?" Daesung nodded, "Together."

You gulped, but nodded, you both walked downstairs and out the door, when you took a step outside, the flashbacks of Key breaking up and the punching were coming back to you. "Hey, are you alright? You look a bit pale.." Daesung put his hand on your shoulder, you looked at him with wide eyes, "I'm fine." You answered in a cold voice, he just smiled at you and started walking, with you right behind him. "So..." Daesung started up the conversation, "since we go to the same school n' all.. Am I like... Your oppa?" You both stopped in your tracks and there was a long silence, until you finally answered. ".. T.O.P Jiyong and Youngbae are my oppas..." Daesung turned round and smirked, "What about Seungri?" You quickly said in a blank tone:

"He's my oppa too."

Daesung's jaw dropped, "What?!? But he's one year younger than you!! If anyone is going to replace Seungri and be your oppa it should be me!" His nostrils looked gigantic at this point, you couldn't help but laugh at him. "Why do you care? You barely know me." You walked past him, flicking his ear while you walk by. "Oww!" He groaned, "Speak for yourself! Calling my friends oppas though they never talked to you before!" You just kept on walking and giggled, "I admire them." Daesung was huffing with rage, but noticed you had become quite far away from him at this point, "Hey wait up!" Daesung chased after you.

  After buying the ice cream, the conversation between you and Daesung was going no where, but you both suddenly found yourself walking through the wrong street, filled with arcade games and outdoor things like 'Catch a fish' and 'Origami class' you had no idea why the street was filled like this, but you didn't care, they have an arcade! Daesung noticed you eyeing the games, he skipped over to the door and opened it for you, "I think Seungri's ice cream can wait.." Without hesitating you skipped into the arcade and in no time were you and Daesung having a great time together. Just then, Daesung spotted a claw game, you could actually see his eyes sparkle, he grabbed your sleeve and dragged you over to it, the huge glass box was filled with these:


At first sight you thought they looked funny, the toy's were called 'DUCKY MOO MOO'  "Aren't they cute?! I'm gonna win you one!!" But you quickly declined Daesung's offer, you didn't want some guy you barely know spending money on you.. It's embarrassing.. He ruffled your hair and put a coin in the game, "You don't need to worry, I want to win you something!" Daesung said in a determined voice which just warmed your heart. It took him about 10 turns, at this time you already had started cheering for him and a group of people actually stopped to watch. When he finally won you a prize, he told you to close your eyes and hold out our hands, as you did you felt a soft fabric drop into your palms, you opened your eyes and couldn't help but laugh. Daesung frowned, "Y-you don't like your prize?.." You cuddled the prized and grinned "I don't like it.. I love it!!"

'Oowaah.. love?.."' Thought Daesung, he looked  at his watch and panicked, "WE WERE SUPPOSED TO BE BACK AT THE HOUSE HALF AN HOUR AGO!!" You remembered the ice cream and picked up the bag, "It's probably melting now! Come on let's go!" You and Daesung ran out of the arcade and all the way back to the house

holding hands.

When Daesung rang the doorbell you leant against the wall huffing, when the door opened there seemed to be a very concerned Youngbae, Daesung gave him the 'pleasetellmeSeungriisntmad..." look. "He's mad. And Seunghyun and Jiyong are very worried! Come inside it's starting to rain.."  'Ah.. So Seunghyun must be T.O.P... Or T.O.P is Seunghyun..' You thought to yourself. As you and Daesung were about to step inside Youngbae looked at how you were both holding hands, Daesung quickly wripped his hand away from yours, you did the same and gulped. "You guys are weird.." Yawned Youngbae and walked ahead of you.

You both tiptoed into the kitchen only to find Jiyong Seunghyun and Seungri sitting at the kitchen table with dinner prepared, glaring daggers at you, 'oh no...' You worried, 'They must hate me now..' As you got ready to get shouted at, the boys walked past you and grabbed Daesung, you look over your shoulder to see them argueing with him. "Why did you take away my guest?!" Yelled Seungri, not really caring about the melted ice cream, "We told you to be back at dinner time.." Groaned Seunghyun, and Jiyong just kept whacking Dae on the head with a wooden spoon. You felt guilty and tried to break up the fight, "It was my idea to stay out late I'm very sorry oppa's.. We went to the arcade, see?" You showed them the prize Daesung won for you, they all just laughed in unison and sat back down at the dinner table, not bothering to help Daesung up from the floor where they seemed to have scared him to death..

As you sat down across Jiyong, Seunghyun teased "Seems ____ has an admirer!" He cooed at Daesung and Seungri nearly choked on his dinner from laughing, after a while you and Daesung had sat and eaten dinner (Well.. You pretended to eat but you secretly fed the dinner to Jiyong and Youngbae's dogs, Boss and Gaho.) It felt so nice being with this group, you always thought they were bullies or players, but instead they were gentlemen to you! Well, Seungri seems to like skinship at times.. But whatever! You just wish Amber was here too, then the dinner would be complete! She probably won't believe anything if you told her at school tomorrow..




You quickly got up from your seat and put your shoes on, Jiyong complained "Aww do you need to leave nowww? I barely got to chat with you!"  "You've chatted with her plenty," Seunghyun sighed, "_____, do you need a ride?" Before Seungri and Daesung could fight over who will drive you home, Youngbae got up from his seat and stretched, "I'll take her, it's been a while since I've been able to drive, since Seungri likes to pretend our ride is a racing car.." "DO NOT!" Seungri threw a dog treat at Youngbae's head, but he just gave him a smiled and waved goodbye to the boys, you said goodbye and gave your thanks, also complementing Seunghyun's cooking, you told Daesung you'd pay him back for the prize, he got up from his seat and took the prize from your hands. "It's raining out there, wear this to keep warm." Daesung wrapped the prize around your neck, well look at that.. It's a scarf! Who woulda thought scarfs could be prizes?! You bowed to him, as you and Youngbae were heading out the door, you turned back and whispered "Bye oppa." And smiled, Daesung blushed and waved at you, you just stuck your tongue out and ran to Youngbae's car and after buckling in, he drove you home.

On the drive home you had quite a strange talk with Youngbae, he kept telling you about Daesung, his likes and dislikes, what school classes he's in, and if you could take care of him when his friends aren't around.. Other than that he remarked on earlier of todays incident and drabbled on about safety rules and such, holy shisus! What kind of primary school did this boy go to?! When you finally reached your home you thanked him, as he drove away you had that weird feeling again,


But not for your stomach hehe! For your heart! But you quickly shook that feeling off and walked into your house, when you walked into the living room your parents were watching tv, when they finally noticed you they eyed you up and down, before your father smirked "Told you she was with a boy." You looked down at your clothes and sighed, "Honey.. You may think we don't care about you.. But that doesn't mean you should go have unsafe with any dirty rag head at your school, except for that Key boy.. He's a gentleman!" "Key broke up with me." You huffed, your mum and dad jumped off the sofa and started screeching at you, "WHAT DID YOU DO? WE KNEW YOU WOULD SCREW UP THE RELATIONSHIP!!" "Uhh.. Actually he was secretly gay.. And dating a boy behind my back.." You answered, the room fell quiet, "Yeah. I'm okay though, he was boring." But you were lying of course, your parents slumped back on the sofa with their eyes fixed to the tv, "I knew that little would be trouble.." Growled your father, your mother went back to painting her nails "Well I had my suspisions.." You just stared at them with a raised eyebrow till your mum hissed, "Well what are you still standing around for? GO TO BED."  You groaned and quickly ran to your room, cuddling your prize in one arm, you slammed your bedroom door behind you and snuggled into your duvet, not caring about getting changed. You tried getting to sleep but all you could think of was texting Amber, she would be glad to know about the break up, but she'd definitley be there for you in this time of need. Now where's your phone?..


You left your phone in Kibum's car.. He probably won't give it back, but he probably will search through it, luckily you didn't have any naughty pictures or messages on there. I mean.. HAHA.. Why would you.. *cough*.. The only messages he probably won't like are the one's you recieved from Amber ing about how ugly his haircut is.. But oh well, that was Amber not you, and he kinda deserved it.. You reminded yourself you didn't cry much over your break up, and felt this was the best time, you weeped silently, clutching your prized and snuggling your face into it's soft silkyness. You sobbed into it but felt reassured and safe with the prize, you don't know why you felt better with it,

It kinda smelt like Daesung.

You drifted into a deep sleep, in a beetle position and the duvet wrapped around you, (remember you don't like sleeping with clothes on? Well this day is especially cold!)

 You dreamed all kinds of nice, beautiful things, one of them being a smile of an angel.


Sorry I didn't update earlier


But how ing cute is this cartoon Dae? <333

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I'm working on the new chapter!


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Chapter 14: I hope everything will be okay! Fighting and never give up :)
Chapter 14: Aigoo, for a second I thought that you'll abandon this story. But thank God that you didn't! I really like this story :D Just take your time, and don't worry ^^ Can't wait to read the new chapter and to see that poster :D
Chapter 14: Take your time!! I know it's hard moving houses.....
KpopLova #4
i think tha you should put seungri and Amber together so there is no triangle! i dislike triangles. i love daesung!
omooo i hope that evil key wont delete the picture so "I" will be able to see it >.<
nice update! and omo GTOP <3 XD
Aw, Daesung is so cute~ I don't really like her parents, they are absolutely not resemble one. Will this be a love triangle between her, Seungri and Daesung? So, GD and TOP are a couple, and Taemin has a crush on Minho xD
Daesung IS an angel :D I just love that picture at the top of the chapter, it's my favorite picture of Daesung ^^ I wonder when will she realize that the boy she's dreaming about is non other than Daesung.
Daesung an angel!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love n update soon please!!!!!!
the blonde guy is dae right? right? RIGHT?
at the chapter picture: he is pretty hot there isnt he? *.*
great chapter! so .. dreamy~
Update soon :)