Introducing - YOU

Am I an angel - Am I a monster
"____, HEY ____!! Please don't run away! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! ____!!!!!"

Waking up, startled, pressing you'r palm to you'r forehead, hot and sweaty. You sat up in bed breathing heavily, must have been one of THOSE dreams with THAT boy again..

After a few minutes from feeling shook up, you slid out of bed and to the bathroom, standing on your weighing machine while brushing you'r teeth. You are , you don't wear PJ's, they make you feel trapped in a hot blanket of fire, on cold days nighties are a sort of exception.

After you made sure your teeth were squeeky clean you peered down at the weighing machine, letting out a loud sigh, "Why can't I weigh more?!" You hopped off the weighing machine and kicked it across the bathroom, it slid under the toilet. "I am definitley not picking that up now" You huffed, after you took you'r shower you slid into some tight leopard jeans with slits up the sides, nearly falling over from the weakness in your legs. You pulled a pink shirt with a funny looking monster on it from you'r wardrobe. "I love this shirt, too bad I't looks so baggy on me.. Wish I was more curvy so I could fill it better".

After drying your hair you put on a dark blue cap and some high-tops, you then ran downstairs to see your mum eating a plateful of pancakes with what seemed to look like ... ketchup?

"MUM! GROSS!" You shrieked looking at the nasty red goop. "It's just strawberry sauce.." She placed the bottle of sauce infront of you and went back to smashing her face in the pancakes. "Want some?" She teased.

You felt like throwing up, food like this makes you feel like you are trying to eat 6 bowls of sloppy Weatabix, to be honest, the only thing you can handle is a baby cup of yogurt.

Food isn't exactley something that makes YOU feel happy in life, it doesn't cheer you up, it tastes bland, You can barely digest that stuff.

What's so great about food?

After breakfast (which was just a piece of apple pretty much..)

you were now walking to school with your headphones on listening to B2st's 'Bad Girl', but when It got to you'r favorite part - "down down we gonna get down.." What was that? It sounded like another voice was added to the song,  except.. More angelic... You've heard this voice before.. In you'r dreams.. No, it couldn't be, you lighty slap yourself to make sure, the voice becomes louder.

"down down WE GONNA GET DOWN.. DOWN DOWN we gonna get down.."

Just then, you felt a spark travel up your spine as if someone was right behind you.. Wait, maybe there is? You quickley spun round to face a gigantic nose, small squinty eyes, and a goofy smile.

But it was still a smile of an angel.

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First chapter is up! It's pretty much just about introducing you right now so sorry if it a little!

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I'm working on the new chapter!


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Chapter 14: I hope everything will be okay! Fighting and never give up :)
Chapter 14: Aigoo, for a second I thought that you'll abandon this story. But thank God that you didn't! I really like this story :D Just take your time, and don't worry ^^ Can't wait to read the new chapter and to see that poster :D
Chapter 14: Take your time!! I know it's hard moving houses.....
KpopLova #4
i think tha you should put seungri and Amber together so there is no triangle! i dislike triangles. i love daesung!
omooo i hope that evil key wont delete the picture so "I" will be able to see it >.<
nice update! and omo GTOP <3 XD
Aw, Daesung is so cute~ I don't really like her parents, they are absolutely not resemble one. Will this be a love triangle between her, Seungri and Daesung? So, GD and TOP are a couple, and Taemin has a crush on Minho xD
Daesung IS an angel :D I just love that picture at the top of the chapter, it's my favorite picture of Daesung ^^ I wonder when will she realize that the boy she's dreaming about is non other than Daesung.
Daesung an angel!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love n update soon please!!!!!!
the blonde guy is dae right? right? RIGHT?
at the chapter picture: he is pretty hot there isnt he? *.*
great chapter! so .. dreamy~
Update soon :)