i hurt him.....

" who are you? " ....." my everything "

ugh~~ its Sunday..

but we need to go to the headquarters and make our final practise..

tomorow is our debut~! omo...i can't wait...

and our first stage will be at LOTTE WORLD..


i stood from my bed and walk towards my closet..

what should i wear today? em...

digging....digging...and digging inside my closet..

and...FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!!!  this should be perfect!!!!!!!!!!

i decided to wear a black hodie and a black tight long pants because the last time i wear short pants Yoseob can't stop clinging onto my arms all day and keep telling me that i'm making him nervous..and guess what...my man ( Junhyung oppa )  gives me a dangerous glare...omo~~



in the van with my manager and friends..


they keep chatting and playing while my manager driving..

i'm too lazy to join them...because...em..actually i was buzy doing something..

im texting my man....hahahahaha....


From : my man ~ heart

baby~ gud morning..how was your sleep last night?


To : my man ~ heart

gud morning too...

why would you bother wether i had a gud night or not?

and of course i had a nice and peaceful sleep..

even i was upset we cancelled our dinner last night becoz of your schedule :(


From : my man ~ heart

im sory baby~~

i didnt mean to make you upset..lets have dinner again next time ok?

BTW...yup..i was bothered with the toughts you wouldn't sleep so well last night..

becoz i can't sleep last night..i keep thinking of you and i really want to kiss you... :P


To : my man ~ heart

you ert~!



From : my man ~ heart

what? you didn't want to kiss me?


To : my man ~ heart

hahahaha...enough ok...

we are here already..see ya upstairs~


From : my man ~ heart


don't come up here!

i can't stand seeing you and that silly Yoseobie hugging and clinging arms all day!



aigo~ he's always be jealous..

i didn't reply his last text..on purpose of course..

hahaha...i want to have fun today..i'm going to take my revenge on him for cancelling our dinner last night..

i'm going to let Yoseob hug me and cling onto my arms all day until Jaesoon oppa really..really piss off...

hahaha...i know he already apologize but ..hey i just want to have fun ok?


we make our way heading to the practise room..

then i open the door and get inside but suddenly


the BEAST members throws confeti and ballons towards us..

Sulli , Hyuna and Jenny run inside the room and grab the cake and candy on the table..

" chukahamnida...tomorow will be your debut day! finally we can see you on the stage again~ "

Doojoon hug me..and then

" Yujin-ah...i miss you so much yesterday! we didn't meet and i feel so bored...but when i start talking about you Juhyung hyung smack my head and he keep telling me to stop...now my head still hurts.."

i guess you know who is that..yeah..its our Yang Yoseob...he takes my hands and makes me rub his head...

omo...his hair smells nice..hhaahaha...

" ya hyung! what about me? i tought we were together forever? "

Dongwoon pouted at Yoseob

" shut up! its only me and Yujin-ah.."

Dongwoon smirks at him..suddenly someone pull Yoseob away from me..

and guess who..

" ya!!!!!!!!!! why are you doing this to me????? why??????? "

Yoseob is buzy kicking and smacking Doojoon's head...Doojoon grab him by his waist and hold onto him...

he almost escape and ran to me...

but then Gikwang and Hyunseung grab him..they hold onto his shoulder and Doojoon hold his arms from his back

" no!!!! she's mine!!! Junhyung hyung i hate you!!!!! all of you let me go!!! argh!!!!! "

Yoseob keeps strugling and Doojoon ended up with a rope on his hands and they made him sit at the corner of the room

i feel pity on him but i can't save him because Jaesoon oppa were holding my hands..

WAIT...WHAT????? i look at my hands again...HE'S HOLDING IT!!!!!! IN FRONT OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!

" oppa.."

i slap his hands...he look shock..

" its ok Yujin-ah.."


" yeah Yujin-ah...you know..its not cool holding secrets towards your friends you know.."

i give Doojoon oppa a surprise + confused looks..

" oppa..what did you mean? "

he gives me a sigh and then...


Doojoon's POV : 

" that night at the restaurant...where we meet ZE:A ..

did you think we didn't see your hands and hyung were under the table?  we saw it but i give them a signal not to interupt because we really want to know what's wrong with you two..then i told Jenny to sneek under the table..when she goes up she look shock.. she wispered to us that she saw your and hyung were playing with your hands.."

then Gikwang moves forward and continue the drama

" yeah..we were all shock and we guess you two might be dating but we're not sure so we decided to keep quiet..we pretend that we didn't know...and..we actually saw you and hyung feeding each other with our own eye..yeah except Yoseob..we make him focused on the food so he wouldn't interupt the view..."

then Hyunseung continue..oh crap...who's next?

" when you are buzy saying goodbye with Dongjun-shii..we all make a plan to confirm our mind..then we pretend that we're going home..as we expected..hyung followed you and we're sure that we will get our answer..we call Hyuna , Sulli and Jenny and we follow you two..we saw you two having a fight and ...hehe..we saw you kissing for a loooooooooooooong moment.."

Hyuna cross her arms

" Yujin-ah..do you know how hard it is to make Jenny close her eyes? aigoo.."

Jenny chuckled besides her..then Sulli smack her head

" ouch~~ unnie.."

" ya..you're still under age..you weren't supposed to see those things.."

Jenny pouted at Sulli...i look at Jaesoon oppa..

he was smiling at me..

" mianhe Yujin-ah...i was about to tell you about that at the dinner last night but i didnt have the chance because we had to cancelled it...after i got back to our dorm that night..they were investigating me and i had to admit it..besides..we agree to tell only them.."

i was shock...very shock...but i can't help it...i just noded my head

" im so sorry..i didn't mean too-.."

" its ok..we understand...you don't want this to be an issue before our debut right?.."

i noded at Hyuna..then i turn at Yoseob..

he was tied by Doojoon , Gikwang and Hyunseung...now he's sitting at the corner with Dongwoon patting his back..

" relax hyung...i know it hurts but they are in love.."

Yoseob glare at him

" shut up Woonie! "

poor Woonie..oh BTW...Woonie is Dongwoon's short name..

Woonie stood and stamp his leg

" why hyung? why are you mad at me? i hate you! "

he wipe his tears and hug Gikwang

" ya..you make our magnae cry.."

Yoseob just glare at Gikwang and look the other way..

suddenly Jenny aproach Woonie and hold his hands..

" oppa,...please stop crying..lets go outside and buy some ice cream..it will cheer you up "

Woonie nod his head and left with Jenny..we all give Jenny a thank-you-Jenny-ah- face

after that Yoseob gets up and moves towards the door..when he pass trough me and Jaesoon oppa he glare at oppa..

" i hate you.."

then he gets out from the room with his hands still tied behind him..i didn't mean to but i chuckled a little because i see it funny..

Doojoon then run outside with scissors in his hands..

i look down at the floor..

the Jaesoon oppa lift my chin up...

" ya..don't worry..he will be fine in no time.."

" but i think i hurt his feelings.."

Gikwang oppa comes towards me and grab my shoulder..

" its ok..he was just a little upset.."

i noded and then Sulli and Hyuna hug me to cheer me up..



a few minutes after that..


our manager come into the room..

he was a little confused to see only me , Jaesoon oppa , Hyuna , Sulli , Gikwang and Hyunseung oppa in the room..

" where's the other? and where is our little Jenny? "

" the others are taking Jenny to the new ice cream shop because she told them she was craving for ice cream"

we all smile at Sulli....i don't know she's good at lying...omo...what else i didn't know?

gladly,our manager just nod..then he took out some paper and wave it in front of us..

" ok..i've got some news for you..tomorow is your debut stage at LOTTE WORLD ( it is the largest theme park at South Korea )  

and i need to tell you that you'll be debuted with another groups from another company.."

we all nod..until..

" they were called ZE:A.."

Sulli and Hyuna give me some strange looks and i can feel some strange aura coming from Jaesoon oppa..

omo~ i'm dead...

" Yujin-ah..isn't that the cute guy..em...what's his name? em..ah...Dongjun's group? "

i closed my eyes...~ em..my God...thanks a lot for reminding me Hyuna~ 

i gives her an unbelieveable looks..and Sulli covered before she said anything else..

suddenly the manager left.. ~ no!!!!! manager oppa...don't leave me...i'm dead before i debut..don't leave!!! ~

i cry in my heart...i can feel that my knees are trembling...

WAIT...why am i so scared? Jaesoon oppa loves me and he's not gonna hurt me...right?

but my toughts are totally wrong...the expressions in his face like now scared me ..A LOT...

then i look at the other way..but..THEY WERE GONE!! NO ONE IS IN THE ROOM!!!! I AM ALONE WITH THE MAN THAT LOVES ME AND GOING TO EAT ME ALIVE !!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

a took a very deep breath...

" op..oppa..i-.."

i can't continue my words when suddenly Junhyung stood


" so he's gonna be there huh ? "

" oppa..please..you promise me you wouldn't do-.."

" but he likes you! "

i was shock..then i stand up in front of him..well im not as tall as him but i stare into his eyes..

" i can't believe this! you promise me you wouldn't doubt my love for you but hearing that we're going to be at the same place and same time with him makes you piss off? that's it...i had enough "

i left him with tears in my eyes...

i feel so stupid and sad...i waited for 5 years to get my feet back here and be his girl but in just a few weeks we fight..

what a day...I HATE YOU LIFE!!!!

i almost reach the door when suddenly someone grab my waist..

" mianhe..Yujin-ah..please forgive me...i don't know but i can't stop being jealous everytime i think about him.."

i didn't reply to him..i was buzy with my tears..oh damn tears..i can't look well..why are you gathering in my eyes? why don't you just fall down? 

yeah...i'm telling you..my eyes were teary right now but the tears won't fall..

then suddenly Jaesoon oppa stand in front of me...and i saw..

TEARS??? he's...crying..

" please forgive me...i know i was wrong..please..I LOVE YOU so much.."

finally my tears fall down..yeah!!!!

my tears keep falling down and i can see his face turning red..

i wipe his tears and i give him a tight hug...he pull me a little and he lean to me..

and he lock his lips to me..i kiss him back...we were kissing with our tears falling down..

when we start deepend our kiss..

" ya! get a room you two! Woonie and Jenny is here! "

we both stop kissing and turn at the voices..

it was Gikwang oppa..Hyunseung oppa close Woonie's eyes with his hands and Hyuna close Jenny's eyes with her hands..behind them i saw Doojoon was patting Yoseob's back...and Yoseob's face and eyes were red..im sure he just finish crying..

i smile at him but he turns away..Jaesoon oppa moves towards him..

" hyung.."

" don't touch me!!!! "

he ran away and Doojoon oppa chase him..

" whoa..he sure hates you so much.."

Gikwang close Woonie's mouth and Hyunseung stares at him..

" what? "

Hyunseung shook his head..

" thanks a lot Wonnie..you make Yujin feels more guilty.."

i heard them but i dont have anything to say...



hey...how's this chapter so far?









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Wonderful! I love this. c:
ilabya6 #2
awwww what a cute and beautiful story!! i like it alot, a want to read ur others stories!! ur good at writting!!! :DD
nice story
yong_min_ji #5
owh !! nice story line u hane here !!<br />
hope n xcited to read your next story !!!!
aki_haelee2815 #6
yah!<br />
it's finished n0w..<br />
Aish..but i love this fic.<br />
'against all odds!' XD
*sobs* omg that evil witch.<br />
NOOOOOOOOOO the baby *pouts*<br />
on the bright side they are finally together again<br />
*grabs your hands*new story soon ? :D
Yannna #8
it ended already *sobs* i love your story. will read your new stories next ahhaha
fren123 #9
thanks a lot guys for being a great friends and supporter until this final chapter! i truly love you all! God Bless~!
Yannna #10