VALENTINE DATE ?????? part 2 ..... T__________T

" who are you? " ....." my everything "



i finally out from the building..then i saw Jaesoon oppa running towards me

" ya..i almost burn down the building..what took you so long? "

" later...lets go now before he finds me.."

we both quickly run towards his car...

Dongjun's POV : 
" Yujin-ah..this clothes looks cute...why don't you-.."
i turn around but where's Yujin?
" Yujin? Yujin-ah..! Yujin-ah..! "
i start running and yelling..
i goes to the ground floor....
" ugh..why am i so stupid letting her hands go? stupid crowd..! "
i turn at the main door..
i saw her! Yujin....
i ran to the main door...
Junhyung! he found her...but how?
" ah!!!!!!!!!!! "
the Coke can rolling down the rood after i kick it..
end of POV...
back at Yujin's POV
Jaesoon oppa brings me to this restaurant...
far..far..far..far....away from the big dummy mall...
and its far..far..far..far away from the freak Dongjun..
huahahahaha....he must be frustated right now....
" Yujin-ah...are you sure we should just let him go? "
i look at oppa...his face shows me that he's so upset right now..
" oppa...its ok...he just want to have fun with me.."
oppa release a big sigh
" yeah...have fun in a freak way.."
i grab his hands..i hold it tightly
" least im still here..and we can have our date now..."
oppa gives me a smile..a smile that make me fall for him...
we both are waiting for the waiter but suddenly someone calls oppa
" oh..its Doojoon hyung..should i off this phone? "
" aniiyo....just pick it up..maybe its important.."
" but...its our date.."
" oppa...its ok..just answer that..."
he release a big sigh and answer the phone
Doojoon : ya! what took you so long to answer?
Junhyung : what did you want?
Doojoon : can't you be more polite? aigoo...where are you?
Junhyung : im at the restaurant with Yujin...why?
Doojoon : owh..Wonnie eat so many he's having a stomach..
suddenly Junhyung heard a small voice in the phone  " hyung..palli...i can't take it anymore.." 
Doojoon : ya! shut up! stop whining...thats what you get for stealing our chocolate!
Junhyung : what? he steal your chocolate?
Doojoon : yeah...but you are lucky..he don't dare to steal yours...we all didn't get to eat our chocolate because of this dude..
Junhyung : em..arasso...i'll go and buy his medicine..wait for me..
Doojoon : gumawo hyung!
oppa hang up and he turns at me..
" why oppa? what's wrong? "
" Wonnie got a stomach because he eats to much chocolate..he stole everyone's chocolate except mine and eat all of it.."
" whoa..i don't know Wonnie oppa was an eating machine.."
oppa didn't give me an answer..
" oppa..what's wrong? "
" i need to go and buy his won't take long but i don't feel good leaving you here.."
i give him a smile..then i hold his hands..
" oppa..don't worry..its just going to be a few minutes..i'll be ok..dont worry...just go before Woonie die.."
he smile at my joke...i can see from his looks that he was worry about me...
i give him a peek at his cheek...
" oppa...just go..i promise i'll wait for you.."
he nod and we step outside the restaurant...i watch him live and i turn back into the restaurant..but before i reach the restaurant..
" Yujin-ah.."
a familiar voice..
" Kevin oppa? "
he smile at me..
" oppa..what are you doing here? "
" owh..i was bored so i was walking here.."
an akward silence...
i don't have anything to say to both of us stay in silence...
~ i'm sorry but i need you to leave now before Jaesoon oppa comes ~ 
no..i can;t tell him that..its way to rude...
" Yujin-ah.."
" yeah..oppa.."
" em..actually..what are doing here? are you waiting for someone? "
" huh? was..just..-"
" YUJIN-AH!!!" 
huh? who was that? i saw a guy running like a crazy bull..
then he comes closer to me..OH MY GOD!!!!!!
" Yujin-ah..gwenchana? i saw Junhyung took you dare he..em..where is he and what are you doing here? "
he say it all in one breathe..i can't answer it all..i just blinked my guy sure a freak..
" ahem! "
Dongjun and i turn at my back
" know Dongjun right? "
they bow to each other..
" Yujin-ah...khaja...lets leave before Junhyung comes back.."
Dongjun grabs my left hand and he pull me..but suddenly Kevin oppa grab my right hand..
Dongjun turns around and he was having a staring war with Kevin oppa..
~ owh great! i was in the middle of the war...~
" what are you doing?  let her go..she's coming with me.."
Kevin smirks at him
" i don't think she's willing to come with you...besides...she told me this afternoon that she will think about having a date with me tonight..right Yujin? "
Kevin oppa raise his brows at me..
~ WHAT?don't bring me in your war..i don't want to! ~
i give him a what-are-you-talking-about face...he smile at me and pull me towards him...Dongjun moves together with me because he still grabbing my hands..
ouch! it hurts~~~ T______T
" i told you...let her go..we are in the middle of our i think Yujin doesn't really made a promise with you.."
Dongjun pull my hands and i move to the left side....T___T my hands....
Kevin pulls me to the right and Dongjun pulls me back...
i can't take it anymore but i don't know what to say...i'm scared i might be hurting one of them...
~ owh...God..please help me~
Hallelujah!!!! my 'superhyung' comes to rescue me!!!
Jaesoon a.k.a Junhyung oppa comes towards us and he pull my shoulder towards him..but very unfortunately
the two guy over here are not releasing their grabs..
" let her go..."
Jaesoon oppa glare at them..they say nothing but glare at him...
my hands are hurt so much right now...i need to do something before they start killing each other
 " STOP IT!!!!! "
" Yujin-ah.."
they say in unison..
" oh God..please...could you all stop this thing? im going to lose my hands if you all keep doing this..! "
tears start forming in my eyes..i don't know what to say so dissapointed with them..
i ran away.....away from them...i don't know and i don't care what is happening between them back there...
i just want to ran away before i kill myself...
Junhyung's POV :
" Yujin-ah! "
she just ran away..i glare at Dongjun and Kevin
" which part of YUJIN IS MY GIRL that two of you didn't understand huh? "
they glare at me..
" Yong Junhyung...still the same..cold-hearted as ever.."
i glare at Kevin and he smirks at me..
" huh...thank goodness i left XING long time ago..i can't imagine how would it be if two of us still in the same shoes today.."
" do you think i would give Yujin up? NE-VER! "
" same with me..i don't know what is your past story with this dude but i want you to know i'm the type of guy that are not easy to give up.."
damn it! he smirls at me and walk away
" ya! come back here! "
he just wave at me without looking at me
" look here Junhyung..i'm the first one that like Yujin so-.."
" but Yujin likes me..not YOU! "
i cut him off
" so...why...don' OFF ! "
Kevin said the words one at a time in threteaning voice..
he narrowed his eyes and smirks at Junhyung before he walks away..
Junhyung kick the trashcan beside him and he clench his fist into a tight punch..
Yujin's POV :
i rang the bell at Xander's....i hope he's home..
the door opened..
" oh my God..little baby...look at you..what happen? "
" oppa...ishk..ishk...oppa..."
i broke into tears and i fall on my knees in front of Xander..
Xander kneeled in front of me and he lift up my chin..
he wipe of my tears and he pull me up and bring me inside the house
Xander hit the coffee table..i jump a little..
" how dare they do this to you! they are not little kids..why did they have to fight for you..? "
i grab his arms
" oppa...its ok...they-.."
another hit on the coffee table..poor table... T__T
" what is ok? they oppa Yujin..what is ok? Kevin and Dongjun knows you belong to Junhyung...what is the hell of their behaviour? "
" oppa...."
" im going to talk to Kevin..not are going to stay here...dont go back to your home..Junhyung or one of them might be there..i don't want you to get hurt more.."
Xander put me on the bed..he kiss my forhead..
" goodnight little baby.."
i grab his hands before he leaves my room
" oppa.."
he turn at me
" yeah little baby..what's wrong? "
" i want to you..for..everything.."
tears falls from my eye..Xander oppa wipe it off and he leaves the room after he off the lights..
outside Yujin's room..
Xander's POV..
" don't worry are my only little sister..i'll protect one can hurt you without passing through me..'
Yujin is my only little sister...eventhough she's only a cousin to me but she is my only female cousin and i won't let her down..
Kevin...Dongjun...Junhyung...i believe you have some bussiness to deal with me...
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Wonderful! I love this. c:
ilabya6 #2
awwww what a cute and beautiful story!! i like it alot, a want to read ur others stories!! ur good at writting!!! :DD
nice story
yong_min_ji #5
owh !! nice story line u hane here !!<br />
hope n xcited to read your next story !!!!
aki_haelee2815 #6
yah!<br />
it's finished n0w..<br />
Aish..but i love this fic.<br />
'against all odds!' XD
*sobs* omg that evil witch.<br />
NOOOOOOOOOO the baby *pouts*<br />
on the bright side they are finally together again<br />
*grabs your hands*new story soon ? :D
Yannna #8
it ended already *sobs* i love your story. will read your new stories next ahhaha
fren123 #9
thanks a lot guys for being a great friends and supporter until this final chapter! i truly love you all! God Bless~!
Yannna #10