" who are you? " ....." my everything "

its been a few weeks after our debut....

me and Jaesoon oppa doesn't meet much...

we only talk on the phone or meet for a few minutes at back stage..

i was a little dissapointed...i'm sure oppa feel the same too but both of us can't help it since we have our own career ahead..


i was sitting in the van with my three angels...

i feel so happy to see them smiling...

since that 'incident' ..i always keep Jenny close to me...

she's too little and she can't bear it if someone hurt her...


we are heading to KBS building for a variety show filming...

i'm glad because today BEAST and U-KISS gonna be there too..

i was looking outside the window and i saw a flower shop with a banner outside..



my eyes were widened...

oh my gosh! how could i forget today is VALENTINE DAY???
owh...i have to got something for Jaesoon oppa..

" oppa (manager)  ...can you please pull over in front of that shop? i need to get something "

i rush out of the van and went into this cute purple in colour gift shop..

" good morning we have a Valentine Day gift collection...would you like to check it out ? "

i nod and smile at the shop worker..

then she led me to a corner..i can see there's so many types of chocolate and sweets for Valentine Day..

i made a quick choice because they are waiting for me and we dont want to be late...

owh...i also brought something for U-KISS and other BEAST member since they are still single...MUAHAHHA....



after the show filming finish..


we all gather behind the studio..waiting for our manager to come..

i was chatting with Jenny when a pair of arms where wrap around my waist..

" Happy Vallentine Day baby..."

i giggle when he wisper at me...i can feel his warm breath at my ear..

" Happy Valentine Day too oppa.."

then Jaesoon oppa turn me around, facing him

" don't i get any present ? don't tell me you forgot about today ? "

" of course i got you something.."

i sneak into my bagpack and i took out a box of chocolate..the box have a heart shape and a ribbon..

i hand it over to oppa...his expression was funny..i can see him blushing but he try to hide it..(aha! )

" gumawo.."

" oppa...are you blushing? omo~ "

" what?'m not.."

he try to turn his face on the other way but i following his gaze..

" ya..stop it.."

he grab my waist and pull me towards him...then he lean lower to my head..our lips were inch away but suddenly Wonni come and grab oppa's chocolate..

" ya..get a room you two...we got a kid here..."

we trun to Woonie...and beside him Jenny was crossing her arms..

" unnie...have you forget i'm here ? "

" omo..Jenny-ah..since when are you here ? are you trying to be ninja ? "

she put her arms at her waist

" unnie! i always stand by your dare you try to make out while im here.i'm-.."

wow...thanks Hyuna...she close Jenny's mouth and bring her away...

" ya little about me? don't i get anything? "

i was shock..i turn around and U-KISS were standing behind us..and the other BEAST member to..

i can see Kevin rolling his eyes at hurts but there's nothing else i can do..i choose to be with Jaesoon oppa than him.. sure he would be mad..

" aigoo...i got everyone a box of chocolate.."

i took everything out from my bagpack..Woonie and Dongho were jumping hyperly..

they grab all of the chocolate and they give everyone each..

Woonie hand Yoseob his chocolate..Yoseob smirks at him..Woonie try to hug him but Yoseob run away to Doojoon

" ya! i want to hug hyung! "

" i don't want your hug! stay away from me! i'm going to stay with Doojoon hyung! "

Woonie pouted at him.." yeah..sure you don't want my just want Yujin's hug.."

Woonie mumble but we all heard it..Yoseob smack back of his head and start chasing him around..

we all burts into laughter..


" wanna date tonight? we have nothing to do tonight.."

i cling my arms with Jaesoon oppa and put my finger to my chin..pretending that i'm thinking

" em...let me think...should i or not? "

" ya...what to think about? come on...tonight supposed to be our night..."

" but im not sure about our schedule...manager oppa didn't give us comfirmation about our schedule tonight.."

" em..ok but when you sure that you are free me and lets hang out..dont try to flirt with someone else ok? "

" hahaha....aigoo..oppa...i'm the one that should be saying those to you...if we can't have our date tonight..don't you dare flirting with somebody else arasso? "

i pinch his cheek..he smile at me and he give me a peek at my lips

i lightly punch his chest..

" ya...what is that for? "

oppa...rubbing his chest

" they are watching us ok? behave yourself.."

" ok..ok..arasso...i need to go now...see ya..em...tonight? "

i wave him goodbye

" ok..maybe..hahaha"

i burst into laughter when suddenly Woonie smack back of his head

" hyung..stop flirting..Yoseobie won't be nice to me if you didn't stop.."

" ya..i'm flirting with my own girl..what is wrong with that ? "

Woonie rolled his eyes..then i wave at both of them..


Junhyung's POV : 

in the van..


Yoseob come to me..

" hyung..i need to talk with you.."

" oh..what is it? "

" i'm warning you hyung...hurt her and i will never hesistate taking her away from you.."

wow..what is wrong with this dude..

" whoa..dude..what is wrong with you..stop bothering about me and Yujin..why don't you go at Woonie? "

" hyung i'm serious.."

" so do i...look at Woonie back there pouting at his seat.."

i point at Woonie and hell yeah..he was pouting..he looks cute and..wait..why do i feel so gay? owh..get your nerves back Junhyung..

i'm back at my own self...

Yoseob glare at him and rolled his eyes..

" think about it hyung..i'm totally serious.."

he move to his seats back with Woonie..

man..what is wrong with him? meddling about me and Yujin..why don't he date Woonie? it would be easier than try to steal other's lover..

i was laughing hard in my head..thinking how gay could it be if Yoseob and Woonie date each other? 

buahahaha...maybe this might happen..



seeeeeeeeeee???????????? they suit each other and they made a good couple~ buahahahahhahaha....


end of POV..

back at Yujin's POV :



i watch their van leaving the place...i was a little dissapointed because we really don't spend much time together..

i hope tonight i'll be i could have a date with Jaesoon oppa..

i was going to call our manager so he can pick us up now..but someone grab my shoulder

" Yujin-ah.."

" owh...Kevin oppa.."

" ya..em..i ..em..was..em..wondering want to hang out tonight? "

~ oh crap!..i promised to Jaesoon oppa..but i can't tell him that..he might get hurt..~

" em..oppa..i'm sorry but i don't think i could go anyhwere tonight..em..we might have show to"

Kevin oppa nod at me..

" ok..arasso..but if you didn't have any show tonight call me ok? "

" em..i'll...don't worry.."

~ oh me...~

suddenly our van come...oh are the sweetest thing ever...

i wave U-KISS goodbye and i give Xander oppa a peek at his cheek..



in the van..


" we have anything to do tonight? "

" owh..all of you were supposed to be in Happy Together show but the recording was cancelled you are free.."

i was screaming and singing Hallelujah in my head...

yesssss!!!!!!!! date with oppa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



 we finally reach my building..

i quickly get out of the van and wave them goodbye..

i was heading towards the building when someone call me..

" Yujin-ah..."

i saw a guy in hoodie runs towards me..

" annyeong Yujin-ah..."

he wave his hands..

" em..yeah..who are you? "

he chuckles and remove his hodie..

" Dongjun oppa? "

he smile at me..omo..the smile...dont..i might melt down..omo...

" i want to give you this.."

he hands me a red shape heart box.

" Happy Valentine Day Yujin-ah.."

" gumawo oppa...but im the one who should give you chocolate but i guess today i got special treatment huh? "

he can a guy be this cute? hahahaha

" em...tonight..em..can you..go with me? "

~ oh crap! another one...~

" i'm sorry oppa but i supposed to meet Junhyung oppa tonight,,,"

he looks down at the floor..

" have you told him that you want to meet him? "

i look at him with a confused look

" em..not yet..why? "

he look back at me..this time his face were lighten up..

" really? that means i still can kidnap you right? "

" huh? what? kid-...oppa!!! "

he grab my hands and he took my handphone..after that he bring me with him,,,

we get into his car

" oppa...where are we going? "

" a date you silly.."

" huh? date? but i need to call Junhyung oppa...i promise him.."

" you are coming with me.."

he wave my phone in front of me then he keep it inside his pocket..

owh...i'm so dead if oppa finds out..


we were sitting in a beautiful restaurant...

Dongjun were eating in front of me..

i really enjoy the food but Dongjun keep staring at me..i began to lose my appetite..

i keep looking at his jacket..he hang it at the chair besides him and there where my phone is..

i keep praying to God that he might leave for a while so i could call oppa..

~oh god please~


" Yujin-ah..excuse me for a while...i need to go to the toilet.."


man...god is good!!!

" em..sure oppa..take your time.."

i give him a fake smile....of course it was fake...would you smile at the person that kidnap you on Vallentine Day?


when he finally gone from my sight...i quickly jump into his seat and took my phone from his jacket..

i quickly call oppa..


oppa : yoboseyo?

me :

oppa :  wae Yujin-ah? are you hurt? 

me : oppa..

i explain everything to him..suddenly i can hear a loud sure his slamming his hands onto something

oppa : what? i'm going to kill him..where are you? 

me : we are at this restaurant near the big mall..

oppa : bring him into the mall and when you got there..try to escape from him..i'l be waiting outside the mall

me : whoa..sounds like a plan..

oppa : it is a plan pabo...dont going to the mall now


before i can say anything else..i quickly off the phone and get back to my seat because i see Dongjun oppa coming towards me

" sorry if im taking so much time "

" no..aniiyo...its ok.."

" so where are we going next? "

" em..oppa...can we go to the mall? "

" mall? em..sounds like a plan...ok..why not? "

oh yeah! haha..of course its a Jaesoon oppa's plan...hahahahahhahahaa


in the mall..

Dongjun oppa brings me around and we're checking out new outfit..

" let go to the second floor.."

i look up and i saw people were crowding because of the SALES promotion..

i grab the chance and i bring him there..

we're walking trough the crowd..i purposely let go my hands and let Dongjun walk in front

i slowly walk backwards and quickly run to the main door

i finally out from the building..then i saw Jaesoon oppa running towards me

" ya..i almost burn down the building..what took you so long? "

" later...lets go now before he finds me.."

we both quickly run towards his car...




im sorry guys but im writing this one at 11:30 pm....

im soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

tired~~~~ forgive me...i promise i will make the continued chapter sooner...

im sorry and HAPPY VALENTINES DAY~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Wonderful! I love this. c:
ilabya6 #2
awwww what a cute and beautiful story!! i like it alot, a want to read ur others stories!! ur good at writting!!! :DD
nice story
yong_min_ji #5
owh !! nice story line u hane here !!<br />
hope n xcited to read your next story !!!!
aki_haelee2815 #6
yah!<br />
it's finished n0w..<br />
Aish..but i love this fic.<br />
'against all odds!' XD
*sobs* omg that evil witch.<br />
NOOOOOOOOOO the baby *pouts*<br />
on the bright side they are finally together again<br />
*grabs your hands*new story soon ? :D
Yannna #8
it ended already *sobs* i love your story. will read your new stories next ahhaha
fren123 #9
thanks a lot guys for being a great friends and supporter until this final chapter! i truly love you all! God Bless~!
Yannna #10