
" who are you? " ....." my everything "


To :  little baby

ya...what happen to you? 
you didn't text me for a long time and now you
want me to take a guess? 
aigoo...my little baby...~ LOL ~ 
so what is it? 
you want to take me to XANDERLAND?    


p/s : XANDERLAND is bakery..Xander loves bread and he call all bakery XANDERLAND ~ LOL



Kevin's can feel that his heartbeat is running real fast...he hold his chest and he can feel it trough his soft palm .. 

oh..my..what is wrong with me?...

Xander pinch his cheek..Kevin hit his hand.. 

" ya..what is wrong with you? "

" and what is wrong with you?  why did you hold your chest? are you nervous or something? "

Xander give him a confused look..Kevin avoid eye contact with him.. 

" no..why would i be nervous? its not like im going to a battle.."

Xander rolled his eye and ignore him...yeah..why did i feel so nervous?..

suddenly Xander's phone ring once more .. 



From : little baby 

haha..i'm going back to KOREA~!!! 

:P   ~~ shocked? haha...~~ JYPE called me and i agree 
to join their family..~~~ oh..oppa i'm so happy~!!



Kevin widened his eyes..couldn't believe what he read Xander also got shock at the sudden news..suddenly Xander stands and grab Eli's hands and jumping while cheering.. 
Eli were shocked but just join him..well..its Xander after all..

suddenly with a joyful heart Kevin join them and they were spinning like little kids.. their sylist noona can't stop laughing at them.. 

" ya hyung..can't belive she's coming back~!  my little baby is coming~!!! " 

" ya..me too~!!! " 



To : little baby

ya~~ i'm super happy for you~~ 
at last i won't be alone here..

ya..when are you coming? 

i'm going to fetch you..



* Xander's phone rings again * 



From : little baby

i'm coming tomorow~~ :P 

don't forget to take me ok? 
can't wait to see Kevin oppa and Marumir oppa ~~ 






after replying Yujin's text..Xander drive back to his apartment with Eli and Kevin..



Kevin is the first one that get into Xander's appartment..the other U-KISS member were sitting in the living room while playing games.. 

Kevin jumps around the room..Dongho,the magnae of U-KISS throws him a pillow 

" ya hyung..stop it..your are distracting me..i don't want to lose to Kiseop hyung " 

" ya..what do you mean? you never win ..:P " 

Kiseop pull out his tongue .. and Dongho pouted at him.. the rest laugh at them 
Kevin stop jumping and moves towards Kibum.. 

" ya..hyung..guess what? "

" what? "    

Kibum looks at him while chewing his chips 
" Yujin is coming tomorow !!!! " 

Kibum were shocked..not by the news but by Kevin's expressions.. 

" ya..thats a great news..whoa..we can meet her again..i miss her so much..but why are you acting like this?  ya..don't tell me you stil..-hmmp~~ " 

Kibum can't continue his words when Kevin covers him mout with his hands,..the others stare at him 
" still what hyung?  and why are you acting like this? and who is this Yujin you two talking about? " 

everyone noded at Soohyun's words..and look at Kevin again..before Kevin could say anything Xander cut him off 

" Yujin is my cousin..she's coming here tomorow and going to to stay here with me..she's going to debut under JYPE.. and Kevin has been acting like that since he heard the news..i guess even if you kill him..he won't tell you why..right Kevin? " 

Kevin smile at Xander and give him a look -thanks-hyung-for-saving-me - .. Xander just ignore him..

" hyung..how old is she? is she cute? is she tall? she's going to live here with you? " 

everyone stare at Dongho..he then pouted

" what? i know you want to ask those question..i'm just helping you " 

Kiseop smirks at him.. and shook his head..

" wow..wow... *while waving his hands *  one at a time ..your question are like bullets.. " 

Dongho pouted again 

" ok..no.1 - her name is Gwon Yujin and she's going to be 18 this year..no.2 - yeah..she's cute..just like me..hahaha.. no.3 - she's not that tall..no.4 - yeah..she's going to stay here with me so i can take care of her..now..any more questions gentlements? " 

no sound..everyone just noded and Kevin still have this huge smile on his face and makes Kibum smirks at him..

everyone continue to what they are doing just now..while Kevin can't stop smiling

" ya..don't make it to obvious..stop smiling like that you're scaring me,," 

Kibum whispered at Kevin's ear..Kevin ignored him and he shook his head..

oh..my..i can't wait for tomorrow..oh..Yujin..why did you make my heart beat like before? 




the next day...

" oh..shoot...i'm late~! " 

Xander quickly jump out of his bed and wash his face..he quickly change and grab his car keys.. 

he was running towards the door open it and * bukk~! *  he bump into something and land on it..he try to get up and he was shock

" ya~! what are you doing here? " 

Kevin stand up and rub his ..

" ouch~..ya hyung..i've been standing outside here since 30 minutes ago..we are getting tired waiting for you.." 

Xander gives him confused look 

" we? who's we? and why are you waiting for me? " 

Xander cross his arms..Kevin glare at him..

" ya..that we i'm talking bout is the other hyung and im waiting for you because they told me to wake you up..~ * rubbing back of his head * " 

" wait..are you coming with me? "

Kevin give him unbeliveable look..

"ya..jinja...don't tell me you're not bringing us.."

Xander just shook his head and goes downstairs Kevin follow him from behind..when he gets to his car he saw the others waving at him 

" ya..jinja..i can't belive you're coming too.." 

the others just gigle and they rush into his car..



at the airport...


Yujin sits at a cafetaria in the big INCHEON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT.. 

she sip her coke and refresh herself..she got tired waiting for his cousin..

ugh~ i need to go to the ladies..~  

Yujin told herself and moves towards the ladies..suddenly she bump into a guy..

she bowed to him ... " choesonghamnida..i didn't mean to- "  Yujin can't continue her words when she saw this guy's face.. 

suddenly the guy turns around " anniyo~~ gwen-"  he can't continue his words too when he saw Yujin ..

they stare at each other.. 

" Yujin-ah.."  " Jaesoon oppa.."  they say it at the same time..after that they smile at each other..



" it's been a long time Yujin-ah..can't believe oppa can see you again..you look much prettier and grown up than last time.." 

Junhyung gigle when he saw Yujin blushed..

" the same with you oppa..you look much better than last time..its been years.. " 

Junhyung look the other way..try to hide his smile..

" so.."  he look back at Yujin.. " how's you've been oppa? "

" em..well..now nobody calls me Poppin' Dragon..now they call me Junhyung..i'm in a group called BEAST..i'm their rapper " 

Yujin smile at his words..i'm glad you're doing fine oppa ~ 

" owh..but..why did they call you Junhyung? Jaesoon is a good name~ " 

Junhyung look at the other way..he avoided eye contact with her.. ~man..she think my real name cool~ owh..why does my heart beating so fast?..relax..relax~

" well..then..you can call me Jaesoon oppa " 

Yujin look down .. she try to hide her blushing cheek..Junhyung realise she was blushing and that makes him gigles.. 

" anneyo~~ i'll just call you Junhyung oppa ~ " 

Junhyung feel a little dissapointed..he don't know why but,he really wants Yujin to be the only one calling him by his real name.. 


they jump into a silent atmosphere...nobody make a sound..suddenly Yujin's phone were ringing and break the silent...

" nde oppa~~ ya..where are you?...ok..hurry up.." 

Junhyung try to say something but suddenly someone pat his shoulder..he turns and saw behind him

" ya..hyung..we tought you were missing..can't believe your flirting right here.." 

Junhyung gives the leader,Doojoon a light punch on his shoulder..

" ya..watch it..she's my old friend..we suddenly bump into each other.." 

" friend?..can she be my friends too? " 

Yoseob moves towards Yujin and introduce himself

" annyeonghaseyo...my name is Yang Yoseob..."  

he grab Yujin's hands and kiss it..Yujin smile at his action ~~hey..this guy is cute..~~ 

suddenly a muscular guy garb his shirt and pull him backwards 

" i'm Gikwang..that's Hyunseung..that one with the strawberry ice cream is Dongwoon..that one is our leader Doojoon.." 

Yujin bowed at them 

" annyeonghaseyo..my name is Yujin..im going to be 18 this year..i hope we can be friends " 

Dongwoon gives her a big smile 

" ya..you're 2 years younger than me..well..why don't you call us oppa? "

" owh..sure why not?  " 

after that they all sit together in the cafe and chatting about themselves.. 

Junhyung can't take his eyes on Yujin .. then suddenly they all went silent when someone calling Yujin's name

" ya~~ Gwon Yujin ~!! "  

Xander runs towards Yujin and BEAST

" owh~ annyeonghaseyo~ " 

he bowed to them and BEAST did the same..

" oppa~~~~ "

Yujin runs towards Xander and hug him tightly~~ 

" ya..let me see my little baby..whoa..you still the same..you didn't get taller at all~~ " 

everyone laugh at Xanders words..Yujin punch him lightly.." ya~~ " 

" is she your girlfriend? " 

everyone looks at Xander..then Xander and Yujin look at each other and then laugh

" anniyo~~ Yoseob-shii...she's my cousin~ " 

Yoseob noded and wink at Yujin..Junhyung smack his head " ya..don't even think about it~ " 

" ya~ hyung..how did you know what i think? did you think the same? " 

" aigoo~~" 

Junhyung give a sigh~~ then he got startlet when he saw the other U-KISS members..

Yujin saw them and she was so happy when she saw Kevin and Kibum coming ..

" Kevin oppa...Marumir oppa~! " 

they were hugging..Junhyung feels uneasy watching them..he turns to other way..refuse to watch the events..

" ya~~ how come you become this pretty?~~ and hey..don't call me Marumir~~ its Kibum now.."

"owh..mianhe..i tought you still using that name.." 

they both laugh..then Kevin grab her hands and hug her..

" ya.. i miss you so much..you know? " 

" me too~~ owh..i meet Junhyung oppa~ " 

Kevin and Junhyung look at each other and bow a little they didn't even give a smile

everyone feels the chill between them ..then Gikwang break the silence.. 

" ya..we're going to be late..let's go~ owh..nice to meet you Yujin-ah" 

" me too oppa~~ "

the other BEAST member give her a friendly hug except Junhyung..he still at his seat not moving an inch

" Yujin-ah kajja..i still have work today..i'm going to drop you at my apartment first " 

"ok..but wait.."

Junhyung walk past them but suddenly he stop when he feels someone grab his wrist..then he turn around and he was shock when Yujin suddenly hug him tightly...Kevin's eyes goes teary when he saw Yujin's hugging Junhyung that way..

" Yujin-ah.." 

" oppa..i really miss you so much.." 

then Yujin rise her feet a little and kiss Junhyung on his cheek..everyone got startlet.. then Kibum saw Kevin running away.. 

" Yu-Yujin-ah.." 

Yujin smile at him and she cling onto Xander's arm and they move to the main door..

Junhyung still standing there can't belive what just happen...he hold his chest and he feels his heart are about to explode.. 

~ Yujin-ah... ~~

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Wonderful! I love this. c:
ilabya6 #2
awwww what a cute and beautiful story!! i like it alot, a want to read ur others stories!! ur good at writting!!! :DD
nice story
yong_min_ji #5
owh !! nice story line u hane here !!<br />
hope n xcited to read your next story !!!!
aki_haelee2815 #6
yah!<br />
it's finished n0w..<br />
Aish..but i love this fic.<br />
'against all odds!' XD
*sobs* omg that evil witch.<br />
NOOOOOOOOOO the baby *pouts*<br />
on the bright side they are finally together again<br />
*grabs your hands*new story soon ? :D
Yannna #8
it ended already *sobs* i love your story. will read your new stories next ahhaha
fren123 #9
thanks a lot guys for being a great friends and supporter until this final chapter! i truly love you all! God Bless~!
Yannna #10