I'll take care of you~

Loving life ♥

Youngmin was piggybacking you. You smiled and hugged him tighter. Youngmin smiled “Don’t hug me too tight or you’ll choke me” he said and giggled. “Ok I’ll hug you tighter

then” you said and hugged him a little tighter. “Ahh!! I can’t breathe!” Youngmin yelled and then laughed. You giggled “You’re so silly” you said and pecked him on his cheek.

After a few minutes you arrived at the hill. You put you down and stood next to you. The view was really nice. You could see all the trees and buildings, some near and some

in the distance. Youngmin sat next to you and put his arm around you. You leaned on him “Was I heavy?” you asked. “Of course not!!” Youngmin said and kissed your cheek. “I

could carry you all my life without getting tired” he said. You giggled “You’re so sweet” you said. “That’s cause I love you” he said and tickled you. You were laughing “Stop!! I’m

really ticklish” you yelled.  Youngmin chuckled “Ok I’ll stop then” he said. Youngmin went behide you then took something out of his pocket and put it on your neck, it was a

necklace. “Oh it’s so pretty and sparkly” you said happily. “I love you with all my heart” he said and hugged you from behide. “I love you too” you said and smiled while admiring

the necklace. “Well…I don’t believe you” he said and stuck his tongue out. You pouted. “Prove to me that you love me” he said and smiled. “Fine!” you said and kissed him on the

lips “Does that prove I love you?” you asked and smiled. Youngmin chuckled “Yes it does” he said and kissed you back. Youngmin then sat on the grass. “Come, sit on my lap”

he said and smiled. You laughed “Ok” you said and sat on his lap. He hugged you and put his head on your shoulder. You put your face close to his and you both giggled.

Youngmin then pecked your lips. You smiled back at him. He then held your hands “What do you want to do now?” he asked you. A couple riding a tandem bike passed you. “I

want to ride that. But I twisted my ankle so I can’t” you said and pouted. Youngmin hugged you “It’s ok. When your ankle gets better I promise you we will ride that together” he

said and smiled. “Ok” you said happily. You then talked for hours. It was like an endless conversation. Then you both yawned at the same time. “Are you tired?” Youngmin

asked you. “Yeah…kinda. Are you tired?” you said. “Yeah I kinda am too” he said and smiled. “Let’s go back to the hotel then” he said and smiled again. “Ok” you said and

smiled sleepily. Youngmin chuckled, “What?” you asked. “Oh nothing, it’s just you look cute when your sleepy” he answered. You smiled “Do I look cute in everything I do? You

said I looked cute when I pout and now when I’m sleepy” you said. “You’re the cutest girl on earth” he said and kissed your lips. You giggled. Youngmin then bent down “Here

get on my back” he said. “No it’s ok your tired, you don’t have to piggyback me” you said. “You twisted your ankle I don’t want you to get hurt more” he said and pouted. “But

you’re tired. Carrying me will make you more tired” you said and frowned. “If you love me let me piggyback you” he said. You frowned “Fine” you said and got on his back. “Are

you sure you’re ok with carrying me?” you asked. “Yes! I’m your boyfriend I should care for you and keep you safe” he said and kissed your cheek. “Fine then” you said and

hugged him. After a while you got to the car and Youngmin put you down. “Ok let’s get in” he said sleepily. “Wait!!” you shouted. Youngmin turned to you “What’s wrong?” he

asked. “You are too tired do not drive” you said. “But..” Youngmin said. “I let you piggybacked me, now you have to listen to me and don’t drive. You’re too tired. Let’s get a taxi”

you said and smiled. “Fine I’ll listen to you since you care so much about me” Youngmin said and smiled, laughing a little. “I’m your girlfriend I should care for you and keep you

safe” you said and giggled. Youngmin put his arm around your waist and laughed “Stealing my words I see” he said. “No I didn’t steal it. I said girlfriend instead of boyfriend”

you said and smiled. “Ah I see, it’s different. I understand” he said and laughed. You found a taxi and got in. You felt really sleepy. Youngmin saw you and said “You can lean

on me” You smiled and nodded. You leaned on him and felt really really sleepy. A few seconds later you feel asleep. Youngmin looked at you and smiled. He your hair

and smiled again. When you arrived back at the hotel you were still asleep. You had such a peaceful look on your face and Youngmin didn’t want to wake you up. He paid the

driver and lifted you out of the car. He lifted you inside the hotel and to your room. He then knocked the door. Minzy came and opened it. “Where is Nicky’s room?” he asked.

“Oh it’s over there. I’ll lead you to it” Minzy said. She leaded him to your room. Youngmin put you down on your bed. He put the covers on you and kissed your forehead. He

took a sticky note and wrote something on it. He then put it on the nightstand which was right next to your bed. He walked to the door. “Good night” he whispered and closed

the door.


Here is your update ^^

I'm sorry it's so short though :(

I just can't think properly because of the heat 

I will try to make longer updates next time :)

Thank you all my subscribers

I love you all

Please comment what you think of my story 

or anything at all

I like reading your opinions and comments

@Al2ex54 really? Thank you so much. I will try to update more often :)

@Alice_1992 Thank you ^^ I honestly think the first chapter is the best keke

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AWWW!!!! CUTE!!! > <
Pls update soon!!! > < ♥♥♥
CuteyDuckey21 #3
Totally LOVE IT!!
ChanyeolStoleMyBacon #4
:3 I LOVE THIS !!!
On the first chapter it was good
ChanyeolStoleMyBacon #6
^^ ur story is awesome. I really get excited when u update
ChanyeolStoleMyBacon #7
^^ I wuv it~
i like it so far but you made a mistake on the first chapter Minzy called Nicky unni but in chapter 3 Minzy is the older sister