
Loving life ♥


You and your family finally got to go to Korea. When you arrived you went to your hotel room to get settled in. You shared a room with your sister
Minzy. “Yah!! Unnie!! Where’s the snacks we packed?” you said. “I think mom and dad took it by accident. Go to their room and get it” she replied.
You went over to your parent’s room to get the snacks. “Appa!! Umma!! Did you take the snacks I brought by accident?” Your parents searched in
their stuff and found the bag of snacks and gave it to you.  You skipped happily back to your room when you bumped into someone and dropped
the bag on the ground. The snacks were all over the floor. “Oh I’m so sorry” a guy said. You were bending down, picking up the snacks and said
“Oh its ok” You looked up and realized the person you bumped into was Youngmin from Boyfriend. You ended up staring at him. He was even  
cuter in person. He looked back at you, smiled, and said “Judging by you staring at me I guess you know who I am” you nodded quickly in reply.
Youngmin chuckled, “You don’t have to be so nervous around me. We can be friends, what’s your name? Since you already know my name” he
said to you. “Oh um, m-my name is Nicky. Can I-I call you oppa?” you replied shyly. “Nice to meet you Nicky. Yeah you can call me oppa”
Youngmin said with a smile “I’m sure we’ll see each other soon” “Well, I should go now..oppa, see you around..maybe” you said “I’m sure we will.
I’m staying in that room over there with my brother” he said while pointing to the room right across from yours. “Really? I’m staying in the room
right across from yours with my sister” you replied. You both laughed. “So I guess we will see each other soon” Youngmin said “Well I should let you
go now. Bye Nicky” he said and waved. “Bye Youngmin oppa” you said and waved back.
You hurried back to your room and closed the door. “Hey Nicky, your back? Did mom and dad have the snacks?” Minzy said. “Yeah they did. Here
they are” you said and gave the bag to her.  She looked through the bag and took out a pack of Kancho, opened it, and started eating some. You
laid on your bed and said “I can’t believe we are actually in Korea” Minzy laid next to you and said “Yup it’s like a dream come true” you both
sighed.  “Here want some” Minzy said and handed you the box of Kancho. You both looked at each other and started laughing. “Yeah I want some”
you said and took one. Minzy got up and said “Come on let’s finish unpacking our stuff” You giggled “Ok” and went back to unpacking. “Hey Minzy
are we going anywhere later?” you said. Minzy thought for a while “Well, I asked mom and dad before and they said as long as we bring our
cellphones we can go anywhere we want” You thought, “How about we go shopping later unnie” you said. Minzy smiled and said “Good plan” You
both laughed and changed into a new outfit. A few minutes later you guys left the room and were on your way to go shopping. You found a taxi
and both of you got in. “So where are we going to go shopping?” you asked. Minzy was looking at a map “Well my friend told me that there’s a
plaza near here that sells nice stuff. Excuse me taxi driver is there a plaza near here?” “Oh yeah there’s a plaza around that corner I’ll take you
there” the taxi driver said “Thank you sir” Minzy replied. When you arrived at the plaza you guys went into the first store you saw. “The stuff here
are so cute!!” you said. Minzy giggled “Yeah they are, very pretty too” she said while looking at a shirt. You picked out two pretty shirts, one pink
and one blue. “I’m going to buy these” you said and went to pay for them.  “Hey Minzy can I go walk around on my own?” you asked “Oh sure
Nicky, just call me if you need anything” she replied. “Ok” you said cheerfully and walked off. While you were walking you passed by a shop that
sold candy. You loved candy and decided to go in and buy some. You looked at all the candy that was sold there, they all looked so colourful and
pretty. While you were walking you bumped into someone.
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AWWW!!!! CUTE!!! > <
Pls update soon!!! > < ♥♥♥
CuteyDuckey21 #3
Totally LOVE IT!!
ChanyeolStoleMyBacon #4
:3 I LOVE THIS !!!
On the first chapter it was good
ChanyeolStoleMyBacon #6
^^ ur story is awesome. I really get excited when u update
ChanyeolStoleMyBacon #7
^^ I wuv it~
i like it so far but you made a mistake on the first chapter Minzy called Nicky unni but in chapter 3 Minzy is the older sister