I love you and you only~

Loving life ♥


“I would NEVER leave you for another girl” Youngmin said and pouted “I will love you and you only” he said and kissed your cheek. You put your face really
close to Youngmin, you both were laughing and then he kissed your nose.  “Ah you two are so cute together. Perfect couple” Kwangmin said. You looked at
Kwangmin and smiled. Youngmin then put his arm around you and you guys continued playing. You had a lot of fun. After a while you got hungry. You
covered your stomach and pouted. Youngmin looked you “What’s wrong?” he asked. “I’m hungry” you said and pouted again. “I can’t let my girlfriend starve,
let’s go eat” Youngmin said and smiled. He and Kwangmin took you to eat sushi. “Sushi!!” you said when you got there. Youngmin laughed “Let’s go in” he
said and held your hand. You found a seat, and then Youngmin helped you sit and sat next to you. Kwangmin sat across from Youngmin “Hey I don’t see
you helping me sit” Kwangmin said and laughed. “Well, you’re not my girlfriend” Youngmin said and laughed as well. You giggled and said “Ah don’t be
jealous Kwangmin” You all laughed. 
You all ordered and waited for the food to come. “Do you have to go practice later?” you asked Youngmin and Kwangmin. “Yeah, but it’s at 6 so we have
plenty of time to spend together” Youngmin said and pecked your nose. You giggled and blushed. “You guys are too cute. I envy you Youngmin. You have
such a perfect girl” Kwangmin said and pouted. Youngmin put his arm around you “I am really lucky to have her” he said. “You should find yourself a girl”
Youngmin said. “I will. I just have to find the right one” Kwangmin said. After a while the food came. “Yay! The food is here” you said happily. Youngmin
chuckled and picked up a sushi with his chopsticks “Here eat” he said smiling. You opened your mouth and ate it. “So yummy” you said with a smile. “So
cute” Youngmin said and pinched your cheek. “The sushi is cute?” you asked and laughed. Youngmin laughed “Ah you know what I mean” he said smiling.
You giggled. Then you all finished eating your food. “What are we going to do now?” you asked. Youngmin was just about to answer when his phone rang.
“Oh sorry, let me get this first ok?” he said. You smiled, “Ok” you replied. After a few seconds Youngmin came back with a frown. “What’s wrong?” you
asked. “We have to go back” he said with a frown still on his face. “Oh, go back then” you said. “But I want to be with you” he said and pouted. You stood up
and held his hands “Just go” you said. Youngmin was still pouting. You kissed his cheek, “Please” you said and smiled. He smiled at you. “Ok. I’ll go” he
said. He kissed your cheek and waved while walking away with Kwangmin. You were waving back until he was out of the door. You then walked back to the
-a week later- 
A week has passed since the last time you saw Youngmin. But you knew he was practicing hard for his performances. You laid on your bed and sighed.
Minzy sat on your bed next to you. “What, you miss Youngmin?” she asked. You got up “Well kind of..but I know he has to practice” you said. “You’re lucky to
even have a boyfriend. And it to be Youngmin from Boyfriend. I’m kind of jealous you know” Minzy said and laughed. “Hey don’t be jealous. You’ll find a
boyfriend soon” you said and smiled. “Yeah maybe” she said and sighed. You then got a text. You saw that it was from Youngmin and your whole face lit
up. Minzy looked at you “Youngmin?” she asked. You looked at her and nodded. She smiled and went to go get some food. You then opened the text. 
From: Youngmin
Hey sorry we haven’t been able to meet for a week. It’s just I have to practice a lot. But I’m not busy right now. Want to come out with me?
CB: --- --- ----
Jun 23, 5:17 PM
You read the text and smiled. You then immediately texted him back
From: Nicky
It’s ok. I know you have to practice. I’m not busy right now so sure.
CB: --- --- ----
Jun 23, 5:18 PM
You went to your room to pick out something to where and then Youngmin texted you back. 
From: Youngmin
Ok I’ll come pick you up at 5:30. I have some things to prepare
CB: --- --- ----
Jun 13, 5:19 PM
You smiled and texted him back saying “Ok” You continued picking out something to wear. While you were picking you were thinking “What is he
preparing?” you thought. You were really curious on what it was going to be. You then got dressed and waited for Youngmin to come. You waited for a while,
but then you needed to go to the washroom. There was a knock on the door. “I’ll get it for you!!” Minzy said and went to open the door. She opened the door
and Youngmin was standing there, he smiled “Hi I’m here for Nicky” he said. “Oh she’s in the washroom” Minzy said. “Oh ok I’ll wait” Youngmin said and
smiled. “Hey you better take care of my little sister. If anything happens to her I won’t let you go” Minzy said. “I will love her forever and never leave her. You
don’t have to worry” Youngmin said and smiled. A few seconds later you came out of the washroom. “Hey Nicky your one and only is here!!” Minzy said. You
walked over and punched Minzy’s arm. “Hey, what did I do?” she said and laughed. “Oh nothing at all” you said and giggled. You looked at Youngmin, his
arms were behide his back. You smiled, you were glad to see him again. Youngmin then gave you a bouquet of flowers. “They’re so pretty!!” you said as you
took them. Youngmin smiled. “But not as pretty as you” he said. You blushed. “Let’s go” he said and held your hand. You waved bye to Minzy and you and
Youngmin were on your way.  
Youngmin brought you to his car. He opened the door for you and then went to his seat. Then he started driving. “Where are we going?” you asked.
“Somewhere” Youngmin replied and smiled. “Why can’t you tell me?” you said and pouted. Youngmin laughed, “You’ll see when we get there” he said. He
drove for a while and then you arrived at the park. “We’re going to the park?” you asked. Youngmin nodded. You got out of the car and so did Youngmin. He
held your hand and smiled. “What are we doing at the park?” you asked Youngmin while walking. “Because we’re going to have a picnic on that hill” he said
while pointing to a hill which was pretty far away. “Ok!! Let’s hurry up then!!” you said and giggled. You held his hand and started running. It was kind of dark
so while you were running you tripped over a rock and fell down. Youngmin ran over to you “Are you ok?!?!” he asked worriedly. “I think I twisted my ankle”
you said in pain. “Can you walk?” he asked you. He helped you up but it hurt too much to walk. “I can’t. It hurts too much” you said sadly. You looked at
Youngmin, he looked so worried. You smiled even though you were in pain. “Here get on my back” he said. You got on his back and he piggybacked you. 
I'm so sorry I didn't update yesturday!!
I was out the whole day 
Well..here's your update ^^
Hope you like it 
I'll try to update more often
Thank you to all my new subcribers 
I love you all ♥
@SomedayTomorrow Thank you for reading my story. ^^ Thank you soo much!! hehe Boyfriend ♥
@dayday10142 Thank you very much. I did? I read it over but I didn't see it..did I miss it? or did u read it wrong? :(
@Al2ex54 Thank you so much!!! I wuv you!! 
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AWWW!!!! CUTE!!! > <
Pls update soon!!! > < ♥♥♥
CuteyDuckey21 #3
Totally LOVE IT!!
ChanyeolStoleMyBacon #4
:3 I LOVE THIS !!!
On the first chapter it was good
ChanyeolStoleMyBacon #6
^^ ur story is awesome. I really get excited when u update
ChanyeolStoleMyBacon #7
^^ I wuv it~
i like it so far but you made a mistake on the first chapter Minzy called Nicky unni but in chapter 3 Minzy is the older sister