The plaza~

Loving life ♥


“Oh I’m so sorry!!” you said “I really should watch where I’m going” you thought to yourself. You then realized the person you had bumped into was
Youngmin. “Oh Nicky, Hi” Youngmin said. “Hi Youngmin oppa”, you giggled “This is our second time bumping into each other” Youngmin laughed “I guess it
is. I’m here with Boyfriend, they’re just across from this store. When you’re done buying your candy I’ll introduce you to them” he said. You gasped, “Really? “
Youngmin nodded “Why not? You’re my friend and I bet they would love to meet you” You smiled and said “Ok I’ll go pay for the candy” 
After paying for the candy you walked with Youngmin to the store where Boyfriend was, it was a music store.  A guy who looked exactly like Youngmin was
the first one who ran up to you guys. You thought to yourself “It’s Kwangmin!! I love the Jo twins” “Hey Youngmin who is this girl? She’s pretty” Kwangmin
said. You giggled. “She’s my friend. Her name is Nicky. She lives in the hotel room across from us” Youngmin said. He turned to you and said “And I bet you
already know who this is” You giggled and nodded. “Nice to meet you Kwangmin” you said. “Nice to meet you too Nicky. Since you’re Youngmin’s friend
you’re my friend too” Kwangmin said and smiled. A few seconds later Minwoo came running up to you guys. “Hey guys! Hey is this your friend Youngmin
hyung?” Minwoo said “Yeah, her name is Nicky” Youngmin said. “Nice to meet you Nicky I’m-“ Minwoo said before you interrupted him “Your Minwoo the
maknae of Boyfriend” Minwoo laughed “So..she’s a fan?” Youngmin and Kwangmin laughed “Yeah she is” Youngmin replied. You giggled and blushed.
“She’s really cute” Minwoo said. You blushed again and said “Thank you” “I’ll go call the hyungs” Minwoo said before running off. Kwangmin turned to you
and said “Since you know my name and Minwoo’s I’m sure you’ll know the hyungs names too” You smiled and nodded “Yup” 
Awhile later Minwoo came back with Jeongmin, Donghyun and Hyunseong. “Hey there” Donghyun said with a smile “I heard from Minwoo that you’re a
Bestfriend. I guess you already know our names then” You smiled and nodded “Yeah I do” “Hey! So what’s your name? Jeongmin said “My name is Nicky”
you replied. “Nice name you got there” Jeongmin said. You giggled and said “Thank you very much” You looked around the store and saw Boyfriend’s new
album “Love Style”  “Be right back, I want to get something” you said and walked over to get it. You looked at it and smiled. You then walked back to
Boyfriend smiling brightly. “Hey is that our album?” Minwoo asked. You smiled and nodded “I’m going to buy it” Boyfriend laughed “Thank you for supporting
us” Donghyun said. You laughed “As a fan shouldn’t I?” you said before walking to the cashier to pay for it. After you were done paying for the album you
walked back to Boyfriend. “Nicky who is your favourite member in Boyfriend?” Jeongmin asked. “I bet it’s me” Minwoo said “No it’s me” Youngmin said back.
You laughed at their little argument. “Well, I like Youngmin best. But I still love all of you” you said. “Yeah!! Nicky likes me best!” Youngmin said happily “Hey
she said she loved all of us too!” Jeongmin said. You were giggling “So!! She still said she liked me more” Youngmin replied. “Me and Youngmin are twins
how can you like him and not me?” Kwangmin said “Who said I didn’t like you? I love you. I love the Jo twins! I just like Youngmin a LITTLE more” you said
and giggled.
Youngmin shouted    
Here is your update ^^
 @asianswagg omo really? you liked it? Thank you so much ^^ ♥                                                                                      
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AWWW!!!! CUTE!!! > <
Pls update soon!!! > < ♥♥♥
CuteyDuckey21 #3
Totally LOVE IT!!
ChanyeolStoleMyBacon #4
:3 I LOVE THIS !!!
On the first chapter it was good
ChanyeolStoleMyBacon #6
^^ ur story is awesome. I really get excited when u update
ChanyeolStoleMyBacon #7
^^ I wuv it~
i like it so far but you made a mistake on the first chapter Minzy called Nicky unni but in chapter 3 Minzy is the older sister