
Loving life ♥

“Nicky” Youngmin said. “Yes oppa?” you answered and turned to him. When you faced him he kissed you on the lips. “I love you” he said as he slowly pulled

away. You pulled him closer for another kiss. “I love you too” you said and smiled. “Ah perfect couple” Jeongmin said. You giggled and continued eating.

Everyone finished eating and the waiter came and took the plates. “What should we do now?” Kwangmin asked everyone. “Let’s go to the mall and buy

stuff!!” Minwoo shouted excitedly. “Yeah!! Shopping!!” You shouted happily. Everyone laughed “The youngest ones are always the cutest” Hyunseong said

and ruffled Minwoo’s hair. “Hey! Don’t mess up my hair hyung!!” Minwoo yelled while fixing his hair. Everyone laughed again. “The mall is it” Donghyun said

as he searched on his phone for a nearby mall. “There’s a mall not far from here. It’s within walking distance” Donghyun said after searching on his phone

for a while. “Ok let’s go there” Jeongmin said and got up. You all got up and paid for the food. Then you walked out the door on your way to the mall. “Oh, is

your ankle better now?” Youngmin asked you and smiled. “Yeah it’s all better” you answered happily. “Oh that’s good” Youngmin said and smiled. While you

were walking you passed by a lot of stores with pretty and cute stuff in it. You ended up being dragged by Minwoo and Kwangmin from each store window to

the other to look at stuff. A while later you arrived at the mall. It was huge. You stared at it with big eyes. “It’s so big” you said still staring at it. Youngmin

chuckled “Come on let’s see how big it is inside” Youngmin said and held your hand while walking in. You all walked inside. The mall was huge. It had 3

floors, each was filled with stores. “It’s huge!! I’m going to get broke today” you said and laughed. Youngmin hugged you around your waist “Let’s go

shopping now” he said and kissed your cheek. “Ok” you said happily. “Me, Hyunseong and Jeongmin are going to go together. You, Youngmin, Kwangmin

and Minwoo can go together. Ok?” Donghyun said. “Fine with me!!” you said cheerfully. Everyone agreed and you all went on your way to the stores.

“TOTORO. DOMO. RILAKKUMA.” Minwoo said when he saw a shore full of plushies. “Let’s go in!!” Kwangmin and you said excitedly. You grabbed

Youngmin’s hand and ran inside the store. You all looked at the plushies. “This one is so cute!!” you said showing Youngmin a cute panda plushie.

Youngmin chuckled “Yeah it is” he said and rubbed in on your nose. You giggled and did it back to him. “I want to buy this” you said and smiled. “Let’s see

what the others are looking at” you said and went over to Kwangmin. He was currently looking at Pikachu stuff. You found a Pikachu hat and put it on his

head. You giggled “It’s so cute” you said and smiled. Kwangmin laughed “Yeah it is” he said. “Oh are you getting that?” he asked. “Yeah” you replied and

smiled. “It’s cute” he said and smiled back. “I’m going to go pay for this” you said while walking to the cashier. You paid for the plushie and waited for the

others to finish paying for their things. Kwangmin bought a Pikachu key chain and a hat. Minwoo bought a Totoro and a Domo plushie. “You don’t want

anything?” you asked Youngmin. He shook his head “No I’m fine” he said and smiled. “Ok” you said and smiled back. “Where should we go now?” you

asked everyone. “Let’s just continue walking” Kwangmin said. “Yeah let’s go” Minwoo said cheerfully. You held Youngmin’s hand and started walking. You

walked passed a store that sold really pretty clothes. You looked at it wanting to go in. But you didn’t say anything because you were with guys and you

thought they might find it boring. Youngmin noticed you looking at the store. “You want to go in there?” he asked you. “No it’s ok it would be weird since

you’re all guys” you said and smiled. “No, let’s go. We could help you choose clothes” Kwangmin said. “Yeah!! And tell you which outfit looks good on you”

Minwoo said. “They all agreed. Let’s go in” Youngmin said and smiled. Youngmin held your hand and dragged you into the store. The store was filled with

pretty clothes. Kwangmin and Minwoo went off to choose some clothes that might look good on you while you and Youngmin went looking for clothes as

well. A few minutes later Minwoo came back with an outfit he picked out. It was a blue tank top with black heart designs on it and a black cardigan which

was short sleeved. There was also jean shorts that was kind of worn out on the bottom. “Oh this is nice. You’re good at picking out outfits” you said and

smiled. ‘I’ll go try it on” you said and walked over to try it on. You came out a while later. “Oh you look so pretty!!” Youngmin said looking at your clothes.

“Really?” you asked looking at yourself in the mirror. “The outfit I choose is so pretty” Minwoo said happily as he admired his work of art. You giggled “Ok I’ll

get this then” you said and went back to change. “I’ll hold it for you while you go look at more clothes” Youngmin said when you came out. “Thank you” you

said and hugged him. Youngmin smiled. You tried on more clothes that they picked for you. They all looked really good. “You should get this” Youngmin

said as he put a big blue polka doted bow in your hair. “Oh it’s so cute” you said while looking at it in the mirror. You ended up buying a bunch of outfits and

accessories they had chosen for you. “I think I’m done my shopping” you said and laughed. “Where do you guys want to go?” you asked them. “Hmm..since

you went shopping…IT’S OUR TURN!!” Minwoo shouted happily. You laughed “Ok let’s go” you said cheerfully as you all continued walking. After a while of

walking they found a store they liked. “Oh let’s go in there” Kwangmin said walking in. You all agreed and went into the store. You looked around “Wow

everything looks so nice. I’m going to go pick an outfit for each of you!!” you said happily and went searching for clothes. After a few minutes you came back

with 3 outfits. One was a blue sweater with little designs on it, a white t-shirt, dark blue jeans and a snapback. This one was for Minwoo. “Here try this on”

you said and smiled. The next outfit you had was a white cardigan with a green and white striped shirt and white pants. It was for Kwangmin “Let’s see how

it looks” you said as you handed the outfit to Kwangmin. The last outfit you had was a black cardigan with a bit of sparkles on the top, a black and white

striped shirt and black jeans. This one was for Youngmin. “Dandy style” you said and giggled. Youngmin smiled “I’ll go try it on” he said and hurried off. 

A few minutes later they came back in the outfits you choose for them. “You guys look good!!” you said and smiled. They looked in the mirror “These clothes

go really good together Nicky” Minwoo said looking in the mirror. “Yeah they do!! I love this!!” Kwangmin said cheerfully. “You choose the best clothes”

Youngmin said and kissed your forehead. You giggled "Thank you oppa" you said. "Let's go choose more clothes!!" Minwoo said excitedly and went back to

change into his clothes, Youngmin and Kwangmin did too. After a long time of choosing clothes they all ended up buying 4 outfits each. 3 of which you

picked out and 1 which they picked their selves. “Ahh so what should we do now?” Youngmin asked. “I don’t know..we did so much shopping today” you

said and giggled. “Let’s go find the hyungs and go home” Kwangmin said. You all agreed and decided that you did enough shopping for today. “I texted

Donghyun and he said to meet at the entrance” Youngmin said after he looked up from his phone. “To the entrance we go!!” you and Minwoo said together.

You ran of dragging Youngmin’s hand and Minwoo ran of dragging Kwangmin’s hand. “One twin for each of us” Minwoo said and laughed. You laughed

“Hey you’re right!!” you said. You arrived at the entrance and waited for a while for them to arrive. They soon arrived and you waved happily to them. “Did you

guys have fun?” Donghyun asked. “Yeah!! We did a lot of shopping” you said happily. Donghyun and Hyunseong laughed. “We just followed Jeongmin

around from store to store. We barely bought anything” Hyunseong said. You giggled “Well, that’s ok” you said. “Ok let’s go back now” Donghyun said and

took out his phone to call someone. A few minutes later a van pulled up at the entrance and you all got in. “Today was a great day. Now back to the hotel

room to relax” Jeongmin said as he sat down in a seat. “Yeah today was a fun day” you said and smiled. The driver dropped you all of at the hotel and you

all waved bye to the driver. “Where are the rest of them staying?” you asked Youngmin. “Oh they’re on the same floor as us. Just down the hall” he said and

smiled while holding your hand. You arrived on the floor where you all stayed and you said bye to everyone. You gave everyone a hug and Youngmin a kiss.

“Bye guys. See you soon” you said and waved one last good bye before walking into your room.



I am so sorry for not updating for such a long time!!

I was busy for some days

and it took me a while to write this

Please forgive me

I feel so bad right now :(

I will try to update more often for you guys

Enjoy this update

I love you all 

@WhynterSnow I just realized I made a mistake there! hehe I must thank you ^^

@Al2ex54 hehe thank you :) I love you ♥

@CuteyDuckey21 Thank you so much you guys have no idea how happy you make me feel ♥

@Kim_No_Minwoo hehe Thank you so much I will try to update more often ^^

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AWWW!!!! CUTE!!! > <
Pls update soon!!! > < ♥♥♥
CuteyDuckey21 #3
Totally LOVE IT!!
ChanyeolStoleMyBacon #4
:3 I LOVE THIS !!!
On the first chapter it was good
ChanyeolStoleMyBacon #6
^^ ur story is awesome. I really get excited when u update
ChanyeolStoleMyBacon #7
^^ I wuv it~
i like it so far but you made a mistake on the first chapter Minzy called Nicky unni but in chapter 3 Minzy is the older sister