The sleepover~

Loving life ♥

While you kissed Youngmin, Minwoo ran in between you two and smiled. “Yah!! Why did you run in between us” Youngmin said and pouted. “Well since I

am the youngest. You guys have to take care of me. Not leave me walking alone in the back!” Minwoo complained. “No!! I’m younger than you!!” you said and

laughed. “How do you know?” Minwoo asked and stuck out his tongue. “What kind of fan doesn’t know the birthdays of the members” you said and giggled.

“My birthday is in November and yours is in July. So I am younger” you said and stuck your tongue out. Minwoo crossed his arms. “Well you still shouldn’t

leave me walking in the back alone” he said and pouted. “Fine fine fine just walk here with us” Youngmin said. “Ok!!” Minwoo said happily and walked in

between you guys. A while later you arrived back to the hotel room. “We’re back!!” Minwoo yelled happily when Youngmin opened the door. “Good!! Now we

can start the game” Kwangmin said cheerfully. “What are we playing?” you asked. “Truth or Dare” Jeongmin said and smiled. “Yay!! I love truth or dare” you

said and jumped excitedly. You all sat down on the 2 couches. But since one couch can only fit 3 people, you sat on Youngmin’s lap. Youngmin hugged your

waist and smiled. You giggled. “Let the game begin!!” Donghyun said. “I’m going first since I am the leader” he said and pointed at Hyunseong. “Truth or

dare?” Donghyun asked. “Dare” Hyunseong said while munching on some snacks Minwoo had bought earlier. “I dare you to not eat anymore snacks until

tomorrow” Donghyun said. “WHA?!?!?!?” Hyunseong yelled, almost choking on the snacks. “No more snacks till tomorrow” Donghyun said and took the

snacks away from him. “THE HORROR!!” Hyunseong screamed. “SHHHH other people could be sleeping right now” Minwoo said and hit his arm. “I want to

go now!!” Minwoo said. “Ok, go” Donghyun said. Minwoo pointed at Jeongmin “Truth or dare?” he asked. Jeongmin was currently looking in a mirror, fixing

his hair. “Oh, um, truth” he said still fixing his hair. Minwoo stared at him “Will you die if you don’t fix your hair?” Minwoo said. “Ok ok I’m done” Jeongmin said

and put down his mirror.” that my question? Well, yes. My hair has to be perfect. Now it’s my turn. Let’s see who should I ask..” Jeongmin said. “Hey!!

That’s not fair!!” Minwoo complained. “Well you asked a question and I answered it” Jeongmin said and laughed. “But but..that wasn’t my question!!!”

Minwoo whined. “Well too bad. Now…Nicky” Jeongmin said and pointed at you. “Truth or dare?” he asked. “Dare!” you said excitedly. Jeongmin thought for a

while. “I got it!! But in order for it to work..since it would be weird to do it while sitting on Youngmin’s lap. Kwangmin will have to let you sit in his spot for a

while” he said. You and Kwangmin looked at each other confused. “Uh..ok” Kwangmin said and sat on the ground while you sat in his spot. “Your dare

is… French kiss Youngmin!!!” Jeongmin said. “Hey!! They’re still young, what are you doing to them?!?!” Donghyun said. “Hey they’re not that young”

Jeongmin said. “You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to” Youngmin said and smiled. “You says I don’t want to” you said and smirked. You then cupped

his face and kissed him, putting your tongue in his mouth. It lasted for about 5 seconds and then you slowly pulled away. Youngmin was shocked at first

because he didn’t think you would do it. But he enjoyed it. After you pulled away you smiled, and Youngmin smiled back. “You guys are so cute together”

Jeongmin said. “Our Youngmin has found the perfect girl for him” Donghyun said. You giggled and smiled. Youngmin put his arm around you “Yes, she is

perfect” he said and gave you a nose kiss. “She’s also good at French kissing” he said and laughed. You giggled “Am I really?” you asked. Youngmin

nodded and smiled. Then you all continued playing truth or dare for a while. It was really fun. “Let’s watch TV now” Jeongmin said and went to turn on the TV.

It was performances on MCountdown. “Yayy!!” you said and watched happily. Because you changed out of your pyjamas to go shopping for snacks you had

to change back. “I’m going to change into my pyjamas” you said and walked off to change. “Yeah I should too” Youngmin said. “Me too” Minwoo said and

they both went to change. After changing into your nightgown you went back and saw Kwangmin sitting on the ground because you had taken his spot on

the couch. “Are you ok with sitting on the ground by yourself?” you asked him. “Yeah I’m fine” Kwangmin said and smiled. You smiled and sat next to him.

“Why are you sitting on the ground?” he asked. “Cause it’s comfy” you said and giggled. He laughed and said “Ok…oh nice nightgown” You smiled “Thank

you” you said cheerfully. A while later Youngmin came back from changing. “Why are you sitting on the ground?” he asked when he saw you sitting there

next to Kwangmin. “She says it’s comfy” Kwangmin said and laughed. You giggled and nodded “Sit next to me” you said and smiled. Youngmin laughed

and sat next to you. You then watched TV together. There were performances from many kpop groups. Then SHINee performed. “Ahh!! It’s SHINee!!” you

screamed, fangirling. Youngmin laughed. Then there was a close up on Taemin. “Taemin!!!!!” you screamed. “You seem to like him more than me”

Youngmin said and pouted. “No!!! I’ll always love you more” you said and hugged him tightly. Then you continued your fangirling over SHINee. Everyone

laughed at you. “At least she’s not hugging the TV” Jeongmin teased. You laughed “I’m not the crazy” you said. Then everyone was whispering to each other.

“You probably like them better than us” Minwoo said. “No!! Boyfriend Forever!! Forever a Bestfriend!!” you screamed and held Youngmin and Kwangmin’s

hand, putting them above your head. Youngmin and Kwangmin looked at you and laughed. “I love Boyfriend more” you said and giggled, still holding

Youngmin and Kwangmin’s hand. You then noticed everyone whispering to each other. “What are you whispering about?” you asked. “It’s a surprise”

Donghyun said. “I want to know!” you said and pouted. “We’ll tell you tomorrow” Hyunseong said. “Fine!” you said and pouted again. They smiled at you and

continued watching. You then put Youngmin and Kwangmin`s hand together and made them hold each other’s hand. “What are you doing?” Youngmin

asked you. “I’m making you hold each other’s hand” you said and smiled. “I loved the part of W Academy when you guys were holding hands and eating

together. So cute!!” you said. “Haha you did?” Kwangmin said. You nodded. “So cute!! You need more moments like that” you said. “Yeah, maybe” Youngmin

said and laughed. You laughed. “Since I’m dating Youngmin, you should be my brother” you said to Kwangmin and giggled. “Brother? Are you two getting

married?” Kwangmin said and laughed. “No” you said. “Well not yet at least” Youngmin said and laughed. You giggled. “Well why can’t you be my brother?”

you asked Kwangmin and pouted. “Fine, I can be your brother” Kwangmin said and smiled. “Yayy!!” you said happily. Youngmin and Kwangmin laughed at

how silly you were. “You must take care of me older brother” you said and stuck out your tongue. “Yeah yeah I’ll just leave that for Youngmin to do ok?” he

said and messed up your hair. “Youngmin!! He messed up my hair” you said and pouted. “Hey don’t mess her hair or you’re in trouble” Youngmin said

seriously and then started laughing. “Ok ok I’m scared I won’t” Kwangmin said and pretended to be scared. You laughed. “I love you two” you said and

giggled. “But me more right?” Youngmin said and laughed. “Haha yup” you said and smiled. “So you love your boyfriend more than your brother. I see how

you are” Kwangmin said. You laughed. “But you’re my brother because of Youngmin” you said. “Oh yeah..very true” Kwangmin said and laughed. You all

then continued watching TV and after a while you feel asleep, leaning on Youngmin. 



Here's your update ^^

I'm going to be gone for 3 days

So I probably won't update for a while..

Well..enjoy this one

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AWWW!!!! CUTE!!! > <
Pls update soon!!! > < ♥♥♥
CuteyDuckey21 #3
Totally LOVE IT!!
ChanyeolStoleMyBacon #4
:3 I LOVE THIS !!!
On the first chapter it was good
ChanyeolStoleMyBacon #6
^^ ur story is awesome. I really get excited when u update
ChanyeolStoleMyBacon #7
^^ I wuv it~
i like it so far but you made a mistake on the first chapter Minzy called Nicky unni but in chapter 3 Minzy is the older sister