The movies~

Loving life ♥

It was a selca you guys took when you were at the park, basically..your first date. A smile grew on your face instantly when you saw that picture. It brought you back memories, how excited you were to see him and when he was so worried when you fell down. That feeling you had when he was piggybacking you, that feeling of warmth and the feeling of not ever wanting to let go. You remembered him saying “I love you with all my heart” and giving you a pretty necklace. You held the heart charm from the necklace in your hand and smiled. From that day till now you had never taken it off, it was too special to you. You smiled and sighed, still thinking about all your memories with Youngmin. Then Youngmin hugged you around your waist and rested his head on your shoulder. “What are you smiling so sweetly about?” Youngmin asked. “This selca…it was when we were at the park” you said showing him the selca of him and you. He nodded and sighed “I remember every single second of that day. It’s a day I could never forget” he started saying then he kissed you on your cheek. “Because I spent it with you” he finished and hugged you tighter. “I love you” you whispered into his ear and then kissed him. He turned you around so that you were facing him and then he your cheek with the back of his hand. “I love you too” he said before placing his lips on yours for a soft kiss. A few seconds later he pulled away and smiled at you. “Remember that I will always love you” he said and kissed you on your forehead. You smiled and nodded. “Always” you said and giggled. You leaned on Youngmin and he put his arm around you. You looked at the phone, “It’s only 9?” you said and pouted. Youngmin pulled you closer to him and smiled. “You want to see SHINee don’t you?” he asked. “No….”, you said and smiled. Youngmin put his arms around you and kissed you on the cheek lightly “Don’t lie to me. I know you want to see them” he said and pinched your nose. You giggled “Yes I can’t lie to you” you said and hugged him tightly. He smiled and kissed you on the forehead. Then you continued watching TV for a while. “I’m still bored…can we go out somewhere?” you asked and pouted. Youngmin held your hand and put it close to his month, then kissed it. “Ok let’s go then” he said and smiled, then stood up. You stood up too and smiled. “Where are you guys going? Can I come too?” Minwoo said, jumping up from where he was sitting. Kwangmin pulled him back down “Ah let them go alone” he said and smiled at you guys. You said bye to Kwangmin and Minwoo and walked out the door with Youngmin. You both walked down the hall and into the elevator. You clicked the lobby and waited as it went down. Youngmin then hugged you from behind “Finally, some time alone with you” he said then started kissing your cheek and slowly went down to your neck. You giggled then turned around and placed your arms around his neck. He smiled at you and started to lean in for a kiss. Just when your lips were about to touch “Ding” the elevator doors opened. “Stupid elevator” he muttered. You giggled, “Come on let’s go” you said and held his hand. You walked out of the elevator and into the lobby. “So where should we go?” you asked him. “ about we watch a movie?” he replied and smiled. “Okay!!” you said and smiled back. You walked out the doors and looked around. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and there was a cool breeze. “I’ll go get the car” Youngmin said, he smiled and walked of. You walked around the front and watched as people walked pass. Then as you were looking through your bag, someone bumped into you and your bag fell on the ground. “Oh I’m so sorry!!!” a girl said as she picked up your bag for you. “It’s ok” you said and smiled at the girl. She was a bit shorter than you, she had short hair and was very pretty and cute. She looked at you and smiled. Then she started staring at you, looking at your face closely. You felt awkward, so you stepped back a little. “Hey!!!! Aren’t you Nicky? Youngmin’s girlfriend?” she asked. “Yeah” you said and smiled shyly. “Ah that’s so cool!! It’s nice to meet you Nicky, I’m Ma Ri” she said smiling, then put her hand out for you to shake it. “Nice to meet you Ma Ri” you said and shook her hand. “You and Youngmin make such a cute couple!!!” she said. You giggled “Thanks” you said and blushed. “Where’s Youngmin?” she asked. “He’s getting the car” you said and smiled. “Oh cool” she said happily. “You seem like such a nice person Nicky. I’m glad I got to meet you” she said cheerfully. “Ma Ri seems like such a happy person” you thought. “I’m glad I got to meet you too” you said and smiled. Then a car pulled over beside you, it was Youngmin. He saw that you were talking with someone so he got out of the car to see. He walked over to you “Who are you talking to?” he asked. “This is Ma Ri” you said. “I bumped into her and we meet” Ma Ri said. Youngmin laughed. “You have a thing of meeting people by bumping into them don’t you?” he said and laughed again. You giggled and hit him lightly while blushing. “You’re so cute when you blush” he said and smiled. “Ah you guys are so cute together!!!!” Ma Ri said almost squealing. “Haha thanks” Youngmin said and smiled. “So where are you guys going to go?” Ma Ri asked. “We’re going to go watch a movie” you said. “Oh cool! I’ll let you two go then” she said and smiled. “Ok, bye then” you said and waved before you and Youngmin started to walk to the car. “Wait Nicky!!” Ma Ri yelled. You turned around “Yeah?” you said. “Could I get your number? So I could like..text you? Maybe? If you want..” she said. “Sure” you said and smiled, then you both exchanged numbers. “Thank you so much!!” she said happily. “No problem” you said and smiled. “She seems nice” Youngmin said as you walked over to him. “She’s pretty” you said and smiled. “Yeah I guess….but you’re prettier” he said and kissed your cheek. You giggled and hugged him. “I’ve realized you hug me a lot” he said and laughed. “Cause I like hugging you. Do you not like me hugging you?” you said and pouted. He shook his head and smiled at you. “No, your hugs are the best” he said placed his lips on yours for a kiss. You blushed and smiled at him. “Ah your so cute!!” he said and hugged you tightly. You giggled “I’m not cute” you said and stuck out your tongue. “You are!” he said and pinched your nose then hugged you again. You smiled, you liked being in Youngmin’s arms. It made you feel all warm and safe. He then let go and smiled at you “Come on let’s go” he said and opened the door to the car for you then helped you get in before going to the other side and got in himself. “So movie right?” he asked while he was driving. You nodded “Yeah” you said and smiled. He looked over at you and smiled. “Your hair looks pretty in the sunlight” he said. You blushed. “Why are you always saying things like that?” you asked and pouted. Every time he said something like that it made you blush and you felt like hugging him and never letting go. “Because I love you and I’m saying what I truly feel” he said and held your hand, smiling. “Why are you sweet for?!? You make me feel like hugging you forever!!” you whined and pouted. Youngmin laughed “Well if you’re going to hug me forever, don’t hug me now cause we’ll crash if you do” he teased and pinched your nose. You laughed. “Then we’ll die together’ you said. “Yes we will!! Together forever!!” he said and squeezed your hand tighter, smiling. You laughed and then smiled. “We will be together forever no matter what and we will die together as well” he said and gave you a kiss when the car stopped at a traffic light. “Promise me we’ll be together forever” he said and raised his pinky finger up. You raised your pinky and wrapped it around his “Promise” you said and kissed him. He smiled and gave you a quick hug before he continued driving. After a while you arrived. Youngmin got out of the car and came to your side to open the door for you. “So what movie should we watch?” he asked as you both walked to the entrance of the mall. “Um..I don’t know. Anything would be fine” you said and smiled. “Okay” he said and intertwined your fingers then smiled.  You entered the cinema and went to the ticket booth. “What movie do you recommended to watch?” Youngmin asked the girl at the counter. The girl smiled “How about this one? A lot of people like this movie. Action and comedy. It’s very good. ” she said and pointed at a poster behind her. Ok, two tickets for that one then” Youngmin said and smiled. The girl nodded and handed him the tickets. “Have a good day” she said and smiled. “Thank you” Youngmin said. You smiled at the girl and then you both walked away. “Such a cute couple” the girl said to herself when you had walked away. You still had some time left before the movie started so you and Youngmin went to buy popcorn and drinks. Youngmin bought a large popcorn and drink. You held the drink for him so he could put his wallet away. “You didn’t have to pay for everything” you said and pouted. “But I wanted to” he said and smiled, then kissed your nose. You giggled “I’m paying for whatever we buy next though” you said. “Fine..” he said and pouted. You smiled and gave him a kiss “You’re so cute” you said and laughed. “You’re more cute” he said and pinched your nose. You giggled “This is mine ok?” you said pointing to the drink you were holding then took a sip from it. “So you’re not going to share with me?” he asked with a shocked face. You giggled “Nope” you said and shook your head. “But I paid for it. The least you could do it share” he said and pouted, even though he fully knew you were joking. You stuck your tongue out to him and walked away. Youngmin came behind you and put his arms around your waist. “Please” he said and kissed your cheek. You blushed and turned around. “Give me a hug and I’ll share” you said and smiled. Youngmin smiled and hugged you tightly. “There, satisfied?” he said and laughed. You giggled and nodded then handed him the drink. He smiled and took a sip. Then you both continued to walk into the theater to watch the movie. You found a seat near the top and sat down. After about an hour or more the movie finished. The movie was about two thieves, one who gambled a lot and one who spends all his money on a girl, even though he had a wife. One day their boss told them about a job which they would get paid 3 million dollars. They were desperately in need for money so without even knowing what the job really was they accepted it. They broke into the house without anyone there knowing, thinking that they were stealing money, they went to find a safe. When they did there wasn’t much money in there. They looked around the house to fine their boss, only to find out that they were supposed to kidnap a baby! They had to take care of the baby until they were to give him to the person who wanted him. After a while they had grown really close to the baby, learning how to take care of him by going to classes. They were so close that the baby even called them daddy and mommy. The time came when they had to give the baby to the guy. They were getting 30 million dollars now since the guy REALLY wanted the baby. They had gotten the money and was ready to go. But watching them taking the baby and him crying so much. They just couldn’t let them take him. So they ran in to save the baby. In the end they got trapped in a freezer with the baby as well. When they finally got out, they immediately went to find a way to save the baby. In the end the baby and they were safe and the baby was returned to his parents.

“I really liked that movie. The baby was so cute!!!” you said to Youngmin as you two were exiting the theater. “Yeah I really liked it too” Youngmin said and smiled. You looked at the time “It’s almost 12 we should get back” you said excitedly. “But I’m hungry” Youngmin said and put his hand to his stomach. 


Well here's your update ^^

I was going to post it earlier but I went to the US for 4 days

I just came back yesterday :3

Enjoy this update

and I'll try to update tomorrow as well.

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AWWW!!!! CUTE!!! > <
Pls update soon!!! > < ♥♥♥
CuteyDuckey21 #3
Totally LOVE IT!!
ChanyeolStoleMyBacon #4
:3 I LOVE THIS !!!
On the first chapter it was good
ChanyeolStoleMyBacon #6
^^ ur story is awesome. I really get excited when u update
ChanyeolStoleMyBacon #7
^^ I wuv it~
i like it so far but you made a mistake on the first chapter Minzy called Nicky unni but in chapter 3 Minzy is the older sister