Last one has to buy snacks~

Loving life ♥


“What did you guys do??” Minzy asked as soon as you came inside. “We went to Lotte World and was there for a while. Then we went to eat and lastly we
went to a huge mall where we went shopping” you said thinking about how wonderful the day was and smiling. “Oh that seems fun” Minzy said and smiled.
“It was fun. I’m going to go take a shower now” you said and walked to the bathroom. After taking a shower and drying your hair. You went into your room
and sat in front of the mirror brushing your hair. You looked at your phone and saw that you had got a text. It was from Donghyun and was sent to the other
members of Boyfriend and you.
From: Donghyun
CB: --- --- ----
Jun 14, 8:57 PM
After reading the text you got all excited and texted back immediately
From: Nicky
I’m coming!!!!!!! 
CB: --- --- ----
Jun 14, 8:58 PM
You then started grabbing your pillow and blanket when you realized you had to ask your sister if you could go. You went to Minzy’s room and knocked.
“Come in” Minzy said and you opened the door. “Can I sleepover and Youngmin and Kwangmin’s room? It just across the hall” you said excitedly. “Yeah go.
No need to stay with your sister anymore. You only care about your boyfriend and friends” Minzy said. You frowned “Well I can stay here if you want” you said
and smiled slightly. Minzy burst out laughing. “I’m just kidding!! Yeah you can go. I can invite my friends over then” Minzy said still laughing a little. You
laughed “Ok I’ll see you tomorrow then” you said happily and ran back to your room to get your stuff. After you were done getting your stuff you went to the
door. “I’m leaving now. Bye!!” you shouted. “Bye!!” Minzy shouted back and you went out. You walked over to the room across from yours and knocked. A
second later someone opened the door. It was Kwangmin. “Nicky!!!” Kwangmin shouted excitedly and hugged you. “Kwangmin!!” you said and laughed as
you hugged him back. “You’re the first one and right on time” he said as he looked at the clock which said 9:00 PM. “No surprise though. You live right
across the hall” he said and laughed. You laughed and nodded. “Youngmin!! Nicky’s here!!!” Kwangmin yelled. Youngmin walked out of his room and
smiled when he saw you. “Nicky you’re here!!” he said and gave you a hug. “I missed you” he said and kissed you. “But it’s only been like an hour since we
came back from the mall” you said and giggled. “I miss you every second I don’t see you” Youngmin said and smiled. “I missed you too” you said and
smiled. Kwangmin looked at you guys and smiled. “You two are too cute together” he said. “Let’s drop your stuff inside Youngmin’s room since that’s where
you’ll be sleeping” Kwangmin said and took your blanket walking to his brother’s room. Youngmin followed behind him and you followed hugging your
pillow. When you walked into the room you saw a few Pikachu stuff on the bed. “Pikachu?” you said, confused a little. Youngmin and Kwangmin laughed.
“I’m sleeping in this room too, along with Minwoo. The hyungs are sleeping in my room and I didn’t want them touching my Pikachu stuff so I brought them
here” Kwangmin said and smiled. “Oh!! Okay” you said and giggled. After putting your stuff down you heard a knock on the door. You all ran to the door to
open it. Since you were closest to the door you got there first. “Yay I win!!” you said and laughed. You then opened the door. It was Jeongmin and
Hyunseong. “Hi!!” you said happily and let them in. “Only Donghyun and Minwoo left. Wonder who will be last” Kwangmin said. “Battle between the leader
and the maknae” Youngmin said. Everyone laughed. A few seconds later there was a knock on the door. Jeongmin went to open it. It was Donghyun.
“Hyung you were so close to being last” Jeongmin said and laughed. “Minwoo is last!!” you said and laughed. Then Minwoo appeared at the door. “I’m
last?” he said and pouted. “Yup. You have to buy us snacks now” Youngmin said and hit his arm lightly. Minwoo pouted “That’s not fair” he said. “Well you
are the last one and it said whoever comes last has to buy us all snacks in the text” you said. “Fine!! But I want Nicky to come with me” Minwoo said and
stuck out his tongue. You giggled “Fine, but I want Youngmin to come too” you said and went to hold Youngmin’s hand. Youngmin laughed. “Ah fine. Let’s
go” Minwoo said and headed for the door. You and Youngmin followed behide him. You and Youngmin walked together holding hands and talking. While
Minwoo was walking in front looking for a store to buy snacks from. “Guys could you please help me look for a store” Minwoo whined. You pointed to a store
across the street “How about that one?” you asked. “Oh that one looks good!!” Minwoo said and looked left and right, ready to cross the street. “How could
you not find a store this whole time and Nicky found one in like a second?” Youngmin said and laughed while crossing the street. “Yah!! I just uh…..Let’s go
to the store first” Minwoo said and ran to the store. You and Youngmin laughed “He’s so silly” you said and walked into the store. “Yeah he is” Youngmin
said and chuckled. “Ah where did he go?” Youngmin said and looked around. “Let’s look for him. The store isn’t very big” you said and smiled. Youngmin
nodded and you two started looking. There was only 7 isles so it wouldn’t be hard to find him. You looked at the first 2 isles and he wasn’t there. Then you
went to the 3rd isle, he wasn’t there either. Suddenly you heard a BOOOM!! It was from the 4th isle. You and Youngmin both looked at each other with
surprised faces and ran to the 4th isle and saw Minwoo there. He was trying to get something on a high shelf and everything fell down. There was food
everywhere on the floor. “No Minwoo what did you do?!?!?” Youngmin yelled looking at all the food on the ground. “I was trying to get the snacks you liked but
they were on the top” Minwoo said sadly looking at the ground. “Don’t get mad at him. It was an accident” you said to Youngmin and smiled. Youngmin
looked at you and smiled back. “Ok. Let’s just clean up this mess” he said. You, Youngmin and Minwoo all picked up the food and put them back in their
right places. Because all 3 of you helped soon enough you were done. “All done” you said happily. “Wait I need to get those snacks” Minwoo said and
reached up for them. “Yah!! Let me get them. I don’t want the food to fall on the ground again” Youngmin said and got the snacks. Minwoo looked down “I’m
sorry for the mess before” he said sadly. “Ah it’s okay. Just be more careful next time” Youngmin said and messed up his hair. Minwoo looked up and
smiled. “Let’s go get a few more snacks and then we can go back” Minwoo said and looked for more snacks. After a while you finished purchasing the
snacks. You had 3 bags of snacks. “Ah can you help me hold this?” Minwoo said as he gave you and Youngmin each a bag to hold. Because you had
gotten the bag with the drinks it was heavier and you were pretty weak. “Ah why did you give me the heavy one??” you whined. “Yah!! Why did you give Nicky
the heavy one?!?!” Youngmin said a little loudly and jabbed his arm into Minwoo’s side. “OWW!! That hurts!!” Minwoo yelled rubbing his side. Youngmin
stuck his tongue out “That’s what you get” he said. He then took the heavy bag you were holding “Here I’ll hold it for you” he said and smiled. “Thank you”
you said happily. “I want something in return” Youngmin said and pointed at his lips. You giggled “Ok” you said and kissed him. 
Sorry for the late update..again :(
I think there's going to be a lot of late updates
Sorry guys :(
It takes me a while to write one
and I also go to places during the summer
so I may be busy and not have time
I've also been tired lately 
I'll try my best to update more often :)
Please forgive me guys
I'm really sorry
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I love you all ♥
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AWWW!!!! CUTE!!! > <
Pls update soon!!! > < ♥♥♥
CuteyDuckey21 #3
Totally LOVE IT!!
ChanyeolStoleMyBacon #4
:3 I LOVE THIS !!!
On the first chapter it was good
ChanyeolStoleMyBacon #6
^^ ur story is awesome. I really get excited when u update
ChanyeolStoleMyBacon #7
^^ I wuv it~
i like it so far but you made a mistake on the first chapter Minzy called Nicky unni but in chapter 3 Minzy is the older sister