Introducing the members of F-ROS

And here you are...


The Wooden door opens, Michael and six other guys walk out with grins on their faces, giving high-fives to each other and laughing.

He sees me and grins.

He seems really happy I think to myself I hope we get good news too.


I see Michael trying to get to me but before he could, the other members of his group pulled him away, cheering. I watched as he got farther, we were looking at each other until he and his new friends disappeared around the corner. I felt a bit defeated because we haven't really seen each other in weeks. We've both been busy with our own groups and practices. I take a deep breath, snapping myself back to reality.

Well at least he's happy.. I think to myself.

I pull myself together, putting on a big smile.

As we enter the office, we see Lee Soo Man waiting for us at his desk, a huge smile plastered across his face. Seeing that he was in a good mood made me less nervous. We all walk into the room and sit on the chairs in front of his desk. He sees us and clears his throat.

"And how are my girls today?" he asks, his smile still there.

"We're doing fine, thank you!" says one of the members.

Her name is Kim Eun Young, she's the maknae and main singer of the group. Her stage name is Eun (은).

"that's good, because I have excellent news!" Lee Soo Man exclaims.

We all lean in a little closer, anxious to hear the news.

"You along with another group will make your debuts as our newest Kpop groups! Your group will be called F-ROS [eff- ROSS]" He explains.

It took us a couple seconds to realize what was going on. everybody was silent and it created a disturbing moment. 

"When is our debut date?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"In two months, I'm sure you girls have more than enough time to prepare." he says as he checks his calendar. "Have you decided on your stage names yet?" 

We say each of our stage names. There's Lena, Eun( or Grace), Hanna, Lynn and Jenny.

Lee Soo Man then  tells us each of our roles in the group (Main is higher than lead in this story):

Lena: Main rapper and Lead vocalist

Eun(Grace): Main Vocalist and maknae

Hanna: Vocalist and face of the group

Lynn: Main dancer and rapper

Jenny: Leader, vocalist and lead dancer

At the end of the meeting, we all stand up from our chairs and bow a full ninety degrees to show our upmost respect.

Since I was the last one to leave the room I close the door behind me. in order to not disturb anybody else, we quickly head back to our dance studio. All five of us close the door and start squealing and jumping around, or doing anything to express our happiness. Soon after came Fear and worry. All the squeals and jumping earlier went to pacing and stress.

Lynn, the dancer of the group was the one who looked most worried. Pacing back and forth, asking 'what if...' questions.

"what if we Can't learn the dance on time?

"Don't wo-" Jenny starts to speak but then gets cut off by another question.

"What if we mess up onstage because I make a mistake and our debut will be ruined?!"

"Lynn, we will be fi-" Jenny gets cut off again.

"What if we get sick of each other while practicing and we break apart before we can even deb-" this time Lynn got cut off.

Jenny had walked up to the worried, pacing girl and grabbed her shoulders. holding them firmly, she managed to make Lynn stop pacing.

"Lynn! Calm down, we will be fine. We've been practicing and working our butts off to get here! we've been together for three years, do you think we would back down now? In order to debut successfully we need to work as a team more than ever! Do you trust each of your fellow members?" Jenny looks straight into Lynn's eyes.

"O...-Of course I do.." Lynn says, surprised by jenny's sudden outburst.

"Good, then you should trust them to work their hardest 'cause they trust you to work just as hard, got it?" 

"Mm" Lynn nods her head.

Jenny lets go of her shoulders and sits down in her usual spot.

I understand how Lynn is feeling though, she also had panic attacks, hers were as bad as mine when we met three years ago. Thankfully I learned to control them, Lynn on the other hand still hasn't gotten there yet. Jenny is usually the one to calm her down since she's the one who's most down-to-earth in this group.

We all just sit in silence, thinking of everything... thinking of the future.

Ten minutes later, Hanna bursts our bubbles of happiness.

"Uh.. Just one problem.."

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Just a tip. Hyung is what a younger male calls a older male. Oppa is what a younger girl calls a older male. Dongseang is what a older male/female call a younger male/female.
You're doing pretty good with this fic. Update soon.
New reader love it :) update soon. Sounds really interesting
Their hands intertwine.... KYAAA!!! Fan girlness taking over!!!
SuperSHINeeB2STJr #4
Just reading it now!! I really like it! Please update soon!!
New reader. HIZZ!!! It's really good so far! update soon!!!!
it sounds so awesome!!