Advice and tips for the future

And here you are...


*Note: Lee Soo Man is the founder of SM Entertainment*




Siwon smiles at him. He seems amused by Michael's energy.

I still can't talk. On the plane I had recited in my head what I was going to say to any kpop person I met, but now that it's happening so unexpectedly, my mind has gone blank. Honestly, the first official person I thought I was going to meet that's associated with kpop was the founder of SM.

I was sooo NOT expecting this... What do I say? 




Luckily, I don't need to say anything. Siwon started to explain why it was him who picked us up, I mean, he probably has a really busy schedule.

"The reason why I came to pick you guys up is because of a few days ago, manager hyung was telling me about the two new trainees from Canada and how he had a lot of confidence in them! I was curious to see who they were" He stops for a brief moment.

He shoots us a pleased look, then continues.

 "Luckily, I overheard Soo Man hyung telling manager hyung that the guy who as supposed to pick you two up got sick. I offered to meet you and made sure my schedule was empty." he finishes explaining

"Ah I get it! So did we meet your expectations?" I ask a little teasingly.

It took him a little while to process that, since he's not super fluent in english, but he's good enough to keep a conversation going for a while.

I think I stumped him with 'expectations'.. it IS a pretty difficult word... I thought to myself.

I was just about to rephrase my question but he started to answer.

"Yes, you two look like you belong here. I think you'll really succeed once you debut, just remember to keep practicing and give 140% of your effort." he says.

He smiles at me expectantly, I smile back with a reassuring look.

An awkward silence followed after that, I adjust myself on the seat to make it more comfortable. I look at Michael and we exchange "I can't believe it" and "I know, me neither!" looks. In order to break the silence, I turn to Siwon.

"So, how do you know english so well?" I question.

Siwon smiles glad that the conversation had started up again.

"I try to study with the other members but they're not really interested, Kibum and I used study together but ever since he went on that hiatus for his acting career, I haven't seen him a lot." He explains, looking down at his lap.

He became sad at the thought. I regret asking the question so I bow my head slightly, thinking of what it would feel like if I ever lost Michael as a friend.

"Oh right! Do you two know how to speak korean?" He asks us.

We both nod. Ever since we were 14 years old we've been studying the Korean language. Taking online classes and learning about the culture.

He starts to speak to us in Korean. At first it caught us off guard, but we understood what he said. (From now on, all the Kpop Idols speak in Korean)

"Good, I trust you guys. I'm going to take your word for it. It's very important to know Korean if you want to be a Kpop Idol" He laughs at his 'joke' and we both laugh along not to disappoint him.

Once he finishes laughing, he continues to ask us questions about ourselves.

"I notice that you two aren't korean! What nationality are you guys?"

"Lena and I are both chinese." Michael answered.

He didn't study Korean as much as I did. We are both pretty fluent, just like Siwon in english.

"That's interesting! I think they are adding a lot more non-korean people to become trainees at SM! I'm glad that they're adding more variety." Siwon smiles.

Michael and I both smile and nod in agreement.

As time goes by, we all got more comfortable with each other. Siwon gave us a lot of tips and information on the company. He even offered to give us a tour of Seoul if we wanted.

The limo slows to a stop. I really don't want to get out because of all the fun we were having. But I know that my future and my dreams are right in the palms of my hands if I step out. Since Siwon is the one closest to the door he went out first. I slide over and turn my legs to the side, allowing me to lower my legs until my feet touch the ground. Siwon is waiting outstide the door of the vehicle, reaching out his hand for support. I take his hand and jump down, my skirt going up just a bit but not so much that you could see anything. I let go of his hand to straighten out the back, he then offers his hand to Michael. Michael doesn't take his hand but says 'thank you' anyway.

"Okay guys, I need to go meet the other members. See you soon, annyeong!" Siwon then turns and leaves, heading for the doors.

"Annyeong!" We say waving goodbye.

He stops and turns his head and gives us one more piece of advice.

"Remember, trust your fellow members and they will trust you. Fighting!" He says, making a peace sign with his hand and lifting it in the air.

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Just a tip. Hyung is what a younger male calls a older male. Oppa is what a younger girl calls a older male. Dongseang is what a older male/female call a younger male/female.
You're doing pretty good with this fic. Update soon.
New reader love it :) update soon. Sounds really interesting
Their hands intertwine.... KYAAA!!! Fan girlness taking over!!!
SuperSHINeeB2STJr #4
Just reading it now!! I really like it! Please update soon!!
New reader. HIZZ!!! It's really good so far! update soon!!!!
it sounds so awesome!!