Final chapter...part 1...

Different Worlds Live Under One Roof..!


'Final chapter'

Part 1

Walking cautiously as he didn't want to disturb heechul's peaceful mood…or almost peaceful mood, Jung su walked on eggshells, cracking the leaves, walking on the stones…leaning to the trees, till his eyes met heechul's back.

He was really heechul…but…….

What is he holding in his hand? Jung su scanned his whole body till his eyes placed on his hand that held something….dangerous! so what Jung su was thinking about was right….his guess-work was right! god, how could he know the guy while he barely has a chit chat with him?

yet…he came in time! He came in time as the fate was arranging all this incident to let him meet people who are riding the same path as him…as the fate wanted to tell him that there are people suffering, but they are stubborn to show it.

fate was kind, it let Jung su be the one who could help…it wanted him to be the person in action, to be the person who will help his friend's-to-be soul!

Inhaling the last breath before raising his shaky hand…before putting it near his empty like head…slowly as his tears were drowning him in his soulless-like body, like if his life was worthless. he wasn't paying attention to anything, just the aim of this day…of this moment.

Moving his index finger slowly as he tried to pull on the trigger of his gun….but not when Jung su's around!

At the time heechul was surrender to end his life by his both hands, he thought his tears were the only friend to him at that last moment….

Within a blink of eye…gunshot was vibrating the easygoing natural place which terrified each creature lived there, terrified the people who came along with Jung su and left them soulless literally, but still…no matter what, they won't show up. The horrific sound echoed loudly at the peaceful place…

Jung su held heechul's hand and pushed it away from his head as the both were fighting to let go of the other. Their hands were hanging up as Jung su was trying to take off the gun from heechul's hand….no avail!

The guy was strong and that what Jung su didn't put in the equation! Heechul was showing no mercy while staring shockingly and frightfully at Jung su's face. he was like fighting without him knowing it!

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Jung su shouted at him as he couldn't handle fighting him more, it was useless. Heechul's grip was seriously stronger as ever which he couldn't resist any longer.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" Heechul, the latter, shouted back at him as his red eyes were showering his face by its tears.   

"I won't let you end your life! I won't allow it!" Jung su screamed at him while his hands still on heechul's, but he wasn't resisting…he wanted to be sure that at least the gun is far away from his head…at least.

The grim that exploded in heechul's expression was very readable to Jung su, but it won't hesitate him…won't back him off no matter the consequences are.

A scoff was an answer to what Jung su said, heechul pushed Jung su aggressively as he backed his steps with nothing but hatred in his eyes.

"I said…who do you think you are? WHO ARE YOU TO ORDER SUCH THING?! THIS IS MY LIFE! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO ORDER ME ON WHATEVER THING I SHOULD DO!" he was shaking, hesitant to go on with his plan…Jung su was able to feel his boggle, his eyes were instantly staring at heechul's face and body.

Breathing in and out, both Jung su and heechul were gazing each other as if they were studying and reading each other's mind.

"I know I have no right, but, you asked me, 'who do I think am I?'…." he paused as he approached him slowly with his soft voice that he wanted by it to gain Heechul's trust. He knows that the guy before him doesn't like him neither trust him.

He parted his lips when he stood facing heechul, near him till their faces were inches away from each other. Slowly parting his lips, and slowly raising his hand to grab heechul's, the one that held the gun.

"I'm the one who has experienced the same life as you….I'm the most one who ever would feel what you're going through…" Jung su paused as he read the wave of emotions that existed heechul's body that softened his rough face.

Now…it's the time….

Out of blue, Jung su took this chance to grab heechul's hand and took the gun from him and threw it away…as far as possible.

"WHAT THE HELL!!" upon sinking with his thoughts, heechul figured out really late that his only way to end his pain was gone, gone with the wind! He enlarged his eyes as he looked at Jung su's relieved face…but heechul wasn't relieved at all!!

with no more words, a  punch flew to Jung su's face that let him lost his balance and laid on the ground.

"my patient is really wearing thin right now! I told you stop acting the role of GOD!! Just disappear before I'd kill you with my both hands!" with nothing but anger and grim, he said while gritted his teeth in absolute outrage.

As he turned his back waiting Jung su to disappear, the guy in action tried to stand firmly…didn't want to move away! He was walking all this way because he wanted to return with him…no other option, just with him!!

"I won't!" he said gently as he tried to act calm, tried to compose himself, this wasn't the right time for him to pull out his anger too.

Upon sighing and collecting his thoughts, Jung su straight his back and faced heechul with sternness filled his soul, but heechul was too far from being by his side. He grabbed Jung su by his collar and pushed him near a big sharpened rock, colliding his poor back with a rough rock.

"ugh" Jung su groaned as he closed his eyes in agony, but as fast as light he regained his strength and opened his eyes. He was trying to read heechul's eyes by all his might.

"you won't huh?" he said as he chocked Jung su even more, pushing him to the rock even more…he was blind, the anger was blinded his sight by every possible way.

"what do you know about me? what the hell do you have and it's same as me? money? Family? Oh yeah! Were you abandoned? Do you have a Weak father? Oh no, maybe you have a selfish mom?! WHAT?! YOU HAVE no right to talk as if you're riding the same boat as me; you spoiler jerk!"

Jung su was swallowing past his pain as he could feel how the guy before his eyes was burning with his grudge and anger! What he should do? He was about to die! heechul was suffocated him!

But non of that made him resisting heechul's grab at all…he wanted him to pull out his anger on him! Jung su wanted heechul to curse him! he wanted to ease the pain on him before his next step.

yet heechul didn't understand it that way, he wasn't even sure if Jung su was there because he wanted to help! He was boiling up…nothing in his view was valid! It was all blurred and it was all black and invalid!

"do you think I won't kill you right now? you're that confident huh! I have nothing more to lose! If I killed you…believe me….I won't even feel remorse!" heechul said as his hand encircled even more around Jung su's neck. All up sudden, he stopped when he noticed how red the guy before him was…Jung su was struggling mutely…mutely that he was about to pass out.

On the other side, Jessica and the others were staring at the scene with worries that killed every nerve within them. Jessica was about to go, she couldn't take it any longer! She wanted to help Jung su! Heechul seemed he lost his mind! But hong ki grabbed her hand and pulled her to their side.

"just believe in him…I don't know what is he thinking about but I feel he can do it! we have to wait!" he said then nodded to her waiting her nod in return…which she couldn't do anything but nodded while praying inner her to end this meeting peacefully…please god!

"go away! Before I change my mind!" heechul let off of Jung su's collar which made him immediately kneeling down trying to catch his breath.

He was sure that heechul won't kill him, he was sure about it! he knows him when he saw his eyes that tell that he wasn't going to involve himself in another mess…he was only releasing his anger by his own way which Jung su was patiently knowing it!

"you really started to irritate me…" Jung su said after inhaling a huge amount of oxygen, standing firmly once again while biting his lips waiting heechul to turn his back to face him.

"being all the poor guy who lived his life in darkness…and now wants to end your life with one gunshot!"

A high kick was a response to what Jung su said, heechul was no longer himself…he wanted to break anything in front of him including the guy whose talking to him! his kick left Jung su moaned from pain but refused to kneel down for third time!

His anger was raising by seconds….and heechul wasn't going easy on him…..AT ALL.

"Damn you! I should know from the beginning that your intention isn't for helping, you're here to gloat me! huh!....someone like you won't have even intention for helping! don't ever open your mouth….you don't know what might happen to you, and just go!"

"do you think your life is the worst? Do you think you're the only one who has been suffered for so long???" Jung su said as his hand was calming his aching parts. He was moving it softly on his abdomen and little bit to his back.

"YOU KNOW NOTHING! THIS IS MY LIFE, I DON'T CARE ABOUT OTHERS! You know nothing….stop it! shut the hell up!"

Obviously, while heechul was cursing and mumbling, Jung su took it to his advantages and sent a really powerful punch to heechul's face..leaving the latter standing stunning at his place from the sudden hit.

"what are you…….I'LL BREAK YOUR BONES!"

"how do you feel?" Jung su cut him off with his still calm manner…but he was slowly losing his patience, he started to lose it bit by bit.

"is it hurt? It hurts you, right?" he went on as he stood almost near heechul's zone.

"do you think it's really affected me?? not for a bit…"

When heechul finished his sentence, he was about to send his next punch to Jung su, but the latter was faster than his grip. Jung su turned around flexibly and flew his fist to heechul's face once again leaving him lying on the ground and groaning from pain.

"I think this one really hurts you…not only physically, but either mentally" Jung su said gritted his teeth as he was gathering his thoughts while his eyes staring instantly at heechul's shocked-like face.

Heechul couldn't reply him, it was painful but he would be more hurtful if he admit it! he could feel that there is something inside the guy before him, and by looking at his eyes, he could swear that he was able to read the worries and the desire for help! How could that be?

It would be seriously a joke!

This feeling by its own prevented heechul from standing, he was thinking deeply about why this guy was insisting on helping…if his thoughts were right! why he cares about somebody he barely knows?? This is just a cloud of confusion and an absolute dilemma!

"this is how exactly I felt before week from now….this is how my life turned upside down from one slap………I knew about the truth this late, just like you!" Jung su ended his speech while biting his lips furiously by the thoughts that returned to him.

he didn't want to display his own story that he already wanted to move on from…but sometime, you have to do it, if you want to ease the pain from others, if you want to convince someone that his life isn't bad as he might think…and just sometime, this might get worklike a miracle!

"what….are you talking about?" Heechul who stood hesitantly, his stare didn't leave Jung su's, felt like there's something hitting his nerves…something made him shiver suddenly. He swallowed hardly as his words escaped his lips.

"It always like that, heechul! elders did the wrong things while the younger would pay for it….please, don't put yourself in this equation! You can fix it! if your parent couldn't, you can!" firmness all in his voice, nevertheless the softness was still taking part of this conversation. Jung su was trying to compose himself, not to lose his patience that he really needs it at this deciding moment!

"oh yeah…you are trying so hard man! just go back home….and don't spell your piece of wisdom on me, save it to who cares!" heechul retorted indifferently. A small part inner him was dying to hear what in Jung su's sleeve, but his mind was all aggressive and didn't want even to see the guy! it wasn't dilemma, it was an actual denial!

"listen…you have to hear me, not by your ears, but your heart….just for once! Can you do that?" Jung su said hoping for an agreement from the latter, praying deadly inside him that his plan will go on smoothly.

Raising an eyebrow as a respond for what Jung su said, heechul folded his arms up next to his chest and focusing his thoughts on him and at him. his boiling up manner suddenly faded away leaving the spot for the softness behavior to come….he was really wanting to hear what kind of wisdom Jung su would say, finally his mind leaving a place for his heart this time…but,

why this guy would try to help him, and at the top of that, why he is so concern??

"I'll take your silence as an agreement then…" Jung su said as he bowed his head while breathing in and out for awhile then raised his head and started his speech that he was preparing it…

"I'm not going to say this for a defensive or anything, but you have to hear other point of view…your mother is awesome, you have to thank god cause she's alive….your father is seriously great!"

"huh! Just…" heechul cut Jung su's words off and scoffed mockingly and couldn't hear more from him but Jung su insist on continuing on.

"Do you know why?" Jung su completed ignoring how heechul paid no attention to him, but this question did divert his attention once again to him silently.

Taking his silent sight as a sign, Jung su added…

"They all walked on a straight line, even if you would tell me that you figured out the truth later….but they were trying their best to gain back their normal lives, by the right way!"

Swallowing past his pain, his heavy thoughts that started to distract his speech, he didn't want the memory to affect him no longer, he doesn't want to be tied down by it no longer…but sometime, things happens against your willing.

"what are you trying to say?" heechul, with sternness asked like the cloud of dilemma and confusion started to cover him up! Unknowingly, his feet walked till he stood facing Jung su. Heechul stood near him to be able to read his expression, his emotions that hid inner his eyes and body!

"it just… Unlike mine! Do you know what I've been through? It might sound cheep if I said it by my own mouth, and it's still really hurts me until this moment!" the grief sound that escaped Jung su's lips was delivering it successfully to heechul small sensitive part, his heart. the latter was feeling a bit curious! No…he was totally curious! He was almost forgetting his own circumstances! He was slowly started to open his heart and to listen to him through it!

God, how can this guy be this effective?!

"just week ago, I discovered that my father cheated on my mother when I was still 7 year who knows nothing…he was so mean to her, yet my mother wanted to make him feel how it really feels like when the person you love cheated you, betrayed you!" biting his lips over the fact, this wasn't supposed to happen, this wasn't supposed to be displayed…but the situation here was forcing him to say what he said! This fact by its own kicked heechul away to the sky and let him hit the ground…he was shocked! He wasn't picturing Jung su's family to be like that AT ALL! This wasn't something he should hear……the confusion grew bigger by the time!

Both their hearts were beating in sync, like each knock of it was supporting the following one! They were trying to act composed!

Jessica and the others who heard it, felt the pity conquering them to no end….and they can't do a thing, they can't show up, no matter what.

"What about your dad? The one who you're always pointing your finger at…the one who you're always see as a weak man!! you have to fix your vocabulary heechul"

As the words escaped Jung su's mouth, heechul's nerves started to chill up, his body somehow started to form an ice cube! He bowed his head unknowingly as his eyes enlarged over the realization!

Why these simple words, made a great impact on him?!

Jung su could feel…this was the beginning, but it was a sign that he can go on and he can pass this mission.

"there's no relation between this and that!" heechul, retorted…didn't seem to be fully convinced, but this didn't prevent Jung su to continue on, and this time he meant each word.

" If he really is a weak as you assumed, why he let your mother go, the one he gives his heart to?? why he told you a fake story of your mother? Why he sacrificed every single thing to make you feel better? How could you say weak when barely people like him would find the courage to do the same??? You can't blame him, you have no right to blame him!"

"you just…you don't know anything!!!" heechul screamed at him. like the words were finally resting in his heart, making place now to his mind to rest at…but he still refuse to believe in them, until he turned his back at him and bit his lips while closing his eyes. He thought about his words once again….but Jung su didn't want to stop here….

"do you know that my father said that it's actually my mother's fault? He told me that she was the one who started it!"

Heechul turned his body to see Jung su while his eyes were telling nothing but a complete jolt and a complete shock! What?!

Jung su smiled sadly then added while scanning carefully heechul's zombie-like face…

"I couldn't remember what had happened because part of my memory has been erased, but before week from now, I discovered that she wasn't cheated on him as how my father was telling me, she was just planning this….to teach him a lesson and then he might get affected, but he wasn't…until this moment feeling sorry for her or even admit his mistake! do you still think your father is a weak person? Do you still think that your father isn't a man?"

And this was enough for heechul to feel remorse for his father…he was too far from this man called Hyung mi! he was purer than him! god….how this guy was thinking?!

"do you want to hear more? My story doesn't end here!" Jung su said while scanning heechul's face.

"what more to say?" heechul replied. This is one of his rarest time that he would give a damn about anyone's life! he was magically listening to Jung su, putting all his emotions into this conversation after a wild fighting between them!

"My mother had planned to have a fake date with someone who was close to my father, she took me with them….and with no more words, like a flash…..we involved in a car accident, I saw her dying in front of my eyes"

he paused, swallowing past the pain, swallowing hardly over the thought, his heart was another story, it was beating like there's no tomorrow. Talking about this matter wasn't easy…and it won't be easy to him!

"….s-she was b-bleeding, pleading wanting to hold my hands, but she was too far from me…….. isn't it too painful to see your mother passing away before you….and I was still 7 year old?!" he ended his words with tears formed in his eyes that tells his sadness. Tells how this fact was more than burden to him, nevertheless…he moved on! Tried to forget it, he wants to live his life as its deserved…for her, for his mother!

It wasn't only heechul who his heart softened over this fact, but the other 3 too. They were all too shocked for words, it was like a rock hitting their heads respectively!

"you…saw your mother when she passed away?" heechul asked, hesitant in his voice, worrying eating him up. Pitying was the only emotion existed in him at that moment!

holy god!

How could that be? It was like seeing your soul taking from you! Is that possible? Heechul was thinking deeply…deeply about how Jung su was feeling…or even how he's feeling after displaying this story!

"Do you think your life is really the worst? Do you think you were living in a circle of revenge planned by your father??? I bet you if you were me, then you might end your life like how you tried it now….you won't even try to continue your life … for the person who gives this to you, for the things are waiting you!! Please, think about people surrounded you and made your life brighter! You can't lock yourself with one conclusion!! It won't solve a thing, it will just cause another pain! We have to end and to throw our pains here, and walk in to our life as we are re-born again!"

"No one will ever feel grief…"

Even after what heechul felt, after how he truly been persuaded, he was still related himself to that small part that wanted to end all things here!!!

Jung su felt how heechul was really a stubborn, and he even knows it…but seeing it is different by only knowing it! it started to provoke Jung su and to drive his patience over the edge…but he preferred to continue on what he started it…

"heechul…." Jung su raised his hand and placed it on his shoulder making his eyes connecting with heechul's firmly. "Life isn't yours! your soul is slowly filled by others kindness, by others lives, your life is precious than you can ever imagined…you can't just throw it away like its nothing! You can't just throw a half of many people's lives….! Can't you feel it? you were feeling it! how did you feel when your mother left you? You were like soulless…you were like a dull! You can't give the same experience to people who ever considered you as part of their life, a part of their dairy!"

Jung su paused then sighed when he witnessed how heechul wasn't replying him! but he knows that the guy before him was completely opening his heart along his ears to him… so he added up…

"What about your friends? hong ki? Siwon? Jessica? And Yoona?! aren't they the people who build their lives with you? Aren't they part of your life? how could you throw this daily part from their lives without warning?"

No reply….

Jung su stepped back for a bit and focused his iris into his face….heechul was like a soulless guy once again, he was feeling every words of Jung su's speech…he was seriously taking them to his heart, but he was still broken, he was still in condition that didn't let him concentrate over the situation he was in! and Jung su was totally aware of it, he didn't want to pressure him more, but this part was the most he wanted to say since the beginning…

"If there is a weak person in this whole messed up story…it would be YOU! You're so weak to escape your own life, you're so weak for not facing your problem….you're the weakest person who I've ever seen for blaming people who ever caused this problem….Yes, I meant Yoona! She needs you! The girl was searching for you like mad!"

"why are you pushing me to the end?? I know! I was so wrong when I blamed her! I wasn't even meaning it! I was collapsed…couldn't even see things before me! it was unfair….but I can't blame her….and I seriously can't see her these days… NO, I mean….I just need a break, from everything…." Heechul exploded on Jung su which it relieved Jung su to no end that heechul finally and totally convinced of his words. Jung su couldn't hide his smile that lit up his pale face.

"I know your life is way too serious than mine but that doesn't mean mine isn't way too serious too…but…but…..I'm so like in hell right now! just leave me alone, I won't hurt myself so don't worry…."

Suddenly, Jung su gave heechul a hug showed him how he was really glad of heechul's words and cut his words off. His hug surprised heechul which left him zoning out for a bit then pushed him away from him.

"YAH! What do you think you're doing?"

"thank you! I didn't want to see another life wasted in front of my eyes while I can't help do anything! I'm just expressing my gratitude wordlessly!" Jung su said innocently that rarely occupied his face!!

"you started to…….. scare me!"

A laugh was respond to what heechul said which drove heechul to laugh mutely along with him!

Out of blue, 4 pairs of legs were running toward the two guys leaving heechul freezing in his place from the fear!

Hong ki, siwon and Yoona were all running to him and gave him a hug! While Jessica ran to Jung su to support him.

They were all surrounded him and hitting his head joyfully from the pissing off manner he gave them before, he gave each one of them a heart attack for god's sake!

"how did you guys come?!" Heechul asked, bewilderment and shock at the same time were in his face. he didn't even get bothered of seeing Yoona this time…at all!

"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT? ARE YOU CRAZY?! WHAT HAS GOTTEN TO THIS PART??!!" hong ki pointed to heechul's head aggressively. He was thanking god that his friend was fine…completely fine!

"sorry…" heechul replied shyly.

"that stupid equipment…where did you get it??" siwon asked confusedly.


"I don't really know…but I think I found it in one of the places here!" heechul answered thoughtfully then immediately turned to Yoona and stretched his hand out to her which led her to raise her hand hesitantly and placed it on his. He then pulled her to a warm hug that exploded every friendly emotions she would want!

"thanks…and am …….sorry"

Yoona while resting her head on his shoulder and resting her tears on his shirt, shook her head as a reply to what he said.

"glad because you thought about us, really happy to see you around! Thank you" she added.

A smile drew on heechul's face releasing all the stress and the pressure from his whole body…He then broke the hug and stared at jung su's way with a stiff expression. he then walked till he stopped in front of Jung su and his wife, Jessica. Heechul scanned both of them thoughtfully then flashed a smile to them which relieved Jessica to no end.

"I think…I know why Jessica is so in love with you…I could see now why she couldn't forget you" he stared at Jessica with soft smile following it a really warm voice that smoothed the place. then he stared back at Jung su and added "I think it goes to you too…you look so great together, please…take care of her!"

with no more explanation from the people, heechul felt how Jung su and Jessica were like truly like a couple without words! He felt so relieved at that moment…and he felt how he lost his battle in getting Jessica back to him, but he lost fairly, and he accept it gladly.

Jung su surrounded his arm more around Jessica's waist and pulled her to him closer with a proud smile then he nodded to heechul approving his words.

"I'm seriously so lost right now…I can't even imagine that out of all people who I know, you're the one who actually helped me! this is just….I can't believe it!"

"you have to believe it now!" Jessica retorted with a sigh of relief.

"and….did really Jessica affected you this much? I mean that much?" heechul leaned to Jung su and whispered to him jokingly which in response, Jung su didn't get what he meant at all.

"what do you mean?"

"I haven't heard you speaking THAT MUCH! You were speaking like forever! It's actually Jessica's habit… speaking too much!"

"we weren't even in touch to judge me man!" Jung su replied and followed him Jessica who tried to defend herself.

"what? I'm not talkative! Why are you trying to ruin my image?!" Jessica hit his shoulder joyfully which drove Jung su to chuckle.

"ok got it!" heechul raised his hand in a defensive way then stepped back a bit.

"Jung su…" heechul said after gazing at the guy before him firmly, his eyes were shinning as if he finally realized the main truth he needed.

"I'm doing this for the people who are giving me worth memories…I'm doing this for the man who deserves to be proud of me…I'm doing this for him…because I finally felt how much I'm an idiot to lose someone like him…."

A smile was a respond to what heechul said, Jung su nodded to him agreeing each word he said.

"but be sure of one thing…I'm still not forgiving her!"

"it's a matter of time…time will decide this for you" Jung su immediately replied to him understanding heechul's words and feelings.

"……I'm sorry to what happened to you, I haven't thought that you would really go through a lot of hardships, you really impressed me! am sorry"

"don't worry…it happened in the past, don't feel sorry about it…everything's stable now" Jung su assured him warmly, but Jessica could swear that she heard his heart was beating rapidly in his chest, she could feel that he was still fighting his memorieshis voice all showed it, and his heart was confirming it! all what she did is lowering her head, supporting him by all her feelings…praying to god to help her helping him going through this completely.

Out of blue, heechul stretched his hand out waiting Jung su's hand to shake it. Jung su looked at Jessica a little bit then she gave him a nod of approving with her bright smile. without further hesitation, Jung su shook heechul's hand powerfully, exploding their new bond….their new friendship.

"you're officially my friend now, Jung su" he hugged him lightly then stared at Jung su's eyes that tells how he was satisfied over the fact.

A completely different characters are now like one characters…are now friends without walls; without wars.

How life sometimes takes from you things, hit you from the back…but at the end, it gives you a wonderful present, a wonderful people to move on with you.

"you will live your life for her to be proud of you….whilst am doing this from now on for him…to be proud of me, lets grant this wishes for them!" heechul said almost whispering to him.

if Jung su was right, he could see the firmness and the desire of doing what he said. He could feel how heechul was like vowing to himself before uttering those words out. And those by its own sent Jung su a relieving nerves throughout his body.

Suddenly, Yoona ran toward them after witnessing how the mood between her half brother and her friend's husband were like so soft and smoothly, which drove her to run unknowingly to them with her moisture like eyes.

Heechul and Jessica thought the same thought…they thought she would hug her half brother, but instead, she hugged Jung su strongly which formed a jolt to the guy's legs, he was totally blanked and stunned!

"thank you…you're really great! You're awesome! I could really be sure that Jessica would be safe under your wings! God thank you so much!" yoona said as her arms surrounded his neck by the seconds which he couldn't get a reaction to it! what he should do?

He turned his head to where Jessica was and furrowed his eyebrows as if  he wanted her to help him out. Aside from this, he raised his hands up still timid to react of the sudden wave of emotions exploded by Yoona!

Jessica coughed twice then caught Yoona's shirt and dragged her out from the hug…obviously out of jealous…

"Yoona…can't you express yourself in another way?" she gave her a look that stunned Yoona and made her swallowed shyly over the not-thinking-vibe she did.

"I'm just thankful to him…I meant nothing but a pure thankful hug!"

"SIWON….take her, she started to overreact~" heechul said joyfully which made everyone chuckled in amusement. The place was covered of glee and rejoice after the tense and the heavy mood before couple of minutes…

"I think we will stop here…we will throw everything that bothered us here…and we will go to where we should start as we are reborn again…" heechul said as a wave of a warm breeze slapped each one's cheeks, making them contemplating his words….Jung su's words.

"we have to go….and you both have to, make sure to give birth to a good baby that get treated nicely, alright?" heechul said softly to them while dabbing Jung su's shoulder with his reborn like self, with his baby-like smile.

"you have to be with us to raise up the child!"

"I'll be there for sure!" Yoona said raising her hand, excitement all in her voice!

"why are you making me nervous! Stop talking about it and just everybody should get back home!" Jessica said and her cheeks turned as red as the tomato! She was absolutely timid to think about giving birth to a baby…what more, afraid at the same time!

"if he does anything wrong to you, don't ever hesitate to call me…I'll take care of him! you still need me, remember?" heechul said while winking at Jessica which sent the chills through her body making her froze over the thought!

"I think you're no longer available in her vocabulary…you're just a friend in need, not what she needs…got that?" Jung su replied mocking heechul's words, trying to compose his jealousy that started to eat him up.

Hearing his words, Jessica was satisfied that Jung su was still composed, didn't lose his patience, he was totally fine with it! thanks god!

"well…I think you win for the third time now! don't worry…am just trying to help" he said softly to them with a smile that made each one respectively smiled.

Just like that…they separated and each group went to their home, after a very long day, a heavy break, and tense of emotions were left at that place….

those emotions won't get back to them, those emotions are finally eliminated from them, they finally took their memories out of their mind, or almost out, and threw it away to the past….where no place for it in the present neither in the future. 




as I said before...chapter 25 is the final chapter, our journey is almost about to end, but I divided the chapter into 2 parts...

 I'll post the next part the other time <3 enjoy this part of the final~ 

thanks so much for who always supporting me either by subscribing or commenting which I appreciate the latter more lool xDD kidding <33

I hope the messages of the whole story will be dilivered successfully to you guys <3 thanks once again ^_^

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Chapter 1: share more please
Yuuki-chan #2
Chapter 26: I just read your story at once, and I love it!! I love so much TeukSica couple! And here they are amazing!!
I just read you story and it was so so great! I loves the interaction sbetween Jess and Jung su! Thi swas amazing thanks for writing this story! :D
coolll.. i spent my day for read your ff. you make me go crazy about teuksica. aish!<br />
COOOLLLL~~~ one of the best fanfic i ever read
I read this in three hours it was so good !!! i luved it *claps hands* YAY <br />
Shira-chan #6
it's okay honey~ as you said, better late than never <33 glad to know you liked the ending despite that Jessica ended up with Jung su ;P I appreciate your words so seriously each word ;D <br />
as always, you raised my hope so high <3 <br />
I'll do my best in my next fiction...because I really don't know how to write a comedy like story, but I'll take it as a challenge ;D I hope I'll see you around soon and to see your support either <3 <br />
you too, thank you so much!
jam_9445 #7
sorry for bein late but better late then never right sooo..CONGRATULATIONS ON COMPLETING UR AWSOME STORY!! ROCK ON! LOVE E STORY! i like how u ended everyting smoothly without making it seemed rush and e way u wrote it made it perfect! very touchin and super! even though it was nt heesica in e end im still very happy wif tis fanfic and loved every moment readin it! im kinda upset tat i'll hav no mre chapters to read and wait for updates..but im glad u were able to complete it successfully! CONGRATS once again and i hope to read future ffs of yours! take care and all the best^^
Shira-chan #8
@snsdyoonaislove: hey sweetie <33 sorry if no more yoonhae disappointed you T_T but glad you read it despite that fact; cause sometime the content of the story what the reader needs to involve himself and to build his own imagination world along with the characters ^_^ and I TRULY LOVE your comment <33 <br />
I will write new one soon and I hope to see you as one of my readers too =D thank you SO MUCH dear =D your words encourage me so much <33<br />
<br />
@4ever9: thank you honey, your supportive words were seriously pushing me to write more ^_^ thank you for your time to read and to comment as well <33 this meant a lot to me...I hope that I'll pass writing that rom-com...can't wait to have your support again <3 thank you =D
4ever9 #9
Oh, I forgot to hug you back kkk. Here *hugs*
4ever9 #10
The last chap is really nice. <br />
Congratulation on finishing this fic ^^<br />
Waiting for your next fic :) (And yay for rom-com ^^)<br />