Chapter ..23..

Different Worlds Live Under One Roof..!


Walking down the street as the nice and the gentle breeze greeted the new born couple who were holding their hands tightly. They were smiling, each one was flashing his bright teeth to the people passing by them. If they could do more, they would scream to the whole world that they are in love! how they get together after hard and harsh journey!

Holding their hands and smiling nonstop was all they could do when they went out the graveyard. But the silence bothered Jung su….

"god! I can't believe you let me spoke like more than half an hour to convince you to be with me! what are you? A stone? I really need to drink water, my throat draught!" he said jokingly, the amusement didn't leave his voice, he loves teasing her and seeing her reaction!

"what? it was only half an hour?? I thought it was longer! I should make you speak way too longer than that! tsk!" she pouted her lips of the thought. the fighting within her and the dilemma she stuck with made it seems to her like hours!

"wow! Are you trying to punish me by your own way now because you didn't do it?" he stared at her while tighten his grasp over her soft palm. Jessica blushed over the remembrance of his own way punishment! This guy has his unique lifestyle! But she has no such thought about punishment whatsoever!

She just want him to open up his heart to her even more!

"I'm surely not devil like you…but if you already mentioned it, then I'll think of one!" she stared with a stare that held so much evilness that amused him to such level!

He ceased his move then raised his hands and cupped her cheeks from the adorableness she gave him, he couldn't resist no longer. He stared at her face with an eye that spoke what is in his heart, the sparkle in their eyes no one will ever be able to comprehend it but them, and only them.

"do you know what?" he parted his lips, his eyes didn't blink and only focus his iris on her beautiful brown eyes.

"what…?" she replied, hiding back her still not-believing-this-is-happening-to-her smile.

"I thought, when you turned your back at me….you won't come back to me, I thought…that I was really late! Everything's seems shaking at that deciding moment! you have no idea how I was anticipating you to turn back and run to me!" he cupped her cheeks then pulled her into a deep embrace that showed her how he was also fighting himself to get her, how he was afraid to lose her, to lose his chance of holding onto her.

"you're not the only one who thinks this is a plain dream, because am trying to believe it as well! Just let me hugs you for more seconds!"

she could swear that his heartbeat was increasing rapidly in his chest, she was able to hear it with her ear! She raised her arm and encircled his waist softly and the smile that started to be a grin that she couldn't hide it no more! He rest his head over hers, moving his hand over her hair, feeling her with every bit of his emotions.

He broke his embrace then stared at her once again into her eyes, with nothing but love. with nothing but care. He was not able to see her walking away from his side, he just wanted her to be hislove.

"you're mine!" he said with a soft voice and charming gaze that made her sink into the wonderland once again!

Nodding all what she did…blushing over the fact that she belongs to him, no other but him, Park Jung su himself.

He grabbed her hand and held it tightly with so much proud and walked down the street with a bright smile that he wouldn't give it to anyone but his girlfriend, his wife!

"is it ok with you to walk this long?" he stopped his steps when he recalled her 'special condition' with worries.

"if I'm with you…there will be no pain!" she added scanning his face with shyness and pure love.

"I didn't know that you're cheesy as well!" he chuckled, teasing her then continued on walking holding her hand even tighter as if she will run away from him. the warm that covered her from his hand, and only his hand did a very great job on distracting her once and trying to compose herself once again!!

"jerk" she cursed beneath her breath which he heard it but deliberately ignoring it with a smile that held nothing but amusement.


Standing in front of their apartment, inhaling for air as Jung su tried to put the card key into the lock to enter their apartment.

Even though, Jessica urged that she was fine but the stubborn Jung su didn't let her walk on her feet because he no longer wants to see her in pain. Jessica knew it would affect him badly because of his back like how the last time went, but she couldn't resist his continuous nagging!

As the door opened, Jessica was about to enter already but he halted her moves which surprised her. he pushed the door wide open then stared at her before stepping into their home.

"what's wrong?" she asked confusedly.

"you're impatient aren't you?" he raised his eyebrow over her hasty self.

"I always told you that…we are different worlds, and coincidently live under one roof, right?" he looked at her as he saw how her eyes flashed the memory of him treating her badly…or let it said, teasingly!

He could feel how these words have a great impact on her, how these words bring nothing but how this guy before her was a mean and truly a jerk!

She nodded, confirming his sentence.

"but now…I want to fix these stupid words before we enter our home, I want to enter it with nothing but new page, new book!" he stared at her scanning her brightness that lit up her dimmed face.

she was truly anticipated his words on going!

"we are one world from now on, no one ever will separate us. we met and live under one roof because fate wanted to gather us…because fate is arranged all of this,  just to let us together once again!"

She wouldn't ask for more, really! All what she needed to hear she heard within a span of time! Nothing in her life seems beautiful or bright before, but now, when she's about to step to her new world, to their one world…she just discovered how love is taste, and how love is a great gift from god!

How love paved the long dark road, and gives you the light at the end of the tunnel…this is how exactly Jessica felt when his words or approximately his vow to her existed her ears with so much warm that warmed her whole body.

"this is my vow to you….I'll do anything just to keep you beside me, I'll do whatever it takes me to see you smile, to protect you!"

His warm hand that she felt every chills within her melt just the moment his hand placed on her cheek. His eyes, she was feeling every word he says, and she was able to read his words before even he could utter it because of his readable eyes.

"because you're mine…!" a smile escaped his lips and calmed her nerves even more, oh god! What did this guy do to her?

Before stepping together, Jessica stopped his about to move leg when she said…

"I promise you…that I'll be there whenever you need me, I'll be there when you need someone to lean on! I promise you, that I'll try hard to, at least, share with you the pains that burdened you"

Smiling at each other, Jung su couldn't be thankful, couldn't describe how idiot he was to wait all these years for someone who deserves the love, for someone who deserves everything possible in this whole world! He blamed himself, nevertheless, he was thankful because he took this chance of holding her and he wouldn't be idiot anymore of letting her away…anymore!

Walking hand-in-hand as they stepped in their home, finally, they stepped into their home as one world!!

Sighing with relief, Jessica couldn't fade her smile that flashed through her face, scanning the apartment and how much she missed it! inhaling the smelling of his cologne that volatilize through the living room along to their bedroom. How unique his smell is!

Without waiting any longer, he came near which she unknowingly backed her steps until she stuck to the wall between their bedroom and the stockroom.

Oh god not now! she wanted to scan the place! she wanted! Just leave her…for this moment till she regain her strength again!

She was so freaking vulnerable to think that she will share this place with him…what more as one, one world! What a possibilities that will come along such thought?!!!!?????!!!!!

"I like your awkwardness…!"

Leaning his hands on the wall, knowing that she would escape from either side then he gazed her teasingly when he noticed how the girl was in such messing self before he leaned more to be near his treasure lips…until he ceased and the next words prevent him from taking his delicious snack!

"OM GOD! What happened to the lily?!" she widened her eyes in disbelieve as it placed over the wilt lily in her precious vase.

His frustrating self was obvious as day light to her, but she just want a break! Even though, she was screaming to have some, she just want a small break!

When she witnessed how Jung su was like cursing the stupid lily mutely while closing his eyes firmly, she wanted to ditch out from his way…but no! not when Jung su's around!

He put his arms once again and leaned it to the wall, preventing any possible way to her 'run away self'. His eyes fell on her still-trying-to-be-composed ones.

"you're probably don't know about this aspect in me, right?" he parted his lips, teasing and mocking was all in his voice…what more amusement.

"w-w-what?" swallowing past the embarrassment she put herself through! What an idiot!

"I.really.don'!" he said, emphasizing each word to deliver his double meaning to her.

Leaning his head till his lips were near her ear and whispered seductively…

"do you know what will happen to you now?" still at his same position, smelling her hair with every bit of his emotions.


Idiot…completely an idiot to go along with him and to reply him!

"punishment" he whispered.

HOLY GOD…! she screamed inner her as she closed her eyes.

With a blink of eyes, his arm swam beneath her thighs as his other arm swam beneath her neck, he carried her delicately that showed nothing but care…

When he did that, she gasped for air from the surprise, it seems that this punishment isn't like the one before!

"a new way of punishment" he whispered back when his eyes met hers as she encircled her soft hands around his neck.

"I'll be gentle, because you're officially mine!" he said as he pushed the door of their darken bedroom by his leg and put Jessica on the bed gently….

everything then was just a new whole world for the both of them, everything then was just a dream that they don't want to wake up from, everything then was just a wish that already granted for them and only them……….

Jessica couldn't sleep, she just couldn't…either she still doesn't believe that her dream came true already or she wasn't even sleepy!

Scanning jung su's back that made her felt how save she is and how warm she is. Her lips wouldn't stop curling up no matter how she tried. She crawled to feel him closer than ever, maybe and just maybe she will fall asleep. Moving her hand on his waist and encircled it…but suddenly, she recalled something like a light bulb exploding in her head…

She moved away her hand in such haste as she sat up and moved her cover from her upper body softly to not wake him up….she now had a close up look at his scar. His scar that burned her with pain once again, pained her to know how much he suffered and how much this scar would make him suffer. But she promised him that she will help him to take his pain away no matter how she tried, she just will do her best of best to take it away.

Looking at how huge the scar was made her closing her eyes with agony. Moving her hand on his scar while lying her head on the pillow once again, she did such a move as to assure him that she will be with him, as if her moves will take this pain away…or at least would make it less effective on him.

"what are you doing?" a roar voice stopped her oblivious moves and what made her took her hand away, when he turned to face her with his sleepy face…he was nothing but handsome even when he woke up!

"did I wake you up?" she asked as she stared at his eyes with worries filled it.

He nodded his head as he inhaled for air while looking at her breathtaking face.

"I was already woke up when you sat up suddenly…"

"sorry if I bothered you…"

"don't worry! But why aren't you sleeping? Is everything alright?" he asked as he put his forearm beneath his head and the other hand placed it on her cheeks, he gave her the most concern look ever.

"I was thinking…it must be really hard on you to have such a huge scar, I didn't know it's that big!"

"about that?" he let a soft chuckle to escape his mouth when he felt how worried was Jessica for him.

"that's why I don't like taking off my shirt! You'll be worried like hell over it!" he said jokingly

"you….don't take it off even at school?"

"yeah" he said as a train of memories flashed through his eyes "…I've never took it off in college nor school unless it's really necessary because I barely participate in sports club, one; because I prohibited from taking sport classes, two; I know if I join them, then I have to take my shirt off and the wave of question would be followed…so no for both!"

Staring at him as she swallowed his words deeply. Thought after thought was conquering her mind….But isn't it strange?

They almost have the same things, they shared the same path!

When they were 7 years old, one involved in a car accident while the other had a bite from a dog….which these accidents led them to not participate in sports club nor involving themselves in any hardworking place!!

It's really fate who arranged this for them…

"but…you love basketball!"

"I can't exhausted myself unless you want to see me lying in the hospital!"

"no! absolutely NO!" such thought sent chills over her small body, she just oppose thinking about it and oppose let such things happen!

"but how could you know about my hobby? No one ever knows about it!"

This was just if he was praising her indirectly which she felt how great she is to know this part without a need of anyone! great!

"I saw you several times before, playing by yourself…. I thought how great you're when you played but I was shocked to know that you weren't joining any team"

A chuckle vibrated through the quite room when he heard how she was analyzing things by her own…she is absolutely an interested girl.

"really? Oh wait! That day! when I sprained my ankle! You were there!"


"come on, calm down! But it was seriously funny how we gathered in such way!"

Remembering the scene in her mind, Jessica couldn't hold back her laughter either when she recalled how the ball hit her head and how things went on after that hit! Strange life!

After lying her eyes on the roof, she diverted it to see him-who was gazing her smile and profile with so much love. she was seriously like an angel to him.

"my question might be stupid as ever…aside from how amazing you look when you played, but you were so furious as well…what happened?"

"remembering such details!" he punched her cheeks with nothing but adoration. Then he continued…

"I was told that I should get married to you sooner than later!"

This piece of information didn't do a favor to her ears, she just look at him before she parted her lips.

"and you were oppose it, right?"

He heaved a sigh when the scene that gathered him with his father arguing over the matter flashed in his mind, this piece of remembrance didn't do a favor to him as well.

"honestly, yeah…but that doesn't matter now, right?"

She stared at him as if she debated this question within herself. She didn't want to give him an answer that she wasn't sure about it too.

"I wonder…what would happen if nothing of this happened? If you canceled the marriage, would you have this feeling to me?" she asked, didn't hide how suspicious she was over the thought itself.

Staring at her questioning eyes, he was able to read her still suspicious self needless from her to spell more words. He was understanding her, but he couldn't handle seeing her thinking over this matter so much.

"Jessica…"he started, trying to collect his thoughts to sway away her questioning self.

"I can't promise you about something happened in the past….and I can't even assure you if we backed the time, I'd change it! I can't really say something I don't mean it…" he paused when he witnessed how the disappointed was all over Jessica's face. but she preferred to listen till the end…

"but…the thing I promise you with all my might, the thing that I'll say it and mean it that I'll be here now and in the future…because we can't change the past, but we can change our future, right?"

She was overwhelmed, but she didn't know why she still doubtful…she couldn't get over her still furious self!

Scanning her face with understanding, Jung su decided to complete on…

"do you know when I was really sure that the person who I truly love is you?"

She enlarged her eyes, not expecting him to open up this topic. Her heart suddenly knocked in her chest leaving her wordless, her eyes just told him to continue on, I want to hear more and more and more

"through this day exactly…during this whole day, no one will ever distract me, no one ever will take this day from me, because it's only for her, for my mother…."

Realizing hit her whole mind, making her iris to widened as well, making her taut nerves relaxed over his soft voice, his soft words.

"but…after I met you there, I felt that…I need you by my side this day, just this day! I forgot for seconds, or even like hours that I should stay by mother's side! I was paying my whole attention on how I should get you back! How can I turn this opportunity to my advantages…I found nothing good in me…I found that I did nothing good to you…..but still, however the result is, I should try to get you!"

"jung su"

"you stole my whole attention…you stole my mother's day that no one ever does! And then…only then I figured out that you're my destiny! I should never let you go no matter what I did in the past!"

As the words escaped his mouth, a moisture formed in his sincere eyes that moved every furious nerves inner Jessica over the edge. She didn't need her past…she didn't need it to remind herself how she suffered, because then…she wouldn't live…she wouldn't be able to live properly!

She opened her eyes…she Opened her heart…for the one who deserves to sit right there, for the one who cares

"thank you…for coming back!" he brushed his lips over hers…then crawled to her and buried her head on his chest…embracing her deeply.

Inhaling for air as the words that escaped his lips were finally said, mountain took from his burden chest…he breathed deeply and relief was all in his breath.

Again, her tears betrayed her eyes and let it fell on his bare chest. Closing her eyes in so much relief…so much warm that she always wanted.

"I love you…" Jung su uttered, smelling her hair with emotions that he couldn't even get it. he was holding her tightly…tightly to feel how close he is to her, to assure her…no matter how awful the past was….he would change her future!

"more than anything in this world" she completed his words with love that ever she felt it…she felt how strong this feeling right now, at this moment. she just want to stay at his hold…didn't want anything else.


Next morning, when the sun sent its radiation and spread it all over their room, Jessica couldn't no longer close her eyes. She opened her eyes and turned it to the empty space beside her…horror filled her eyes when she saw nothing but pillow!

"where's he?" she thought for seconds that everything happened the day before was a pure dream, until a sound of sliding door reached her ears and let her terrified self disappeared within a blink of eyes.

She walked out the room with a silk wrapper, moving her eyes left to right searching for him…

"Jung su…?"

"come here!" a head appeared behind the sliding door of the balcony.

A smile was response to him and her legs were more than welcomed his voice.

"did you sleep well?" he asked while holding his cup of coffee, giving her by his other hand her cup.

She nodded while taking the cup from his grasp, warming her chills that conquered her when the idea of him being in dreams only.

"why didn't you wake me up?" she asked after sipping her drink.

"you were enjoying your sleep, why should I disturb your beautiful sleepy face?" he replied amusement in his voice.

They scanned the wide sky with a sparkle in their eyes, smiling all they could do…they still, fighting the idea of being all of this just a dream!

"do you know what I've thought about while you were sleeping?" Jung su began as he stared at her face, moving his hand on her silky hair.


"ah…I'm nervous!" he said as his cheeks turned to be as red as tomato which confused her and made her lips to curl up.

"if it's possible…I'd propose to you properly again!"

Gasping for air as she witnessed him kneeling on his one knee and raising his hand that hold a ring…golden ring.

"jung su…what are you doing?" closing by her hand with a shock that sent a butterflies through her stomach, made her eyes holding tears in. she didn't actually hate these tears…it was a happiness tears that she would shed them with all her might. 

"despite that we already married….. now…here, would you really accept me as the man of your life? me, as your husband that will always and forever love you?"

Gazing his expression with happiness that covered her from her head to toe! She couldn't be more happy…she thought she was the luckiest girl ever! What she should say?

Absolutely YES!

She nodded to him while blushing all over her cheeks. He did great on healing her pain within a span of time! He did great on opening up his heart to her…and now he did his on turning her life from bottom to top!

Holding her hand up gently and pushing the ring softly into her finger…the same goes for Jessica…

now, this moment meant the world for both of them.

he did what he means, he do what he means!

"now I could shout to the whole world….now I can really shout as much as I like…that you're officially mine!! You're MINE! And I love you!" he said as he pulled her into a deep embrace.

Chuckling while she was still in his warm hug, she could feel his heart, she could feel how he was near her…near her as if they're one body, one soul! Nothing really matters to her anymore! Not the past, not the memories!

Pulling out her body from his grasp as he witnessed her face with his wave of emotions that indicated nothing but love for her, and only her.

"I want to hear your screaming!" she , as if she challenged him to do so.

His smirk left Jessica speechless. What in his sleeve this time? She can't read him!

He came and encircled his arm around her neck teasingly and leaned forward till his lips met her ears seductively and whispered with a voice that could melt the ice mountain.

"I love you…. I really do!"

"what are you doing? Shout to the people down there!" she pushed him joyfully didn't get what he meant at all….but his move did a lot of favor to her vulnerable self, it melt it even more!

"aren't you my world? I'm telling my whole world now my feeling"

Lowered her head not believing his words, she couldn't believe how her heart was beating like a drum. How her legs about to drug, how the air was suffocated…she needs to breath, so she leaned forward and let her lips met with him….to tell him how this feeling is mutual …wordlessly.

Breaking the morning kiss that just was like their breakfast for them.

"ah!" something hit Jung su's mind as he stared at Jessica's eyes.


"you didn't tell me about Taeyeon! What happened?"

"about that…."





As she opened the door, Jessica stood and the jolt was all on her face. she didn't believe that the girl before her was actually Taeyeon herself! She visit her right after Jung su's released from the hospital.

"come in!" after staring like forever at Taeyeon, Jessica said as she opened the door even more.

"no, thanks…but I need to talk to you privately outdoor, can you?"

"sure!" Jessica replied absentmindedly to her as the words were escaping .

Sitting on the bench near Jessica's home…Taeyeon was all serious and earnest.

"it may sound stupid to talk to you about him, but I found out…. how he favorite you…more than me!"

as the truth went out her shivering lips, Taeyeon was staring at the floor beneath her, didn't dare to look at Jessica. The revelation about how the guy favorites Jessica just sent her to hell!!

"what are you talking about?" Jessica still didn't get what Taeyeon was talking about, wanted to know her hidden words.

"I'm talking about your husband! Jung su!" she said firmly as she staring at her, still not accept the fact she displayed.

"jung su….?"

"I heard that you both will divorce soon!"

A scoff went out Jessica's mouth after Taeyeon's words reached her ears, she couldn't believe how Jung su was telling her every bit of his life! jerk.

"huh! I got it…it's SO good news for you both!"

"no…you didn't get what I mean! You don't have to be separated! Please…you have to return to him!"

Couldn't reply the girl's words at all…a shock and an enlarged eyes were the response instead.

"I told you it may sound stupid from me! but this is how it turned out to be…and I wouldn't even blame you! Because…you will love him more than I'll do…even if I tried hard! And…….I know that he doesn't love me, it's just a crush!"

"Taeyeon…you're totally wrong! he loves you more than you'll ever imagine!"

"we met during one of sport classes, I remember I was sick that day so I couldn't join the class, then we met each other when I saw him sitting on the bench…our friendship grew from that day"

She continued on ignoring Jessica's words but paused when she didn't get any sign from the latter that she was listening to her.

but Jessica was instantly listening to her when she nodded her head to hear more which relieved Taeyeon.

The latter smiled at her own memory she shared it with Jung su then added after heaving a sigh.

"he is handsome and kind….I thought to myself till my crush for him grew every day I see him…I couldn't hold back my words so I confessed to him. he took some time to reply me…yet we end up together"

Jessica bowed her head remembering the closeness whenever she saw Taeyeon in Jung su's grasp. Shaking her head left to right and kicked out her thoughts because she already made up her decision….nevertheless, she wanted to know why this girl came all this way to her!

"he was near, yet I felt how far he's from me! I was trying to be the girl for him…even though he promised me that he will be with me…I was sure he won't keep that promise! Because deep inside me I know I meant nothing to him! yet I kept pushing myself….kicking out those thoughts, because I believe people change, and their feelings change!"

Taeyeon stared into Jessica's eyes, scanning her blank face.

"it seems his feelings change to be yours….and I could feel it through his eyes that he loves you, Jessica! He told me that you both will be separated…….You didn't see how the light I always see through his eyes dimmed, the shinning smile he gave me faded away! he thought that saying such words will make me happy, will make him all mine! His voice after uttering those words…was sad, furious!"

"Taeyeon please…"

"No… you've to listen to me please!"

Out of blue, Taeyeon raised her hand and tightened her grab around Jessica's with nothing but plead.

"I know you love him but you're trying to escape this truth some way! But…I don't think it's a good idea now! it isn't a good idea after his emotions grew for you…….why you both be separated if you already fallen in love to each other?!"

Biting her lips, as she couldn't believe that she was the one who tried to gather them both again, to make up between them.

"I broke up with him….and I wouldn't be the wall that will make both of you suffered because of my greediness…I wouldn't let that happen for the one I love!"

"what are you saying?! Why did you do that? I already made up my decision, I won't come back to him! "

"if you love someone, then you'll do whatever thing to make him happy….and I'm doing this for him, I broke up with him because I want the true Jung su with you. The true Jung su that will be himself!"

tightened her grab even more and the stare didn't vibrate for even a bit.

"I know you already knew about it, about his mother's death anniversary. It will be at the end of this week….think one more time about him and about yourself….think about your life, about his life….he will be there, he will be there for sure if you want to return to him"

Taeyeon took off her hand and stood as the tears were about to drop from her eyes, burning her every possible part in her body. She tried to look composed, she was trying to hold back every jealous and breaking self within her…she was trying hard to still stand on her legs.

Even if the things she said were true and hard, displaying it by your own mouth was even harder than anyone can imagine! She loves him….and she didn't want anything to block his way of happiness…even if that means staying away from his side.

"don't think ever I'm doing this because of you….because I still hate you and I won't accept you at all…..but if that means you'll be the girl for Jung su, the girl that will be beside him and bring out the joyful self that hid within him, then I should do that for his sake"


END of Flashback….


"did she say that to you?" realization hit Jung su's mind and guilt somehow grew in his chest toward her.

Jessica could tell by his sudden change in his expression that he blamed himself, that the guilt started to eat him up again. all what she did to answer him was nodding.

"she told me the same…before we broke up, she said the same words to me!"

"I really thought that she's a spoil brat, didn't appreciate people….but after visiting me, I felt how kind she is for reforming us!"

"I should thank her…because she gathered us!.......I think it's really the fate!" he said with a dreamy voice like he was contemplating his own words.

"Taeyeon came to you and convinced you to come back to me, we met and we return to each other in front of my mother's grave! Isn't it….just great?"

"but….aren't you feeling bad for her? didn't you for once think that you want to make up with her?" Jessica asked with a breaking voice, pitying Taeyeon.

"I can't tell you how awful I feel toward her…but I really appreciate what she did for us! And I'm with you…no one will change this fact" he ended up his thoughts while hugging her once more.

He lowered his hand till it reached her waist, their faces were inches away from each other. His eyes were telling Jessica that there is a tease coming to her way…

"so…you came to visit my mother because you want to make up?"

"no" simple reply frustrated Jung su, he wasn't waiting this answer AT ALL.

"tell me the truth! Come on!"

"I said NO! I was really visiting her because I wanted to do that for so long!"

"tell me the truth!"

"I said NO not because of you " even though there's a little, small atom in herself let her go there to see his face, to talk to him. if they weren't to return to each other again, so she will say at least a proper goodbye…

And this, she wouldn't admit it no matter what.   

he leaned his hand on the railing after he lost his last hope on hearing what he wants, then scanned the people indifferently…

but one person caught Jung su's eyes…

"Jessica…" he whispered still not sure if the person he saw was the one in his mind.

"hmmm?" coming near him and focused her eyes on the direction where Jung su was looking at.

"isn't she…Yoona?" he asked narrowing his eyes to have a better view.

"OMG! she's!" looking at how her furious friend was running till she entered their building. The horror Jessica felt at that moment broke every straight possible thinking to her!

"why…she's crying?"


"Jessica…please help me!"



 cheesy chapter huh? xD

sorry for the lame poster *_*

thank you ^_*

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Chapter 1: share more please
Yuuki-chan #2
Chapter 26: I just read your story at once, and I love it!! I love so much TeukSica couple! And here they are amazing!!
I just read you story and it was so so great! I loves the interaction sbetween Jess and Jung su! Thi swas amazing thanks for writing this story! :D
coolll.. i spent my day for read your ff. you make me go crazy about teuksica. aish!<br />
COOOLLLL~~~ one of the best fanfic i ever read
I read this in three hours it was so good !!! i luved it *claps hands* YAY <br />
Shira-chan #6
it's okay honey~ as you said, better late than never <33 glad to know you liked the ending despite that Jessica ended up with Jung su ;P I appreciate your words so seriously each word ;D <br />
as always, you raised my hope so high <3 <br />
I'll do my best in my next fiction...because I really don't know how to write a comedy like story, but I'll take it as a challenge ;D I hope I'll see you around soon and to see your support either <3 <br />
you too, thank you so much!
jam_9445 #7
sorry for bein late but better late then never right sooo..CONGRATULATIONS ON COMPLETING UR AWSOME STORY!! ROCK ON! LOVE E STORY! i like how u ended everyting smoothly without making it seemed rush and e way u wrote it made it perfect! very touchin and super! even though it was nt heesica in e end im still very happy wif tis fanfic and loved every moment readin it! im kinda upset tat i'll hav no mre chapters to read and wait for updates..but im glad u were able to complete it successfully! CONGRATS once again and i hope to read future ffs of yours! take care and all the best^^
Shira-chan #8
@snsdyoonaislove: hey sweetie <33 sorry if no more yoonhae disappointed you T_T but glad you read it despite that fact; cause sometime the content of the story what the reader needs to involve himself and to build his own imagination world along with the characters ^_^ and I TRULY LOVE your comment <33 <br />
I will write new one soon and I hope to see you as one of my readers too =D thank you SO MUCH dear =D your words encourage me so much <33<br />
<br />
@4ever9: thank you honey, your supportive words were seriously pushing me to write more ^_^ thank you for your time to read and to comment as well <33 this meant a lot to me...I hope that I'll pass writing that rom-com...can't wait to have your support again <3 thank you =D
4ever9 #9
Oh, I forgot to hug you back kkk. Here *hugs*
4ever9 #10
The last chap is really nice. <br />
Congratulation on finishing this fic ^^<br />
Waiting for your next fic :) (And yay for rom-com ^^)<br />