Chapter ..2..

Different Worlds Live Under One Roof..!

"T-T- Taeyeon-sshi!" the girl who started to spread the rumor gulped.

"what? Are you spreading your trash without even making sure of it?" Taeyeon attacked her with her impatient voice, she was almost shouting at her.

"it's not the only us who talked about it! it's being a hot topic around the whole Campus!" the other girl exclaimed!

"WHAT? Since when Jang su being a hot topic? And since when this rumor started to spread out?" Taeyeon couldn't handle it at all. Her patient reached her limit already.

"I don't know!"

"YAH! If you talked about Jang su badly again, believe me, you'll not see the light again!"

The girls bowed to her and disappeared within seconds!

"this Jessica! Always buzzing around! HOW I HATE HER!" she gritted her teeth in anger and made her way to her class.

For Jessica's good luck, no one notice her appearance at all. Well, this wasn't the first time though, she has been always like that, no one can notice her at all.

She sighed in sadness at how the rumor spread out so fast! And how Taeyeon hate her more now! she wasn't at fault this time, for real!

"AH! Unni!" Yoona shouted when she saw her friend on the bench alone, did she used to see her like that position already?

Jessica raised her head when she heard her friend's voice which she thanks GOD for! She wanted her so badly right at this moment! But for her disappointment, she wasn't alone, she was with siwon and other guy…

Other guy?  

"that's great, we don't have to search for you at the whole Campus!" Yoona said exhaustedly and sat beside her spreading her legs away and leaning her hands at the back of the bench.

"there's an invention called: cell phone, haven't you heard about it before?" the guy said sarcastically.

"oh god! Yes, how I forget this important thing?" Yoona said hitting her head by her right hand which made Jessica chuckled.

"well, this guy has a lame sense of humor!" Siwon said crossing his arms near his chest.

"who is he?" Jessica asked Yoona almost whispering at her ear.

"why always girls have to sit first? I can't understand!" the guy again exclaimed.

"Siwon! You have to teach this guy how to treat the girl awesomely like how you do!" Yoona said pouting at them.

"you can have a seat, here!" Jessica stood and made a space for the guy to sit.

"no! I was just joking, beside, my class will start within minute! I have to go….but…what's your name?" he asked Jessica and connected his eyes with hers.

she blanked suddenly at him, didn't know why she couldn’t reply him!

Yoona stared at Jessica and her zoned out reaction and decided to answer instead of her.

"Jessica…" yoona said with a soft smile.

"ah, I see! Nice name, Jessica-sshi. See you later guys!" the guy waved his hand and made his way to his class.

"Yah! What's wrong?" Yoona didn't take much time to ask her.

"what?" Jessica blanked again.

"this blank-reaction doesn't happen to you unless you are in a mess, did something happen to you?" Yoona, as her best friend, knows each habit and each attitude of her.

"A-A…." she closed and bowed her head trying to find a way to escape this question! She shook her head and raised it to meet her eyes with them and put a soft smile on her lips. "nothing…really!"

Yoona again suspicious her for the second time in a day, but again, she decided to discuss with her later on when her boyfriend Siwon won't be around.

"isn't it the time for your class too?" Siwon looked at his watch and asked Jessica in wonder.

"yeah, but I won't attend it, I will go home!" she said simply.

"is that so? I have to go then, see you later Yoon!" Siwon printed a soft peck on yoona's cheek and left the friends together.

Out of blue, Yoona grabbed Jessica's arm and dragged her along and sat on the bench holding Jessica's hand powerfully.

"what's wrong?"

"nothing!! Plus, who is he?"

"heeeey!! Are you interested in him?"

"yah! Why are you acting weirdly? I'm just wondering, he is new here, right?"

"yeah! He transferred here last month, but decided to attend this week! How lazy!"

"really? How do you know him?"

"why are you investigating me?"

"just answer! UGH!"

"well, he is siwon's cousin! he lived in siwon's home, since his family lived in the countryside! That's all what I know! Plus, I got to know him better these few weeks when I usually visited Siwon…that's all!"

"woahhh!! You're really something!!"


"why you didn't introduce him to me? Or, what's his name?"

"you are asking too much for GOD's sake!! I won't say! You have to ask him by yourself!! Gosh!"

"I got it! I don't need your help!"

Both of them got their tongues out and pouted. But Yoona knows that Jessica was escaping from her questions, so she decided to talk to her now better than later!

"yah, Sica! Tell me, what happened?"

"that's enough! Nothing happened!"

Jessica stood up frustrated of what her mind had flashed in front of her. The tears that she refused to drop, dropped hilariously, couldn't control it after all. Yoona got paranoid of her friend's sudden tears! She dabbed her back and yet the shock covered her face.

"I'm sorry! But I have to go…" Jessica cut her friend's action and started to walk away from her toward the gate.




"yah! Move your hand from her…" The guy said while moving with a steady step toward the girl who abused by a bunch of guys.

"who are you? Her superman?" one of the guys said sarcastically.

"well, if you want to call me that way, I won't object!" the guy said with a cold voice that make them know how he was so calm yet angry?!

"just turn your way, and leave us, we don't want to hurt you, really. we pity you!" the elder of the group said and his eyes held fire in it.

The guy couldn't help but to put a smirk on his face which frustrated the whole group.

"aren't you guys feel shame about yourself? Abusing a girl in the middle of the school? Are you that brave to do that?" his voice this time changed from a cold and calm to censureand disapproval!

The elder of the group couldn't handle it and started to fist his hand and raised it to hit the guy's stomach! The guy showed the pain but he didn't make a move or showing his weak to them, instead, he stood bravely this time and raised his head with the same smirk.

"look, move away before I do something horrible to you! I really pity you!" the elder said sarcastically happily of his strike to the guy's stomach so easily.

"well, I'm the one who pitied you the most, you and your dirty group!" the guy finally made his fist and started to fly it to the elder's face and then within second to his stomach. The elder fell down immediately holding his abdomen so powerfully from the pain.

"WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" the elder shouted on the ground still his hands surrounding his abdomen. The smirk still on the guy's face looking at the pity elder, then he raised his head to see 3 other guys running toward him to punch him and the smirk started to grow. with the guy's fast move and his flexible body, he just threw the guys on the ground without even taking a time to fight with them.

With that, the whole group ran away and let the backyard of the school empty. no one there but the girl and the guy.

"are you ok?" the guy asked the girl by giving her his hand to help her standing. The girl just nodded and the fear still conquer her body.

"why did you come here at the first place?" the guy asked in wonder didn't like the idea of a girl being alone in this place!

The girl just bowed her head, couldn't reply his answer.

"are you for real? Trusting just a bunch of idiots and…. Whatever, if I wasn't here you would…."

"I know! I know, and I'm really regretting what I did! I'm really sorry!" the girl interrupted him with lots of shame on her face.

"I don't need your apology! It doesn't really concern me! this is your life, and you have a mind, right? So don't act like an insane again!" he said those words to her and stared at her for awhile. She couldn't help but to cry out loud at what would happen to her! and what the guy just told her!

He stared at his watch and cleaned his ear by his index finger without paying attention to the girl who cried in front of him.

"are you planning to stay here?" he asked.

"thank you!" she said with a pain in her voice.

"ARASO! Now, go" he said pushing the girl to move.

When the girl disappeared from his sight, he planned to move his legs and to return to his usual place, his class. But he stopped when he felt that someone was stalking him all the way! Not when he walked only but when he fought with that 'dirty group'  too. When he rolled his eyes to the side, he saw a shadow which made him think that his sense was right somehow!

He turned to see the owner of the shadow, and when he turned, his eyes met a girl and this girl no other than Jessica herself! She froze when he noticed her. he moved his head 45 degree when his sight spot her.

"are you here because someone told you to, too?" he asked sarcastically.

She shook her head furiously at what he said and ran without even thinking to talk nor answer him properly. He laughed at her action and completed his way.

And here, when she deeply moved and fell in love with Jang su, since her first grade in her high school. When she saw him defend a completely strange girl! when he put his effort to help her, that's all help her to grow her love toward him until this moment!!


Jessica woke up fearfully on her bed when the dream in her mind repeated the horrible incident with Jang su that morning! She walked out her room to drink water and to kill the stress by a little walking but she stopped when the sound of her parent were so obvious to her. she felt a little satisfied when she could finally meet them after all their daily work, day and night.

When she wanted to knock the door to greet them she stopped her fist and dropped it at what her parent were saying…

"we are really in danger!"

"why are you so negative like that? Didn't you read the analysis? It showed a good sign for us in the near future!" the wife said patting the husband's back.

"that's all a nonsense! There are a bunch of cheaters in our company! I have been working in it for 10 years, but this is the first time that this thing happen to it! we might lose our reputation and by that, our rivals may attack us!"

"everything under control! The things didn't spread to the media! So don't worry, we might find a way soon! Please don't stress yourself, please!" Jessica's mother voice was truly concern about her husband condition. She was with him in each single move and she saw how he stresses himself for his company's sake!

"how can I be stable and calm while my company slowly taken away from me?!"

Jessica couldn't hear more of her parent conversation that evidently showed no good signs at all, so she backed her steps and headed to her room quickly ignoring what she wanted at the beginning by standing in front of her parent room.

'is that why my heart hurting me this morning? Not because of Jang su, but because of the situation in my father's company?!'  Jessica thought.

She lied on the bed facing the roof, thought come and thought go, but there was nothing good in her thinking at all. She sat and straight her back and headed out of her room to greet her parent after thinking deeply with herself.

She knocked the door and remained silent until she heard the permission.

"honey! Glad to see you!" her mother said softly while dabbing the couch to let Jessica sitting beside her. Jessica walked inside unsteadily but she managed to control herself.

She couldn't open when she figured the dark aura that surrounded her father! She got worried about his condition!

"Jessica, we have to tell you something, we are sorry to tell you this suddenly, but…" her father opened his mouth with a regretful sound, her mother bowed her head when her husband talked.

Jessica couldn't hide her worry anymore.

'is there something wrong more than the company's problem?'she thought.

"w-why are you acting like that?" Jessica asked and her eyes wandered between her mother's face to her father's.

"this month, we are facing problem, our income won't be the same as usual, so…bear with us, just this month!" her father said with much bitter in him, as if his pride broken.

"I wish I could help you!" Jessica said while bowing her head.

"no honey! Everything is fine! Don't worry!" her mother patted Jessica's back warmly. "sorry for the disturbance! Just focus on your study, ok?" her mother completed with her bright smile.

'my dad is really lucky to have woman like my mom?! She always smiles and gives a steady feeling to anyone who sees her'Jessica thought.

She headed out and the sadness covered her face. she sat on the living room holding her cell phone. Then she decided to call her brother after so much of hesitation.

"UH! OPPA?!" she got panic of his thick voice that she rarely heard.

"who is talking?"

"Oppa, it's me! can't you remember my voice?"


"oppa! Why are you like this? Are you drunk?"

"what do you want at this time?"



"I want to see you! Really it's an emergency!"

"if it's about your parent, then I don't want to see you! Whenever your parent in trouble you call me! don't you have friends?"

"firstly, they are your parent too, secondly, YES I don't have! Can you or not?"

"NO! I'm busy right now! call you later"

He hang up without even waiting her to say her last words!

'this MAN! Why can't he forget what had happened??' she thought while staring at her phone screen. When she stood to leave to her room she stopped her steps.

Her father was in front of her burning with anger! Jessica got a step backward and held her phone tighter with her eyes blinking too many times! Her heart could stop it beats from the knocking in her chest.

"was that donghae?" her father shouted at her which made her dropping her cell phone from the fear that conquer her body and made her shiver.

"am asking you, was that donghae?"

"appa! He was…"

"why are you always throwing my words into the sea? haven't you heard me before when I told you…DON'T SEE NOR TALK TO THAT PUNK?"

She bowed her head when the scream from her father's throat exist her ears.

"I'm sorry…I just wanted …to help!"


"APPA! Isn't it too much? He left home since 2 years now!"

"SHUT UP, don't you dare to talk about this matter again, understood?"

He left her and entered his room while her mother couldn't interfere as usual, she just stood behind useless at the mad husband.

"where are you going at this time?" her mother shouted after seeing her daughter leaving the home furiously.    

Jessica walked on the street aiming for nowhere. She walked and walked until her feet stopped near her college compos. She entered it and walked inside aimlessly and hesitantly. Out of blue, she heard a sound of knocking and a loud noise of breathing which made her shiver. But she refused to get out before knowing the source of these sounds.

The sound getting closer to her whenever she got near the sport club. She touched the knob with her shaking hand with lots of hesitant, she opened the door but the shock thing not what she heard but what she saw and made her froze till her toes!



end of chapter 2 <3


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Chapter 1: share more please
Yuuki-chan #2
Chapter 26: I just read your story at once, and I love it!! I love so much TeukSica couple! And here they are amazing!!
I just read you story and it was so so great! I loves the interaction sbetween Jess and Jung su! Thi swas amazing thanks for writing this story! :D
coolll.. i spent my day for read your ff. you make me go crazy about teuksica. aish!<br />
COOOLLLL~~~ one of the best fanfic i ever read
I read this in three hours it was so good !!! i luved it *claps hands* YAY <br />
Shira-chan #6
it's okay honey~ as you said, better late than never <33 glad to know you liked the ending despite that Jessica ended up with Jung su ;P I appreciate your words so seriously each word ;D <br />
as always, you raised my hope so high <3 <br />
I'll do my best in my next fiction...because I really don't know how to write a comedy like story, but I'll take it as a challenge ;D I hope I'll see you around soon and to see your support either <3 <br />
you too, thank you so much!
jam_9445 #7
sorry for bein late but better late then never right sooo..CONGRATULATIONS ON COMPLETING UR AWSOME STORY!! ROCK ON! LOVE E STORY! i like how u ended everyting smoothly without making it seemed rush and e way u wrote it made it perfect! very touchin and super! even though it was nt heesica in e end im still very happy wif tis fanfic and loved every moment readin it! im kinda upset tat i'll hav no mre chapters to read and wait for updates..but im glad u were able to complete it successfully! CONGRATS once again and i hope to read future ffs of yours! take care and all the best^^
Shira-chan #8
@snsdyoonaislove: hey sweetie <33 sorry if no more yoonhae disappointed you T_T but glad you read it despite that fact; cause sometime the content of the story what the reader needs to involve himself and to build his own imagination world along with the characters ^_^ and I TRULY LOVE your comment <33 <br />
I will write new one soon and I hope to see you as one of my readers too =D thank you SO MUCH dear =D your words encourage me so much <33<br />
<br />
@4ever9: thank you honey, your supportive words were seriously pushing me to write more ^_^ thank you for your time to read and to comment as well <33 this meant a lot to me...I hope that I'll pass writing that rom-com...can't wait to have your support again <3 thank you =D
4ever9 #9
Oh, I forgot to hug you back kkk. Here *hugs*
4ever9 #10
The last chap is really nice. <br />
Congratulation on finishing this fic ^^<br />
Waiting for your next fic :) (And yay for rom-com ^^)<br />