Chapter ..22..

Different Worlds Live Under One Roof..!

 Before reading, I think you should have some BG music that will put more emotion into yourselves <3 

it would be better if you played this song at the part where J &J met <3


One week passed by after the colliding truth that crashed into Jung su's heart. When he passed out that day, Jessica immediately sent him to the hospital…but didn't stay with him at all. She just checked on him from afar and returned home. She didn't want to stick with him anymore…she made up her thought, she wants to move on…no jung su, no pain! That's it.

After he released from the hospital two days later, Jung su didn't even for once went out from his apartment. He was recalling all what had happened to him during 2 days respectively.

It was so harsh…it was so hard.

He couldn't face his father anymore, he couldn't see his face. even though his father was nagging him with his phone calls…but there was no reply from the-still-zombie-like Jung su. He refused to show up himself to his father…

he was not ready to forgive him, not ready to involve himself with another conversation that will lead to other puzzle, to completely other world that he already struggled to get out from.


the only reason that will make this person step out from his net, the only reason that makes him way too emotional and way too guilty…his mother's death anniversary.


Moving slowly as if he was on eggshells. Jung su couldn't look more formal with his suit, and his stiffen expression. he inhaled achingly when his eyes met the grave that his mother slept in several years from now. biting his lips furiously, still didn't adapt to the fact that his mother left him…left him to face all these troubles alone. Left him in a conflict world.

Inhaling once again as if he wanted to release all the pain that placed on his chest, he wanted to focus on one thing, on one person…nothing in the world would ever distract him from this moment. even though it's deeply affected him to meet her grave, but he never skipped this day. He would be always the first one to greet her, the first one to share all the stories she needs to be entertained in her grave. No one ever would take this day from him, this day is only and only for his mother.

Kneeling down, patting the soil that covered the place before him. Rolling his hands left to right, as if this move would pace his mother down, would comfort her to know that there is one person who thinks about her, still beside her wherever she is. His heart warmed up when the flesh of his hands met the soils, as if he was touching her skin…remembering her last embrace. It all calmed him down…

this is the power of a mother, even if she left, her memories wouldn't fade away.

Smiling sadly as his eyes still, held pain and regret in them. Why she did that…everything would be ok if she didn't risk her life to a person who ever worth this risk! He thought achingly, he thought as the tears formed in his sad eyes but refused to let them out…

he promised her, he promised her that he wouldn't be sad when he visits her, he would only show her how mature he is for every passing year, how her son is doing in his life! he promised her all of that…

he took out from his pocket a long paper, then took out a lighter and burned the paper till nothing was seen but black dust and small pieces held nothing but memories.

Watching the paper burning and then burned out within a blink of eyes made him looking so emotional…couldn't hide how the sorrow was eaten him up, but he was trying to keep his promise alive…he tried with all his might.

"I think, this is my last page that I'd write to you…ugh! doing such things makes me look like an idiot!" he paused after chuckling to himself…how stupid could he be?

"sometime, I wonder…if you were around, would I be that considerate? I think…I'm not that good of a son! But…I do! I do miss you so much. Until this age I become, I still believe that I'm a kid, wanting someone to hold my hands tightly, telling me that tomorrow will be fine!" he breathed in heavily, didn’t know that spelling these words would take so much courage from him, he was holding back his tears. His sudden shaking prevent him even to concentrate on what he was about to say. Nonetheless, he continued on…

"I may sound if I'm a little bit exaggerating, but…I can't help it!" he paused closing his eyes achingly. What he should do to push this pain out of him? he was so vulnerable for words!

"what will you do if you know this is my graduation year? I know…You'd be the first person who would congratulate me! I just for every year…hearing my friends' parents making a blissful wishes…makes me envy them……….am I selfish?" biting his lips over the words he didn't want to get out from his mouth, but it did! It happened so fast that he couldn't even know!

"again, are you watching me? is the place you're in, safety? You're probably feeling lonely!"

his tears that he fought it back, dropped with a deep inhale. He wiped his tears quickly, quickly so that she wouldn't see him cry! She wouldn't feel his pain…

Gathering his power to spell his next words…

"Again…I'm sorry, I'm such a horrible person for letting you die without a hand of help. I was helpless…I'm sorry, because in fact, the person who should die was me! the person who deserved to die is me….because I betrayed you!"

he bowed his head and let the downpour escaping his eyes. Swallowing hard and circled his hands on the soils as the guilt and regret was eating him up…he was fighting with himself deeply.

"because…my trust faded on you and I let my dad took me deep inside his harmful world, his revenge world! And now….I've figured out how innocent you were!"

Relieving it took the utmost courage within him, he stopped for seconds to recollect his pure thoughts before added

"I'm sorry, please forgive me for all what I had done! I thought, if I followed my father I could do justice in you, you would feel that there are people thinking about you and want you to rest in peace!....and that the stupid thing I've ever thought about"

Paused searching for air…

"but the fact that I'm here, doesn't change for a bit! Because I truly miss you…"

Standing on his weak legs, bowing the last bow before leaving his mother. When Jung su turned to take his leave, he paused when his eyes met with the person who he was trying to avoid, who he still couldn't forgive.  

 "always first here…and this fact didn't change as well" Hyung mi said as he placed the lily on his wife's grave softly with a smile, greeting her grave with warmness.

Seeing the lily made Jung su blank on how he forgets to bring one for his mother! He never for once forgets the beloved flower to his mother, yet this time was eliminated! The whole things made him forgets it!

Didn't reply nor give him much attention, Jung su walked away from his father but hyung mi's voice stopped his moves.

"so…you went to Tae san? And you broke my words and your promise, huh?" Hyung mi said as he turned his body to see the paused Jung su.

Hearing his father's voice made the blood in his body boiling up! Jung su turned his body to face his father and look straight into his eyes with firmness.

"I didn't open up the matter about your dirty plans with him, but…YES! I'll break my promise now…nothing is valid with your plan! I'll never continue with this stupid piece of trash anymore" Jung su said aggressively as his eyes held so much stubbornness within it. he was meaning each word he said. He paused a little before he added…

"you never be the man who I'll look up to, and you'll never be! You never be a candid man! always planning to steal others companies, always hide beneath your shadows, taking fake causes to excuse your dirty way of solving your problems….. and now, blaming people who never causes this incident!"

He didn't know what was really moving his mouth and making it says what he said, Jung su himself was shocked as how the words went probably one after one. But….he stated the truth, how his father is always like, this was the peek that Jung su reached to spell his thoughts of his father…but in so cruel way, in a way he always stands at.

Hyung mi took Jung su's last words and elaborating it which led him to get the meaning behind it with the emotion hidden within it…it really pissed him off to know that his plan would be at the end of the edge while he was already moving on the line correctly all the time.

" …were you always have this negative thoughts about me? what a dramatic words, son!!" Clapping his hand, standing before Jung su while scanning his expression carefully. 

"I think what I've discussed with you gone with the wind, why are you talking like if you care about them, or specifically about her? it seems Tae san brainwashed you!" Hyung mi continued on and he was still calm after the bomb that jung su threw to him. he wanted to be calmed, he wanted to.

"it's always like this…elders doing the wrong things, while the younger will take the disadvantages of your mistakes, isn't it so stupid to continue it, while I fairly know that you know it's so ruthless to involve innocent people in it? can't you see?" didn't answer him directly, Jung su prefer to say what was in his mind instead of replying to each question his father was about to say.

"wow! You're superior at talking!" Hyung mi paused while giving Jung su the most stern look that held the disappointed and the fiasco through it "you know I'm not enjoying it, but sometime, things are excluded and I can't change what I've gone through…love is the weakest thing in life, and…I've warned you to not put it in the equation of our plan….yet, you are against me again…"

"are you in love with her?"

This was the question that moved the nerve and the gut in Jung su's whole body. It was like forming other kind of life to him, he couldn't understand why this question was like a fuel to his boiling up body and thoughts. He wasn't supposed to answer this question in any kind of ways…he was supposed to focus on the conversation that got him out of his usual personality, it made him so much violent…he was truly supposed to focus on the words that his father spelled, not only the question.

It didn't take hyung mi by surprise only, it took the same person who uttered it off guard as well…

"I've already fallen for her"

Jung su's eyes enlarged by the deep emotion that covered his voice. He swallowed tightly while stiffening his jaw. His mouth moved uncontrollably, he couldn't prevent himself from stopping it…it all happened so fast…

"you're…fallen for her?" hyung mi repeated and the disbelieve was all in his voice. "there's no such word in my vocabulary son….we should continue this till the end, till I see them falling apart, till I see them suffering like how you and I were suffering, we shouldn't stop now, you shouldn't stop now!"

He said while putting his hands on Jung su's shoulder shaking him to get him to the reality. Wanted him to feel how important was this step for the both of them. He wanted to gain some pity from the latter…out of blue, Jung su pushed his father's hands as if he was telling him by his stare –you-won't-force-me-to-do-it.

"how could you be so confident? While in fact you're the one who started it! the one who broke my mom and shuttered her in million pieces! What is your heart is made of? What kind of human are you? Stop it! you're being insane for God's sake!"

No reply from his father, just sternness filled his whole face. Hyung mi was totally pissed off by his talking, but he tried to compose himself…  

"I hurt her enough, I don't want to cause that amount of burdensome that I've been through to her…don't force me for something I've already made up my thought on!" Jung su paused scanning Hyung mi's face with disappointment.

Couldn't stand the silence his father gave him, as if his father was cursing Tae san as well as Jung su. Even though Jung su continued on, wanted a reply from the person before him.

"don't make me spell words that won't satisfy you at all…leave me alone! Why don't you focus instead on the children you are about to give life to? Why don't you focus on the candy-women you're always having relationship with?"

A slap was a response to what Jung su said. He spat on the ground beneath him and gave his father the most stern look ever.

"when you say the truth, it always hurts…just like your slap" he inhaled deeply and his gaze didn't vibrate over his father's grim gaze as well.

"… leave me right now, don't let me throw you to jail! If I did it, I wouldn't feel a bit guilty toward you……" stopping his words when he noticed how his father's face changed upside down. Jung su's words were harsh to the utmost point to his father.

"you… wouldn't feel guilty?" finally Hyung mi parted his lips with shock.

"What am I for you? Who was the one who chased every possible doctor to treat you? Who was the person who whenever you wanted a shoulder to rest on, would be there for you? Did youforget all of that within a blink of eyes? Did Tae san really brainwashed you? Did you really believe in what he told you?" Hyung mi's voice couldn't be more than shock! He was breathing deeply from the unbelieving words said from his son.

Bowing his head disbelievingly…Jung su couldn't open his mouth after the reminding of what his father was doing to him through his journey with his endless pain. Nevertheless, he didn't lose his firmness and continued on…

"and this is the only reason why I'm still beside you, that I'm counting you as a father! So please, if you ever want to continue your game, don't count me in…because I'll…….." he couldn't complete his sentence.

Something in his throat prevent him to spell this word…He didn't want in fact to do that to her. he recalled the time when she confessed to him, under the rain. But…she made up her thought and she told him that she doesn't want to be around him anymore…and the evidence of her talks, when she left him in the hospital, alone.

"I'll divorce her" he said it as he closed his eyes.

"SCREW YOU JUNG SU! DON'T EVER COME NEAR ME BUT BE SURE YOU'LL PAY FOR YOUR WORDS!" walking hot in his heels leaving his son behind.


Jung su went to buy a bouquet of lily for his mother and went to his mother grave again. He walked till he reached her grave…something near her grave froze Jung su in his place.

He enlarged his eyes…he couldn't be more surprise by this person visit! How did she know? …what's she doing there? The gravity under him glued his feet, he couldn't walk more, he couldn't fade the surprise expression that covered his face up!

OMG….his heart! What happened to his heart? The irony returned to him! he was inhaling as if he finished a marathon! The air around him was suffocated! What kind of air he needs then?

If he opened his eyes and his eyes met hers, then he wouldn't let her go

Kneeling down her knees, scanning the grave with her caring eyes and her soft smile….she was like an angel sent to earth, sent to his mother!

"I'm here, I…I really wanted to see you for so long now! you'd probably wonder, who am I and what am I doing here." She sighed with relief, a relief that occurred after finally meeting this woman.

"I'm jung su's wife, your son's wife! The one you'd always want to meet…but it seems we are meeting you separately as if we are different worlds…and met under one roof, this is what Jung su always telling me!"

After remembering his words, the day before their wedding day. when he told her about the new contract. He couldn't look more than jerk that day! but she smiled…yes, she smiled when she remembered it! anyway, it was part of her memory.

"it would be a joke, but it's unfortunately real! Everything happened so fast that I had no control at, if I had the choice then I'd probably reject the offer, I'd probably do that…"

she bowed her head with agony, with so much agony! She raised her head once again and bit her lips before she added…

"not because I don't like your son; because even if I try hard to gain this feeling, I'll end to the beginning, to the point where I started to love him"

Again, smile drawing on her lips as her fail trials to forget the guy, the primary reason for her continues pain…

"but I'd do that because I'm nothing but pain to him, I'm nothing but a troublemaker to him…I'm nothing but……. a distraction and heartache to him and most probably to me!" she paused, breathing in and out deeply

"he has suffered enough since you've been gone! I don't want to increase it over him…you'd ask me….why am telling you that? And most of all why am here, right?" she chuckled over her one sided conversation, her voice couldn't be more angelic, she was by the seconds started to brighten the place by her pure words…by her pure heart, her kid heart.

"I was dying just to have this chance of meeting you…but, it seems I can't reach you, you're so far! I wonder, if you were still alive, would you accept me as a daughter-in-law? Would you arrange this marriage? Oh! I think if you were alive….nothing of that would happen, I'd be erased from Jung su's vocabulary, there will be no Jessica…"

she swallowed hard at the piece of thought she shared. it was even harder on her to talk this way! Her heart started to hammer in her chest uncontrollably.

"maybe, and just maybe you'd left us, him….because you want to gather us, you want us to be one! Ugh! I'm really helpless…and there's no way to return back!! Am just putting other hope as why am still in Jung su's net! Why I can't get over him?"

She stared at the grave as her hand placed it on the soil, moving it softly over the soft soil. She smiled again, brightened the place with her manner.

"if we separated one day, can I still visit you? Can I talk to you as a daughter, please?" she said as her eyes pleaded along with her voice.

"I'm sorry for all what my father caused to you, as what Jung su said, if sorry could bring you alive again…then, I'll shower you with my apologizes! But I can't do a thing! I'm sorry…!"

"thank you…" she was about to stand to leave, but she remembered more words she wanted to share it with this woman.

"one thing….rest assured, your son is seriously a good guy no matter what he says to you, he is one in a million guy! Because I believe he is….that considerate, that kind, that faithful and that handsome! He is, mom! He is!"

Bowing her last bow then turned her heels to leave…and it was really the fate, the fate that made her fusion and froze, made her melt and boil, made her hate and love, made her conflict as ever!

Could that be? Could that be happening whenever the one who you love stands before you? But…she made up her thought on giving up on him, she doesn't want to hang on into him no longer! Why her heart always betray her orders? She cursed her heart…but, she ceased, her eyes missed him….she missed him and she hated to admit such thing. She ceased even more like drowning into the soil when he approached her slowly holding the lily on his right hand indifferently.

Seeing the lily on his hands made her realize why he always preferred this kind of flower…it all clears now! regardless of the same flower placed on the grave, she didn't give it much attention, but now…when she saw him holding it tightly, she knew who he always remember by it, and why he always yearn whenever he sees it. it all made sense now to her.

Swallowing hardly, Jessica stared at his eyes and lowered her head after how the stare between them took so much time for God's sake! She wanted to walk pass him and ignore his presence for her advantage…

Doing what she didn't ever think to happen…he ceased her steps by his tight grasp over her arm. He looked straight into her eyes when it seems they were so much close….so much close for her disadvantages!

Leave her, leave her and don't make her confused even moreshe already made up her thought!!

"didn't you know that I can't let go of the one who entered my priority this easily? Didn't you know this is my only property?" he asked, softness was all in his voice, no grim, no anger…just gentleness.

"I'm sorry…" that all what she said before she tried and took off her arm from his grasp.

He scoffed at her pure answer, he chuckled deeply over her simple answer.

"sorry? There's no apologizes when you already dared and stepped into it!"

She didn't know what has gotten to him! what he was talking about! She blanked over his sudden change of treating! just the softness of his voice took her to the world she struggled to not get in if she is near him, but her trails all failed!

Smiling brightly over her blankness that he missed, approaching her with 2 steps exactly which in return she stepped 2 steps backward to his sudden moves.

"who told you about this day?" he asked changing the topic.

Scanning his face before answering him…"T-Taeyeon"

"Taeyeon?" he asked as he furrowed his brows, couldn't believe her answer.

"yes…" she answered briefly. "I should get go" she said as she want to escape further chit chat with him, and only God knows what would happen to her later on!

Stopping her once again, dropping the flower in the ground beneath them, holding her both arms with his both hands tightly…tightly, so that she wouldn't run away from his grasp like before. Their bodies met under one sky, and aboveone ground.

He gazed her with deep emotion that she didn't want to understand, she always hooked up by her fail hopes, so this one, she didn't want to even know if her senses were true!

"I told you…you can't escape now after you entered my priority!" he repeated his words with so much concern.

What has gotten to him?

"….and I saidI'm sorry!"

Her heart was bouncing as his voice was like blocking her from concentrating on what this guy was telling her.

"I've missed your apologizes…." He confessed…WHAT?

No...this was not what she was hoping for, not in this ungodly moment, place! Her heart was exploding with its rapidly bounding! Chocking with her own air, searching for some to inhale to gain her consciousness that faded the moment he spelled missed.

"leave me…" she tried to break his grasp, not now! not when she made her decision on giving up on him. she is not weak, she doesn't need him to live!

"please…leave me" after her fail tries on breaking his grasp, she pleaded him didn't dare to look straight into his eyes.

"why do you love me, Jessica?" he asked ignoring her pleading, holding her even tighter leaving red marks on her bare skin.

She swallowed tight as the words reached her ears. She stopped her trying on taking off her arms, and now, stared at his eyes with a sparkle within it that she couldn't hide anymore. She didn't reply him, yet he asked her once again, wanted to know, why she holds a deep feelings to him!

"why are you suffering over me for so long? why am I the guy who you're hang on to? Why you chose me over the other guy?"

"NO REASON!" she shouted at him, confused written in Jung su's face over her plain answer. She lowered her head inhaling and exhaling heavily and the butterflies just wouldn't go away, it increases by the seconds.

"I always believe that everything happens for a reason…but for this one, for you….I just couldn't find one good reason why I hold this feeling to you! What you did to me? nothing! Why? I don’t even know! I always convince myself that god gives me this gift to experience how lovely this feeling is…but I found nothing but pain, I found nothing but continuous rejection…."

"you've never confessed your feeling to me!" he interjected didn't lose his grasp over her arms, stared at her eyes challengingly.

"I…what? who sent you the letter when we were in high school and rejected me with the presence of the whole students? Who was as 'you claimed' chasing you from place to place? oh, I believe it's the ghost then!"

She scoffed at him, couldn't believe how he forgot all of this which made her mock him!!

What a jerk who deserves nothing…NOTHING!

"YES, you've never confessed your feeling to me until that day, under the rain!" he urged challengingly once again which left her speechless. This guy won't understand her at all neither she does!

"I don't count letters as a confession whatsoever! Because it never replaced the person actual feeling…I just hate who did send me letters as a confession! Why can't you come to me and say what's in your heart instead of useless paper?!"

So that's why he hates her? so that's why he rejects her in front of all the students? what a principle in life to walk on with!

"w-what?" she exclaimed couldn't ask another thing….why he was so complex! that what was in her mind at that certain moment!

"if you ever dared to tell me your feeling face to face, then I'll respect you and give you my answer…I look at girls who gave me letters as weak, and don't have real feelings…the same letter would go here and there till she finds the right one…I simply oppose it, and oppose dating weak girls"

Jessica's expression softened slowly over his speech. He was right to this point, she didn't confess to him face to face…it all started with a letter! If she ever confessed to him, would everything be changed by then?!


She wasn't supposed to take his words to heart. She was supposed to ignore him! why she still standing facing him?

"so, what are you aiming to?! And…you look at me as a weak girl? OH…huh! thanks Jung su! Just leave me…I don't want to see you!" she urged back trying once again to fight his grasp…

"I've always been teasing you with your past, wanted you to spell this word to me face to face, so that I can feel it when you mean it by every bit of your emotions and body….yet, you're always escaping it, you always don't want to say it to me!"

"what are you talking about? Teasing me and embarrassing me was your way to make me say it? what a jerk! How could I even know that you were doing that for that reason? You're being illogical!"

"because I wanted to stop disliking you! Because I wanted to break the image I took about you as a weak girl! I didn't want to marry you while I have that image of you! That image of a weak, broken girl! I wanted to get along with you as a friend at least! Yet…you didn't say anything to me"

"but sometime…sometime, words are nothing compared to vibes….words are nothing when you see how the person would do anything for you! You're irrational, Jung su! Please….leave me! I heard enough, I don't want to hear any stupid thing anymore!"

Trying to break his grasp but his next words froze her, she couldn't be more than a cube of ice, chills after chills chasing her every part of her body…

"and that's why I'm here like this! Your vibes were driving me crazy! They're the reason why I'm about to lose my mind! I haven't thought for once that I'll have this deep feeling for you! Because I saw you, and I saw how you suffered and how much you tried to be near me, how I seriously look weak comparing to you….that's why am asking you why are you in love with me? what on earth I have done to you to receive such love?!"

he paused swallowing tightly and his jaw stiffened when he saw nothing but a blank reaction.

"I admit it…I'm not a good communicative guy, but I know myself, when I want something…I'll reach it with all my might, and then I'll try hard to take it, to catch it!"

"Jessica…" he loosen his grasp and stared at her when he finally took off his hand.

"I was really waiting you to confess your feelings to me either way…but after my emotions grew to you, I was debating myself whether I should confess to you or just step away from your life, 'I put you through hell', 'how dare I am to say these words to you'…I was telling myself this…"

Remembering how cruel he was after involving himself in his father's plan, sent the chills through his body. he ceased to breath, to be able to say his next words nonetheless…

"but I couldn't wait any longer! I thought that I should step forward if I don't want to lose you, if I don't want to seem weaker by the days…yet, when I was about to confess to you……I saw how you were embracing that guy, how your needs for him breaking me apart!"

He paused, inhaling achingly remembering the scene as she was blank over his bluntness. That day, when he remembered his past…was the same day he wanted to confess his feeling to her! the shock he received while seeing that scene sent the hell through his head till his toes, it just burned him to a way no one can ever explain it than himself…that's why he recalled, he remembered!

Jessica was about to drop her tears that already shaped in her eyes, but she held it back, didn't want to look weaker, because she isn't!

 "I thought that I should let you go…I should make you happy with him if you wanted him that much! I didn't want to be the brick that will prevent the happiness to take you away from this world….yet, that day, under the rain, when you confessed to me! You have no idea what occurred to me! it was like I reborn, it formed another kind of life to me! it was like a fuel to me to say what in store for you"

Silence was all what Jessica could do…hearing his words melt her, made her standing on the line, sticking with dilemma!! She was about to forget the hell she was through….just his words, his voice did a lot of favor to her life…what she should do?

She was about to drop the hell out of her eyes…hearing how the guy of her dreams confessing to her with such sweet and imaginable words made her wants to hug him, to tell him that she will be near him whenever he wants! But…no! no turn with her words.


he continued on after studying her messed up face…

" I hoped…. when I was in the hospital, to see you…" her heart was like hammering hardly in her chest…she couldn't move away from him, looking at his soft expression softened hers as well. What did this guy do to her?

"and if…only if I see you, then I swear that I won't let you go…..but you didn't show up, never for once" he paused scanning her instantly face.

YES, He hoped, if he opened his eyes and met her face, he wouldn't let her go, if she was beside him, he wouldn't let her go!….but his hope vanished through the wide sky.

"but now, when you suddenly showed up…and what more, near my mother's grave, I couldn't give up this hope! And I wouldn't let this happen!" he said firmly and straightly to her.

It was all what Jessica needs to blank even more…to forget her decision. It was all so hard to handle alone! He's slowly, very slowly confessing to her! near his mother grave!

"jung su…I already made up my decision, I don't want you in my life,…I don't want to feel the pain again. I'm sorry, but you're already late!" something in her mind did send this words as a signal to to spell it, despite what she felt.

Despite how the chills over her melt, and how the butterflies increased…she just spelled these words. She isn't weak, she isn't vulnerable. She backed one step and turned to leave him…to leave the guy of her dreams who's now having the deep feelings towards her…she slowly left her spot.

Why she should get back to him? why she should continue her life with him?  she doesn't know the answer but ….she left him.

"I know that I'm already late….and I've done nothing good to you either…yet, I've always believed too…" he continued, wanted to cease her moves. She did stop, but didn't turn herself to see him. her back that burned with dilemma facing him.

"you did good things to me…what are you saying?" she thought. even when she was in her utmost point of fighting to let him go, and to continue her life without him, there was small part inner her urged her, and still defended him!

"that if you need you'll ask for help, even if it means your pride! but if you love, you can't ask back love!....but now, here, in front of my mother…I'm asking you both, my pride and my love!" he said as he stared only at her as if she was the only one exist in this world.

Hearing his words left her speechless, she gasped for air. This wasn't a dream, right? what she should do? He left her with no choices at all! With no choices!

NO! he's already late…no turn, no return!

Seeing how she didn't move nor turn to him, he couldn't close his mouth no longer, continued on…

"can you…..form the other life that I felt that day? can you form that amazing world for me that I'll definitely protect to keep us alive? can you be my dream world…? Please…"

From nowhere, Yoona's words pumped up in her mind. Burning up her dilemma even more…she was truly standing on the end of the burning rope!

"Open your heart…for the one who deserves to sit right there, for the one who cares!"

 Enlarging her eyes when a light lightened her dimmed eyes, and brightened her pale face…

"I would choose the one who loves me over the one who I love…I'd choose the one who protect me over the one who would neglect me…I would, I'd choose the one who feel thatI'm the world for him! I'd really goes for that man Jessica!"

Gasped for air, inhaling for air….what she will do?

"If I was you…I would choose Heechul over Jung su…!"


Suddenly, a voice from the back corner of her mind interrupting her rope of thoughts….

"why you both be separated if you already fallen in love to each other?!"


After a long war inner herself, she turned herself allowing her eyes to meet the stubborn guy ever, the one who refused to show her a bit of his kindness, a bit of his emotions, he is now confessing to her with so much love…he showered her with his love that only written in his whole body, and only his body and eyes!

"promise me…" she said, still standing away from his grasp.


"that I'll be the only girl for you…."

"you'll be my only world!"

And that what didn't make Jessica hesitant one second more, she ran toward him and jump to embrace him like forever, like he would run away from her. she couldn't believe that she is finally in his arms, with his love! they are finally together, not as different worlds, but as one world!

She cried her eyes out, she cried on his shoulder as if she couldn't hold back her tears that refused to stop. She encircled her arms around his neck tighter, didn't want to break the hug…she was afraid, if she did…this whole thing would be evaporated…

"you stupid Jerk I've ever known in my life"

Between her sobs she shouted at him, didn't lose her embrace, she tightened her arms even more while Jung su tightened his grasp around her waist with love, didn't want to let her go the latter.

After a chuckle that escaped Jung su's mouth, he broke the hug and looked straight into her swollen eyes and face.

Jung su gently wiped the tears away from her face by his thumbs. Moving her bangs from her eyes behind her ears and printed a soft kiss on her forehead. he was gazing her with nothing but love, concern, care and passion.

"punch my cheeks…" she said when she inhaled at once while Jung su Looking at her confusedly.


"just do it!" she urged like a little kid with a pout.

"then …close your eyes!"

She didn't retort more and did what he told her to …But,

He leaned forward and leaned his lips on hers pressing it tighter with so much passion that she couldn't resist. this took her off guard, yet…she enjoyed it….enjoyed it with all part of her body, with every bit of her s. What makes her warmer his hands… that met her cheeks and pressed it gently, making her eager for more of his blessings.

He's near her, for her first time…she felt how close he is to her, for her first time, she felt as if the world meant nothing to her but the only reason why it really matters to her…because this guy exist in it! and that's why she should get back to him, because he is the world for her, how she could live if he wasn't there??!

He broke the kiss as he breathed in and out from the long-lived kiss, his heart was beating deeply inner him, each knock of his heart tells her that he cares about her, he loves her!

She stared at him blushing all over her face…

"I was assuring you that I'm beside you…and it's all real! What?" acting innocently as if he didn't do a thing to her, his vibe made her smile ear to ear blushing even more

"cheesy!" she said beneath her lips.

Out of blue, he leaned towards her and printed a soft-long kiss on her pink lips. Making her sinking away with his hand around her waist pushing her closer to him while the other one still warming her cheek.

Then gently he broke the kiss and stared at her angel like face…

"this is because you took so much time to confess to me" he smiled leaving the latter smiling blankly and bowing her head with shyness.

"as if you confessed to me right away you jerk!" her still furious self over her breaking decision screamed inner her.

And once again, he printed a passion kiss breaking her thoughts apart, breaking every possible distraction apart…she was flying and lying on the clouds….away, she was flying away from earth. She felt as if this kiss was meaning something, her heart wouldn't stop bouncing over the wave of emotions that existed her during this enjoyable moment…

He broke the kiss and stared at her red face that he started to admire with his life…

"this is because…you've been loyal to your feeling, because you've  been waiting me…thank you!"

Again, blankness. she never felt so warmed, never felt his warm but now, she felt it with every bit of her body! His smile was the strike to her face. she couldn't stop her blankness that made him chuckled, and he really loves her reaction, her behavior!

He leaned forward and rested his forehead on hers and continued to say what in his sleeve…

" and also because you came to visit my mother…talked to her, praising me like I'm the prince of a fairytale story, calling her 'mom'…I wouldn't ask for more, thank you!"

"were you….. here all the time?!" asked with a shock and embarrassment somehow.

"well, just at the time you talked about me"

"I…should do that….I have to tell her that you're a good guy despite what you really are"

As he laughed over her evil side, a memory flashed in his mind which led him to drop his jaw…it started to be a game to this guy, he brushed his lips over her shivering ones…but this one was different…he was a bit aggressive! Which she couldn't understand what has gotten to him! but nonetheless, she enjoyed his blessings to her.

Staring at her eyes with a devil like stare and smirk, didn't part his lips which drove her to ask him.

"what was that…. for?" 

"this is because you slapped me at the coffee shop when I first time teased you…"

She was blushing from embarrassing! Holy god! This guy has a strong memory despite the fact that he lost some!!

Swallowing past the embarrassment, didn't dare to look straight into his eyes at all as she rolled her eyes scanning the ground beneath them.

He couldn't hold it back, he laughed at her pure reaction as he cupped her cheeks adoring her blankness so much, he means it…SO MUCH!

"that because you were truly a jerk!" she said didn't forget to defend herself.

"I just punished you in my own way!"

Jessica punched his shoulder at his reply. What a punishment! She wouldn't even complain about it anytime in the future if he calls it punishment!

"and for god's sake! Stop calling me jerk from now on!" he said nagging like a little kid. She chuckled over his act.

"when you stop being one, I'll stop calling you!" she teased back, didn't forget to show him how composed she still…well!

Sighing with chuckle and cupping her cheeks once more then added when something flashed in his mind. 

"tell me, how did you meet Taeyeon?" he asked all up sudden which made her focus her eyes into him.

"ah! It's a long story!"

"would you mind to share it with me…when we get back to our apartment?" he asked and cheesiness all in his voice, emphasizing the word our.

Nodding all what she did to him with more blushing after understanding his meaning.

Putting the lily on her grave, holding their hands tightly as they flashed a smile to his mother's grave.

"mom….I introduce you my wife, Jessica!" 



what do you think? were you anticipating them to be together?! xD

you don't know how many times I did edit this chapter...I wanted it to be reasonable and to match my outline as much as I could ^_^ 

sorry for the length btw -.-

next chapter would be a light chapter...about our new couple ^_^

 I think that the story will end at chapter 25 or 24~

thank you everyone, I appreciate whoever reads it till now and I appreciate even more who have time to reply to me and encourage me 


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Chapter 1: share more please
Yuuki-chan #2
Chapter 26: I just read your story at once, and I love it!! I love so much TeukSica couple! And here they are amazing!!
I just read you story and it was so so great! I loves the interaction sbetween Jess and Jung su! Thi swas amazing thanks for writing this story! :D
coolll.. i spent my day for read your ff. you make me go crazy about teuksica. aish!<br />
COOOLLLL~~~ one of the best fanfic i ever read
I read this in three hours it was so good !!! i luved it *claps hands* YAY <br />
Shira-chan #6
it's okay honey~ as you said, better late than never <33 glad to know you liked the ending despite that Jessica ended up with Jung su ;P I appreciate your words so seriously each word ;D <br />
as always, you raised my hope so high <3 <br />
I'll do my best in my next fiction...because I really don't know how to write a comedy like story, but I'll take it as a challenge ;D I hope I'll see you around soon and to see your support either <3 <br />
you too, thank you so much!
jam_9445 #7
sorry for bein late but better late then never right sooo..CONGRATULATIONS ON COMPLETING UR AWSOME STORY!! ROCK ON! LOVE E STORY! i like how u ended everyting smoothly without making it seemed rush and e way u wrote it made it perfect! very touchin and super! even though it was nt heesica in e end im still very happy wif tis fanfic and loved every moment readin it! im kinda upset tat i'll hav no mre chapters to read and wait for updates..but im glad u were able to complete it successfully! CONGRATS once again and i hope to read future ffs of yours! take care and all the best^^
Shira-chan #8
@snsdyoonaislove: hey sweetie <33 sorry if no more yoonhae disappointed you T_T but glad you read it despite that fact; cause sometime the content of the story what the reader needs to involve himself and to build his own imagination world along with the characters ^_^ and I TRULY LOVE your comment <33 <br />
I will write new one soon and I hope to see you as one of my readers too =D thank you SO MUCH dear =D your words encourage me so much <33<br />
<br />
@4ever9: thank you honey, your supportive words were seriously pushing me to write more ^_^ thank you for your time to read and to comment as well <33 this meant a lot to me...I hope that I'll pass writing that rom-com...can't wait to have your support again <3 thank you =D
4ever9 #9
Oh, I forgot to hug you back kkk. Here *hugs*
4ever9 #10
The last chap is really nice. <br />
Congratulation on finishing this fic ^^<br />
Waiting for your next fic :) (And yay for rom-com ^^)<br />