Chapter ..17..

Different Worlds Live Under One Roof..!

The radiation of the sun that showed up in the sky the next morning, alert Jung su from his peaceful sleep. He pulled up his cover as to prevent the light to exist his eyelids, however, the radiation of the sun light was insisting to wake him up, like if it was a sign for him to wake and to witness what around him.

When Jessica left the home the day before, he didn't fall asleep, he was waiting her as she was literally late! He couldn't leave and search for her nor contacted her. he just ignored the –so-caring-self inner him. he thought he was acting strangely when in actual, there's nothing to worry about. She knows the way to home, she's not child to be lost- that's what he convinced himself when his head hugged his pillow and slowly drifted away with his sleep, when he couldn't no longer open his eyelids.

Jung su pulled out the sheet over his face, he carelessly cursed like if he didn't take much sleep the night prior. He sat and rubbed his face then his hair frustrated. Wait a minute Jung su froze when he turned his head to his right side and figured that there was nothing beside him! he frowned unknowingly when he didn't find the person who shared with him the room or particularly- the house, non in sight!!

"could that be she woke up before me? or…did she spend the night outside?" Jung su's thoughts immediately storm his head. He shook his head in disbelief of himself! What the hell am I thinking off? he walked away to the bathroom washing his face and his teeth, and greeted the morning with a bright smile that reflexes in the mirror.

He opened the door of his room heading to the living room, when he stepped near the couch he stunned in his place, he enlarged his eyes by the sight before him. he couldn't do a thing, just staring endlessly at the person before him.

Jessica was hugging her flowers that she bought and slept on the couch with a pale face.

"what is she doing?" jung su exclaimed, didn't get what on the girl's mind at all!

Unknowingly, he stepped few steps towards her to catch a better view of her pale face. but again, his shocked expression covered his whole face and body…what he saw was so confusing to him.

He saw a single tear dropped in her face while she was fully asleep! She was crying. She was crying to the point she couldn't handle it and continued it by tearing up even when she was asleep!

Her tears refused to stop pouring down when she returned home. She couldn't enter the room or make a noise for Jung su's sake. She preferred to be alone in the living room hugging the flowers near her chest and cried her soul out after the meeting with heechul. She felt so burdened and so guilty for him. her tears was like a drug that made her dizzy and fell unknowingly on the couch. She just couldn't get rid off of this horrible feelings.

At that moment, she wanted someone to ease her pain, to tell her that it wasn't her fault! She was hoping that person would be Jung su…but for her disappointment, he didn't show up.

As the sight before him, question after question was rolling in his head. He was totally confused! Jung su heaved a sigh and somehow pitied her. when this feeling exist him, his father's words immediately ran through his mind.

"act naturally"

I'm just pitying her…nothing more…are those tears, because of me?Jung su thought while kneeling down to her level catching a good sight of her face. he shook his head and kicked out his useless thoughts. But, he has an intention, he has this self-caring towards other. Even if he doesn't know them, he has to help whoever in need…and that what he's doing all his life, to prevent any guilty feelings to take a room in his heart. the guilt he felt towards his mother's death was following him till this very moment, as if he was the one who caused the death for her.

he swallowed hardly as his heart was bouncing in his chest when he looked at the flowers she was holding tightly. He pushed out his thoughts once again and refused to be so emotional at the early morning! This is so unnecessary!  

He heaved a sigh and within it, he put one arm behind her thighs and the other arm behind her back and carried her with her flowers that she refused to drop it down. He walked till the room and put her on the bed gently. Then he took the flowers and put it on the bedside table carefully. Though he wondered why did she buy it at first place!

He covered her up till her upper body and moved her bangs from her eyes, the view is better to him. her expression was showing so much sadness and moreover pain.

"should I blame myself for what is happening to you right now? is that…me?"

Even though, there wasn't a clear action or a verbal from him to her the past few days to make her upset, yet the guilt was eating him up. He didn't start the plan with her yet, but he was feeling burden already for making her suffer! He didn't know the actual reason yet he started to jump to the conclusion.

he simply didn't approve of what his father was doing to her entire family…and the reason for his revenge still unknown to him no matter how hard he tried to know from his father, no matter how hard he tried to recall the missing part from his memory. nothing was valid to him!

He went and sat on the living room flipping the channels while eating a cheese sandwich he made. He didn't feel like he wants to go out, but what he needed is to smell fresh air. He turn off the TV and slid open the balcony glass door. He sat there, witnessing the lively life out there. It was a sunny day yet everything seemed to be lively to him, despite the radiation that disturb his vision.

With his contemplation, Jung su heard the door bell rang twice. He sighed angrily as why the visitors only come at MORNING!!

He slid the door open then smashed it closed. he wasn’t really in mood to talk to anyone, but whatever he feels, he ought to open the door!

When he opened the door, he pout and scoffed at the person in front of him.

"what are you doing here?" Jung su asked mockingly, most likely kicking the person who came out!

"visiting my son?! Is there any other reason for why I'm here?" hyung mi said joyfully.

Hyung mi didn't wait for Jung su to welcome him, since he knows him very well and his sometime crack up behavior!

"so…where's the beautiful bride?" hyung mi asked while taking place in the living room, sitting at one of the couch.

"sleeping" Jung su replied indifferently as he took his seat facing his father's.

"I see! It was a tiring night huh?" hyung mi asked slyly.

"what?" Jung su scoffed mockingly at his father's statement then added "out of all people, you're the only one who shouldn't ask stupid question like this!"

"really? Nothing work out between you guys? I thought you will be intimate after living together!" hyung mi asked innocently and his sly smile was still on his skin.

"why are you here? To greet us? Ok your greeting is voiced out...."

"don't hang out with that girl" hyung mi interrupted Jung su with low tone to catch his attention. Beside the fact that Jung su hates someone to interrupt him, he shut silence for a bit before asking his dad what he's up to.

"who are you talking about?"


After hearing hyung mi's reply, Jung su scoffed in disbelief of his father's words.

"are you trying to make me your doll? Moving here and moving there will be by your order, PARK HYUNG MI-SSHI?"

"I'm telling you what will be in your advantage"

"come on! What advantage you're talking about? Marrying with someone who I hate? Staying stick with your plans? Moving here and there by your orders? Are those your advantages you're talking about??!" he breathed in heavily, he never used to be so frustrated about something or pulling out his anger so easily, but his father was pushing his buttons!

"just give me a break!" he ended up his sentence furiously.

"wow! You're only looking at the dark side, son! But, great to know how far you're in the plan..." he nodded to himself, gladly to see how his son is against it, yet he moves on with him.

"if you're here to remind me, then it would be better to take your leave!"

"but I'm here to see your bride!" he asked with the same innocent tone, nothing really vibrate his patience!

"she won't be awake now!" Jung su replied frustrated.

"I'll wait her then"

"why can't I hang out with Taeyeon?" he asked firmly, his eyes were staring at his father's.

"I don't like her nor her family…she's a spoilt brat! I prefer Jessica over her if you'd ask me!"

Jung su bit his lips after hearing his father's unbelievable answer! What he's thinking about when he said those words to Jung su?

"you're…preventing me…because of your own preferences? Are YOU FOR REAL?"

"hey Jung su! What's wrong with your attitude today? Why are you so pissed off?"

"and you've the nerve to ask me such question!? Oh god please!"

He was totally frustrated…to be exact, the grim was eating him up all up sudden!

"you're still handsome when you're angry! But don't overdo it! it's bad to your health!"

"what kind of father are you? Damn it!"

"bring me anything to drink! I'd like to drink coffee…I know you're damn good at preparing it!"

Jung su enlarged his eyes with disbelief following it a scoff and mocking laugh at how his father skip from topic to topic! What the hell…?

 Without further frustration, he stood heading to the kitchen to prepare the damn coffee to his father. He just went to prepare it because if he sat longer he would absolutely break something from his sudden grim and his disbelief of his father behavior.

He handed the coffee to his father with pout and totally grim expression. he stared at his father once and at his room once, hoping to not see Jessica walking out from it. he just didn't want to act intimately with her with his father's presence! Because he won't be able to do it, this is so confusing him and so awkward!

Once he stared at his father's face and his hand that held the cup, out of blue, Tae san's hand appeared as a series in his head. He pouted upon remembering the scar, wave of emotions existed him when he recalled his conversation with him.

"it happened really years ago, so don't worry, because in my age, I don't think I'll remember the details of it…but what in my memory right now that this scar is from a car accident"

"car accident…" Jung su mumbled loudly.

Hyung mi after taking a sip, stared at Jung su's blank face. he put the cup on the coffee table, trying to study his son expression.

"what did you say?" there was a light hope in Jung su's father's words, hoping from the latter in his view to remember what he needs to at that moment to decode the puzzle.

"you're the driver that day…but there's no scar in your hands nor in your body…I think, if you were with us, you'd be the most sufferer one…" Jung su asked as he widened his eyes for each claim he said as if he didn't want to believe his words.

"what?" Hyung mi asked in confusion of Jung su's puzzled words.

"you weren't with us…mother and I …when the car accident occurred?!" Jung su asked suspiciously while slowly raising his eyes from his father's hands to his eyes.

The light hope seems to be like a sun in Hyung mi's mind when he heard jung su's words. He smiled a wide smile showing that he was too into this conversation.

"what did you recall, son?"

"answer me…you were or weren't?"

"apparently…no, but why are you asking me this all up sudden?"

"if you weren't with us…who the hell was? I haven't thinking about this at all!"

"you lost part of your memory, and I didn't want to push you to remember anything…but as you opened the topic, I can give you some information"

Jung su blanked…couldn't get a word from his father's mouth, something in his mind prevent him to understand the words!

"you know who was with us?" Jung su asked curiously.

"I want you to remember by yourself"

"then what kind of information you'd give me?"

"wait a minute!" Jung su added "I don't seem like I've lost my memory! I remember everything…what have I lost???"

"that's what bothered me…you seem to remember everything, but the important part…you're like kicking it to the back corner of your brain refused showing it to the light!"

"it's not like I don't want…it's just I can't!" Jung su retorted aggressively.

"but glad that you're aware of the missing part…! You'll be able to recall everything soon" Hyung mi said with soft smile.

"why are you insisted to make me remember it? is that a key to your plan?" Jung su asked with low tone, afraid of hearing the approval of his statement.

"maybe yes, maybe no!"

"you’ve to help me!"

"I'm, but slowly! Be patient!"


they both turned their head towards the 3rd feminine sound that interrupted their conversation…at the most important part.

Jessica opened the door of her room stepping out cautiously and glued to the ground when she saw Jung su and Hyung mi together. She exclaimed wanted to go back to her room…but it was too late…

"honey!" Hyung mi stood and walked toward her to give her a tight hug. She interacted with him by hugging him back.

"I'm sorry I didn't know you are here!" she broke the hug and bowed politely to him with a blush face.

"good morning, little bride" hyung mi ignored her by dabbing her head and moving his hand through her hair. Jung su smirked mockingly at how good his father at acting. "damn this old man"

Jessica looked around as if she was searching for someone. When she sat beside Jung su facing her father-in-law. She blushed a little as how she appeared messy!

Jung su scanned her face and noticed how pale her face was and how her eyes was like hiding bags beneath each eye. He changed his sight to his father with a sigh.

As the silence covered the place, Hyung mi took a sip of the coffee before it cools down. Jessica wanted to break the silence by asking, but what she asked was absolutely no good!

"where's mother-in-low?"

Hyung mi stopped his drinking and stared at her with a shock expression. Jung su, the one who sat closely beside her, froze in his place. the shock he receives since the morning was seriously enough for him! he swallowed his saliva and bit his lips violently.

"because I haven't seen her before…is she in a business trip?" Jessica completed, couldn't read the mood that exchange within the people in front of her.

Jung su stood and walked away furiously to his room closing the door behind him. Jessica frightened of what just happened, she returned her gaze to Jung su's father who lost in his contemplation. Then she felt it, the alarm inner her worked and told her that her question was hitting the nerve within them. She was absolutely an idiot!

"I heard you're in love with Jung su…" Hyung mi started as he placed the cup on the coffee table.

"eh..?!" Jessica exclaimed. She blushed and bowed her head. "why is he telling me that?"

"I heard…when someone in love, he will know each little thing about the other's life…so he will be aware of his act when he's around her, so he will be aware of her likes and dislikes…and such mistake won't occur, right?" he completed "he will try to find what kind of life she's living…because he wants to be the source of life to her" his gaze never leave her face.

His words was sensible to the point she was feeling it more than hearing it. she was absolutely liking his piece of wisdom about love. But the question…what's in his sleeve?

Jessica didn't know how to react since her question diverted to other one! She nodded to him thoughtfully.

"so…Jessica…" he said her name firmly. "how could you claim that you're in love with him while you don't know the smallest thing about him? is that seems reasonable?"

She enlarged her eyes in horror of the fact that her both ears heard. drought and her heart was beating like there's no tomorrow. She wasn't at that particular moment feeling insecure because of the fact that Hyung mi displayed, but rather because of the tone that her father-in-low was using to speech her! she was literally afraid for some reason!

"I…I…don't know….am…sorry!" she wasn't apologizing like she was understanding what Hyung mi was referring to, she was apologizing because she upset him! she was still confused.

"whatever…" hyung mi said and his gaze still on her face as if he challenged her.

"his mother died when he was 7 years old…like almost 17 years ago"

"OMG!" she inhaled shockingly at the piece of fact that shared with her second ago! She closed with disbelief by her hand. It was a rock placed on her chest or rather on her head.

"yeah…" he nodded

"a…am…I'm terribly sorry! What an idiot to bring this up! I'm sorry!" she stood and bowed her head as she felt the guilt was eating her up again! she looked at her room with a sympathetic feeling toward the one inside it.

"never mind" hyung mi said while standing, he moved toward her and patted her shoulder. "but be sure to never bring this matter to him again…at least these days!"

"sure" she said with a faded voice.

"I think, after seeing you, I can go now to my work!" he said with a sad smile. she sensed how this topic isn't sensitive to Jung su only, but to his father as well. "I'm sorry" she bowed when she bid a farewell to her father-in-law who wasn't seem in mood when he left their apartment.

When the door closed, a storm existed her body as well as her brain. She was totally in shock! Shivering, She now understands what his father was talking about! She was claiming the love…while she couldn't know the smallest piece of his life that everybody else could know!

How can her called that love? She hurts him…for her first time…she hurts him badly! She wasn't sure of the emotion that conquered her, but what she was sure of.. that she wasn't good…she wasn't really good enough for him! she was sure…when she's near him, nothing happened but trouble and pain!

Taeyeon probably is the best one for him, she sure does nothing to hurt  him! she sure knows him better…that's why he refused to break up with her, because she understands him!

"Jung su" she exclaimed his name with pain. Standing in front of her room, fighting whether she should enter or just leave him alone! Within that, the curious inside her didn't fade as the shock was still the only expression she had. She was wondering, how his mother died?

 She raised her hand to knock the door, but she didn't find the courage to…

"yesterday heechul…today is your turn…I hurt everyone around me!" she bowed her head negatively by her thinking.

Upon thinking with herself, the door opened leaving her inhaled at once from the sudden eye-contact with the person before her.

"your…father….left before couple of minutes…..!!!" that's all what she could say at that sudden moment. his expressionless face was hurting her, hurting her to know that she reminded him with a horrible memory, even though, little did she know.

"as if I care…" he mumbled.

He loosened his tight with the doorknob and moved by her to the living room with the same cold manner. She followed him and actually she was glad to know he wasn't leaving the home because of his anger, she was glad to be able to talk to him and to express her feeling to him-her apology to be exact.

She sat facing him, crossing her arms near her chest, didn't know how to start her talking.

"you don't need to apologize…" he broke the silence by saying those words to her while his focus centered to the ground under his feet. His voice was soft which made her feel guiltier! He wasn't for once talking to her with that tone! Is he wanting to show her how did she hurt him?

"uh! I'm…sorry! I…"

"it seems you don't understand what I've told you! Don't apologize! Don't need your pity!" he said while staring at her eyes to confirm what he just said.

"I'm not pitying! I just…I don't want to be rude! I…" she closed when she didn't know what she was talking about! She wanted to reply him with good words…but it seems she was too lost for words!

"aren't you hungry?" Jung su asked with the same tone, soft voice that shake Jessica from her head till her toes! He was clever enough to change the topic that he doesn't want to talk about to her.

"well…yeah.." she patted her head with shyness as her idiot reply.

"then, let's go to the restaurant…I'm starving too" he said with a smile then stood to go to his room to change his cloth, leaving Jessica in her own world. Her heart was beating strongly…just…the softness of his voice made her sink in nowhere!

She entered the room, when her eyes placed at the flowers she bought, she exhaled and widened her eyes! She totally forgot about it. she hurried and carried it and put it in the vase…finally! The vase looks so awesome with the flowers, her burdened faded away, finally!!

Jung su went out the room as if he witness her standing admiring the vase before her. he dropped his jaw at how she was in her ease and didn't change her clothe yet!

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? ….WEIRD!" Jung su shouted at her which made her jump from her place!

"OMG! why are you screaming? It's not like the restaurant will run away!!" she retorted unknowingly, it was so automatic for her to retort since she always bickering with her best friend Yoona.

He scoffed at her mocking, then with his index finger, pointed at the room as if it was a sign for her to change NOW. he was starving badly, and it was a bad idea to invite her with him since she will take longer to prepare herself…girls are girls after all!


After like an hour, waiting her to finish preparing, plus they didn't ride a car and they walked on their feet till they reach the restaurant. After a whole hour, they entered the restaurant to have their launch together. They took a seat near the glass that showed the outer side of the restaurant. It was a perfect place for them, since they rarely talk to each other, so it would be better to look at the people who's passing by instead of contemplating of each other's face.

"what do you like to eat?" Jung su after holding the main menu asked while pouting his mouth to choose anything caught his attention.

After they both scanning the paper before them, they said simultaneously…


They looked straight into the eyes when they heard the same name coming out from each other mouths…! It was…coincidence, another pure coincidence!

"hehehe…we have same taste huh!" unaware of herself, Jessica spelled those words with a small smile that she couldn't hide which made Jung su staring at her for a bit…

"it's not like you know about me, what I like or dislike…it's just coincidence" he said scanning the paper indifferently while saying his words. He said it with low tone that made Jessica looking at him like endlessly!

She was sensing that there's meaning beyond his words…there's something! She couldn't tell…because she can't understand him nor read what in his mind! So…she didn't want to put hope like the other time…she didn't want to assume things that will take her higher! She just complete absentmindedly.

"pure coincidence to be exact" she laughed for a bit and felt that there's no need for those words to exit …but she didn't want to be the only one who chasing him….and clearly, she wasn't! if she is chasing, then she would know a bit about the person before her! she was just sleeping in her dreamland for so long…and accidently, she's awake!

After their meals made it way to them, they started eating it with so passionate as if they were really starving!

The silence was bothering Jessica, though she didn't want to open up an idiot topic as before, but she wanted to know more about him. she discovered that…she did know nothing about him!

he's Jung su, Hyung mi's son that his company is a serious rival to her dad, but due to their marriage, the tension between them blow down.

Recently, she figured out that his mother died when he was 7. 

He has girlfriend named Taeyeon, that he would sacrifice everything just in case to be with her.

Taeyeon, she's the daughter of one of the richest families out there.

He…loves sports…basketball to be exact!

He…loves kimbap?!

He…loves to involve himself in childish brawl whenever the chance in his hands.

He…doesn't love her….doesn't love her.

She was staring at him as she counting the things she knows about him, when she reached the last point, she paled. Her eyes draw sadness as she moving her eyes from him to her plate. She drank the juice to cool her furious inner her. she shouldn't be happy around him! she shouldn't!

"what are you thinking off?" Jung su after taking a sip of the juice too, asked her softly.

"nothing…actually…. a lot of things to be honest!" she said as she put the juice on the table helplessly.

"one of them?"

"can I really ask this question?" she started, straightened her back and focusing her eyes on his face.

"so…your thoughts are about me?" he asked slyly as he leaned his back to his chair. He was sure about it though.

"no…!" obviously the wrong answer.

"try me!" he said then leaned his arms to the table as he put his chin on his fisted hands.

Her heart betrayed her as it was beating in her chest, she composed herself for a bit then stared at his eyes.

"I don't want to be something in your life…like wife, because we both know that it won't last forever, nor I don't want to be your girlfriend, because you already have one…" she paused then added when she didn't notice any change in his expression, he was listening to her instantly. She was fighting with herself when she spelled out her words, it was hurting her to say it, but she wanted to say it!

"I…I'm not asking you impossible…I just want to be your friend, a friend!"

"was that your question?" with the same expression and the same pose, his self-confidence didn't vibrate for once.

"no" she answered, she was telling the truth, it was just a prologue for her question.

"I'll think about your second proposal" he smirked at her, teasing her by his choosing words.

She bit her bottom lip when she sensed the mocking in his voice, damn, whenever she tried to be near him, he pushed her away!

"so…what's in your mind for me?"

"I'm…curious…" she paused as she was organizing her thoughts to spell her words correctly "how …."

"….my mother died?" he interjected, completing her question as if he was from the beginning knew what she was thinking about. Since his father was with her, he was sure that she knew the brief answer from him -she died.

She widened her eyes when he figured out what she was aiming to! He can read her mind easily! Opposite of her ability, she barely knows what in his sleeve for her, she barely knows what he's thinking off nor what he is up to.

"is that fine with you to tell me?" Jessica asked lowering her tone with so much worried as if she was fearing to hear his rejecting to her question.

"it's funny!" he said scratching his head for a bit. "every single person knows about it…but the one who's chasing me, doesn't know a hint about the matter…" he paused and scanned her facial expression that shows the disapproval of his speech which made him smirk at her immediately.

"I'M NOT CHASING YOU!" she got frustrated of the term he used to describe her. he always knows how to push the others buttons!!

"well…now, I guess you weren't chasing me then, all of what happened was coincidence, I believe. Nothing really matters to me…"

What is he aiming to? Why he didn't answer her question directly? was he trying to show that he wasn't concern that the person who claimed to love him all along…doesn't know a bit about his life? he said it…nothing matters to him.

She felt, again, the mocking from his voice. she changed her sight to her plate since the answer she wanted, didn't reach her ears yet! She fisted her hands and intertwined them strongly. unaware of herself, she pouted upon thinking about his feeling and how she dared asking him, she wished if she could take back her words! But still…she wants to know!

Silence covered the atmosphere between the two suddenly which led them to stare at the people outside indifferently. "he still…doesn't want to open his heart to me! am I asking too much?" she thought while sighing and witnessing the lively life out there.

"when I was 7 years old…" out of blue, he started after a hesitation with himself. His voice was holding so much pain that she could sense it even with his way of breathing! He was talking with agony…like he wanted to say this incident to someone since a long time.

He started and eyeing the glass beside them, like he didn't dare to eye her for some reason. However, she was opening her eyes and so her ears to listen to him instantly. He will finally share a slice of his life with her, without much effort from her…he finally seems like he opened his heart to her

"she died" he ended his sentence then his eyes stared at her awaiting one. "by car accident" after this part he smiled unknowingly a sad one like if what happened was repeating in front of him like a movie.

She gaped from the news, she bowed her head like she was apologizing to him. even though, she thought he would go deep into this incident, talking about his feelings, how he felt, what did he do to overcome this horrible news, what had happened to his life after that…she thought he would talk openly to her…but…after all, he's Jung su who won't show a bit concern to her- that what she felt at that particular moment.

She couldn't deny the desire to hug him, to sway away his pain. His expression was killing her, he was absolutely suffering mutely!

Plus, She couldn't hide her concern at all, it was her opportunity, her only to ask him whatever in her mind since he didn't mock her nor scoffed at her yet.

"w-what did you do when you heard…the news? you were still kid back there…it must be really…painful" she asked narrowing her eyes to scan his expression. he felt something strange upon hearing her concern and cautious voice that existed his ears peacefully. His facial expression softened at her words slowly following her words, word by word.

"at least…you're asking me…unlike someone else!" he said uttering his words as if he was talking to himself. She heard him clearly but she couldn't know what he meant by his words, so she preferred to close …waiting his reply.

"I was…helpless…I wished if I died…nothing really matters to me after that day!" he said eyeing the plate before him in absolute pain and sadness. The words went out his mouth uncontrollably at all. 

"Jung su" she uttered his name, as if she wanted to comfort him, she wanted to feel how he really felt like, but she wasn't in his shoe, she couldn't feel how much it's really hurtful to lose someone precious to you, especially when the person is your mother.

He put his elbow on the table, resting his head on his palm of his hand softly looking at the glass barrier once again, escaping her gaze that show nothing but pity…that he absolutely hates.

"I think…I think your father seems …..OH!" Jessica, diverted her sight automatically when she figured a person who entered the restaurant walking and sitting near their table.

"Taeyeon-sshi?" she exclaimed, catching Jung su's attention by her sudden uttering of words.

"what?" he said moving his head to where her eyes were focusing at. When his eyes scanned her face, he was sure she was Taeyeon…no other but her!

"O...M...G!" he voiced out and widened his eyes in shock when her head turned to their side…which led the latter to gape and to have a same reaction as Jung su.

He looked at his watch then he took his cell phone out, checking his appointments for the day! he forgot about his meeting with her…he simply forgot!

Shoot! I forgot! What a day to start with, another lecture coming on my way!! He thought as if he looking at Taeyeon who made her way to their table slowly.



sorry for the late update T_T final exams are really ><"

I think this chapter is very long ><

anyway, hope the length is pretty good <3 please do enjoy reading it and comment after that xD

love you guys <3

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Chapter 1: share more please
Yuuki-chan #2
Chapter 26: I just read your story at once, and I love it!! I love so much TeukSica couple! And here they are amazing!!
I just read you story and it was so so great! I loves the interaction sbetween Jess and Jung su! Thi swas amazing thanks for writing this story! :D
coolll.. i spent my day for read your ff. you make me go crazy about teuksica. aish!<br />
COOOLLLL~~~ one of the best fanfic i ever read
I read this in three hours it was so good !!! i luved it *claps hands* YAY <br />
Shira-chan #6
it's okay honey~ as you said, better late than never <33 glad to know you liked the ending despite that Jessica ended up with Jung su ;P I appreciate your words so seriously each word ;D <br />
as always, you raised my hope so high <3 <br />
I'll do my best in my next fiction...because I really don't know how to write a comedy like story, but I'll take it as a challenge ;D I hope I'll see you around soon and to see your support either <3 <br />
you too, thank you so much!
jam_9445 #7
sorry for bein late but better late then never right sooo..CONGRATULATIONS ON COMPLETING UR AWSOME STORY!! ROCK ON! LOVE E STORY! i like how u ended everyting smoothly without making it seemed rush and e way u wrote it made it perfect! very touchin and super! even though it was nt heesica in e end im still very happy wif tis fanfic and loved every moment readin it! im kinda upset tat i'll hav no mre chapters to read and wait for updates..but im glad u were able to complete it successfully! CONGRATS once again and i hope to read future ffs of yours! take care and all the best^^
Shira-chan #8
@snsdyoonaislove: hey sweetie <33 sorry if no more yoonhae disappointed you T_T but glad you read it despite that fact; cause sometime the content of the story what the reader needs to involve himself and to build his own imagination world along with the characters ^_^ and I TRULY LOVE your comment <33 <br />
I will write new one soon and I hope to see you as one of my readers too =D thank you SO MUCH dear =D your words encourage me so much <33<br />
<br />
@4ever9: thank you honey, your supportive words were seriously pushing me to write more ^_^ thank you for your time to read and to comment as well <33 this meant a lot to me...I hope that I'll pass writing that rom-com...can't wait to have your support again <3 thank you =D
4ever9 #9
Oh, I forgot to hug you back kkk. Here *hugs*
4ever9 #10
The last chap is really nice. <br />
Congratulation on finishing this fic ^^<br />
Waiting for your next fic :) (And yay for rom-com ^^)<br />